Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 150 Small, the pattern is small

Chapter 150 It's small, the layout is small (Happy National Day)
At this time, Chen Yiting suddenly found that the man in front of him was looking at him with very strange eyes, which made him very strange.

Could it be that there is something on your face?

Could it be that he said something wrong just now?

Chen Yiting: "Mr. Zhang Fan, why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face? Or is there something wrong with what I just said?"

Zhang Fan heard Chen Yiting's words at this time, shook his head, and said with a smile: "No, you are right, I will finish the song later, and I will let my assistant send it to you at that time. If you use this song, you can use it."

"For the sake of our familiarity, I won't charge you copyright fees for this song. When you shoot magazines in the future, you should ask me to shoot more!"

Chen Yiting heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "Mr. Zhang Fan, of course we wish for such a thing. If you are willing to come to our magazine for shooting, our Bazaar magazine is very, very happy. No matter when you want to come , our Bazaar magazine is always welcome!"

When Zhang Fan heard Chen Yiting's words at this time, he smiled and didn't take Chen Yiting's words to heart.

Because he knows that some of these so-called magazines in the industry are the most realistic. Once you lose your popularity, it is simply impossible to get into a first-line magazine like Bazaar magazine.

Zhang Fan is very clear that these first-line magazines in the industry basically value the popularity of celebrities the most. First-line stars can be listed in first-line magazines. Old stars, let alone first-line magazines, may not be able to appear in small eighteenth-line magazines. Can get on.

However, Zhang Fan is still very confident in himself.

The word "overdone" simply didn't exist for him.



The next day Bazaar magazine officially released the video they shot.

First of all, the video of the first cup of milk tea in autumn was released. After this video was released, Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing immediately appeared on the trending searches. The phrase "the first cup of milk tea in autumn" directly hit The number one hot search on the Internet has attracted the attention and attention of countless netizens.

"Fuck, shit, shit, I'm not mistaken, my favorite male star and female star actually fit together, Bazaar is really good at playing!"

"Ahhhhh... I waited for a long time but I didn't get the TV series "Small Smile is Alluring" for two people, but I did wait for the magazine for the two people, but this video is really good, the two people drank the first drink The picture of the cup of milk tea is really beautiful!"

"Woooooooooo... Could this be the first cup of milk tea in autumn? What if I want to drink the first cup of milk tea in autumn?"

"Isn't it okay to ask your male ticket to buy you a cup of milk tea? Just now I sent a message to my boyfriend and asked him to buy me the first cup of milk tea in autumn within 3 minutes, otherwise he will wait Go home and kneel on the keyboard!"

"Hahaha... Sister, you are too ruthless. But I have to do the same, and I also want to send a message to my boyfriend. I haven't had the first cup of milk tea in autumn yet!"




The first cup of milk tea in autumn quickly became a hot topic on the Internet, and many Internet celebrities and anchors began to imitate the first cup of milk tea in autumn.

The meme of the first cup of milk tea in autumn not only made Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing popular on the Internet again, but also made Michelle Ice City once again attracted the attention of many people on the Internet.

Because the first cup of milk tea that the two of them drank this autumn was the milk tea from Michelle Ice City.

After all, the two of them are now the spokespersons of Michelle Ice City, and they certainly cannot drink other milk tea casually in public. Besides, Michelle Ice City milk tea is really delicious and fragrant.



Michelle Ice City Headquarters.

"Mr. Wang is great, great, our Michelle Ice City has become popular on the Internet again this time, and Michelle Ice City has been on the Kuaidou hot search again. Many Internet celebrities and anchors are posting on their Kuaidou Where's the milk tea from our Michelle Ice City!"

As the owner of Michelle Ice City, Wang Xue is always paying attention to the situation on the Internet at this time, so he soon learned that the first cup of milk tea in autumn on the Internet is a hot topic!

She also knew that the meme of the first cup of milk tea became popular because of the video shot by Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing, and the meme of the first cup of milk tea in autumn also became popular with their milk tea with honey snow ice cream , because the milk tea used in this video shot by Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing is their Michelle Ice City milk tea.

Seeing the situation on the Internet at this time, Wang Xue said with a smile on her face: "It seems that it was really right to let the two of them be the spokespersons of Michelle Ice City. Now I really feel more and more My original decision was really wise!"

"Since Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing endorsed our Michelle Ice City, our Michelle Ice City has become popular all over the country. I remember that our turnover last month actually increased by [-]% compared to the previous month. One eight hundred!"

"These two people are really the lucky generals of our Michelle Ice City, pass on my order, now all the offline Michelle Ice City are opening the activity of the first cup of milk tea in autumn, as long as you are a couple, you can enjoy it for free Receive our first cup of milk tea in autumn!"

As Wang Xue's assistant, Xiao Ma was taken aback when she heard Wang Xue's words at this time: "Mr. Wang, are you sure? In this case, we don't know how much money Mixue Bingcheng will lose today! Besides, they are Not a couple? We can't be sure about this, either?"

Wang Xue heard Xiao Ma's words at this time, shook her head and sighed and said, "Xiao Ma, what time has it been? Why are you still thinking about these petty gains? What is the most important thing now? The important thing is that when the first cup of milk tea stem is the hottest in autumn, let’s take advantage of the popularity of this stem.”

"In order to increase the popularity of our Michelle Ice City, improve the reputation of our Michelle Ice City, and improve the status of our Michelle Ice City in the hearts of young people, so whether they are real couples is to us It doesn't matter, what we want is this kind of publicity, you understand?"

"Of course, this event only lasts for three days. After three days, this event will be completely over. You quickly ask the photographers to squat in each of our stores to shoot, and upload the video of many couples coming to receive a cup of milk tea in autumn to our website. The official battle is on!"

"In this way, we can make full use of the popularity of the first cup of milk tea this autumn, thoroughly promote our Michelle Ice City, let more young people know about our Michelle Ice City, and thoroughly improve The popularity of our Michelle Ice City!"

When Xiao Ma heard Wang Xue's words at this time, he couldn't help but sighed deeply.

There is a reason why some people are bosses and others are assistants.

The reason why I am an assistant is because my heart is too small, it is because my structure is too small, I always care about the gains and losses of that cup of milk tea and two cups of milk tea, instead of considering the problem from the overall strategic summary.

Of course Wang Xue knew that she was doing this, and their milk tea shop in Michelle Bingcheng will definitely suffer a lot in the past few days!
Because there will definitely be many people who will take advantage of this event.

But all of this is not important to Wang Xue, she is already mentally prepared to lose money.

The big deal is to lose all the money they earned this month. As long as they can promote it well, even if they lose all the money they earned last month, they will not lose money.

Because as long as the publicity is good this time, their milk tea in Michelle Ice City will definitely make more money in the future.

And now for Wang Xue, making money is not the most important thing, the most important thing is to build their brand of Michelle Ice City!
What Wang Xue has to do is to make her Michelle Ice City the number one milk tea brand in the country. What Wang Xue has to do now is to lead Michelle Ice City to seize the share of this milk tea market.

Now the competition in the milk tea industry is still relatively fierce. If you want to occupy more market share, you have to burn money, burn money, and burn money again.

At this time, you can't feel bad about money. As long as you can thoroughly build the milk tea brand of Michelle Ice City, as long as you can completely occupy more market share, there will be plenty of opportunities to make money in the future.

And sometimes some people don’t necessarily have a chance to succeed if they want to burn money. This time, there is such a popular stalk of the first cup of milk tea in autumn, and Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing are the spokespersons of Michelle Ice City. Let them spread the word!
Wang Xue believes that the effect of burning money and burning this time must be very good.

If it wasn't for the fire of the first cup of milk tea in autumn, if he wanted to burn money tonight, the effect would not be so good.

Now we have really entered an information age, and now we have truly entered an Internet era. Sometimes the network effect is really too powerful, and the influence is really too great.

At this time, Wang Xue took out her mobile phone and called Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan was running on the treadmill at this time, when he suddenly heard his cell phone ringing, he turned on his cell phone and found that it was a woman called Wang Xue!
This not only made him very strange, why did this woman call him suddenly?
Although he didn't really want to talk to this woman, Zhang Fan still answered the phone at this time. After all, what if this woman had something urgent, although he didn't think that this woman could find him for any urgent matter.

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "Mr. Wang, you are usually so busy with all kinds of affairs, why do you have time to call me today?"

Normally, Wang Xue might have been angry when she heard Zhang Fan's eccentric words, but today Wang Xue was not angry when she heard Zhang Fan's eccentric words, but said with a smile on her face: "It's nothing, this time I called you this time, mainly to thank you. You and Yuqing took the first cup of milk tea in autumn and the two videos became popular on the Internet. By the way, we, Michelle Bingcheng, also sang a fire song on the Internet. Take it!"

"I've already made an event using the meme of the first cup of milk tea in autumn this time. I'll ask you and Yuqing to make another video to promote our Michelle Ice City!"

Zhang Fan said: "Tsk tsk tsk... I really envy you. You have found such a good spokesperson like me, and you have brought your milk tea from Michelle Ice City to the hot searches all day long. Do you think you should give me a raise? Representation fee?"

"You said that since your Michelle Ice City hired me as a spokesperson, how much has your Michelle Ice City's sales increased? How much has your Michelle Ice City's popularity increased? How much has your Michelle Ice City earned? money?"

Wang Xue heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "Don't worry, this girl will definitely not miss you. This girl has always been rewarded for her meritorious deeds, and punished for her mistakes." Yes, you have helped us Michelle Ice City Milk Tea so much, I will definitely reward you with what you deserve!"

"Isn't the TV series "Small Smile is Alluring" that you and Yuqing filmed about to be broadcast soon? With the current popularity of you and Yuqing and your popularity, as long as this TV series is broadcast, it will definitely be liked by many people Yes, so we, Michelle Bingcheng, want to make a deal with the TV series "Small Smile is Allure!"

"We, Mi Xuebing, want to be the exclusive sponsor of your TV series "Small Smiles Are Alluring", and you will promote our Michelle Ice City at the beginning and middle of each episode of your TV series!"

"And I'm also planning to do a lottery with your TV series when your TV series is broadcast, that is, when each episode of your TV series is over, you will ask a question about the plot of this episode. If you answer correctly, you will be awarded You will be rewarded with our Michelle Ice City Milk Tea!"

"Of course, only the top [-] viewers who answered the question correctly in each episode can get this reward. According to the answer to this question, you can go to any milk tea shop in the offline Michelle Ice City to exchange for our Michelle Ice City milk tea... "

When Zhang Fan heard Wang Xue's business plan at this time, he couldn't help but gasped.

Although he doesn't like this woman very much, at this moment he has to admit that this woman is indeed a business genius!
She was able to come up with such a good marketing method for this series, which is really amazing.

In today's era of highly developed information and the era of the Internet, an enterprise wants to build its own brand, survive better in this society, occupy a larger market share, and To make more money, publicity and marketing needs are essential.

Sometimes marketing is not just a matter of simply looking for celebrities, acting as a spokesperson and advertising.

Sometimes specific marketing activities and programs are the most important.

This Wang Xue really deserves to be a business genius. He can grasp the key to the problem every time, and he never misses the opportunity to catch the heat. He seizes every opportunity to vigorously promote their milk tea brand Mixue Bingcheng, and improve their honey. The popularity of Xuebing City in the whole country.

Of course, this is not what he admires most about this woman. What she admires most about this woman is that this woman is really willing to spend money.

This woman is now giving milk tea to various events at every turn, and giving milk tea to various events at every turn!
Zhang Fan was sure that these two activities would be launched one after another, and Michelle Ice City might burn hundreds of millions of dollars, but this Wang Xue didn't even bat an eye.

I have to say that this Wang Xue is really awesome.

(End of this chapter)

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