Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 157 1 song "Bicycle", singing and crying

Chapter 157 A "Bicycle", Sing and Cry Everyone (Subscribe)


At this moment, Wang Teng saw that Zhang Fan had been pretending to be aggressive beside him, which made Lin Yuqing's face turn red, and couldn't help but poohed: "I said, can you have some face? I have never seen such a shameless person like you!"

Zhang Fan was not angry when he heard Wang Teng's words at this time, but said with a smile on his face: "Okay, I know that you are not as tall as I am, not as handsome as I am, and not as handsome as I am." Talented man, when he sees me, he always has low self-esteem, just envy and hate me!"

"Isn't there a saying that is good? It's a talent not to be envied. For an outstanding person like me, there are countless people in this world who envy and hate me, especially a man like you!"

"Hahaha... just envy and hate me as much as you want, the more you envy and hate me, the better I am!"

Chen Zuming heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Young man, although you are a bit arrogant, but I have to say that what you said still makes sense. You think of others marrying you so much, it's not as good as me How about introducing some girls to you?"

Zhang Fan was taken aback when he heard Chen Zuming's words at this time, and said with a surprised face: "Mr. Chen, no, no, you are going to introduce your daughter to me, right?"


Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Chen Zuming couldn't help laughing: "I wish you had said this earlier, my daughter is married now, I know a few good friends, and their daughters are all very good. That's right, everyone is well-educated, and they are also very beautiful, so they are definitely good candidates to be wives!"

"If you need it, I can introduce you someday. You are a bit arrogant sometimes, but you are half as handsome as I was when I was young. Don't look at me now that I am bald, but I tell you You, when I was young, I lived on my face!"

Cough cough cough...

Seeing Chen Zuming's appearance at this time, Zhang Fan couldn't help coughing violently.

It is really hard for him to imagine how Chen Zuming relied on his appearance when he was young.

Could it be that he lives off shamelessness?
Qin Niuwei said excitedly at this time: "I can testify to this. Teacher Chen was definitely a handsome guy when he was young. My parents are his loyal fans. When I was young, my parents loved watching Mr. Chen act. TV show."

"I also watched Teacher Chen's TV series under the leadership of my parents, and then I fell in love with Teacher Chen. Teacher Chen was really handsome when he was young, and it can even be said that he is no worse than Teacher Zhang Fan. go?"

Chen Zuming heard Qin Niuwei's words at this time, touched his chin, raised his head and said with a smile on his face: "Hahaha... It's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning, it's been a long time!"

"How are you thinking about it, boy? You are quite old now, and it's time to think about marriage. When I was your age, I had children!"

Zhang Fan heard Chen Zuming's words at this time, and suddenly said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Chen, I heard that you have a niece who seems to be in high school now. In fact, I can wait for her."

"you you you……"

Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Chen Zuming was so angry that he trembled all over, pointing at Zhang Fan was so angry that he was speechless.

He really didn't expect the young man in front of him to be so shameless.

Just like what Wang Teng said just now, this guy is really too brazen, he has never seen such a brazen person.

His niece just started high school this year, and this guy is already thinking about it. Is this still a person?

Seeing Chen Zuming like this, Zhang Fan hurriedly said, "Mr. Chen, don't be angry, don't be angry, I was just joking!"

Chen Zuming sighed at this time and said: "It's best not to make such a joke with me anymore, or I might have inserted a knife into your body. Next time you make such a joke with me, I will There is no guarantee that you will be able to see the sun tomorrow!"

Zhang Fan shuddered when he heard Chen Zuming's words at this time.



After eating, Zhang Fan felt a little sleepy, so he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

He didn't know how long he had slept, but at this moment he suddenly felt as if someone was talking next to him, and someone was shaking his body constantly.

"Ms. Zhang is up, wake up, it's already dark, let's start cooking!"


At this moment, Zhang Fan stretched a lazy sheep and yawned. At this moment, he slowly came to his senses. He looked at Lin Yuqing, who kept shaking him beside him, and then looked at the sky outside. it's dark.

At this moment, Zhang Fan couldn't help sighing and said: "Damn it, the time has passed too fast. I feel like I only slept for a while. Why did it get dark so soon!"

"Let's go, let's make dumplings!"

Seeing the man in front of her like this, Lin Yuqing shook her head and said helplessly, "There's no need to make dumplings, we've already finished making the dumplings, and now they're waiting to be cooked!"

Zhang Fan was not only very surprised when he heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, he did not expect that Lin Yuqing had already finished making the dumplings, and said with a surprised face: "You guys are too fast, you made the dumplings so quickly It's over, I wanted to help! This time it's not that I don't want to help, but that you don't give me a chance!"

Zhang Fan came to the kitchen at this time, and after putting the dumplings into the pot, he felt that eating dumplings without some ingredients would be bad.

What ingredients are better for this stuff?
Zhang Fan suddenly saw a handful of garlic hanging in the kitchen at this moment, and suddenly had a very good idea in his mind.

At this time, Zhang Fan took off the garlic, then peeled and mashed the garlic, and then put some sesame oil and seasoning on it.

After finishing all this, Zhang Fan took a deep breath, and said with a sigh: "Fuck, it's really delicious. If you eat dumplings with this dip, it will be the best in the world. It's so good." Delicious must not be missed!"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's exclamation at this time, and walked over bouncingly. She also smelled a very fragrant smell, and said with a surprised face: "Mr. Zhang, what are you making? Why is it so fragrant?" ah?"

At this time, Zhang Fan showed Lin Yuqing the results he had made with a proud expression on his face: "This is the ingredient I made by myself. It will be delicious in the world if you dip it in dumplings later. You will know it after eating it!"



The dumplings are ready quickly, after all, once this kind of thing is peeled and boiled in water for a while, it will be cooked.

And this time, there are not only boiled dumplings but also steamed ones. Everyone eats the steamed ones first, and then eats the boiled ones after finishing the steamed ones.

At this time, Zhang Fan brought out the ingredients he had made, and said with a smile on his face: "Wait a minute, when you eat dumplings, dip this ingredient into it. This ingredient is carefully prepared by me. Eating dumplings with dumplings is absolutely delicious!" Delicious, once you eat it, you will never forget it?"

At this time, Chen Zuming saw Zhang Fan's composition as if he saw something that shocked him. At this time, he quickly took a bite of the dumpling and stuffed it into his mouth. The expression on his face suddenly became very rich. .

Seeing Chen Zuming's actions at this time, Zhang Fan was not only very strange in his heart.

Although he is very confident in the ingredients he made, this Chen Zuming shouldn't be so excited!

No one robbed him of this.

This guy eats dumplings as soon as he eats them. After eating a dumpling, he closes his eyes and hasn't opened them for a long time.

When Zhang Fan was curious, Chen Zuming opened his eyes at this moment, but at this moment his eyes were red with tears.

Seeing Chen Zuming like this at this time, Zhang Fan was startled, and asked with concern: "Mr. Chen, what's wrong with you? It's okay, don't scare me, maybe I did this The ingredients are too spicy, it will make you cry!"

"This ingredient should not be so exaggerated. I tasted it just now. The taste is at most moderately spicy, but not too spicy. The ingredient I made is mainly fragrant!"

Chen Zuming heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, shook his head, and said to him in a hoarse voice: "No, no, this ingredient you made is very good, but this ingredient you made reminds me of my father! "

"I remember that when I was a child, my family was relatively poor, and I only ate dumplings once a year. Every time I ate dumplings, my father would make some of these ingredients with garlic, and then let us dip the dumplings into it!"

"Since my father passed away, I haven't eaten this kind of dumplings with this kind of ingredients, and now I can eat this familiar taste again, and the whole person not only misses it very much!"

"What impressed me the most when I was a child was that my father used garlic to make this dumpling dipping ingredient, and that my father would pick me up on a bicycle every time I left school!"

"At that time, I felt that riding on my father's bicycle was better than riding on any luxury car in the world. Putting my head on my father's shoulders, I felt a strong sense of security in my heart!"

"It's a pity that I was a taciturn person at that time. I never said I love you to my father. I only hugged him once since I was a child. I really, really regret it. Why is my father still alive? Can I be brave enough to express my love to my father?"

"If I had been braver back then, maybe I wouldn't have so many regrets now..."

When everyone heard Chen Zuming's words at this time, they couldn't help being silent.

When Lin Yuqing heard Chen Zuming's words at this time, she also thought of her father.

When I was just born, my mother passed away, and my father has always taken care of me, being both a father and a mother, which is very difficult.

But I don't have so many regrets like this Teacher Chen!

I often say to my father, I love you!

I often go to hug him.

Although every time I said I love you to my father, my father would say it was too nasty, but Lin Yuqing could clearly see the joy in the corners of his eyes and brows!

The mouth is swollen and nasty, but the body is quite honest.

But when I was busy with work recently, I really seldom cared about my father!
This is indeed worth reflecting on.

When Lin Yuqing thought of this, she also looked at Zhang Fan, and couldn't help thinking silently in her heart that the reason why she didn't care about her father as much as before was probably because of the man in front of her.

In the past, my father was the only important man in my life, but now since this man appeared, there is another very important man in my life.

Hearing Chen Zuming's words at this time, Zhang Fan couldn't help but sighed deeply.

Hearing what Chen Zuming said, he suddenly thought of a song, a song he likes very much - "Bicycle"

In this situation, he really wanted to sing a song, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to eat this meal.

Zhang Fan went into the room at this time and took a guitar. When he came out, he found that everyone was looking at him with very strange eyes, and said with a smile: "You don't need to look at me like this, you It’s time to eat and drink, I’m going to perform a show for you next time, and I’ll just add to the fun for you all!”

When Wang Teng saw Zhang Fan's appearance beside him at this time, he suddenly couldn't help but gasped.

He felt that this scene seemed very familiar to him!
Could it be that Zhang Fanren is going to come up with a new song?
No, no, it can't really be like this, can it?
If that's the case, wouldn't his show have two new songs?
The song "Borrowing from Heaven for Another 500 Years" written by Zhang Fan at noon today was written for the TV series made by Chen Zuming, but Chen Zuming's appearance on their "Longing for Life" program was originally to promote his of this TV show.

So this afternoon, Wang Teng has already discussed with Chen Zuming and the director team. At that time, he will put the song Zhang Fan sang at noon today on their program, and by the way, promote their movie "Emperor Yongxi" a bit.

Wang Teng is now very aware of how valuable a song by Zhang Fan is, especially their original songs are even more valuable.

Although there wasn't much filming at noon today, Wang Teng is very, very, very satisfied with the song "Borrowing from the Sky for Another 500 Years".

Because Wang Teng believed that with such an original song by Zhang Fan, the ratings of this episode of the show would have stabilized.

But Wang Teng never expected that Zhang Fan would come up with a new song at this time?
If this is the case, then the happiness came too suddenly.

O earth!
Have you finally opened your eyes?
Are you finally willing to pity me?

Wang Teng looked at Zhang Fan's back at this time, and silently recited the new song in his heart, the new song, if it was a new song, please God.

At this time, Zhang Fan swayed his body and slowly played the guitar in his hand. With the sound of nice music, Zhang Fan sang slowly at this time: "Don't assume that I know
Everything is done for me
why so great
so do not feel
How good is love without saying a word
I only remember touching it once
The two of us on bicycles"

When the staff at the scene heard Zhang Fan singing this song, they couldn't help but gasped.

Although they knew that Zhang Fan was a music counter, and even though they knew that Zhang Fan, a musical genius, was very good at writing songs, for Zhang Fan, writing songs was as easy as eating and drinking, but they really didn't expect that this time Zhang Fan's song would be It is a Cantonese song.

Incredible, incredible, this is really incredible.

Awesome, awesome, really awesome!

They had always thought that Zhang Fan could only write some Mandarin songs, but they didn't expect that Zhang Fan would suddenly come up with such a Cantonese song. This was the first time he wrote a Cantonese song!
"Fuck, shit, shit, I didn't expect Zhang Fan to write Cantonese songs!"

"Zhang Fan is really awesome, awesome, so awesome. I always thought that Zhang Fan could only write songs in Mandarin, but I never thought that Zhang Fan could write songs in Cantonese!"

"Although I don't understand it a bit, I always think it sounds good!"

"As a native of Guangzhou, I think this Cantonese song is really good, and the writing is really good. I didn't expect that Zhang Fan's Mandarin songs are so good, but even Cantonese songs can be written. So good, really awesome, awesome, so awesome!"

"Brother, can you tell me what this song is about?"

"This song is about the relationship between father and son. If I'm not wrong, this song should be written by Zhang Fan based on what Mr. Chen Zuming said just now about the relationship between him and his father. Zhang Fan This song is really awesome!"

"Those who wrote songs used their brains, those who sang used their hearts, those who listened to them used their emotions, and those who told stories shed tears. They are not afraid that the music is not good, but the lyrics are in their hearts. I hope everyone only listens to the music to their heart's content. Don't be a part of the song!"

"This is called a classic, unlike today's, we learn to meow together, meow meow meow together, Beibei who draws pictures, Beibei who draws pictures, you say mouth beep, beep beep, I will give a hammer beep beep..."

"Hahaha... Lao Liu, you are too funny, are you trying to laugh at me to death, and then inherit my stinky socks that I haven't washed in three months?"



If you want to say that the person who touched the scene the most is none other than Chen Zuming.

Chen Xiangming was originally from Guangcheng, and he is most familiar with Cantonese, because Cantonese is his mother tongue.

But then I became an actor, so I always speak Mandarin.

At this time, after hearing the Cantonese song sung by Zhang Fan, he felt very cordial.

Chen Zuming could clearly hear that what Zhang Fan wrote was what he said just now about the things between his father and himself.

He knew that Zhang Fan had a musical ghost!
Even if he didn't believe it before, today Zhang Fan has already proved his musical talent with the song "Borrowing from the Sky for Another 500 Years". Naturally, he will no longer have any doubts about Zhang Fan's musical talent.

Even if he knew that Zhang Fan had musical talent, he never thought that Zhang Fan had such musical talent.

In such a short period of time, I was able to write such a beautiful song, and it was written in Cantonese.

He really loves this song!

After listening to this song, his eyes couldn't help being sore, tears flowed out involuntarily, and he thought of his father again.

At this time the song has reached its climax, Zhang Fan has completely devoted himself to the song at this time, and continued to sing:
"With a tight back hug
I want to hug you tighter
Life is like a wilderness
Like a child who can rest on father's shoulders

who wants to get off
There are always some difficulties

so inescapable
No matter how cruel the world is
Thinking of this bicycle, I still have happiness to borrow.”

When Chen Zuming heard Zhang Fan's singing at this time, he felt his head pop.

Zhang Fan's voice is really very magnetic, he narrates this song!

Hearing Zhang Fan's singing, Chen Zuming couldn't help but recall in his mind that when he was a child, he sat on his father's bicycle and put his head on his father's back. He felt unspeakably happy in his heart.

Scenes of the past kept reappearing in his mind, even though Chen Zuming was already a man of many years, even a grandfather, but at this time he still couldn't control his feelings, acting like a child began to cry.

Not only Chen Zuming, but also the staff at the scene, when they heard Zhang Fan's warm and magnetic singing, they couldn't help but think of their father.

Father's love is like a mountain, open to all rivers.

Father's love is like a river, carrying long-cherished wishes.

Father's love is like a road, winding and lingering.

Father's love is like heaven, supporting the homeland!
"Ah... ah, I don't know why a lot of old people can't control their tears after listening to this song sung by Zhang Fan!"

"When I heard this song, I thought of my father again. Unfortunately, he has passed away. My father's life is really too hard. For our family, he really suffered. I hope he can be in heaven. Be happy!"

"Hey... After listening to this song, I suddenly realized that I haven't called my dad for more than a month. Every time I called, my dad took the initiative to call me. It seems that I never called my dad. Dad took the initiative to call, never told him I love you, never hugged him..."

"Brother, just like what Teacher Chen said just now, if you haven't done these things yet, do it quickly, or if you lose it, it will be too late to regret it!"

"There are always some things that are difficult to leave and difficult to give up. The normal situation is so inescapable, no matter how cruel the world is.

Thinking of this bicycle, there is still happiness to borrow... The lyrics are really good. I couldn't help crying when I heard the lyrics. No matter how cold the world is, thinking of this bicycle, there is still happiness to borrow. This word is written Really good! "

"Holding a hug close to my back, it's hard to leave and I want to hug it tighter. Life is like a wilderness like a child who can lie on his father's shoulders. Who wants to get off... This lyrics are also very well written, Zhang Fan really deserves it He is a musical genius, and the lyrics he wrote really touch people's hearts!"




(End of this chapter)

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