Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 158 Lin Yuqing Plays Autumn

Chapter 158 Lin Yuqing Playing on the Swing (Subscribe)

When the staff at the scene heard Zhang Fan's singing at this time, they were all mesmerized!
When they heard this song, they thought of their father, and you couldn't help but burst into tears.

Although they are already adults, they will always be children in front of their father.

At this time, Zhang Fan has completely devoted himself to this song. Although he was mainly with his grandparents when he was a child, he has also experienced this kind of fatherly love.

Zhang Fan continued to sing at this time: "I have already given it to me, how could I not see it?"

Although playing your role is really difficult

never wait
why not give a hug
how can i believe this

I regret it, but it's inconvenient to let me know

I miss the bicycle for you and me
the only hug ever

I want to hug you tighter
Life is like a wilderness
Like a child who can rest on father's shoulders

Even if the long road is long and oblique



Boom boom boom!
When the surrounding staff heard Zhang Fan's singing at this time, they all felt as if their brains had exploded, and their brains were buzzing.

After listening to Zhang Fan's singing, they couldn't help but recall the scenes of getting along with their father when they were young.


"How can I not see it already, although it is really difficult to play your role, I have never waited for a seat, why don't you give me a hug, how can I believe this, how sorry I am but it is inconvenient to let me know, I miss the bicycle for you and me ...The lyrics are really good, this man is also a first-time father, he has given me all his best, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?"

"When I was young, I never understood why my parents got up so early. When I grew up, I realized that it was not the alarm clock that woke them up, but life and responsibility. When I was young, I always felt that my parents were not good here, and there was not good. Other parents are knowledgeable, but now that I am a parent, I realize how difficult it is to be a parent!"

"Once I quarreled with my father and ate while crying. I just finished eating a bowl of white rice with tears. In order to show my integrity, I didn't touch a single chopstick on the food on the table. After eating and hiding in the room, I heard My parents quarreled, and they quietly lay at the door, when I heard my father say, "Why don't you bring him some food?Why don't you serve him some food?Now that I think about it, I realize how unfilial I am! "

"The only hug I've ever had. It's hard to leave and I want to hug it tighter. Life is like a wilderness, like a child who can lie on his father's shoulders, even if the long road is so steep... When I heard this, I really couldn't bear it." I couldn't stop crying, as long as my parents are by my side, no matter how far the road is, no matter how difficult the road is, no matter how long the road is, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

"When you said this, I suddenly remembered a sentence. Parents still have a way to go in life. If parents are not here, life is only a way back!"

"Woooooooooo...every time I listen to Zhang Fan's songs, I can't help but cry. Before, I only knew that Zhang Fan's love songs could move people to tears. I didn't expect Zhang Fan to write The songs about family love can also make people cry so much, it's really amazing!"



At this time the song has come to the end, Zhang Fan continued to sing at this time: "You love me more

let me walk towards him stronger

do you mind to love
Who do you rely on for charity?

I want to hug you tighter
Life is like a wilderness
Like a child who can rest on father's shoulders

who wants to get off
There are always some difficulties

so inescapable
let the world blame me

You know I have to bear my madness or wildness"

song is over

At this time, everyone at the scene was deeply immersed in Zhang Fan's beautiful, magnetic and moving singing.

At this time, I don't know who patted my palm, and everyone slowly reacted when they heard the sound. Only then did everyone realize that the song had been sung.

Although many of the staff at the scene were old men and some of them were fathers, all of them had red eyes at this moment.

As the saying goes, men don't flick their tears lightly, just because they haven't reached the place where they are sad.

The reason why they cried when they heard this song, and the reason why they shed tears, is because this song touched their hearts.


"Zhang Fan is really awesome. He is worthy of being a musical genius in the entertainment industry. I used to think he was average, but he was lucky enough to write a few popular songs. Now I know that he is really good. Really awesome!"

"Let the world blame me for being bad, but you know I have to bear my madness or wildness... This lyrics is really good. When I heard this, I really couldn't help crying. I was ignorant when I was young. , I always lost my temper with you, now that I have stepped into the society, I realize that no one is spoiling you in this society, and the reason why others put up with your bad temper is just because they love you and don’t want to hurt you!"

"The most expensive car I have ever taken in my life is my father's shoulders, and the most expensive house I have ever lived in is my mother's belly. I don't want to drive a luxury car or live in a villa, I just want the health of my parents all over the world!!! "

"Well said, well said, really well said, I am going to learn this song, and I will sing this song to my father when I go home during the Chinese New Year. I believe that when he hears this song It will definitely be very touching!"

"Fuck, brother, your idea is really good, I also want to learn this song, and sing this song with my father when I go back!"

"Oh, I really envy you all. You still have the opportunity to sing this song to your father. Unfortunately, my father passed away due to illness last year. I will never have the opportunity to sing this song to him again!"

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, the child wants to be raised, but the relative is not around. This is really the most regrettable thing in the world. Brothers' Day, let's be sad!"



Zhang Fan finished singing the song at this time, looked around, and found that everyone around him had red eyes.

When he finished singing this song, he also felt a very blocked feeling in his heart, as if a big stone was pressed in his heart, very blocked and very uncomfortable.

Zhang Fan took a deep breath at this time, and slowly said: "I heard people often ask what father's love is? I think father's love is actually very simple. It's like white wine, spicy and warm, easy to get drunk Among them: it is like coffee, bitter and mellow, easy to excite people; it is like tea, flat and friendly, unknowingly addictive; it is like fire, warm but daunting, easy to excite Own……"

"This word is dedicated to all fathers in the world, and I hope that all fathers in the world will be in good health!"

Zhang Fan's words once again touched the hearts of these people present.

"Hey... the song written just now is really good. I really like this song. After listening to this song, I think of my father. My father is just a farmer. He has never been out of our county, but he gave me his best everything!"

"My father is a delivery truck driver. He has a height of more than 1.8 meters. His ordinary face is full of the hard work and hardships of driving every day. He has a pair of bright eyes, but they are bright after the daily wind and rain. There is also a hint of grayness in the eyes, and a big mouth that is laughing and joking all day long, as if there is no trace of sadness."

"My father always smoked in my impression. I looked at his dark yellow face and wondered if his face was yellowed by the smoke. He held a cigarette between his index finger and middle finger. Sometimes it was Liqun. , Sometimes it’s the Yellow Crane Tower, and sometimes it’s Zhonghua. His smoking posture is very graceful, he takes a deep breath of the cigarette, and then slowly, as if savoring the smell of the smoke, he spits it out after a long time. The lingering smoke ring in the air is a very lonely arc."

"My father is an ordinary father, and I am an ordinary child. My father loves me just like every ordinary father loves their ordinary children. There are not many touching stories between us, and there is nothing A tear-jerking reality. But one thing it's true: I love my dad, and my dad loves me."

"My bicycle is really a very nice song, really a very classic song, really a very good song, thank you very much for letting me know that I am usually busy with work and neglected my family, I must pay more attention to my parents!"

"Me too, I also remember that I haven't called my parents for a long time. Usually I always find excuses to be busy with various jobs, but every day after get off work I have time to watch short videos to do various things, but just No time to call parents!"



When Zhang Fan returned to his seat, Chen Zuming looked at him quietly at this moment. Chen Zuming's eyes were red at this moment, obviously he had just cried a lot.

It's hard to imagine that a man of his age, who has already become a grandfather, cried like a child just now.

Chen Zuming looked at Zhang Fan at this time, and said seriously: "Thank you, thank you for this song, your song is really well written, thank you for this song that reminds me of the past A lot of memories, really really thank you very much!"

Zhang Fan heard Chen Zuming's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Chen, you are really too polite. If you want to say thank you, I should thank you. If you didn't tell me about your experiences, I would not It may be inspired to write such a good song, so this song of mine also has your credit in it!"



After eating the dumplings tonight, the recording of tonight's show is almost finished.

A few people promoted a wave of their TV series "Small Smile is Alluring" and Chen Zuming's large-scale historical TV series "Emperor Yongxi" on the show!
It was more than nine o'clock after the recording of the program. After all, Chen Zuming was old. After recording the program, he went straight back to his room to sleep.

Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing are still young people, if they want to get young people to go to bed before ten o'clock, it is simply as difficult as climbing the sky.

Lin Yuqing stretched her waist at this time, and said with a sigh: "Oh, it's really boring. After recording the show, it feels like there is nothing to do. If you want to sleep, it's too early at this time. Go to bed. I can't sleep, and I don't know what else to do!"

When Zhang Fan saw the two trees planted in the yard at this time, a good idea suddenly popped up in his mind, and he said with a smile on his face: "Who says there is nothing to do, I have a good idea here, what do you think?" Don't want to go on a swing? Can I make you a swing?"


When Lin Yuqing heard such words at this time, her eyes lit up instantly, and she said excitedly: "Mr. Zhang, is the swing you are talking about the kind of swing made of vines in ancient TV dramas? You Can it really be done? It would be great if you can really do it, I have always wanted to play this swing, but unfortunately I have never had the opportunity!"

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "Of course, there are ready-made materials here, and I can tell you right now!"

A mere swing, of course, couldn't trouble Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan is still very strong in this hands-on ability.

He found a strong wooden board, and then got two very strong vines. Zhang Fan quickly finished the swing.

After making the swing, Zhang Fan tried it out. The swing was so strong that he would not have any risk of sitting on it, let alone Lin Yuqing.

Zhang Fan looked at Lin Yuqing at this time, and said with a smile: "The swing is ready, do you want to try it?"

Lin Yuqing said excitedly at this time: "Of course I want to try it. I have never played this kind of swing before. I must play it!"

At this moment, Lin Yuqing sat on the swing without saying a word, and then Zhang Fan started to shake the swing.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

At this time, Lin Yuqing was suddenly thrown into the air by the shaking, and her whole body was startled, and her heart beat excitedly: "Mr. Zhang, if I fall, you must catch me!" Me, otherwise I will be disfigured, and my sister may plan to rely on my face for a living in the future, if this is really disfigured, I will really lose face!"

Hearing Lin Yuqing's scream at this time, Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face, "Don't worry, my swing is solid and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. You won't be in any danger!"

"Besides, even if there is any accident, I will be beside you, and I will definitely catch you!"

(End of this chapter)

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