Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 164 Minyao will never die, Minyao will never die

Chapter 164 Min Yao Will Not Die, Min Yao Will Never Die (Please Subscribe)

"Make way for this handsome guy, please make way, help me!"

At this time, Lu Xiaoyu and his best friend Chen Tingting finally squeezed into the entire tavern.

After they squeezed into the tavern, they heard a very pleasant singing voice, and this singing voice was very familiar.

Lu Xiaoyu herself is a fan of Zhang Fan. She likes to listen to Zhang Huan's songs very much. She often sings Zhang Fan's songs during the live broadcast, so she is really familiar with Zhang Fan's voice.

It seems that he really came to the right place this time, Zhang Fan really sang in this tavern, he was really happy.

The most important thing is that this song is really good.

"Oh, it's not good, it's not good, Xiaoyue is not good, I accidentally pressed your mobile phone to the live broadcast just now, what should I do now that your mobile phone suddenly turns on the live broadcast? There are already a lot of people pouring into this It's live!"

When Lu Xiaoyu heard what his best friend Chen Tingting said at this time, not only did she feel helpless all over her face!

There are so many people around her in this tavern at this time, how can she broadcast live?

And now she has nothing prepared at all, even if she wants to live broadcast, she can't live broadcast.

At this time, she suddenly saw Zhang Fan standing on the stage singing, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in her mind, and she had a very good idea.

At this time, Lu Xiaoyu said with a smile on her face: "I have it, I have it!"

When the people around heard Lu Xiaoyu's words at this time, they all looked at her with very strange eyes.

This little girl doesn't look very old, she seems to be a student, why is she already at such a young age.

Alas, young people nowadays really don't know how to control themselves more and more.

At this time, Lu Xiaoyu felt the eyes of the people around her, and realized that what she just said was ambiguous, but she didn't explain too much at this time!

She directly took the mobile phone from her best friend, and pointed her mobile phone at Zhang Fan on the stage.

At this time, Lu Xiaoyu said to the audience in the live broadcast room with a smile on his face: "Everyone, viewers and friends in the live broadcast room, thank you very much for coming to my live broadcast room!"

"Today, I'm going to bring you a different live broadcast. I won't sing for you today, but today I'm going to invite a singer who is very good, awesome and my favorite, to sing a song for you. The song, I believe everyone will like it!"

"Walk with me on the streets of Chengdu...

Don't stop until all the lights go out

You'll hold my sleeves and I'll put my hands in my trouser pockets
Go to the end of Yulin Road and sit at the door of the tavern”

At this time, a burst of singing came, and many viewers in the live broadcast room were deeply immersed in the wonderful singing.

"Fuck, shit, shit, Zhang Fan? Zhang Fan? It's Zhang Fan? Is it really unbelievable?"

"I just saw a hot search saying that Zhang Fan was singing in a certain tavern in Chengdu. I thought it was a fake? I didn't expect it to be true!"

"This anchor, I really love you so much. Originally, I wanted to go and see Zhang Fan, but I was too far away from Zhang Fan, so I couldn't go there. Now I can finally see Zhang Fan's scene. I can hear this song!"

"This song "Chengdu" is really nice. Zhang Fan really deserves to be a musical genius. I really like his songs so much!"

"When Zhang Fan can come to my hometown and write a song for my hometown!"

"Zhang Fan, come to our Lanzhou, we have a lot of fun and delicious food in Lanzhou!"

"Zhang Fan hastened to come to our big Shandong. There are many interesting things in our Shandong!"

"Zhang Fan, why don't you come to our XZ, our XZ has a lot of beautiful scenery, and write a song for our XZ, I really like your song!"



an office
"Aow, Aow!"

"I'm exhausted, I'm exhausted, I'm really exhausted, I've worked all day today, and I'm so tired that my back hurts, I'm almost exhausted!"

"No, no, I need to rest for a while!"

Wang Xue went to inspect various stores in Michelle Ice City today. It can be said that she has been busy all day, and she is very tired.

Wang Xue was lying on the chair at this time, turned on his mobile phone, and browsed the news on the Internet. At this time, he saw the news that Zhang Fan appeared in the tavern singing, and immediately clicked in. Sure enough, he saw Zhang Fan in the bar. A video of singing in a tavern.

Just when Wang Xue clicked on the video, there was a burst of very pleasant singing in the video.

"Separation is always in September. Memories are the sorrows of missing
The green weeping willow in late autumn kisses my forehead

I never forget you in that rainy town

You are the only one who can't take Chengdu


At this time, Xiao Ma was helping Wang Xue organize some documents in Wang Xue's office. He suddenly heard this beautiful singing voice, and said with a sigh: "Mr. Zhang Fan is really amazing. He wrote such a song. Nice song, it looks like I can add a new song to my playlist!"

When Wang Xue heard what his assistant said at this time, she complained: "Isn't it just a song? What's so great about it? This Zhang Fan is really too. Doesn't he panic if he doesn't pretend for a day?"

"I remember that he and Yuqing went to Chengdu to promote their TV series "Small Smile is Allure"? Why did they suddenly start singing in this tavern again?"

"I really can't stand it. Will he die if he doesn't pretend for a day? Play tough every day, pretend to be tough every day, this Zhang Fan is really annoying!"

"No, I have to call Yuqing and ask!"

Wang Xue did what she said at this time, and immediately dialed Lin Yuqing's phone number!

Lin Yuqing was hiding in the tavern at this time, watching Zhang Fan singing on the stage, she felt very happy and excited in her heart.

Although she has already seen Zhang Fan's musical talent, although she has long known that Zhang Fan is a musical genius, although she has long known that Zhang Fan cannot be judged by ordinary standards!
But this Zhang Fan is really awesome, he just came to Chengdu with her for a day, and he was able to write such a good song for Chengdu, she didn't even know what to say.

If other people were so outstanding, Lin Yuqing suspected that she might be envious and jealous.

But if this person was the man in front of her, Lin Yuqing would not be envious or jealous, but would be very happy for Zhang Fan.

As expected of the man he was looking for, he was just so good, so powerful, and so talented.

Lin Yuqing was falling into her fantasy at this time, and was in a daze at this moment, her cell phone rang suddenly!
Lin Yuqing saw that it was her best friend Wang Xue who called, so she answered the call.

Lin Yuqing answered the phone and said with a smile on her face, "Xiaoxue, are you off work? Why do you have time to call me?"

Hearing what her best friend said at this time, Wang Xue was finally able to find someone to complain about, so she said with a painful face at this time: "Oh... I have been busy all day today, and I just got off work. I am really exhausted. I'm sorry, I inspected more than 50 stores in one day, and I'm really exhausted!"

"Xiaoxue, I saw Zhang Fan pretending to sing on the Internet just now, where are you? Are you by this stinky man's side?"

"It's true what you said about this stinky man. He went to Chengdu, and went to such a strange city. He didn't know how to be safe, but he started to act aggressive again. I really can't stand him!"


Lin Yuqing sighed deeply when she heard what her best friend Wang Xue said at this time, and said helplessly, "Xiaoxue, I really don't know why you always have such a big misunderstanding of Teacher Zhang Fan, Where did he provoke you, I think Teacher Zhang Fan is a very good person!"

At this time, Wang Xue heard what her best friend said, and said with disdain on her face: "That's because you were deceived by this man's appearance. Let me tell you, men don't have a good thing, especially this Zhang Fan." It's not a good thing, but I know him best!"

"You follow him all day, I can say that I am very worried, if I am not busy with work, I will go to Chengdu with you!"

"When you are with this man, you must take good care of your own safety and protect yourself. It is best to put a pair of scissors and anti-wolf spray in this bag. If this man dares to If you have any unruly thoughts about you, you don't have to be polite and hit me hard..."

Lin Yuqing heard her best friend's words at this time, and said blushingly: "Xiaoxue, what's wrong with you talking nonsense, Teacher Zhang Fan is not the kind of person you imagined at all!"

"It's just that tonight I will take Teacher Zhang Fan and me to go shopping on the streets of Chengdu. You don't even know that today we ate stinky tofu, spicy rabbit head, and the food in the tavern. All kinds of delicious things..."

"You don't know that my day in Chengdu today is really fulfilling. I ate a lot of things that I have never eaten before, and played a lot of things that I have never played before. I am really happy."

Wang Xue was so envious when she heard what her best friend said at this time: "Fuck, stop talking, stop talking, I haven't had dinner yet, my mouth is about to drool when you say that !"

"Stinky tofu is my favorite. When I was in college, I often ate this kind of food, but I didn't seem to buy any stinky tofu here, so I haven't eaten it since then. I didn't expect There is actually a seller of this kind of stinky tofu in Chengdu, so I want to eat it!"



What Lin Yuqing and Wang Xue said here, Zhang Fan's "Chengdu" has come to the end, Zhang Fan continued to sing at this time:

"Walk with me on the streets of Chengdu...

Don't stop until all the lights go out

Walk with me on the streets of Chengdu...

Don't stop until all the lights go out

You'll hold my sleeves and I'll put my hands in my trouser pockets
Go to the end of Yulin Road and walk past the door of the tavern”

At this time, Lu Xiaoyu's popularity in the live broadcast room has reached [-] million, and the number of people online in the live broadcast room has reached a terrifying million.

At this time, Lu Xiaoyu's live broadcast room is full of bullet screens and gifts!

"Fuck, it sounds good, it sounds really good!"

"As a native of Chengdu, when I heard this song "Chengdu", I was really moved!"

"Yes, yes, as a Chengdu native, I was really touched when I heard this song. I really thank Zhang Fan for writing such a beautiful song for us in Chengdu!"

"Don't talk about it, as a JAC person, when I heard this song "Chengdu", I was really full of longing for the city of Chengdu. In my lifetime, I must go to this city for a visit!"

"October [-] is coming soon, I didn't know where to go this time, but when I heard the song "Chengdu" at this time, I decided, this time I will go to Chengdu to travel! "

"Hahahahahaha... Could it be the legendary falling in love with a city because of a song?!"

"Fuck, brother, what you said is really incisive, because a song falls in love with a city, this sums it up really well, unlike me who can only say a shit!"

"Fuck! (Although this comment is only two words. But the grammar is rigorous and the words are neat. The structure is ingenious, catchy, lifelike, flamboyant and succinct. His excellent writing skills and ingenious and uncanny creative ability are admirable, and the ending with an exclamation point is really the finishing touch.)”

"Awesome, awesome, really awesome, I don't even know what to say!"



At this time, Lu Xiaoyu saw that the popularity of his live broadcast room had suddenly reached so high, the number of people in the live broadcast room had suddenly reached so many, the number of bullet screens in the live broadcast room had reached so many, and the gifts in the live broadcast room had reached so much at once. Many, the whole person opened his mouth wide in surprise, and couldn't believe that all this was true.

Although she has done live broadcasts before, the popularity of her live broadcast room has never reached so many, the number of online users in her live broadcast room has never reached so many, and the barrage of her live broadcast room has never reached so many. The gifts in the live broadcast room have never reached so many.

Lu Xiaoyu did a little statistics just now, and in just this moment, the rewards she received in the live broadcast room are already worth tens of thousands of dollars.

This is an effect that she usually does not necessarily have for a month of live broadcast.

Could it be the legendary star effect?
I have to say that Zhang Fan's popularity is really too high!
It is indeed my favorite idol, it is really awesome.

#因为一歌曲爱一个城# This topic quickly rushed to the top of Weibo’s hot search. In less than 10 minutes, the topic’s reading volume reached tens of millions.

The city of Chengdu was directly sent to the hot search from an unknown city.

Many netizens said that after listening to the song "Chengdu", they really wanted to visit the city of Chengdu.

"I fell in love with a city after listening to a song. I really like the song "Chengdu"!"

"Zhang Fan's products must be high-quality products. The concubine is tired of saying this. Zhang Fan is really awesome!"

"I think there will be a large number of passengers in Chengdu after today. The local tourism bureau in Chengdu should thank Zhang Fan for his song "Chengdu"!"

"As a native of Chengdu, I am really grateful to Zhang Fan, especially for the song "Chengdu" he wrote for us in Chengdu, which made more people know our city again!"

"I never forgot you in that rainy little city, you are the only one I can't take away in Chengdu... The lyrics are so beautifully written, I couldn't help crying when I heard them!"

"I am especially grateful for this song. My girlfriend and I are in a long-distance relationship. She is in Chengdu and I am in Luzhou. She wants me to leave Luzhou to be with him. I have always been hesitant about this matter. Now I listen to "Chengdu "For this song, I decided that I would go to the city of Chengdu to accompany her!"



Zhang Yupeng is a musician, and he is also a folk musician.

He is a native of Chengdu. He has been influenced by Minyao since he was a child, so he likes Minyao very much.

He didn't study music-related majors, he studied computers!
It's just that after working on computers for several years, he felt that this was not the life he wanted, so he resigned, so he went to pursue the folk songs he wanted.

It's only after he actually did it that he realized that the current music scene is dominated by pop music, and all folk music has long been outdated.

Today's younger generation doesn't even know what Minyao is.

And his life became more and more impoverished and difficult because of his pursuit of Min Yao.

But he still didn't give up.

At this time, he was standing outside the tavern, and when he heard the song "Chengdu" sung by Zhang Fan, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Chengdu" is Min Yao.

This Zhang Fan used this song "Chengdu" to prove that Min Yao is not dead, Min Yao is still alive!

Folk songs can still live well, and folk songs can continue to live.

Zhang Yupeng was really excited at this time.

Because Minyao has always been his belief, but the reality he has come into contact with tells him that Minyao is dead, which makes his belief almost collapse.

The most terrible thing for a person is not death, but the collapse of faith.

The song "Chengdu" that Zhang Fan sang at this time, the ballad he sang told him that Minyao is not dead, Minyao is still alive, Minyao is still alive!

This made his faith that was about to collapse come back again.

So Zhang Yupeng took out his mobile phone and posted a Weibo with the text: "Thank you Zhang Fan for this song "Chengdu". This song "Chengdu" tells us that Min Yao is not dead. This song "Chengdu" tells me that I have been pursuing My Min Yao is not dead, I am so happy, I am so grateful to Zhang Fan..."

That night Zhang Fan responded on his Weibo——Min Yao will not die, Min Yao will never die.

The topic that Zhang Fan responded that night that Minyao will not die immediately became a hot topic on Weibo, attracting the attention and attention of many netizens.

"Damn it, Minyao won't die, Minyao will never die! Domineering, domineering, really domineering!"

"Zhang Fan is really awesome, he is indeed my favorite singer, he is really amazing!"

"Zhang Fan is really an all-rounder. He can not only make pop music, but also opera, not only opera, but also Minyao. It's really amazing!"

"The popularity of Zhang Fan's "Chengdu" really gave all Minyao musicians a shot in the arm, letting them know that Minyao is not dead, Minyao is still alive!"

"I think Zhang Fan's contribution is not limited to these. Zhang Fan's greatest contribution is to use the song "Chengdu" to let more young people know the concept of folk songs and promote folk songs!"

"Yes, yes, I am a post-00s generation. I have never known what Minyao is. I have never heard of Minyao. After listening to the song "Chengdu", I know what Minyao is. So I found a lot of Minyao's songs, only to find out that there are so many folk songs that are so good, and I missed so many treasures before!"

"Zhang Fan's next road show city is coming to our Luzhou, do you think he will write a song for us in Luzhou?"

"Hahahahaha... You still want Zhang Fan to write a song for you in Luzhou, and you are thinking about eating peaches!"



After Zhang Yupeng saw Zhang Fan's response on his Weibo at this time, he was so excited that he couldn't help but burst into tears.

As a folk musician, he is grateful to Zhang Fan, he is really very grateful to Zhang Fan.

Because of Zhang Fan, and because of Zhang Fan's "Chengdu", their folk songs have attracted more people's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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