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Chapter 165 Jesus Can't Stop Me, I Said

Chapter 165 Jesus Can't Stop Me, I Said (Please Subscribe)
The next day

The local tourism bureau in Chengdu contacted Zhang Fan to obtain the copyright of the song "Chengdu" written by Zhang Fan last night, so that they could use this Chengdu as the city song of their CD city.

Because the song "Chengdu" had a great impact on Chengdu.

The song Chengdu made the city of Chengdu directly become No.1 in the rankings of all major cities.

And according to the responses of various local tourism bureaus, in just one night, the number of tourists they received about traveling to Chengdu was several times higher than before, and this number is still growing rapidly.

It is foreseeable that for a long time in the future, Chengdu will be a city that many people want to travel to.

All of this is because of the song "Chengdu" that Zhang Fan sang in the tavern last night!
And not only that, the local government in Chengdu also specially invited Zhang Fan to be their image ambassador for the city of Chengdu, letting Zhang Fan come to speak for their city of Chengdu.

Although the endorsement fee is not much, and may not even be as good as Zhang Fan's other brand endorsements, but this kind of treatment cannot be measured by money alone.

After all, no matter how powerful a brand is, it cannot be compared with a city.

This is also a recognition of Zhang Fan by the local city.

Moreover, Zhang Fan also bought the tavern from Du Juan, the owner of the tavern.

Zhang Fan had done business in his previous life, so he knew that this tavern contained huge business opportunities now!
Because I sang the song "Chengdu" in this tavern last night, and now the song "Chengdu" can be said to be popular all over the Internet, so many Internet celebrities and citizens in Chengdu ran to this tavern clocked in.

And the song "Chengdu" I sang also included this tavern.

So he wants to use this tavern as a brand to create a series of chain stores about this tavern, but he still has a lot of things to do, and he definitely doesn't have time to do this.

This is really a big trouble for him.

"So you are worried about this matter!"

"Your idea is very good. I am very supportive of your idea. As for your worry, it is not a big deal at all. I just met a very experienced person in this area a while ago. Now I let her In the past, when the time comes, you can hand over all these matters to her!"

Zhang Fan heard the words of his agent Liu Awei at this time, and said in surprise: "Is this person you are talking about okay? This is not a small matter, and the difficulty of this matter is not ordinary. Not just anyone can do it!"

Hearing Zhang Fan's worry at this time, Liu Awei said with a smile on his face: "Don't worry about this, the person I recommend to you is somewhat related to me. She has been a schoolmaster since she was a child. Not only has she obtained a doctorate in management from a famous American university, but she has also worked in some large companies and has very rich work experience!"

"She just resigned and came back from abroad some time ago, and she has been idle at home without any job. She is my sister's child. My sister has been urging me to see if I can find him a job?"

When Zhang Fan heard Liu Awei's words at this time, he couldn't help being surprised and said: "So it's a female academic bully, amazing, amazing, really amazing? What I am most afraid of is the female academic bully. Especially a female doctor like this, that is a very terrifying creature!"

"But Ah Wei, I'm really curious. With your IQ, how can you have such a smart niece who can get a Ph.D. It's incredible!"


Hearing Zhang Fan's ridicule at this time, Liu Awei couldn't help but take a sip: "What is my IQ? Is my IQ not high enough? Is my IQ not smart enough?"

"Let me tell you, the reason why my academic qualifications are not so good is that I didn't study hard when I was in school. I just studied casually. If I study hard, Tsinghua University and Peking University will not be a dream!"

Zhang Fan heard Liu Awei's words at this time, and said with a face full of complaints: "Okay, okay, don't talk, don't talk, if you keep talking, the cows in the sky should fly, you are really bragging I don't even know what to say!"

At this time, Liu Awei said with a smile on his face: "What is bragging? What I'm saying are all serious truths, okay? When did I brag?"

"By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing, because in the past two days you were promoting the TV series "Small Smile is Alluring" at the Chengdu Stadium, so there was a debate on the Internet, that is, can you and Lin Yuqing You can’t hold a concert with 8 people in the Bird’s Nest, many people, especially some entertainment big Vs, say that the popularity of the two of you is in vain, and you definitely can’t hold a concert with [-] people in the Bird’s Nest!”

"Originally, this matter was just a debate among netizens on the Internet. Things are getting bigger and bigger, if we don't respond to this matter, many netizens will definitely question our guilty conscience!"

"If I'm not wrong, there must be a pusher behind this incident. Someone must have seen you guys being too hot for a while, so they wanted to mess with you. How do you think we should handle this matter? ?”

"Zhongyi is already trying to find a way to contact the Weibo platform to remove the trending search, and suppress the heat of this matter!"

Hearing Liu Awei's words at this time, Zhang Fan couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it!
He still understands this truth.

During this period of time, his popularity in the entertainment circle is too high, and his limelight in the entertainment circle is really too high, so it is understandable for someone to do things behind his back.

If a person does not have many enemies in his life, it is really difficult to live.

Zhang Fan has never been afraid of such things!

Although he doesn't want trouble, sometimes he won't be afraid when trouble comes.

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "Since everyone is questioning whether Lin Yuqing and I can hold a concert with 8 people, let's just show them!"

"After all, facts speak louder than words. I don't think there is any way to prove whether all this is true or not by holding a concert directly!"

Liu Awei was shocked when he heard Zhang Fan's words at this time: "Zhang Fan, you are crazy, these are just clowns, we don't need to talk to him, it will be fine when the heat of this matter subsides in a few days Now, are you sure you really want to develop your concert in the Bird's Nest, are you crazy?"

Seeing Liu Awei's excited look at this time, Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face: "Awei, you don't believe me, do you? You don't believe that I can hold a concert with 8 people in the Bird's Nest?"

When Liu Awei heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, he couldn't help hesitating a little.

As Zhang Fan's manager, he was of course willing to trust Zhang Fan.

But he knows very well that it is not such a simple matter to open a stadium with 8 people in the Bird's Nest.

In the entire domestic entertainment circle, there are only a handful of stars who can open a stadium of 8 people.

This can be said to be very high, very high, very high for a celebrity's popularity.

Zhang Fan has been very popular in the entertainment circle for a while, but Liu Awei can't believe that Zhang Fan can really open a stadium with 8 people!

Although Zhang Fan is very popular now, but Zhang Fan's heart is not deep enough.

It is estimated that the only ones who can open a stadium with 8 people in the Bird's Nest are the old-fashioned kings and queens of the older generation.

But as Zhang Fan's manager, although he didn't believe in his heart that Zhang Fan could open a stadium with 8 people in the Bird's Nest, he couldn't say it in front of Zhang Fan.

Liu Awei said helplessly at this time: "This is not a question of whether you believe it or not, it's just that you don't have to do it anymore, these are just clowns!"

"Don't worry, I will press the heat of these things soon. Behind this is someone who is deliberately fueling the flames. They must want you to do this on purpose. You must not do what they want! "

Zhang Fan shook his head at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "I am very confident in myself. I believe that I can open a stadium with 8 people. You can help me apply for this stadium first, and give all the preparations to the stadium as soon as possible." Do it well, I have decided to open the 8-person stadium, and even Jesus can't stop me, I said it!"


When Liu Awei heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, he couldn't help but sighed deeply.

At this time, he really couldn't help but want to slap himself a few big mouths. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have said these things.

It turned out that he just wanted to turn this matter into a minor one. He didn't expect that Zhang Fan would be so self-willed, and he directly opened a stadium with 8 people to prove to others that he can really open a stadium with 8 people.

But he is Zhang Fan's manager after all, and Zhang Fan is the one who makes the decisions!
Now that Zhang Fan has already made his decision, what he, the agent, has to do is to help Zhang Fan make all the preparations.



In the next few days, Zhang Fan stayed in Chengdu for a few more days. Under the organization of the Chengdu Local Tourism Bureau, he served as the spokesperson for the local image of Chengdu, and he also shot some promotional videos, commercials and the like.

In the past few days, Liu Wenwei's niece, who claims to have a Ph.D., also came over.

Although Liu Awei's IQ is mediocre, his niece is really a top student.

When he saw Liu Awei's niece for the first time, Zhang Fan was sure that this woman must be a top student, because he could feel the murderous aura of this woman from a distance.

The aura of the female doctor is different.

At this time, Zhang Fan saw the woman in front of him who was full of academic aura, and said with a smile: "Are you that Chen Yun, Ah Wei's niece? She really looks very knowledgeable!"

Chen Yun didn't have any big reaction when he heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, he just took out a file folder from his bag, and said with a blank face: "Hello, Mr. Zhang, this is what I made during this time." Regarding the strategic planning of this tavern, please take a look to see if there are any questions, if you have no questions, I will start working on it now!"


Seeing Chen Yun's expressionless face at this time, Zhang Fan smiled awkwardly, opened the folder and glanced at it casually, and saw that the folder was full of various digital reports and strategies. Planning strategic planning and the like, his whole head is big.


Seeing this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but let out a deep sigh.

The female academic bully is worthy of being a female academic bully, and she has the same virtue as the female academic bully he has seen before. They are all so cold and unfriendly to strangers, and they are full of murderous intent.

Although he admired such a person very much, he really didn't want to stay with such a person for a second longer, because he would really be frozen to death.

At this time, Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face: "Not bad, not bad, your strategic plan is very good. You are worthy of a doctorate in management from a famous foreign university. Admiration, admiration, really admiration."

"I'll leave this matter to you. If you need anything, just tell me!"

At this time, Chen Yun heard that Zhang Fan didn't have any other requests, so he directly took the documents and left without expression.


Seeing Chen Yunyuan's back at this time, Zhang Fan couldn't help but sighed deeply.

No wonder such a woman is too old to have a boyfriend!

What kind of man can subdue such a woman, it's really terrible.

"Mr. Zhang Fan, I heard that you are going to open a stadium with 8 people in the Bird's Nest. Is it true or not?"

Just when Zhang Fan fell into admiration, a sweet voice suddenly came from behind him.

As soon as Zhang Fan heard this sweet voice at this time, he knew that this person was Lin Yuqing.

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "Of course it is true. Aren't many people on the Internet questioning whether I can hold a concert with 8 people? Then I will prove it to everyone!"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's confession at this time, and said with a surprised face: "Mr. Zhang, you are serious. I thought you were joking. I didn't expect you to hold an [-] concert. Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to drive it when the time comes?"

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "I'm really a little scared by myself, but isn't there you? The two of us are two swords, a combination of musical geniuses and musical geniuses, I don't believe it's still unaffordable An [-] concert?"

"I remember you always wanted to hold a concert? Didn't you always want to sing at the concert? You can use this Bird's Nest stadium to practice!"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with surprise on her face: "Mr. Zhang, I heard you right, am I the first guest you invite to your concert? I'm so happy!"

"But if I do you such a big favor, how are you going to thank me?"

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, tilted his head, and said seriously: "How to thank you is indeed a question, how about I promise you with my body?"

(End of this chapter)

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