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Chapter 170 Miracle's name is Father, "Father" touched the entire Internet!

Chapter 170 The Miracle's Name is Father, "Father" Moves the Internet! (seeking subscription)

After Zhang Fan posted this Weibo, he went to a toilet, took a sip of milk tea after he came back, and was about to open his Weibo to take a look. When he saw the comment below his Weibo, he almost couldn’t hold back. Spit out all the milk tea I just drank.

"Fuck, shit, shit, these people are too much, these people are too ruthless, they want me to sing three hundred songs? It's better to just kill me!"

"Although I am a musical genius, they can't treat me like this. What do they think of me? Do they think of me as a songwriting machine?"

Duan Jiabao heard Zhang Fan's words from the side at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "It can't be blamed on these netizens who are too demanding. If you want to blame, you can blame Zhang Fan. You are so talented. If you can come up with a new song every time you sing, everyone must think that coming up with [-] new songs is nothing to you at all!"

"But Mr. Zhang, I'm really curious, are you really going to come up with new songs for this concert?"

Zhang Fan heard Duan Jiabao's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "New songs are definitely a must, but three hundred new songs are definitely impossible, and it will never be possible in this life!"



The next day

When Zhang Fan was preparing for his Bird's Nest concert, a very big news suddenly happened on the Internet.

It turned out that something happened in Sioux City. When a father and a child were about to cross the road, the electric pole next to the road suddenly fell down, and the electric pole fell towards the child. .

At this critical moment, the father showed his unprecedented potential and hurriedly protected his child.

In the end, the father was seriously injured by the electric pole, but the child in the father's arms was only slightly injured.

This video was quickly uploaded to the Internet by major official media, especially when CCTV News uploaded this video, it added a sentence - the greatness of fatherly love needless to say, at this moment only parents are willing to come forward, Give everything for you.

When many netizens saw this video, they couldn't help but burst into tears.

Especially seeing that the father was seriously injured by the electric pole in order to protect his child, and when he saw that his child was fine, he showed a gratified smile, and everyone couldn't help their eyes sour, and couldn't control it His own tears flowed down.

"Fuck, this father is really too great. In order to save his child, he is willing to give his life. He is really the greatest father in the world!"

"That said, there is no father in this world who is not great!"

"Cough cough cough... That's because you have never experienced such a thing. If you have a drunken father who drinks and plays cards all day long and hits you every now and then, I don't believe you dare to say that such a father is great!"

"As far as I can remember, my father was drinking on the East Street and drinking on the West Street! When he was drunk, he went home and went crazy!! The family was not good! So I came out at the age of 14 and broke into the society. I earned eight yuan a day! 16 I am already carrying bags at the pier! Picking up other people’s leftover lunches! I learned from a young age to be self-reliant!! So I started a family and started from scratch! Now that I am a father, I always want to give the best to my children! Watch now Come on, old father! Always speechless!"

"There are some fathers in this world who have failed to take on the responsibility of being a father, but most fathers are still very great, just like the father in this video who did not hesitate to block for his child in order to save his child. This telegraph pole!"

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo this video gradually ” when watching this video

"Brother upstairs, your father is a great man, he is not only a great father, but also a great hero, salute to the hero!!!"

"Father called and said to me in a very guilty tone, "I will quit next year, I can't do it any more." His words seemed to be asking for my consent. I burst into tears at that time. I wanted to tell my father , it is not you but me who feel guilty."

"Father's love is a book, which can't be finished or thoroughly read; father's love is the Great Wall, which is continuous; father's love is a strong bamboo, which has been weathered; father's love is snowflakes, which are crystal clear. Father's Day is here. I want to say to my father: Dad , Thank you for your love! I will use my whole life to repay it! I wish: all the fathers in the world have a happy holiday, health will always accompany you, and happiness will always depend on you.”



The video posted by CCTV News, in which the father blocked the electric pole for the child in order to save the child, had more than 1000 million likes in less than an hour.

When many netizens saw this video, they were very moved, and they all thought of their parents.

Father's love is like a cup of bitter coffee, but the bitterness is full of rich fragrance; father's love is like the cold wind in winter, guiding me to the direction of success; father's love is like a road sign, he tells us the direction of decision-making.Yes, people often say that maternal love is great, but fatherly love is equally great!

Zhang Fan sighed deeply when he saw this video.

When Zhang Fan saw the father in the video, in order to protect his child, he was willing to block the telephone pole that almost killed him for his child, and he felt an indescribable pain in his heart.

People have always praised maternal love. People have always been talking about how great maternal love is, but they often ignore fatherly love.

Men are sometimes the most tiring people in the world.

What is a man?No matter how poor you are, you can't be poor parents, no matter how hard you are, you can't suffer your daughter-in-law, no matter how hard you are, you can't cheat your brothers, no matter how hungry, you can't starve your children!What are men most afraid of?Brothers' misunderstanding, daughter-in-law's tears, parents' grievances, one father, one mother, one brother and one her, one baby and one family.Tired, crying, hurt, and in pain, lie down and smoke a cigarette, drink a sip of wine, bear it silently, life has to go on.This is man.

Zhang Fan felt that he wanted to write a song for this father, and for all fathers in the world.

At this time, Zhang Fan's brain was spinning rapidly, searching for various songs about his father in Zi B's mind.At this time, he immediately received a song that he liked to listen to in his previous life - "Father" by Chopstick Brothers.

Every time he listens to this song, there is always an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Every time he listens to this song, there is always an indescribable discomfort in his heart.

Every time he listens to this song, he can't control his emotions and always has the urge to burst into tears.



in the afternoon
Zhang Fan uploaded one of his songs on his Kuai Dou video.

The name of the song is "Father".

Zhang Fan was originally the most popular male star in the entertainment circle at this time, so his every move has attracted the attention of many people.

When Zhang Fan's video was released, many netizens eagerly clicked on the video.

Some of Zhang Fan's fans took the lead in giving this video a thumbs-up without even watching it.

With a burst of nice music playing, Zhang Fan in the video slowly sang: "I always ask you for money, but I never say thank you."
It wasn't until I grew up that I realized that it wasn't easy for you
Every time I leave, I always pretend to be relaxed
Smile and say go back, turn around with tears in your eyes"

Zhang Fan was singing a song at this time, a big curtain suddenly appeared behind him, and there was an adult holding a child by the hand on the curtain.

At the beginning, the child always liked to hold his father's hand or ride on his father's shoulders. Later, the child gradually grew up, and began to leave his father, and wanted to go outside alone to start a career.

Many netizens couldn't help but gasp in their hearts when they heard Zhang Fan's gentle singing and saw the picture displayed on such a large curtain behind Zhang Fan.

"Fuck, shit, shit, new song, new song, it's a new song again, this Zhang Fan is too awesome!"

"This Zhang Fan really deserves to be the legendary musical genius in the entertainment industry. This is really amazing. If I guessed correctly, this should be a song written for my father in the video this morning!"

"Woooooooo... When I heard this song, I really couldn't help crying, because when I heard this song, I thought of my father, my father in heaven!"

"I always ask you for it but never say thank you. You didn't know that it was not easy until you grew up... This lyrics is really good. It really describes everyone's experience. When I was young, I always asked my father Asked for it, but didn't understand how difficult it was for him, and when I grew up, I was beaten by the society and raised a family, and I realized how difficult it was for my father!"

"Every time I leave, I always pretend to be relaxed, say it back with a smile, and turn around with tears in my eyes... Although the lyrics are simple and unpretentious, they are really full of emotion. Every time I hear Zhang Fan's singing I couldn't help but burst into tears, his singing always moved me!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo when I, old man heard this song, this song is really good!"

"Zhang Fan, you are really annoying. Every time I listen to your songs, you make people cry!"

"I want to ask if he is serious about this wording?"

"No way, sir, can this broken road be opened?"



At this time, the video is still going on, and Zhang Fan's singing is still going on:
"How much I want to be the same as before, holding your warm palm
But you are not by my side, let the breeze take you to Ankang
Time slows down, don't make you grow old again
I'd like to use my everything for your longevity
What can I do for you, father who will be strong all his life

Accept trivial concerns."

The lyrics this time can be regarded as a small climax of the song. When many netizens heard this, they couldn't help but feel goosebumps all over their bodies.

If we say that many people could hold back their tears when they heard the first verse of "Father" just now, then after hearing the second verse, many people could no longer control their emotions and couldn't help crying up.

"Woooooooooo... Zhang Fan's song is so touching, I really can't help crying!"

"Zhang Fan's songs are like tear gas bombs, every time I hear his songs, I can't stop crying!"

"How much I want to be the same as before, holding your warm palm, but you are not by my side, I entrust the breeze to take me to Ankang... When I heard this lyrics, I really couldn't help crying. The lyrics are really written Great, how much I want to hold my father's hand like before, but unfortunately I have to work hard outside, I can only go home once a year, see my father only once a year, and I can only entrust Qingfeng to take my father to Ankang !"

"Admiration, admiration, really admiration, I really admire Zhang Fan, he can use the most common lyrics to write the most simple emotions every time, even though the lyrics of this song look very common , but the emotions contained in this song are not ordinary at all!"

"On April 4, my father died suddenly of acute pancreatitis at the age of 6. I was admitted to a key high school for less than a week. This was the happiest time in his life. My father was a motorcycle driver before his death. A motorcycle driver who waits for someone by the side of the road. There is also a 47-year-old grandfather at home, my sister is still in vocational high school, and my mother is not in good health. I am only 72. Why, why, why...Dad, do you know I know I really miss you!"

"Brother upstairs, hug, you are really pitiful, you must work hard!"

"Work hard and take care of the family members! I lost my father when I was four years old. You have to work hard to support your family in the future!"

"Slow down time, don't let you grow old again, I would like to use everything I have in exchange for your long life... This lyrics is really wrong with my heart, I really want to use my Once I change my father, I will live a long life, stay healthy, and live a long life!"

"I used to be afraid of the grave, and thought it was a ghost. It wasn't until my father was lying in it that I realized that it was the person that other people thought about day and night. I hope everyone can cherish their father well, and don't be like me. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, the child wants to raise but the relatives don't wait! I left a regret in my life that I can never make up for!"

"That night when I came home from late self-study, my father asked my mother to go in and watch TV, and said he wanted to talk to me alone. There was hot chicken soup on the table all night. He said: My disease (lung cancer) can be cured or not. Okay, you have to live with your mother well in the future, don’t make her worry, and help her do more things. I buried my head in the chicken soup, and my tears kept streaming into the soup. I still remember that the soup became saltier the more I drank it. When I heard the song "Father" today, I thought of my father again, I wonder if he is doing well in heaven now..."




A hospital

At this time, a little boy was holding his mobile phone, heard the singing from the mobile phone, and looked at his father lying on the bed who was seriously injured in order to save himself, crying with tears streaming down his face.

The name of this little boy is Su Wenqiang. He is now in the third grade of elementary school. Today, when his father was sending him to school, the electric pole next to the road suddenly fell towards him. has left this world.

But his father was seriously injured in order to save him, and he was lying unconscious in the hospital.

At this time, a very pleasant singing voice suddenly came from his mobile phone: "I want to be the same as before, holding your warm palm
But you are not by my side, let the breeze take you to Ankang
Time slows down, don't make you grow old again
I'd like to use my everything for your longevity
What can I do for you, father who will be strong all his life

Accept trivial concerns."

At this time, Su Wenqiang cried and sang in his father's ear following Zhang Fan on the phone:

"How much I want to be the same as before, holding your warm palm
But you are not by my side, let the breeze take you to Ankang
Time slows down, don't make you grow old again
I'd like to use my everything for your longevity
What can I do for you, father who will be strong all his life

Accept trivial concerns."

Su Jianjun, who was lying on the bed, was in a daze at this moment!

His last memory is that when he and his son were waiting for the car by the side of the road, suddenly the electric pole on the side of the road fell on his son. in front of his son.

Su Jianjun remembered the last moment before he fell into a coma. Seeing that his son looked fine, he couldn't help but smile happily.

As long as his son is fine, he can rest assured.

Then his whole body fell into boundless darkness.

He really wanted to get out of this darkness, but no matter how hard he tried, no matter how he walked, he would always be in the darkness.

Su Jianjun really wanted to see his son at this time, he desperately wanted to get out of this darkness, but no matter how he walked, he couldn't get out!

At this moment, he suddenly heard his son's voice, and his son seemed to be singing a song.

"How much I want to be the same as before, holding your warm palm
But you are not by my side, let the breeze take you to Ankang
Time slows down, don't make you grow old again
I'd like to use my everything for your longevity
What can I do for you, father who will be strong all his life

Accept trivial concerns."

Hearing his son's familiar voice, Su Jianjun felt that his heart was full of strength at this moment.

"Son, son, where are you? Don't go so fast, wait for Dad!"

"Son, haven't you been clamoring for Dad to take you to school all day? Dad has time to send you to school today!"

"You haven't had breakfast yet, don't you want to eat Xiaolongbao the most? Dad will buy you Xiaolongbao later!"

"Also, your test scores are good this time. The teacher said that you have improved a lot. Dad is very happy. Dad is going to take you to the amusement park this time on your weekend!"

"Do you know what is the greatest pride of this father in this life? The greatest pride of my father in this life is to have such an excellent son like you. No matter how tired he is at work every day, as long as he comes home and sees you, he will be very happy in his heart." !"

At this time, Su Jianjun called his son, and kept walking forward following his son's voice. He didn't know how long he walked, and finally saw a glimmer of light. At this time, he was very excited.

Su Wenqiang was lying on his father's body at this time, singing this song in his father's ear. At this moment, he suddenly saw that his father's hand seemed to move.

At this time, Su Wenqiang saw his father finally reacted, and he was very happy immediately.

At the beginning, he thought he was dazzled, so he rubbed his eyes, looked again, and saw his father's hand moved again, at this time he shouted excitedly: "Doctor, doctor, hurry up!" Ah, my father's hand is broken, please hurry up and take a look, my father is about to wake up, my father is saved!"

At this time, Su Wenqiang said that he was afraid that the doctor would not hear him, and ran outside the door, hoping to call the doctor over quickly, but when he just rushed out of the door of this ward, he bumped into someone suddenly!

Wu Dexing was the one who rescued Su Wenqiang's father this time, and this time he performed the operation on Su Wenqiang's father. He seemed to have heard Su Wenqiang's voice just now, and hurried over here. Who knows, he just walked to the door of the ward Then I met Su Wenqiang.

At this time, Wu Dexing quickly squatted down, patted Su Wenqiang's head, and said with concern: "Xiaoqiang, are you okay? Did uncle hurt you just now, I'm sorry!"

At this time, Su Wenqiang saw that Wu Dexing was very excited, and quickly took his hand and rushed to his father's hospital bed. While holding his hand, he said excitedly: "Uncle Wu, Uncle Wu, My dad did something manually just now, please help me to see if my dad is about to wake up, if my dad is saved!"

Wu Dexing hurried to the hospital bed at this time, looked at the various machines next to Su Jianjun, and found that Wu Jianjun's body was recovering, and his hands were beating constantly at this time.

When Wu Dexing saw Su Jianjun's situation at this time, he was very excited. As a doctor, as a very experienced doctor, he knew that this situation represented the continuous improvement of Su Jianjun's body.

When Wu Dexing saw this situation, he couldn't help but gasped. He really didn't expect that Su Jianjun would wake up so soon after suffering such a serious injury?
This is really unbelievable, this is simply a medical miracle.

Wu Dexing was really curious, how did this medical miracle in Su Jianjun come about?
So he asked about Su Jianjun's son Su Wenqiang.

Su Wenqiang heard Wu Dexing's words at this time, touched the back of his head, and said with a cute face: "I don't know too well, I just heard the song "Father" sung by Zhang Fan on the Internet. The song was very nice, so I sang it in my father's ear, and unexpectedly my father's hands started to move!"

At this time, a very touching voice suddenly came from the mobile phone next to the hospital bed:

"Thank you for all you do, put our home on both hands
Always try my best to give me the best
Am I your pride, are you still worried about me?
The child you care about has grown up."

I don't know why when I heard this song, Wu Dexing, who is almost 40 years old, couldn't help the feeling of sore eyes, and almost couldn't control his emotions and shed tears.

Wu Dexing listened to this song at this time, and now he finally understood why Su Jianjun was able to wake up in such a short period of time after suffering such a serious injury!

He finally understood why such a medical miracle could happen to Su Jianjun!

If there is a medical miracle in this world, then the name of this miracle is Father.

(End of this chapter)

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