Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 171 This is for my son, he loves dumplings

Chapter 171 This Is For My Son, He Loves Dumplings Most (Subscribe)

Then someone broke out on the Internet. In the video that went viral this morning, the father was seriously injured when he was hit by a telephone pole and was sent to the hospital. As a result, the child sang Zhang Fan in front of his father. This song "Father", so his father woke up.

#奇迹的名字叫父亲# quickly rushed to the top of the hot search, and was quickly topped by netizens to the top of the hot search.

"Fuck, shit, shit, I used to think that this way of waking up my loved ones with singing would only appear in TV dramas, but I didn't expect it to appear in reality! It's unbelievable, unbelievable, really unbelievable !"

"That's right, that's right. I used to think that this was just a bloody drama in a TV series. I never thought that such a bloody drama would actually happen in reality. It's really incredible!"

"When you put it this way, I think Zhang Fan is really awesome. I found that Zhang Fan's songs not only sound very nice and touching, but can also save lives. It's really awesome!"

"If there is really a medical miracle in this world, then the name of this miracle is Father! It's really good to say!"

"Yes, yes, it seems that in the video exposed this morning, in order to save his child, the father showed unprecedented potential, quickly came to his child, and blocked the electric pole for his child. According to the statistics of relevant professionals, this father's speed has reached the level of the world's top [-]-meter athlete in these few seconds, which cannot but be called a miracle!"

"Hey... Hearing what you said, I suddenly had an idea. My father has been dead for many years. You said that if I go to my father's grave to sing this song now, can my father come back to life?"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, the brother upstairs has to say that you are really too fierce!"

"Ah... I'm speechless!"

"I just want to ask the brother upstairs, how bad is your singing? Your father's coffin can't even hold it down!"

"Brother upstairs, I think your situation is very good. You can try it. If it works, let me know. I will also sing this song at my father's grave!"

"I suddenly discovered that all of you are dutiful sons!!!"



After Zhang Fan sang this song, it can be said that this song "Father" has completely become popular on the Internet.

At this time, the Kuaidou account of CCTV News posted a video on their Kuaidou account. In the video, the child sang Zhang Fan's "Father" in front of his comatose father, and finally the father woke up, with background music The accompanying bgm is "Father" by Zhang Fan.

This video was posted by the official account of CCTV News, and the number of likes exceeded 1000 million in less than half an hour.

This song became popular all over the Internet in less than half a day.

At this time, a topic was posted on Weibo - how long has it been since you called your parents?
As soon as this topic came out, it attracted the attention and attention of many netizens.

"I'm really ashamed to say it. I suddenly discovered that I haven't called my family for two or three months, and every time I called before, it was my family who took the initiative to call me. I never I took the initiative to call my family, and now I realize what a beast I am!!!”

"After listening to this song by my father, I really couldn't help crying. At that time, I picked up my mobile phone and called my father. Guess what? My father answered in seconds! At this time, I Only then did I realize that my father might be waiting for me to call him normally!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu> Realized that my dad had passed away three years ago!"

"My father is a construction worker. He usually lives frugally and wears dusty clothes. I remember saying goodbye to him at the station at the end. I said: "Dad, you really dress like a beggar. Next time I will buy you some decent clothes." ", he giggled and said don't buy him new clothes, and he wouldn't wear them even if he bought them. This is the first time I know how handsome my well-dressed father is!"

"I don't dare to listen to this song anymore. My dad has paid so much for me. I regret yelling at him every time. I'm sorry dad. I shouldn't have treated you like that. Remember when I was just born, you I don’t like me very much, why, because I am a woman, and later you gradually liked me and treated me very well. I remember when the first mother drove you away, I hugged you tightly, every time I can only sleep peacefully after you get off work, Dad, I love you!!!"

"Woo woo woo... Dad, I really miss you, I really want to call you, I really want to tell you that I love you, I really want to hug you, but unfortunately I There is no more chance! I used to think that you are not good at this or that, and you can’t compare with other people’s fathers. Now that I am a father, I realize that it is so difficult to be a father!”

"That's enough, let's not talk about each of them. I haven't seen any filial sons in reality. Everyone on the Internet has become a big filial son. Hahahahaha... I really laughed to death!"

"Idiot upstairs, I just want to ask you, don't you have a mother???"

"If you want to come here to catch the heat, I just want to say that if the heat is on, your mother is gone!"

"My fault, my fault, I shouldn't have given birth to this evil son in the first place, I will beat him to death and rebirth now!"

"Keyboard Warriors generally have these characteristics: selfishness, inferiority complex, narrow-mindedness, brainlessness, darkness, nastyness, and ignorance. They use ridicule and slander others to satisfy their confusion and fear."

"The Internet has cultivated a large number of people who are not doing business, not doing business, idle, doing nothing, grandstanding, pretending to be crazy, all kinds of criticism, hypocritical positive energy, extreme affectation, false exaggeration, divorced from reality, not correct three views, negative ability, vulgar value, In order to gain attention, regardless of the occasion, professional internet beggars who are ignorant and fearless, and who fantasize about becoming famous and getting rich all day long. I will donate one or two comments every day to remind these sand sculptures at all times."

"Hello, I am the attending physician of the HZ Psychiatric Hospital. After seeing your comments, the leaders of our hospital attached great importance to your condition and asked me to get in touch with you. Mental disorders refer to the disorder of brain function, which leads to cognitive impairment. Mental activities such as emotion, behavior and will are impaired to varying degrees, manifested as delusions, hallucinations, illusions, emotional agitation, erratic crying and laughing, talking to oneself, strange behavior, and memory loss. As long as you actively cooperate with our hospital for treatment, it is completely possible Those who recover, I hope you will build up your confidence to overcome the illness, and wish you a speedy recovery."




When Zhang Fan sang the song "Father" at this time, he felt a very depressed feeling in his heart.

When he sang this song, he also thought of his father.

I don't know how my father is doing now?

How are you?

But thinking about how my parents usually don't pay much attention to me, maybe they see that my big account is useless, and they will open a small account again.

blah blah blah...

At this time, Zhang Fan suddenly had this idea in his mind, he shook his head in fright, and threw the idea out of his mind.

"Xiaofan, you are really amazing, you are really awesome, you are really excellent, your song "Father" has been launched and immediately became popular all over the Internet, the number of likes of this video of yours Now it has exceeded 1500 million!"

"Just now, CCTV News reposted your song, which means that your song "Father" has been recognized by CCTV News. Now this song is even more popular, and it has soared to the top of the hot song charts on all major music platforms. The first few are here!"

When Zhang Fan heard his manager's words at this time, he didn't care too much about the performance of his song, but asked with a concerned face: "By the way, Ah Wei asked you something, this morning's video What's wrong with the father's body now? There is nothing serious about his body? Is he awake now?"

At this time, Liu Awei was shocked to hear that Zhang Fan didn't care about his achievements in this song first, but instead cared about the father and son in today's video.

Liu Awei suddenly found that the man in front of him not only became more talented in music, but also more caring than before.

The Zhang Fan Charity Foundation established by Zhang Fan some time ago has now donated to several schools, and part of the money Zhang Fan earned has been invested in this charity foundation to help more people.

Thinking of what Zhang Fan did, Liu Awei really felt more and more that the man in front of him was great.

At this time, Liu Awei knew that Zhang Fan was concerned about this matter, so he didn't show off anything, but said seriously: "Xiao Fan, you are really too kind, but I really know about this matter. Woke up, but the reason why he can wake up so quickly is thanks to you for singing the song "Father"!"

Zhang Fan listened to Liu Awei's words at this time, touched the back of his head, and said with a puzzled face: "Thank you for this song "Father", what does this have to do with me? Could it be that my song can also cure diseases?" effect?"

Liu Awei heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Although it's not so exaggerated, it's almost the same. Although your song can't heal physical pain, it can heal mental pain. The father heard this song sung by his son, so he woke up from the coma!"

"According to the father, the reason why he was able to wake up so quickly was that he suddenly heard his son's voice in the darkness, and heard his son singing such a song, so he followed his son's voice Slowly walked out of the darkness, and then he woke up when he saw the light!"

Hearing Liu Awei's explanation at this time, Zhang Fan understood what was going on, and said happily: "It seems that I have done a great good thing unintentionally. I didn't expect that I accidentally wrote a It’s really great that this song can save a life!”

"Help me pay more attention to the situation of the father and son. I will help them pay for their hospitalization expenses. After all, I saw in the video this morning that their family should not be very rich. A big event is undoubtedly a huge blow to their family..."

When Liu Awei heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, he couldn't help giving Zhang Fan a thumbs up.

If he was a little suspicious before that the reason why Zhang Fan set up some kind of charitable foundation to do charity was just to gain a good reputation for himself, then now he really understands this Zhang Fan, this Zhang Fan is really a kind person, He really has a good heart and wants to help others.

Such a Zhang Fan deserves to be popular!

Perhaps this is the legendary saying that if you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world!


That night.

Zhang Fan's Kuaidou account posted a video again.

The song "Father" is really popular this morning.

Once this song was released, it can be said that it became popular all over the Internet.

Moreover, this song was forwarded by CCTV News as the background music for the father and son's interview in the hospital today, which shows that CCTV News recognized this song.

And this song directly soared to No.1 on the Kaito music chart.

On that day, countless Internet celebrity anchors began to cover this song one after another.

The video of the song "Father" posted on Zhang Fan's Kuaidou account exceeded 2800 million likes.

This number of likes can be said to be the one with the highest number of likes among all the Kuai Dou videos posted by Zhang Fan so far.

And this Kuaidou video has the highest number of likes among all the videos posted by celebrities.

This video of Zhang Fan also added more than 300 million fans for him, and now Zhang Fan Kuai Dou has almost 3000 million fans.

Many netizens were paying attention to Zhang Fan's every move. As soon as Zhang Fan's video was released, it immediately aroused the attention and attention of many netizens.

They were all very curious. Zhang Fan made such a big noise this morning and sang such a classic song "Father". Why did he post such a video again tonight?

a university dormitory

Yao Qiaoyun likes Zhang Fan very much, she is a die-hard fan of Zhang Fan, this morning Zhang Fan's song "Father" made her cry out of breath, not only her, but the whole dormitory When people hear this song, everyone can't help but cry.

Because she has been following Zhang Fan's Kuaidou account, she saw it immediately when Zhang Fan posted this video.

In the morning, Zhang Fan just brought such a classic song "Father" and brought such a wonderful video. She really likes it very much. Let's see what kind of surprise Zhang Fan's video will bring to them next.

The video starts shortly thereafter.

At this time, an old man suddenly appeared in the picture of a car. The old man was sitting on an old chair, and there was a photo frame in front of him. There was a photo in the photo frame. The people in the photo were his wife and son.

"Hey, son!"

At this time, a very old voice suddenly came to mind in the video, and then the lonely old man stood up, put on a coat and started walking out the door.

"I went out with old friends, we rehearsed the show together and had a great time!"

In the picture, the old man is alone looking at himself in the mirror, walking alone in a lonely alley
"No problem, no problem, fine"

The scene changed again, the old man was sitting there alone, the feeling of desolation, that kind of loneliness came over his face, and the eyes of the girls instantly felt red.

"I eat well, sleep soundly, and work all day long.
"I'm not bored at all, I have many friends."

"Well, don't worry, your mother?"

A picture of loneliness, a white lie.The bloody contrast between lies and reality.

"Your mother isn't here, she's out dancing, no...not."

In the picture, the old man was taken aback, his face full of anxiety.The old man carried the fruit by himself and walked on the lonely mountain road.

'It's okay, it's okay, it's fine, it's fine
"It's okay, don't worry. You, work hard, don't worry about the two of us, you are busy, just hang up.

In the picture, a dilapidated hospital, the mother is in the ward, and the father is sitting there to accompany her.

The loneliness and loneliness of the old man are vividly displayed in the advertisement.

At this moment, a burst of background music suddenly sounded.

"How much I want to be the same as before, holding your warm palm
But you are not by my side, let the breeze take you to Ankang
Time slows down, don't make you grow old again
I'd like to use my everything for your longevity
What can I do for you, father who will be strong all his life

Accept trivial concerns."

Dad's lie, can you hear it?
The voiceover sounded, and two lines of words appeared on the screen.

"Don't love too late, go home and have a look."

After the video ended, Yao Qiaoyun's eyes were red, and she covered her mouth and began to cry.This ad was like a knife in her heart!
woo woo woo woo……

Yao Qiaoyun seemed to hear something suddenly, she turned her head to see that her roommates were all around her, and they couldn't help crying.

They suddenly remembered that their parents seemed to be like this too.

They always think of calling their parents every time they are short of money and want to ask their parents for living expenses.

Usually they have a lot of time after class, they would rather watch some idol dramas, some variety shows, some of their favorite stars, and go out to eat and drink with friends, rather than leave some time for their parents , Make a phone call with your parents to talk.

They feel that their parents are really too low!
They feel that their parents are outdated!
They feel that they and their parents have nothing to talk about.

Yao Qiaoyun remembered that every time she asked her parents for living expenses, they always said to take good care of her body, don't be reluctant to eat, don't be reluctant to drink, father is not short of money, remember to ask for it when the money is gone.

Yao Qiaoyun used to think that what her father said about the family having no shortage of money was true, but now she realizes how hard it is for her parents to earn money!
The reason why her parents did this was because they didn't want her to know their hard work.

Although you are already an adult, although you are already a college student, they still want to give you the best life they can, do their best to protect you from the wind and rain, and support you like they did when they were young. The big umbrella allows you to live a carefree life.

Yao Qiaoyun suddenly remembered that when she had a video with her father a few days ago, she saw a few strands of white hair on his head and a lot of wrinkles on his forehead. At that time, she joked: "Dad, why do you have white hair on your head?" gone?"

Yao Qiaoyun knew very well that when she said this, her father was taken aback, and said anxiously, "Where are the white hairs? Where are the white hairs?"

At that time, I still felt that it was nothing. I felt that my father really made a big fuss. Is he so afraid of getting old?

Isn't it just one or two more white hairs, why are you so anxious?

Only now did she know that her father was not afraid of getting old, but that she was afraid that no one would be able to protect her anymore.

Yao Qiaoyun thought of all of this, and couldn't control her emotions anymore, so she lay down on the table and burst into tears.

At this time, not only Yao Qiaoyun, many netizens couldn't help crying when they saw this video.

"Fuck, I can't take it, I can't take it, I really can't take it, I just cried this morning, and now I can't help but cry again!"

"This video is really good. I couldn't help but cry when I saw this video. Only after seeing this video did I realize how unqualified my son was doing. It turned out that I had overlooked so many things. ?”

"Hey... When I saw this video, I couldn't help it anymore. When we were young, we would ask our parents for help no matter what happened, because we knew that as long as we have our parents, we don't have to worry about any big things. , but when we grow up, when our parents are old, they don’t want to trouble us, they would rather lie than trouble us!”

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuu... Dead Zhang Fan, smelly Zhang Fan, rotten Zhang Fan, you made him cry several times a day today, and the water you made him cry today is almost dry!"

"Hiss! Sister, it's really easy for people to misunderstand what you said. Those who don't know may think what happened between you and Zhang Fan?"

"I used to only know that Zhang Fan was a musical genius and was very good at making music. I didn't expect him to make such a good-looking short video. I couldn't help crying. This is better than any video I've seen. The documentaries, TV dramas and movies are even more touching!"

"Hahahahaha... When Zhang Fan makes a movie, I will definitely go to the cinema to support him!"

But at this time, her best friend Su Cuidan suddenly patted her on the shoulder and reminded her excitedly: "Qiaoyun, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, please don't cry, Zhang Fan seems to have sent another video, hurry up!" Click to have a look!"

Yao Qiaoyun was lying on the table crying at this time, and suddenly heard Su Cuidan's words, she couldn't care less about crying, and quickly clicked on this video, only to find that Zhang Fan actually sent another video.

Yao Qiaoyun was so excited when she saw this video, she quickly watched it again with her roommate.

An old man looked towards the door with a dull expression, waiting for his son to come home.

"Dad, Dad, open the door for me! I, I'm your son and I don't have the key.

The son came back and knocked on the door and shouted, but the old man panicked.

When Yao Qiaoyun saw this at this time, he was not only taken aback, because he found out that Zhang Fan was the one who played the son.

It's just that Zhang Fan at this time is not as handsome as he usually is. He is dressed more like an ordinary person, an ordinary man, and he is wearing glasses. He looks like a very honest boy.

I have to say that Zhang Fan's acting skills are really good, he expresses that anxious emotion very well.

"I do not know you
The old man's words shocked the son.

"I don't know since when, my dad's memory is getting worse and worse.
The narration begins and the plot unfolds. It turns out that my father suffers from Alzheimer's disease and his memory is getting worse.Afraid that he would not continue to take care of his son, this father began to continue to sway his father's love by writing notes when he was awake
"Remember to wear more clothes"

"Remember to bring the key".

Gradually, Dad's illness worsened. Where is the refrigerator?Where is the washing machine?Even my father couldn't even remember what he had just done, whether he had eaten or not.

One day at noon, the son took his father out to eat, and there were two dumplings left on the plate. In front of a table of relatives and friends, the father actually grabbed the dumplings with his hands and put them in his pocket.

When the son saw it, he immediately grabbed his father's hand, and asked shyly and anxiously, "Dad, what are you doing?
At this time, the father who could not speak clearly said with difficulty: "This is for my son, he loves dumplings the most."

The father's answer made the son stunned. He thought he had forgotten everything, but he seemed to have never forgotten his love for his son.

At this time, a very pleasant background music suddenly sounded in the video: "Thank you for everything you have done, supporting our home with both hands
Always try my best to give me the best
Am I your pride, are you still worried about me?
The child you care about has grown up."

When this video thought of such a piece of background music, a text suddenly appeared in the video: "The so-called father, daughter, mother and child just means that the fate between you and him is that you are constantly watching his back gradually fade away in this life. Far away. You stand at this end of the path, watching him gradually disappear at the turn of the path, and he silently tells you with his back: don’t chase. With your parents, there is still a way to go in life. "

When many netizens heard such a piece of background music and saw such a piece of text, they couldn't help but gasped, and couldn't control their emotions and couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Fuck, shit, shit, I don't know what's going on, after watching this video, I can't help but get sore eyes!"

"Oh, I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore, I don't know how many times I cried today, it was all because of Zhang Fan, and I've already used up a pack of tissues by now!"

"Brother upstairs, you are too stupid. You only used one pack of tissues. Let me tell you that I have used three packs of tissues!"

"What does someone's tears have to do with others' innocence? Can you use three packs of paper for your tears?"

"So what he shed was tears. Can't you guess what he shed when you saw him say that?"

"Damn it, this isn't the car that goes to kindergarten to drop me off!"

"No, sir, this broken road can be opened!"

"The so-called father, daughter, mother and child just means that the fate between you and him is that you are constantly watching his back fade away in this life. You stand at this end of the path and watch him gradually disappear at the turn of the path." Moreover, he silently tells you with his back: don’t chase after.… This sentence is really well written, I really couldn’t help crying when I saw this!”

"Yes, I was also very moved by this sentence. I remember that when I got married last year, my father, an old man who never cried, cried like a man in tears. I said, don't you expect me to get married every day? ? Now that I'm married, why are you still crying? Now that I see this sentence, I finally understand his feelings. Just because I'm married means that I'm leaving him, that's why he's so sad!"

"Don't chase! (Although there are only three words, they are enough to express the author's deep indignation and deep-seated emotions. It can be said that the words are concise, each word is worth a lot of money, each word is exciting, and it makes people cry. It shows my solid writing skills and writing skills at my fingertips. Again Ending with an exclamation point, the finishing touch, the wonderful pen is full of flowers, the artistic conception is profound, echoing the previous text, sublimating the theme, and expressing my emotions vividly, giving people infinite touch and melancholy!)”

"Holy shit, awesome, awesome, really awesome, the upstairs is the representative of the Chinese class! Do reading comprehension like this 6!"

"I have to say that a cultural person is a cultural person. Although I think so in my heart, I can't express it. You really expressed what I thought in my heart. There is no need to follow three words. It seems true. It’s the sour eyes that people can’t help, and the urge to cry!”



At this time, Zhang Fan couldn't help but feel very happy in his heart after seeing the various comments from netizens after these two videos were released.

Before he took these two videos, he was very confident in these two videos. After all, in his previous life, many people cried when they saw these two videos.

He is such a hard-hearted person, and he couldn't help crying several times when he saw these two videos. He didn't believe that these people would be indifferent after seeing these two videos.

Things really happened as he expected. After seeing these two videos, all these netizens cried terribly. In addition, these two videos were carefully shot and accompanied by the song "Father". The background music makes it even more touching.

(End of this chapter)

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