Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 173 The concert is coming, the new song "Silence is Gold"

Chapter 173 The concert is here, the new song "Silence is Golden" (subscription required)
Zhang Fan was talking to Lin Yuqing at the side at this time, and found that the face of the woman in front of him suddenly turned red, and soon asked curiously: "Hey, what's wrong with you? Why did your face suddenly become so red?" ? Are you sick?"


Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and slowly recovered from what happened just now, brushed her long hair on her forehead, pretended to be calm and said, "It's nothing, I'm fine, Let's start rehearsing!"

Thinking of the dream she had last night, Lin Yuqing couldn't help feeling shy for a while, she really wanted to find a place to get in from the ground, it was so embarrassing.

Seeing Lin Yuqing's strange appearance at this moment, Zhang Fan shook his head helplessly.

It is said that women have needles in their hearts, and it seems that this sentence is not false at all.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in!"

At this moment, Duan Jiabao came in. Seeing Zhang Fan's face, Duan Jiabao said anxiously: "Mr. Zhang Fan is not good, now there are many marketing accounts on the Internet, and they are constantly attacking you. In particular, there are some very popular entertainment big Vs on the Internet, who keep posting specious microblogs and constantly guiding public opinion..."

Zhang Fan only understood what was going on after hearing Duan Jiabao's explanation at this time.

Seeing these similar Weibo posts posted by so many marketing accounts on the Internet, Zhang Fan could already guess that someone was deliberately targeting him.

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it!
It seems that I have been too high-profile during this period of time, so I have attracted the envy and hatred of many people.

But there is no way to do this. He also wants to keep a low profile, but his strength really doesn't allow it.

When Duan Jiabao saw the situation on the Internet at this time, he was extremely anxious, but after seeing Zhang Fan knowing about this matter, the expression on his face did not change, and he asked anxiously: "Mr. How should we deal with this matter? If you don’t deal with it like this, if you let this group of people spread rumors, it will have a very negative impact on your reputation!”

Zhang Fan heard Duan Jiabao's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "They are just a bunch of jumping clowns, don't pay too much attention to this matter, I already have my own way, and I will solve this matter when the time comes Things will be fine!"

Duan Jiabao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and wanted to say something, but seeing Zhang Fan's confident appearance, he couldn't help thinking silently in his heart, did Zhang Fan already have something to do?


Bird's Nest Stadium.

Today's Bird's Nest Stadium can be said to be crowded with people, drums and gongs, and firecrackers...

Because Zhang Fan is going to hold a concert at the Bird's Nest Stadium today.

Now outside the Bird's Nest Stadium are all Zhang Fan's fans holding concert tickets, and now they are preparing to enter the arena one by one.

Some videos taken at the scene were quickly uploaded to the Internet by some people. When many netizens saw the video of the queue outside the Bird's Nest Stadium, they all couldn't help but gasped.

Is this person too much?
"Fuck, shit, shit, this is the first time I've seen so many people, there must be too many of them!"

"Don't forget that the Bird's Nest Stadium can accommodate 8 people. This is a concert of 8 people. When you often do exercises in school, thousands of people already feel a lot. Needless to say, 8 people!"

"Awesome, awesome, really awesome. This is the first time I've seen so many people? Zhang Fan's popularity is really terrifying. So many people went to the concert to watch his singing meeting!"

"The last time I saw such terrifying popularity was at Liu Tianwang's concert. I didn't expect Zhang Fan to have such a great appeal at such a young age, and so many people like it. Really It's unbelievable!"

"Isn't it still said on the Internet today that Zhang Fan can't afford the Bird's Nest concert? Now he's being slapped in the face!"

"It will probably take several hours for so many people to check the tickets and enter the venue?"

"How many hours? It will take at least half a day for so many people to enter the arena. This Zhang Fan's popularity is really terrifying!"

"I just saw many marketing accounts on the Internet saying that the reason why Zhang Fan has such a great appeal is not because of his musical talent, but because of the hype of the company behind him!"

"These marketing accounts are talking nonsense. Which star in the entertainment circle is not hyping? Since everyone is hyping, why is Zhang Fan the only one who has such a huge popularity and appeal?"

"That's right, which star in the entertainment industry is not hyped now, if hype alone can create a first-line star, I guess there are a lot of first-line stars in the entertainment industry now!"

"A first-line star is no longer enough to describe Zhang Fan's terrifying popularity and appeal. Zhang Fan's terrifying popularity and appeal are definitely only available to superstars!"



Zhang Mengting is a student of the nearby Beijing Normal University. He is also a fan of Zhang Fan. She likes Zhang Fan's songs very much.

Recently, she was preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, and she studied late every day. She was under a lot of pressure, and even suffered from mild depression for a while.

Some time ago, thanks to Zhang Fan's songs, her illness gradually recovered, and she gradually had the courage to face these things in her studies.

This time, as soon as she heard that Zhang Fan was holding a concert, and it was also held at the Bird's Nest Stadium, Zhang Mengting snatched the tickets for Zhang Fan's concert and came here without hesitation.

This time, not only her, but also her best friend Xu Lili came here!
"I'll go, there are too many people here, and I don't know how long we will queue up?"

Zhang Mengting heard her best friend Xu Lili's complaint at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "This also fully shows that my idol is too popular. Many people like his music, so many people have always liked his music." I want to come and see his concert!"

Xu Lili heard Zhang Mengting's words at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "You are right about this. If you want to say that the most popular star in the entertainment industry is this Zhang Fan!"

"You also know that I am an old groupie, so I know a lot about the entertainment industry. Since Zhang Fan showed his musical talent during this period, his popularity has really reached an unparalleled level. There are not many stars in the entertainment circle nowadays who can compare with him in popularity!"

"The key is that Zhang Fan is not only very handsome, but also very talented in music. He has written classic songs one after another. Although I still prefer the European and American stars, I have to admit This Zhang Fan is indeed very powerful and very talented!"

At this time, Zhang Mengting heard her best friend exaggerating Fan, and she couldn't help being very happy, as if she was boasting herself, and said with a smile: "I heard that Zhang Fan will sing a new song at the concert this time." , I don’t know if it’s true, but if it’s true, that would be great!”

Xu Lili heard Zhang Mengting's words at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "If someone else said it, I would take him as bragging, but if Zhang Fan said this kind of thing, it must be true, Zhang Fan's musical talent is obvious to all, writing a song is as easy as eating and drinking for him, he can write a song in minutes!"

"His song "Father" is really popular in the past two days. I really like this song. I really cried when I listened to this song. My dad was still in Moments yesterday. Shared this song and said it was his favorite song!"



Soon the live concert officially started.

The audience at the scene held colorful fluorescent sticks everywhere.

The scene is full of various colors at this time.

At this moment, Duan Jiabao was holding a video camera in the front row and was broadcasting live.

At this time, when she saw so many spectators and so many colorful fluorescent sticks, she couldn't help feeling very happy for Zhang Fan.

Although she had great confidence in Zhang Fan, when Zhang Fan was going to hold the Bird's Nest concert at the beginning, she was also very worried about whether Zhang Fan would be able to hold the Bird's Nest concert.

This Bird's Nest concert can hold 8 people.

With Zhang Fan's current popularity and appeal, there is definitely no problem in holding a concert with 8 people, but it is really difficult to hold a concert with [-] people.

And so far, there are not many stars in the entire entertainment circle who can hold a concert in the Bird's Nest.

Those who can hold concerts in the Bird's Nest are basically superstars who have been in the entertainment industry for a long time. Basically, they have been in the entertainment industry for decades and have a huge mass base.

Although Zhang Fan has been very popular in the entertainment circle during this period, although Zhang Fan's popularity in the entertainment circle has been immeasurable during this period, basically no male star's popularity can match him, but Zhang Fanhong's time is too short after all Well, compared with those Uranus superstars who have been popular in the entertainment industry for more than ten years, he really doesn't have much advantage.

So Duan Jiabao was really worried about whether Zhang Fan's Bird's Nest concert could start smoothly.

When the tickets for Zhang Fan's Bird's Nest concert were completely sold out this time, Duan Jiabao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Look, Zhang Fan is out!"

I don't know who yelled at this time, and everyone's attention was attracted. They quickly looked at the stage and found that Zhang Fan was slowly coming down from an elevator.

At this time, as a burst of music sounded, Zhang Fan sang slowly at this time: "If you miss all the mistakes you can afford

should have time to repent

If you didn't explain everything

That little storm will pass with a smile

What to say about yourself in front of feelings

It’s better to live with it”

When thinking of Zhang Fan's familiar singing voice, the audience couldn't help screaming excitedly.

Many netizens are guessing what Zhang Fan's first song will be at the concert. Many people guess that Zhang Fan's first song at the concert may be "Father", which has been popular in the past two days. The first song Zhang Fan sang at the concert turned out to be this "Unfortunately No If".

This "Unfortunately No If" is Zhang Fan's first original song, and it is also Zhang Fan's first original hit song.

The reason why Zhang Fan chose to sing this song as the first song in his concert is also because this song is a song he likes very much. He is really familiar with this song, whether it is in his previous life or this life, He has sung this song countless times.

When Zhang Fan completely landed on the stage, the atmosphere on the scene was instantly ignited.

Then all the audience sang along with Zhang Fan:
"It's all my fault for being silent when I shouldn't be

Weakness when it's time to be brave, if it wasn't for me

Misunderstanding that we are free and easy makes us sad

But what if the you and the me in the past start over again"

This song is so popular that basically every one of them who comes to the scene will sing this song.

The audience who were watching Duan Jiabao's live broadcast saw that Zhang Fan had just landed on the stage, and instantly brought up the atmosphere of the scene. The 8 people at the scene began to sing along with Zhang Fan, and everyone couldn't help but fell down. Take a breath.

This scene is really shocking.

"Fuck, awesome, awesome, really awesome, I don't even know what to say!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... Zhang Fan seems to be a born king on the stage. As soon as he stands on the stage, everyone's eyes are attracted to him. As long as he stands on the stage, the atmosphere of the scene is instantly ignited." Already!"

"Oh... If it wasn't for work reasons, I would have gone to the concert. The concert was really shocking. I would go to Zhang Fan's concert in my lifetime. Otherwise, it would be really amazing. It is a great regret in life!"

"I also want to live broadcast Zhang Fan's concert, but the Bird's Nest Stadium is too far away from us. When can Zhang Fan come to our Suzhou city to hold a concert?"

"I'm really envious of the audience. I just sang along in front of the screen. This "Unfortunately No If" is my favorite song. When I sang this song, I thought of my Ex-girlfriend!"

"I don't care, I don't care, next time no matter what other reasons, I will definitely go to Zhang Fan's concert!"



When Lin Yuqing saw Zhang Fan landing on the stage in the background at this time, the atmosphere of the scene was instantly ignited, and she sang a chorus with tens of thousands of audience.

Looking at the confident man on the stage, Lin Yuqing's eyes were filled with brilliance!
As expected of the man I like, it's really great.

Seeing Zhang Fan like this, Lin Yuqing couldn't help taking out her mobile phone to take some pictures of Zhang Fan.

The song "Unfortunately No If" came to the end soon, and Zhang Fan continued to sing at this time:

"If you say what you should say that day,
I should be considerate of not being attached, if that day I
What would you do if you weren't provoked by your emotions?

so much if possible if i
It's a pity that there is no if only the result is left
It's a pity not if"

With the end of the song "It's a pity that there is no such thing", the atmosphere on the scene was completely brought to its climax.

Many audiences at the scene said that they really enjoyed listening to this song.

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "This is the first time I hold such a large-scale concert. I am really happy to have so many friends come to my concert. Thank you very much!"

"I believe that each of us will encounter such and such misunderstandings and such and such grievances in our lives and at work. When we encounter misunderstandings and grievances, we should be open-minded. We don't need too much People who understand you will understand you even if you don’t say it, and people who don’t understand you will misunderstand you in various ways... Next, I will bring you a new song "Silence is Golden". I can like it!"

Many audience members at the scene couldn't help but gasped when they heard Zhang Fan's words.

Although before they came to this concert, many people had speculated on the Internet that Zhang Fan might sing a new song in this concert, but they did not expect that Zhang Fan would actually sing a new song in the second song of the concert , which is really incredible.

"New song, new song, it's actually a new song again, this Zhang Fan is too awesome!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... This is the real musical genius, I only accept the title of musical genius!"

"Although before coming to this concert, I already guessed that Zhang Fan would sing a new song this time, but I didn't expect him to sing such a new song. I thought this new song was a love song!"

"According to what Zhang Fan said just now, this song should be an inspirational song, but Zhang Fan's music style is relatively changeable. Although Zhang Fan used to have more love songs, but recently he has various styles of songs. There are so many songs!"

"That's right, the recent "Luzhou Moon" is a very good Chinese-style song, and yesterday's "Father" is also a very good song about family love!"

"A song produced by Zhang Fan must be a high-quality product. I am really looking forward to such a song by Zhang Fan!"

"It seems that the concert tonight really didn't come in vain. I can hear new songs again. I'm so happy!"



Sure enough, Zhang Fan did not disappoint them. With the sound of music, Zhang Fan continued to sing at this time:

"Night wind alone looks back at the past and the past
I used to be full of anger
The backlog of false accusations and accusations is full of anger

Reaction to rumors

Instructed and guided by the scriptures

Now that you can see clearly, you are no longer trapped

But I feel a score

Not as stupid as before

Wipe away the tears and smile briskly"

When the audience heard Zhang Fan's song, they couldn't help but gasped. They really didn't expect that the new song Zhang Fan sang was actually a Cantonese song.

"Fuck, shit, shit, Zhang Fan's new song is actually a Cantonese song!"

"That's right, I didn't expect that this new song sung by Zhang Fan turned out to be in Cantonese, it's really unbelievable!"

"What's so incredible about this? Didn't Zhang Fan sing Cantonese songs before? I like that song "Bicycle" very much. I think that song "Bicycle" is not even worse than my father's song!"

"Such an authentic Guangcheng native, I have to admit that Zhang Fan's Cantonese singing is really good, even more authentic than our Guangcheng natives!"

"Hiss, I seem to have suddenly discovered something. The reason why Zhang Fan chose to sing this song at his concert is probably in response to those doubts about him on the Internet!"

"I also remembered what you said. Recently, many people on the Internet are questioning Zhang Fan's concert, saying that the reason why so many people came to see his concert is because of the hype of the company behind him. Not because of his musical talent or anything like that!"

"I guess they killed them. They didn't expect that they would target Zhang Fan in such a way. Not only did they not cause any damage to Zhang Fan, but they even inspired Zhang Fan's creative inspiration and let him create such a good song. If they knew If you do, I'm afraid you'll spit blood out of anger!"



(End of this chapter)

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