Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 174 "Meet"!it's a beautiful accident, that I met you

Chapter 174 "Encounter"!It was the most beautiful accident that I met you (please subscribe)
At this time, Zhou Changchun also saw the situation of Zhang Fan's concert live through the live broadcast. He originally thought that he bought so many trending and marketing accounts this time to attack Zhang Fan, which would cause great harm to Zhang Fan. loss.

In the end, what he never expected was that he did so many things, not only did not cause such a loss to Zhang Fan, but it gave him inspiration and made him write such a song.

At this moment, Zhou Changchun suddenly had a feeling that if he was stealing the chicken, he would lose the rice. This feeling was really painful.

"Damn, hate, it's too hateful!"

"Heaven, earth, why did you treat me like this? What did I do wrong? Why did you give this shameless Zhang Fan such a good musical talent, why can't you give me some of these musical talents?"

"I love music so much, I love music so much, why is the goddess of luck and inspiration never favoring me. Why doesn't she inspire me to write a good song? Why? Why? Why is it all?"

Thinking of all of this, Zhou Changchun couldn't help feeling a little bit annoyed.

After all, it doesn’t matter that Zhang Fan is taller than him, and it doesn’t matter if he is handsomer than him. As a result, Zhang Fan is still so talented in music, and he wants to write such a good song again. It hurt him so much.

He really couldn't understand why a person like himself who loves music so much, loves music so much, and works so hard to make music, can't make such good songs, but like Zhang Fan, who eats, drinks, and plays all day long A shameless man, a shameless boy, can write such a classic song.

This is so unfair.

Zhang Fan, who was standing on the stage singing at this time, didn't know that someone was so out of breath that he couldn't eat because he had written such a good song again.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care too much.

As the saying goes, not being jealous is a mediocrity, and it is quite normal for a person as outstanding as him to be jealous.

At this time the song has reached its climax, Zhang Fan is completely devoted to this song at this time, this "Silence is Golden" is a Cantonese song he likes very much.

The reason why he likes this Cantonese song so much is not only because this Cantonese song is very nice, but also because of the truth expressed in this song-silence is golden.

Of course, there is another very important reason why Zhang Fan likes the song so much, and that is because the original singer of this song is a magnificent man.

However, although this magnificent man sang this song, he did not manage to be as open-minded as in this song.

Every time he listens to this song, every time he sings this song, he will think of this magnificent man.

Generally, when singing other new songs, Zhang Fan basically does not go through too much rehearsal, because he has absolute confidence in his singing skills

But when preparing to sing this song, he rehearsed many times in the background. Although he has already sung very well, he still wants to keep improving to sing this song better.

It wasn't until he sang the song to his satisfaction that he really took it out.

"You are destined to be rich or poor
True is never true

Whatever you say, keep my duty

Always believe that silence is golden"

Hearing Zhang Fan's voice, the audience couldn't help but gasped again.

They found that when Zhang Fan sang, especially when Zhang Fan sang this Cantonese song, his voice was really full of magnetism and charm. Among them, unable to extricate themselves.

"Holy shit, it sounds good, it sounds good, it's really good. Listening to Zhang Fan's songs is simply an unparalleled enjoyment for my ears!"

"This song should only exist in the sky, how many times can we hear it in the world! Zhang Fan is really awesome, Zhang Fan will always be a god!"

"I really enjoyed listening to this song. When I heard this song just now, my whole body got goosebumps!"

"After listening to Zhang Fan's singing, I can only feel an indescribable beauty in my ears: inside the internal organs, it is like ironing, and there is no place that is not tight; there are [-] pores, like eating ginseng fruit, and there is no pore that is not smooth. .”

"Well said, well said, really well said, unlike the uneducated me who can only say one thing!"

"Fuck! (Although this comment is only two words. But the grammar is rigorous and the words are neat. The structure is ingenious, catchy, lifelike, flamboyant and succinct. His excellent writing skills and ingenious and uncanny creative ability are admirable, and the ending with an exclamation point is really the finishing touch.)”

"I'm convinced, I'm convinced, I'm really convinced, and I can still say that???"



Happy time is always so short, Zhang Fan's "Silence is Golden" came to the end soon.

Standing on the stage at this time, Zhang Fan saw audiences in all directions around him.

All eyes on the scene were focused on him, and at this moment he suddenly had a very strange feeling.

How to say this feeling, really can not be described in words.

You must know that although he started his own business in his previous life, at most he only spoke in front of hundreds of people, and he has never spoken in front of tens of thousands of people.

To be honest, fortunately he has been participating in various commercial performances and concerts during this period of time, otherwise he might be really nervous when facing so many people at once.

After all, this is 8 people.

Zhang Fan was walking on the stage at this time, while greeting the audience around the stage, he continued to sing with a smile on his face:
"Right and wrong are right and wrong, be careful not to offend others

Don't take it too seriously when it's cold and windy

Confident and full of heart, ignore sarcasm and questioning

Laughing and scolding Youren for being a person freely and freely

Young people behave freely
Continue to be a free and easy person”

The song is over!
Many audiences at the scene were still deeply immersed in Zhang Fan's singing.

Many audiences at the scene have not recovered from this song.

They think this song is really tasteful, and they really like this song so much.

At this time, I don't know who was the first to clap their palms, and then the others reacted quickly and slowly, and clapped their palms one by one, as if only such a move could express their hearts at this moment of such excitement.

So many people applauded together, the scene immediately thought of thunderous applause.

Zhang Fan then sang a few more classic songs of his, which completely brought the atmosphere of the scene to a climax.

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "Everyone must be a little tired of listening to me singing alone. Today I invited a guest over. This guest is a very good friend of mine. We have worked together before. Many times, the cooperation is very tacit, and many people say that the two of us are the perfect CP..."

Before Zhang Fan finished speaking, the audience couldn't help screaming excitedly.

Before Zhang Fan finished speaking, they had already guessed who the important guest invited by Zhang Fan to this concert was.


"I knew that my concert was not in vain. I was finally able to meet my favorite goddess Lin Yuqing. I am so happy!"

"Hahahahaha... I knew it, I knew it, how could Zhang Fan's concert not have Lin Yuqing?"

"This Zhang Fan also knows that they and Lin Yuqing are the perfect couple CP. If he knew, why did the two of them hurry up and make this illusory CP a real CP!"

"Hey hey hey... I also like their CP very much, they are really too sweet, I also hope that the two of them can be together, alas, I have a friend in the Civil Affairs Bureau, if the two of them really If they are together, I can contact my friend to help them get a certificate!"

"Why hasn't Lin Yuqing come out yet? I'm a little anxious to wait!"

"Lin Yuqing! Lin Yuqing! Lin Yuqing! Lin Yuqing! Lin Yuqing..."



At this time, Lin Yuqing slowly walked from the backstage to the stage, and greeted everyone with a smile on her face: "Hi everyone, I am Lin Yuqing, and I am very happy to meet you on the stage of this concert!"

"Hey... Speaking of this matter, I feel a little sad. I asked Mr. Zhang when you will have a concert. Mr. Zhang Fan told me that he was not in a hurry. He was not in a hurry. I said, Mr. Zhang, you Since there is no rush to hold a concert, if I hold a concert at that time, I invite you to be my guest at the concert, you must come!"

"Mr. Zhang said at the time that it's okay, no problem, no problem, but I didn't expect that I haven't started preparing for the concert. Teacher Zhang's concert has already started. Teacher Zhang, you have a set of deceiving skills. I was tricked by you!"

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "How can this be called cheating? It's just that the plan can't keep up with the changes, and I didn't expect that I would hold the concert so early!"

"But you can rest assured that I keep my word. One day if you have a concert, I will definitely go to your concert as a guest, but today you came to my concert first, and you don't even know that I just Said that you will come to the scene, these audience friends are very excited!"

"To be honest, I regret letting you come to my concert. You stole my limelight when you came. Those who didn't know thought you were holding a concert!"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "Mr. Zhang, what are you joking about again? Who doesn't know that your popularity and appeal in the entertainment industry is absolutely unparalleled. No one can compare, if you want to steal the limelight, you will steal my limelight, how dare I steal your limelight?!"

"I'm a little scared when I say that. When I invite you to my concert, won't you steal the limelight from my concert?"

"Mr. Zhang, you said that you will come to my concert to steal the limelight from my singing. How will you compensate me? Or you can write another song for me?"

Cough cough cough...

Hearing Lin Yuqing's words at this time, Zhang Fan couldn't help coughing violently.

Seeing Zhang Fan like this, the audience in the audience couldn't help laughing.

This Zhang Fan has always been so calm and calm on the stage just now, he never thought that there would be such a time when he would be squeezed out by others!

But apart from Lin Yuqing, I am afraid that no one would dare to say such things to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan quickly changed the subject and said, "Okay, let's not discuss this matter today. You came to my concert today, and everyone is waiting for the two of us to sing!"

"Yuqing, what do you think is the best song for the two of us to sing together this time? I think the "Wind Rises" or "Michelle Ice City" we sang together before are pretty good, otherwise the two of us will sing these two songs together. How about singing a song?"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "Mr. Zhang, you are a musical genius in the entertainment industry. As a musical genius, if you don't come up with a new song, you have the nerve to let me sing with you." ?"

"And this is the first time the two of us have sung together at your concert. It would be a pity if you didn't come up with a new song, so Mr. Zhang Fan, please come up with a new song and sing together. I believe that for a musical genius like you, a new song is nothing at all!"

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and said with a distressed face: "What is a new song is nothing to me? What do you take me for? Do you take me for a musical genius?"

"This music ghost is called by others randomly. You only saw that I took out one classic song after another, one after another, but you didn't see that I couldn't write it in the middle of the night. Scratching your ears and cheeks while singing, it looks like you are in extreme pain!"

"Writing a song is not as easy as you think. Sometimes it's okay when the inspiration comes, but sometimes if the inspiration doesn't come, I may not be able to write a song for half a day!"

"But what you just said makes sense. After all, this is the first time you have come to my concert, and this is the first time the two of us have collaborated at the concert. If you don't come up with a new song, it's really a bit small. Little pity!"

"I'll just reluctantly come up with a new song. This new song was written with great effort!"


Following Zhang Fan's order, the accompaniment band on stage quickly started playing.

Of course everyone knows that Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing were joking just now, but in fact, the two of them have already prepared the new song.

Is this a concert after all?

It would be too boring to just sing all the time.

With the sound of a burst of music, Zhang Fan looked at Lin Yuqing dotingly at this moment, and sang with a smile on his face:

"Hearing the departure of winter
I wake up in a certain month

i think i wait i look forward to

The future cannot be arranged accordingly.”

Lin Yuqing also felt Zhang Fan's gaze at this time, his whole face was a little red at this time, but she was not afraid at all, and looked at Zhang Fan with a smile on her face and sang:

"Outside the car window on a cloudy evening
There is someone waiting in the future

look left right

Love has to turn a few corners to come"

Many audience members couldn't help screaming when they heard the two people's singing and saw the two people looking at each other sweetly.

"Fuck, I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore, it's really too sweet!"

"Fuck, this world is too unfriendly to single dogs, I just came to watch a concert, why should I be fed dog food?"

"The eyes of the two of them looking at each other are so sweet, I feel that these eyes can melt them into each other!"

"I knew it, I knew that once Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing appeared, there would definitely be dog food. I'm so happy to eat this dog food!"

"As a CP fan of Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing, I'm really happy. It seems that this concert was not in vain. I'm so happy to see the two of them get together again!"

"These two are so sweet, if they are not together, it will be really hard to end!"

"Seeing the two of them like this, I remembered the TV series "Small Smile is Alluring" they acted in. This TV series is really too sweet!"

"Yes, yes, I also like this TV series. The first thing I do when I get off work every day is to watch this TV series. After watching this TV series, I feel that my daily life is full of sweetness!"

"I used to cook and eat every day, but since this TV came out, I lie in bed after get off work every day, and then order a takeaway, and I don't want to cook anymore!"

"Hahahahaha... I am the same, I am the same!"



At this time, the two of them kept walking forward while singing. At this time, the song also reached its climax. Zhang Fan continued to sing at this time:

"Who I meet will have what kind of dialogue

The person I'm waiting for is how far into the future

I hear the wind from the subway and the sea of ​​people

I'm lining up with a love number plate"

After Zhang Fan finished singing, he continued to look at Lin Yuqing.At this moment, Lin Yuqing blushed a little shyly when she was seen!
If she dared to look at Zhang Fan just now, then now that Zhang Fan was looking straight at her, she would never dare to look at Zhang Fan like she did just now. She just looked forward and continued. sings: "I fly forward across a sea of ​​time
We were also hurt in love

I see the entrance of Lumeng is a bit narrow
it's a beautiful accident, that I met you"

The audience at the scene heard the singing of the two at this time, and each of them couldn't help but gasped.

When they heard the prelude of this song just now, they didn't feel anything, because the prelude of this song was relatively ordinary, and they felt that this song seemed ordinary.

Although this song is already very powerful, it seems to be a little bit worse than Zhang Fan's previous songs that were so eye-catching and amazing.

At this time, when they heard the climax of this song, when they heard the two people singing together, they realized that this song was no better than Zhang Fan's previous song.

Both of them are capable singers, both of them have very good singing skills, and the cooperation between the two of them can be said to be very tacit, and they have played [-]% of this song.

The audience at Zhang Fan's concert was mainly young people. When they heard this, not only did their eyes turn red, but they also remembered the emotions they had experienced.

Not only the audience at the scene, but many viewers who watched the live broadcast also remembered many of their past when they heard this song at this time.

"It sounds good, it sounds good, it sounds really good, Zhang Fan is really awesome, he really deserves to be a genius!"

"Every song by Zhang Fan is so touching. This time, this song sang to my heart. When I heard this song, I remembered my first love. I will never forget her in my life!"

"Who I meet will have what kind of dialogue, the person I'm waiting for is far in the future, I hear the wind coming from the subway and the sea of ​​people, I stand in line holding the number plate of love... This lyrics is really good Yes, the writing is really touching!"

"I asked you to run that day. Maybe I'm the only fool who asks a girl to run in the morning. I didn't sleep all night. I stood downstairs at your house at [-] o'clock. You didn't come down until [-] o'clock. You said you overslept. I said with a smile. ,It's ok."

"I envy those who can remember something unforgettable when they listen to any song, and then tears come to their eyes. I don't have any vigorous stories, so every time I listen to a song, I see people around me crying and think of my own. Some past times, I felt very lonely!"

"Hi, Mr. X in the future. I want to go to that kind of small life with you. The small life of repairing furniture, washing rice and cooking. I like to be called a young couple by my elders. I don't want my spouse column to be blank. I like big red, the cover of the marriage certificate, the big red of the Chinese character "囍" on the wall. I like to sing loudly and shout loudly, and the folks from a hundred miles away come to ask for a wedding drink. I'm only 22 years old, so it doesn't matter, you You can come to me later."

"The school uniform is the only couple outfit she and I wear, and the graduation photo is the only photo of me and her together. We can meet each other, but we never see each other again!"

"It hurts, old man!!!"

"Those who wrote songs used their brains, those who sang used their hearts, those who listened to them used their emotions, and those who told stories shed tears. They are not afraid that the music is not good, but the lyrics are in their hearts. I hope everyone only listens to the music to their heart's content. Don’t be a part of the song, may we who are behind the screen have lights when it’s dark, umbrellas when it rains, and companions along the way!”



Whether it's the audience at the scene or the audience watching the live broadcast, many people were moved to tears when they heard this song.

But it is not so much that this song moved them to tears, it is better to say that this song brought back certain memories deep in their hearts, reminded them of a certain person, a certain sweet memory, so they couldn't help it crying.

Zhang Fan didn't know why at this time. He saw that many audiences were crying because they heard this song. Man's eyes couldn't help getting a little wet, and he continued to sing:
"I fly forward across a sea of ​​time
We have also been hurt in love"

Lin Yuqing also saw something wrong with Zhang Fan at this time. When she saw Zhang Fan's eyes were red and she had the urge to cry, she also felt an indescribable pain in her heart. She really wanted to put this The man hugged her in his arms, comforting her well.

But at this time, she is still at the concert site after all, and the live concert is still going on. Although she is very curious about what happened to Zhang Fan, and although she wants to care about Zhang Fan very much, her ultimate task at this time is to go with Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan completed the song together.

Although she was a little distracted at this time, it didn't have much impact on her singing this song. After all, she had sung this song with Zhang Fan many times before, and she could sing it even with her eyes closed. .

At this moment, Lin Yuqing looked at the man beside her and continued to sing:

"I saw that the entrance of Lumeng was a bit narrow
it's a beautiful accident, that I met you"

The song is over!
The scene was silent at this time, because many people ready-made were still deeply immersed in this song, and many people at the scene were still deeply immersed in the memories evoked by this song.

Although this song "Encounter" looks relatively simple overall, and the depth and thickness of the song cannot be compared with Zhang Fan's "Silence is Golden" just now, but this song uses simple and plain brushstrokes to express people's inner feelings. The truest emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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