Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 181 Bugs Fei, Bugs Fei, Who Are You Missing?

Chapter 181 Chongerfei, Chongerfei, Who Are You Missing? (seeking subscription)

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "I don't know too well, but I guess everyone should be here, and there are only two of us left, let's hurry over there!"

Zhang Fan was driving the car at this time, when a sudden brake came on.

Because Lin Yuqing was talking to Zhang Fan just now, she was always relatively close to Zhang Fan's side. Just now, Zhang Fan slammed on the brakes, and she lost control of her body and leaned against Zhang Fan's thigh.

Thinking of leaning on this man's lap at this moment, Lin Yuqing couldn't help but blushed.

She also didn't expect such a thing to happen suddenly, if it was seen by others, she would be ashamed to face others.

Zhang Fan felt a little uncomfortable at this time, after all, being suddenly leaned on his lap by such a beautiful woman, although this feeling was enjoyable, it was also very tormenting.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that his little brother suddenly became disobedient, and became violent all of a sudden!

At this moment, Lin Yuqing leaned her whole face on Zhang Fan's thigh, and suddenly felt as if a stick had hit her face, and asked with a strange look: "Mr. Zhang, why do you have a stick in your pocket?"

Cough cough cough...

Hearing Lin Yuqing's words at this time, Zhang Fan couldn't help coughing violently.

He doesn't want to, but he really can't control these things sometimes.

Especially Lin Yuqing's ignorant and innocent look at this time made him feel indescribable.

At this time, he felt that Lin Yuqing was like a little lolita, and he was like a strange uncle.


After all, Lin Yuqing is not a fool. Seeing Zhang Fan's embarrassing look at this time, she immediately realized what it was that hit her face just now, and she quickly got up.

Lin Yuqing felt that her face was very hot at this moment, and she didn't need to look at it to know that her face must be very red at this moment.

She didn't expect it to happen like this.

Oops, I lost my life, I lost my life, I really lost my life.

Rao Zhang Fan is thick-skinned, at this time his whole face is not only a little red, he explained with a face: "This... I really didn't mean this, after all, facing a beautiful woman like you, if I didn't order If I react, then I am not a man!"

When Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, although her face was very shy, she was very happy in her heart.

Because she knew that Zhang Fan was praising herself by saying that.

Recently, she has always heard Zhang Fan writing some love songs intentionally or unintentionally. When hearing these love songs, Lin Yuqing couldn't help but think of some scenes where Zhang Fan was with another woman, which annoyed her. Incredible.

She really couldn't figure out who this woman was in this man's heart?
What is so good about this woman?
Let Zhang Fan never forget it so much, and wrote so many songs for her.

Could it be that his face is not beautiful enough?
Could it be that my long legs are not long enough?

Could it be that my character is not gentle enough, soft and cute enough?

Lin Yuqing has always been very confident in her appearance, body, ability, and personality, but she and Zhang Fan have been together for a while, and Zhang Fan still thinks about other women in his heart, and even writes songs for other women. I had deep doubts about myself.

She thought that her appearance and figure were not attractive to this man.

But what happened just now made her understand that she is still very attractive to this man.

So of course Lin Yuqing was very happy at this time.

It's just that after experiencing the ambiguous atmosphere just now, the two of them stopped talking to each other at this time.

It was so boring to sit in the same car with Zhang Fan after all.

Hmph, this stinky man is too much, if he doesn't talk to him, is he just not talking to himself?
He is a big man!

Can't he be more proactive?

At this time, Lin Yuqing took a deep breath, calmed down her excited mood just now, and then pretended not to care and said: "By the way, I remember you said before that you would write a review for the movie we are shooting now. Have you finished writing the first song? Our movie seems to be almost finished, you have to hurry up!"

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, I have already written this song, alas, to be honest, this time I am very fond of all these songs. Satisfied, this song matches the story of this movie very well, I believe this time our movie will be even more powerful if it is paired with this song!"

Lin Yuqing was not only a little surprised when she heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she didn't expect Zhang Fan to write this song so quickly!

She just asked casually just now, she thought that Zhang Fan's song hadn't been written yet.

But thinking that this man is recognized as a musical genius in the entertainment industry, and this man has always been quite talented. He has written many excellent songs before. It seems normal to be able to write such a song so quickly this time. things.

Talking about writing songs, Lin Yuqing thought that she also wanted to write songs recently, but every day when she sat at the desk and took out a piece of draft paper to write songs, she often sat there for a long time and couldn't write a song.

Thinking of this matter, Lin Yuqing couldn't help feeling distressed.

She originally thought that she was very talented in music. No matter what music she learned since she was a child, she basically learned it a few times.

She originally thought that she was very talented in music, and writing songs would definitely be difficult for her. Lin Yuqing believed that she would be able to learn it quickly.

As a result, what she never imagined was that the reality soon gave her a resounding slap.

Recently, she has always wanted to write songs by herself, but sometimes she can't write a few lines of lyrics after sitting there for a long time, which makes her very embarrassed.

At this moment, Lin Yuqing suddenly looked at the piece of paper in her pocket, the words on this piece of paper were written by her last night!
She wrote a few lines of lyrics last night, but these lines are too simple, no matter how you look at it, they can't be combined into a song, which makes her very embarrassed.

However, she has made a lot of progress compared to before. After all, she might not be able to write a few lines of lyrics before writing for a long time. This time, she still wrote a few lines of lyrics.

Everything is not accomplished overnight, it is done step by step, and now I can write a few lines of lyrics, which is a great improvement compared to the previous one where I could not write a line of lyrics.

"I... I'm also writing songs recently!"

Lin Yuqing's voice was very low. If Zhang Fan's hearing was not good enough, he might not have been able to hear what Lin Yuqing just said.

But what surprised him more was that Lin Yuqing was still writing songs?
He remembered that Lin Yuqing was trying to write songs before, but Lin Yuqing didn't seem to write any songs after writing for a while. He thought that Lin Yuqing knew that he didn't have any special talent in songwriting and had given up. Now Lin Yuqing is still insisting on writing songs.

Regardless of whether Lin Yuqing can write a song in the end, his attitude is worthy of respect and appreciation.

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "Really? Have you written the song yet? Can you lend me a look? I still have a little experience in song writing. I can give you a reference." refer to!"

Zhang Fan was just talking casually at this time, he thought it was impossible for Lin Yuqing to write any songs, who knew that Lin Yuqing suddenly took out a piece of paper from his pocket at this time, and it seemed that a few lines of lyrics were written on the paper.

Looking at such a large piece of blank paper with a few short lines of lyrics written on it, Lin Yuqing's face was not a little red at this time, she regretted taking out this piece of paper now, but since she had already taken it out At this time, she still mustered up her courage and said: "Here are a few lines of lyrics I wrote last night. I know I didn't write well. You...don't laugh at me!"

Zhang Fan had already driven near the hotel at this time and parked the car in the underground parking lot. Hearing Lin Yuqing's words at this time, he took the piece of paper written by Lin Yuqing.

It is said that writing is like a person, and writing is like a person. It seems that this sentence is not false at all. Lin Yuqing's handwriting is very neat, neat, elegant and unrestrained. Her handwriting is as beautiful as her whole person.

Zhang Fan looked carefully at this time and saw a few lines of lyrics written on this piece of paper.

"The black sky,

bright stars

Bugs fly, bugs fly

Who are you missing?
The star on the sky

roses on the ground

cold wind

cold wind

as long as you are with me"

When Zhang Fan saw these lyrics at this time, he was not only very surprised, it seemed to be very similar to a song in his memory.

If he didn't know Lin Yuqing very well, he would have suspected that Lin Yuqing had traveled through time like him.

After Lin Yuqing handed the lyrics she wrote last night to Zhang Fan, she kept observing the man's face, and found that the man was silent while watching the lyrics she wrote. Not only was she very nervous, but her whole body People's heartbeat also accelerated a lot.

At this time, Lin Yuqing saw Zhang Fan beside him, frowning and thinking for a while, the expression on his face could be said to be very changeable, she couldn't help but secretly thought in her heart: "Could it be that I wrote these lyrics really badly?" Otherwise, how could the expression on Zhang Fan's face be so strange?"

At this moment, Lin Yuqing regretted taking out the lyrics she wrote last night.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if I knew that my writing was bad, but I had to show it?

Lin Yuqing couldn't help but think in her heart at this time, it seems that from now on, her image in this man's heart will definitely be lowered infinitely.

Lin Yuqing couldn't take it anymore at this time, grabbed the piece of paper in Zhang Fan's hand, and said with a blushing face: "I, I... know that my writing is bad, you don't need to read it, you don't need to say it. Yes, I know it all, it seems that I really don't have the slightest talent in songwriting, now I really give up completely!"

At this moment, Lin Yuqing looked like she was about to cry while she was talking. At this moment, Lin Yuqing's eyes were filled with tears, and those pearly teardrops flowed down her flawless white face.

When Zhang Fan saw this, he couldn't help feeling very distressed and wiped away the tears on Lin Yuqing's face, and said with a smile: "Who said your writing is not good? I think your writing is very good Ah, you are really very talented in songwriting, your talent behind songwriting is really no worse than mine, and the lyrics you wrote just now are really very good!"

At this time, Lin Yuqing was suddenly touched by a man on her face, and her face couldn't help but turn redder. When she heard Zhang Fan's words, she said in disbelief, "You don't need to say, I'm just a few catties. I know it well, it seems that I am really not suitable for writing songs, don't worry, I will never write songs again, I will give up my heart in the future!"


At this time, Zhang Fan looked at the woman in front of him with pear blossoms and rain on her face, and couldn't help feeling distressed for a while.

Not only him, I'm afraid any man will feel distressed when he sees such a beautiful woman with pear blossoms and rain.

At this time, Zhang Fan put his hands on Lin Yuqing's shoulders, turned her body to face him, and said seriously, "Do you think I'm joking with you?"

At this moment, Lin Yuqing felt that the man was very close to her, and the faces of the two of them were almost close to each other. She said with a trembling voice, "Isn't it?"

Although she doesn't have any special talent in songwriting, he still has the ability to judge whether a song is well written or not.

I just wrote such a few simple grids, and it looks like a primary school student's writing style!
If Zhang Fan scolded her at this time, she would feel better, but this Zhang Fan actually said that her lyrics were well written, Zhang Fan's words sounded like sarcasm to her ears.

Zhang Fan said seriously at this time: "Of course not, I was not joking with you just now, your lyrics are really very good, but if you add something, it will be even better !"

As Zhang Fan spoke, he took out a pen from the car, and added something after the lyrics written by Lin Yuqing.

Lin Yuqing originally thought that this man was trying to comfort her, but seeing this man's serious expression at this time, she couldn't help being a little suspicious.

Could it be that I wrote these few lyrics really well?
Could it be that he is really talented in writing songs?

At this time, Lin Yuqing quickly sat up straight and looked towards Zhang Fan. The lyrics she just wrote on the paper were clearly—"Dark sky, bright stars, insects fly, insects fly, Who are you missing? The stars in the sky, the roses on the ground, the cold wind blows, the cold wind blows, as long as you are with me"

As a result, after Zhang Fan made some revisions at this time, these few lines of the lyrics were revised into - the dark sky hangs low, bright stars follow each other, insects fly, insects fly, who are you missing?The stars in the sky cry, the roses on the ground wither, the cold wind blows, the cold wind blows, as long as you are with me! "

At this time, Lin Yuqing saw a few lines of the lyrics revised by Zhang Fan, and suddenly couldn't help but gasped.

For some reason, she found that the few lines of the song she wrote had been modified by Zhang Fan, and it seemed to suddenly become a little unpredictable.

She suddenly found that the lyrics she had written had been modified by Zhang Fan, which seemed to look really good.

At this moment, Lin Yuqing doubted that such a good song was really written by herself?
At this time, Zhang Fan sang while writing:
"The dark sky hangs down
Bright stars follow

insects fly

insects fly

who are you missing

The stars in the sky are crying

Withered roses on the ground

cold wind

cold wind

as long as you are with me"

"Not bad, not bad, really good, your lyrics are really good, I didn't expect you to be so talented not only in singing, but also in songwriting!"

"Heaven, earth, how can you say that you are so good? God is too unfair. If other people know that you can sing so well and write songs so well, I'm afraid they will bear it." You can't stop vomiting blood!"

Lin Yuqing heard the lyrics sung by Zhang Fan at this time, and said with a look of disbelief: "Is this... such a beautiful song really written by me? This is too unbelievable! "

Zhang Fan patted Lin Yuqing's shoulder at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Of course you wrote the lyrics, although I added a little modification, but the main thing is still written by you, I will Say you are very talented in songwriting, you still don't believe it, do you always believe it now?"

"Now this song is missing one piece. I heard that you were able to play world famous pieces when you were a few years old. I believe that composing such a song should not be particularly difficult for you."

"You can make the melody of this song a little sad, or you can compose the melody of this song with reference to the melody I sang just now, and then you can officially complete the first song in your life!"

"You have been calling me your teacher for so long, and this time I finally helped you complete the first song in your life. Your teacher is not in vain, and I am not in vain as a teacher!"

"The first song in your life?"

Lin Yuqing muttered to herself at this time, her real eyes revealed an unprecedented brilliance, she grabbed Zhang Fan's hand, and said excitedly: "Mr. Zhang, can I... really do it? I really can Write your first song? Really? Really? Am I right?"

Zhang Fan was just about to speak at this moment, but at this moment he suddenly felt something, turned his head, and suddenly found a person standing in front of their car.

"Tsk tsk tsk... I said we have been waiting there for so long, why haven't we seen you come? I didn't expect you to come here to kiss me and hug me, and you haven't come up yet. Really unacceptable!"

"Yuqing, Yuqing, didn't you say that you hate this stinky man, don't you like this stinky man? Why did you develop to this point so quickly? I don't even know what happened when I was away these days. Didn't you just shoot the scene for a month?"

At this time, there is no one else who can do such a boring thing except Wang Xue.

Lin Yuqing heard her best friend's words at this time, and only then did she realize that she had actually grabbed this man's hand, and she seemed to have been leaning on this man's body just now, she couldn't help but blush, and shook her head. Pushed Zhang Fan away.

Zhang Fan was enjoying the girl's youthful body and quiet tixiang just now, but Wang Xue interrupted all of this when he came, so he naturally didn't have a good impression of this woman.

Zhang Fan couldn't help but said at this time: "I said, do you have any special hobbies, peeping there every day, are you a voyeur?"

When Wang Xue heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she immediately became angry: "You are the voyeur! Your whole family is a voyeur! Tsk, you think this girl rarely looks at you, and you don't even take a pee to see how old you are?" What kind?"

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Is it worth watching? Of course I grow up like a jade tree, gentle and elegant, fresh and handsome, extraordinary in appearance and talent, amazing in talent and elegance, and elegant." Deep, radiant, handsome and sunny, personable..."


When Wang Xue heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she couldn't help giving a bad mouthful. She had never seen such a brazen person.

She really couldn't understand how there could be such shameless people in this world.

At this time, Lin Yuqing saw that the two of them were about to quarrel again, so she quickly grabbed them and said with a smile on her face: "Okay, okay, I really doubt whether you two are enemies in the previous life. , Arguing as soon as we meet, quarreling as soon as we meet, Xiaoxue, didn’t you just say that the people inside have been waiting for us for a long time, let’s hurry over, don’t let them be so anxious!”

Wang Xue heard what her best friend Lin Yuqing said at this time, and said with disdain: "Who is an enemy with this stinky man in a previous life? I am an enemy with him in a previous life, because every time I see this stinky man, I was so angry that I wished I could beat this stinky man hard!"


Zhang Fan sighed at this time, pretending to have a deep look on his face, and said: "Beating is love, you just wanted to scold me, but now you want to beat me, don't you mean you are in love with me?" Right? No, it should be said that you love me more deeply, right!"


Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Wang Xue not only blushed, but also took a sip: "I like you? Hahahahaha... I really don't know where your confidence comes from? Even if you are the best in the world Men are dead, and I won't like you!"

Zhang Fan cupped his hands at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Each and each other, even if you **** chase me for two miles, I don't like you back. It should be said that if I look back, even if I am a rogue!"

"Ah ah ah ah..."

"I'm pissed off, I'm pissed off, I'm really pissed off!"

"I originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person, but you insisted on forcing me, so don't blame me for being rude. It's time to show off the strength of my black belt in Taekwondo!"

"Whirlwind Shadowless Foot, Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Seven Injury Fist..."

When Wang Xue heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she felt a little frustrated, and quickly chased Zhang Fan and started fighting.

After all, any woman would probably not be able to bear the anger when she heard such words.

When Zhang Fan said this just now, he had already expected that this woman would definitely attack later, so he quickly started to dodge at this time.

After all, good men don't fight with women, this woman can beat him, but he can't beat this woman.

Zhang Fan's body was relatively good, and he had been exercising constantly during this period of time, so Wang Xue couldn't catch up with him when he was running around.

Soon several people came to their private room.

Zhang Fan just came here at this time, and before he sat down, he heard Wang Teng's roar: "Zhang Fan, today we are celebrating for you, you came too late, you must drink three glasses of wine , no penalty of three bottles of wine!"

"If you don't finish these three bottles of wine, you won't be a man!"

Zhang Fan knew he was wrong at this time, and he didn't say anything. After all, he was indeed late.

It's just three bottles of beer, he doesn't pay attention to it!

I think that when he started his business and drank with others, he drank several cases of beer at once, and he was not much better.

At this time, Lin Yuqing saw three bottles of beer in front of her, and said in surprise: "No, no, I don't want to drink three bottles of beer, do I?"

Lin Yuqing doesn't usually drink much, and her face will turn red after drinking a little. If she drinks three bottles, she is afraid that she will faint.

Besides, she doesn't like to drink beer either. She thinks it's bitter and doesn't taste good at all, not as good as juice.

Seeing Lin Yuqing's pitiful look at this time, Wang Teng originally wanted to say goodbye, but suddenly thought of something at this moment, and said solemnly: "Of course, this is the rule of the world, no matter who comes late You have to punish yourself with three bottles of beer, of course you are a girl, if you can't drink, you can ask someone to help you!"

At this time, Wang Teng looked at Zhang Fan while talking.

Lin Yuqing also felt that Wang Teng looked at Zhang Fan at this time, and suddenly thought of something, and said pitifully, "Mr. Zhang, you know that I don't usually drink much, so you must help me!"

He just drank three bottles of beer in one go. Although he was not drunk, he already felt a little bit. Seeing Lin Yuqing's face like a peach blossom at this time, his heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a little.

Although he has seen many beauties in his previous life and this life, but for some reason, he always has a special feeling when facing Lin Yuqing.

When a woman, especially a very beautiful woman, looks at you with such pitiful eyes, I am afraid no man in this world will refuse this woman's request.

Zhang Fan patted his chest at this time, and said domineeringly: "No problem, isn't it just three bottles of beer? I'll drink it for you!"

Lin Yuqing was not only very happy when she heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she took Zhang Fan's hand and said with a smile on her face: "Mr. Zhang, I knew you were the best, and I knew you would not Regardless of mine, thank you so much!"

At this time, Zhang Fan felt the girl's cold little hand, and he couldn't help but move in his heart. Just as he was about to pick up a bottle of wine to drink, Wang Xue took the beer in front of Lin Yuqing to his side and started to drink it. up.

In less than 20 seconds, she drank a bottle of beer directly.

At this time, Wang Xue said with a domineering face: "Yuqing, why are you begging this stinky man? Isn't it just to go out with three bottles of beer? I'll drink it for you. If you don't ask this stinky man anymore, he will definitely be upset and kind!"

Zhang Fan: "???"

When Zhang Fan heard Wang Xue's words at this time, he was speechless for a while. Didn't he just drink a few bottles of wine for Lin Yuqing?Why are you so uneasy?

What did you say every day that a stinky man is a stinky man, why is it so stinky when he takes a bath every day?

Seeing that the three bottles of beer were all drunk by the woman in front of him in just one minute, Zhang Fan couldn't help but gasped at this moment.

He didn't expect this woman to be so good at drinking, which completely overturned his cognition.

Drinking three bottles of beer in one go, let alone a woman, even a man is probably exhausted.

Several men at the scene saw Wang Xue drank three bottles of beer in one breath at this time, and they were all stunned in shock, but soon turned into admiration, and all of them gave her a thumbs up, praising her for being really good. It is too massive.

"It's awesome, it's awesome, it's really awesome. I can drink two bottles of beer at most in one go. I didn't expect her to drink three bottles of beer in one go?"

"Massive, massive, it's really too cold, even a big man like me is ashamed of myself!"

"I finally know why their business is so big, because they have a big stomach that can hold wine!"

"I'm convinced. I've only seen the women in the sales department who can drink so much, but I've never seen a female boss in any company who can drink so much!"

"It's awesome, it's awesome, it's really awesome, such a domineering president doesn't know which man will be able to conquer her in the future!"

"You still want to conquer her? It would be nice not to be conquered by her!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... You actually want to conquer this woman? She is a little pepper!"

"That's enough, all of you are talking big, and you're not afraid to flash your tongue. If you can really conquer her, you can save at least 30 years of struggle!"

"It's not just 30 years less struggle, I don't think there is any need to struggle in this life, but I heard that the market value of Michelle Ice City is now tens of billions!"

"That's enough, all of you stop dreaming, Zhang Fan is so handsome, so tall, and so talented, but this Wang Xue doesn't even like him, let alone us!"

"Hahaha... That's not necessarily the case. Love is a very wonderful thing. Just because Wang Xue doesn't like Zhang Fan doesn't mean she won't like me. Maybe she likes to think of a masculine man like me!"

"Hahaha... Are you trying to laugh at me to death and inherit the underwear I haven't washed in three months? You are still manly, I think it's about the smell of feet!"



(End of this chapter)

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