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Chapter 182 Playing the True Heart Adventure again?

Chapter 182 Playing Truth or Dare Again? (seeking subscription)
Seeing her best friend drank three bottles of beer in one go, Lin Yuqing couldn't help but said worriedly at this moment: "Xiaoxue, don't drink too much, it will be bad if you get drunk later!"

Hearing Lin Yuqing's words at this time, Wang Xue patted her chest, which was as flat as an airport, and said proudly: "Yuqing, don't worry, isn't it just a few bottles of beer? How could I Because it's just a few bottles of beer to get drunk!"

Director Yang Tianbao stood up at this time, picked up a glass of wine, and said with a smile on his face: "Come on, come on, the reason why our "Small Smile is Alluring" TV series can achieve such a big success this time is really true." The most important thing is to thank you two a lot, and also thank all the members of the crew, as the director, I would like to toast to everyone!"

At this time, some actors and staff members of the crew raised their wine glasses one after another.

The TV series "Small Smile is Alluring" has achieved such a great success. Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing, as the leading actors of this TV series, naturally gained a lot of popularity and fans, and some other supporting roles also gained a lot of popularity and fans !
Even these staff members have received a lot of red envelopes from the director during this period, and they couldn't help being very happy.

Everyone was drinking, Wang Teng said suddenly at this time: "It's no fun drinking like this, why don't we play a game!"

"It just so happens that there are dice here, why don't we play dice? Let's roll the dice together. Whoever rolls a small number of points will have a truth or dare? Do you dare to come?"

Wang Teng's words made everyone very satisfied. After all, just drinking like this is not interesting. Of course, playing a game is very good.

"Come, come, who is afraid of whom!"

"Well said, just drinking is too boring, hurry up and play this game, I really like to play the game of truth or dare!"

"What do you mean, if you wait a while and choose the big adventure, will you eat it if they let you eat it?"

"You only eat Xiang, your whole family is Xiang, do you think everyone is as dirty as you?"

"I'm filthy? I'm just talking casually, but since you said that, I have to be filthy later, and you must not fall into my hands, or I will let you go to the toilet to eat! "


"Fuck, it's okay if you don't say it, but once you say it, I feel like I can't eat it anymore!"



Soon the game will begin.

Wang Teng was the first to roll the dice. There were only two dice in total, and the highest point was 12. Wang Teng rolled 10 points all at once, which can be said to be very good.

Next, starting from Wang Teng, it began to rotate clockwise, and everyone shook next to each other.

At this time, Zhang Fan didn't expect his luck to be so bad, he actually moved to two o'clock, and he didn't know what to say.

At this time, Wang Teng saw Zhang Fanyao's two dots, and couldn't help laughing: "Fuck, Zhang Fan, you are really lucky. If you go to buy lottery tickets, you might even win the lottery!" Woolen cloth!"


When Zhang Fan heard Wang Teng's words at this time, he sighed deeply, and said with a grumpy face: "Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense, if you want to kill or cut, hurry up, if I frown , Blink your eyes, tighten your nose, swallow your saliva, grit your teeth, tilt your neck, bend your toes, I am not Zhang Fan!"

Wang Teng and Zhang Fan are good friends. He has long seen that Zhang Fan is not only very talented in music, but also eloquent. He is the best at talking nonsense.

Wang Teng patted his palm at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "If you have ambition, do you choose the truth or a big risk???"

Wang Teng was talking at this time, while winking at Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan immediately noticed Wang Teng's winking at him at this moment, and said domineeringly: "Of course I chose the big adventure, to be honest What's the point, I just like adventure, come on, baby!"


Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Wang Teng suddenly laughed obscenely: "You said it yourself. Everyone heard it. I didn't force you. Since you choose to take a big risk, then I will think about it carefully." How dare you take such a big risk? After all, it took such a long time to seize such an opportunity, and I must never take it easy on you!"

"Okay, I remember that there are cotton candy sellers in front of this store. The big adventure I give you is that you and the person on your right eat this cotton candy, and you can't touch your mouth. If your mouth touches If you talk about it, even if you fail in this big adventure, if you fail, you will be punished with a bottle of wine!"

At this time, Zhang Fan saw Wang Teng's wretched eyes and immediately understood. Isn't the one sitting on his right Lin Yuqing?It seems that this guy gave himself an assist again.

Now Zhang Fan mainly understands, what happened to this guy giving him such a look just now?

It feels really cool to have such an assist king assist.

When Wang Xue saw Wang Teng smiling with such a wretched look, she immediately felt a little upset: "Hey, hey, hey... I said, did you do it on purpose? You don't want to see Yuqing being honest, just bully him!"

Wang Teng was taken aback by Wang Xue's slap on the table so violently at this time, but there are so many people here at this time, if he is afraid of a woman, how will he mess around when he goes out in the future?

Wang Teng took a deep breath at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "What you said, how can this be called me bullying her? We are just playing a game. Of course, we must be willing to admit defeat when playing a game." , if someone else proposes some big adventure to me this time, I have absolutely no doubts, I am a person who can afford to lose if nothing else is playing games!"

"you you you……"

When Wang Xue heard what Wang Teng said at this time, she was very angry. Didn't this man mean that she couldn't afford to lose?

Lin Yuqing pulled Wang Xue's sleeve at this time, and said blushingly: "It's okay, everyone is just playing a game, let's not break the rules of the game, since we have played this game, of course we have to bet and lose!"


Wang Xue sighed when she heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time: "Yuqing, you are really too simple, don't you really believe what this man said? I think this man has evil intentions at all. He just now When I proposed to play this game, I guess I was holding back something bad? You forgot that when we played this game last time, you were taken advantage of by this stinky man!"

Lin Yuqing heard Wang Xue's words at this time and suddenly remembered that when they played this Truth or Dare last time, she was kissed by Zhang Fan. Thinking of this, her whole face became redder, and she couldn't help stretching out. He licked his lips with his tongue.

Zhang Fan had just bought a marshmallow from outside at this time, and just when he entered the house, he saw Lin Yuqing sticking out her tongue and licking her lips, and he couldn't help but feel a little dry mouth.

Lin Yuqing gave people the impression that she was a very pure and simple girl, but when she made such a seductive gesture, she was even more attractive and attractive than those charming and sao women.

Cough cough cough...

Zhang Fan coughed a few times at this time, and it was only at this time that the others realized that he had already bought the marshmallows.

Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing are the most popular male and female stars in the entertainment circle today. It is definitely a once-in-a-century thing to see the two of them eating such a cotton candy together today, so the surrounding staff are basically all at this time. They all surrounded me.

Originally, Lin Yuqing didn't think it was a big deal if it was just a cotton candy, but now that there were so many people around, she was not only a little shy.

Zhang Fan didn't feel anything, after all, he had a thick skin, and even if there was anything, he wasn't the one who suffered.

At this time, Wang Xue clenched her fists and looked at Zhang Fan with a threatening face: "Smelly man, let me tell you that if you deliberately take advantage of Yuqing, I will definitely prevent you from seeing the sun tomorrow!"

Zhang Hongfan heard Wang Xue's words at this time, and said indifferently: "I have already read the weather forecast just now. It will be cloudy tomorrow, so of course I won't be able to see the sun tomorrow!"

The two soon started eating the marshmallow.

At this time, there were a lot of people around them. When they saw this place, they couldn't help being very excited. Some even took pictures with their mobile phones.

Zhang Fan's mouth was so big that he almost ate his cotton candy in a few mouthfuls, but Lin Yuqing ate like a lady, taking small mouthfuls.

At this time, Wang Teng saw Zhang Zhangfan's excited look, and couldn't help but secretly proud in his heart: "Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan, this time I've done you such a big favor again, what do you think you should do?" How can you thank me?"

At this time, there was only the last bit of the whole marshmallow left, and Zhang Fan bit it in his mouth, but the other half of the marshmallow was still in Lin Yuqing's mouth.

Wang Teng was taken aback when he saw this, and hurriedly said: "Hey, hey... I want to remind you that there is a small piece of marshmallow on your side that belongs to Lin Yuqing. If you eat it all by yourself , even if you fail the challenge!"

Are you kidding me?
If Zhang Fan ate such a piece of marshmallow, wouldn't his plan come to naught?
When Zhang Fan heard Wang Teng's words at this time, he gave him a grateful look.

At this moment, Lin Yuqing could only approach Zhang Fan helplessly, their faces were already very close.

At this time, Lin Yuqing was biting the piece of marshmallow outside Zhang Fan's mouth.

Then she could even smell the smell of the man in front of her, a smell of washing powder mixed with sunlight, and she could also feel the man's heavy breathing.

At this moment, Lin Yuqing's whole face couldn't help turning red.

In the end, the two of them worked together and worked hard, and finally finished eating this piece of marshmallow.

Although Zhang Fan wanted to take advantage, but in front of so many people, he knew that Lin Yuqing had a thin skin. If he really did this, Lin Yuqing might not be able to help but shyly find a crack in the ground.

But eating marshmallows so deliciously just now made him feel very refreshed.

It may be because of eating marshmallows with Lin Yuqing, he always felt that the marshmallows this time were much, much sweeter than the ones he ate before.

He even felt that the marshmallows this time were the sweetest marshmallows he had ever eaten.

Lin Yuqing had just finished eating the cotton candy when she was pulled aside by Wang Xue, and asked with concern: "Yuqing, are you okay, haven't you been taken advantage of by this man?"

Lin Yuqing was still in a very tense mood at this time, and when she heard Wang Xue's words at this time, she blushed and shook her head.

At this moment, Wang Xue glared at the man fiercely, and then said solemnly: "I can't let you sit next to this man anymore, it's really too dangerous next to this man, let's wait a moment Change your position!"

Lin Yuqing heard Wang Xue's words at this time, and said in surprise: "How is this possible? If we change positions..."

If the two of them switch positions at that time, then the one who eats marshmallows with Zhang Fan will become Wang Xue.

Although Wang Xue is her best friend, she would rather eat cotton candy with this man than Wang Xue.

Zhang Fan also heard Wang Xue's words at this time, he was startled, and hurriedly said: "No, no, I don't agree, I absolutely don't agree! We are playing a game, how can you change positions casually? If you change positions casually like you, it is against the rules of the game, it is absolutely not allowed, if everyone changes positions like you, how can you play this game?"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said angrily, "I..."

Wang Xue was interrupted by Wang Teng before he finished speaking. Of course, Wang Teng chose to help his good brother at this time: "Yes, what Zhang Fan said is right, we are just playing games, how can you change them casually?" Position, if you change positions casually, you are breaking the rules of the game, which is unfair to other people!"

At this time, Wang Xue heard the two people singing together, and the whole person was extremely popular. She grabbed Lin Yuqing's hand and was about to leave: "Yuqing, did you see that these two stinky men are like dogs, and they deliberately sang together like this to target you. Yes, you must never play this game with them again, let's go! Don't play this game anymore!"

Wang Teng heard Wang Xue's words at this time, and said quickly: "Mr. Wang, although you are a boss with a net worth of billions, it is a bit unreasonable for you to say that! What do you mean we are deliberately targeting Yuqing? How is this possible?" What? You know that when we rolled the dice just now, we all rolled it ourselves, and this thing cannot be controlled, so how can you say that we deliberately targeted Yuqing?"

"Oh... got it, do you want to eat cotton candy? If you want to eat cotton candy, you should tell me earlier that I will go outside and buy it for you? Mr. Wang, you are worth billions of people anyway, just a cotton candy Sugar should be nothing to you, right?"

ding ding ding...

At this moment, Lin Yuqing's cell phone rang suddenly. Lin Yuqing turned on the phone at this moment and found that it was her father who called her.

When Lin Yuqing saw her father calling her, she was not only very curious, what was her father doing calling her at this time?
But at this time, she still connected the phone. At this time, a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone: "Yuqing, why haven't you come back? Didn't I say yesterday that my father will celebrate your first TV series with you today?" Score, Dad’s dishes are ready, why haven’t you come back yet?”

When Lin Yuqing heard her father's words at this time, she slapped herself on the head fiercely. She didn't know whether it was because she was too busy or for some other reason. She always felt that her mind was getting worse and worse.

She actually forgot such an important thing!

No, you must not let your father know about this matter, otherwise he will be very sad.

Lin Wenqiang heard that his daughter was silent at this time, and said helplessly: "Yuqing, don't tell my dad, you forgot about this matter, you clearly promised dad yesterday, you will come over to accompany dad for dinner tonight Do you know that you haven't eaten with dad for more than a month!"

Cough cough cough...

When Lin Yuqing heard her father's words at this time, she was not only very embarrassed, but at this time she quickly realized that this matter must not be let this father know about it, otherwise...

Lin Yuqing hurriedly said at this time: "No, Dad, you really think too much. How could I forget such an important thing? It's just that our crew is also preparing a celebration banquet tonight, so I'm just going to do it casually." Come and say hello, and get ready to go home!"

"You also know that the reason why my first TV series was able to achieve such a good result is thanks to the director and all the staff of the crew, so this time our crew is holding a celebration banquet. Is it okay for me not to come?"

"I've been drinking with them for a while, and I'm going to go back and eat with you, dad. How could I forget such an important thing?"

"I'm on the road now, give me another 10 minutes and I'll be able to go home! Dad, I won't tell you, I'm on my way here, there is a little traffic jam here at night, don't worry, 10 I'll be home in minutes!"

Lin Wenqiang felt a lot better when he heard his daughter's words at this time. He was about to speak at this time, but suddenly there was a beeping sound of hanging up from the phone.

"This child, who used to be Dad's close-fitting padded jacket, is now almost becoming Dad's air-tight padded jacket. It's really not good for girls!"

"If you want to blame Zhang Fan for all this, you must know that before this guy appeared, Yuqing and my father were the closest friends. Since this guy appeared, Yuqing has put a lot of thought on this man. Already!"

"Aow, Aow!"

Zhang Fan didn't know what was going on at this time, and suddenly sneezed several times!

(End of this chapter)

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