Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 185 Thinking that we were also a village grass

Chapter 185 I think we were also a village grass back then (subscription required)
Listening to Zhang Fan's singing and looking at the man in front of her, Lin Yuqing suddenly had an indescribable feeling in her heart.

"Mr. Zhang Fan is really talented. He actually wrote such a good song again. I really like him so much, and I really admire him so much!"

Lin Yuqing looked at the man in front of her at this time, her big smart eyes were full of small stars, but at this moment she suddenly remembered the bet Zhang Fan made with her just now, and only then did she realize that she was given by this man. Cheated.

Zhang Fan must have written this song just now, so he made this bet with himself on purpose.

Although she lost this time, Lin Yuqing didn't feel too much discomfort in her heart.

Liu Haiyan was making bastard soup in the kitchen at this moment, when she suddenly heard a beautiful singing sound from outside, she sounded very familiar with this singing sound, as if she had heard it somewhere before, but for some reason, she just wanted to I can't get up.

"Who is singing? The singing is really nice. It can be compared with my idol Zhang Fan. I usually like his songs the most. His voice is really similar to Zhang Fan!"

Liu Haiyan's husband heard his wife's words at this time, touched his forehead, and said helplessly: "Actually, I want to tell you that the person singing outside is Zhang Fan. He is singing outside now because he is in Singing outside, so we have a bunch of people around the store listening to him sing!"

"What? What did you say? I didn't. Did I hear you wrong? You said Zhang Fan was singing?"

When Liu Haiyan heard her husband's words at this time, she was so excited that she grabbed her husband by the neckline and held a knife in the other hand. She was cutting vegetables just now.

At this time, Liu Haiyan's husband saw the knife in his wife's hand. He was startled, and hurriedly said: "Don't get excited, don't get excited, don't get excited, can you keep the knife in your hand away from me? I see I’m scared! I’m not lying to you, Zhang Fan is really singing outside, if you don’t believe me, you can go outside and have a look, how about I cut this dish for you first, give me the knife first!”

At this time, Liu Haiyan's husband looked very scared at the knife in his wife's hand, and slowly, slowly took the knife from his wife's hand to his own. At this time, the whole person couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

His wife has a rather aggressive personality, and he is really afraid that if his wife accidentally hurts him with a knife, it will be troublesome.

When the time comes, he won't be able to cry even if he wants to.

Liu Haiyan heard what her husband said at this time, and gave her husband a push: "I said you are a real person, you clearly know that Zhang Fan is my idol, and you clearly know that I like listening to his songs the most, but he turned out to be You didn't tell me such an important thing as singing outside, and you still had to find out by yourself, you are really too much!"

"Tell me honestly, do you think that Zhang Fan is handsome, tall, and so talented, do you envy and hate him?"

Liu Haiyan's husband: "???"

Liu Haiyan's husband couldn't help but gasp when he heard his wife's words at this time, did you hear it yourself?If I hadn't reminded you just now, you wouldn't have heard it at all, okay?
What else do you say that I am envious and jealous, how can I be envious and jealous!
I think back then I was also a forest grass in our village, and my appearance was no worse than this Zhang Fan.

It's just that I'm getting older now, so I'm bald, my face is round, and my belly is fat.

Who was not a fresh meat when he was young, but now that he is older, he has become a middle-aged greasy uncle.

However, he only dared to say such words in his heart, and did not dare to say them out loud.

He knows that when he says a word, his wife has a hundred words waiting for him.

And he understands a truth very well, women are unreasonable, so it is a very stupid thing to reason with women.

At this time, Liu Haiyan's husband could only change the subject and said: "Don't you like Zhang Fan? Isn't Zhang Fan your idol? Don't you really like his songs? If you don't go out to watch, his song will be over." , you don’t know when will be the next time you see him sing, such a good opportunity, are you sure you want to let it go?”

Liu Haiyan heard her husband's words at this time, and then slowly reacted, and let go of her husband: "Oh, you are right, I almost forgot that there is such an important thing waiting for me to do , Forget it, I don’t care about you, I’ll go and listen to Zhang Fan’s singing first, and I’ll settle the score with you when I come back!”

Liu Haiyan's husband: "???"

At this time, he really wanted to raise his head and ask God, what did he do wrong, why did God treat him like this?

When Liu Haiyan came to the lobby outside their farmhouse at this time, she found that the place where Zhang Fan was sitting was already crowded with people. She could vaguely see Zhang Fan singing inside, and she had just arrived here at this time. , There was a very nice singing voice in it:

"I congratulate you on getting rich I congratulate you on being wonderful

The best ones come here The bad ones go away
oh, it's not surprising that there are many people

祝 大家 笑口 常开
用心 把 爱 去 灌溉

明天 呀 我们 更 厉害

I wish on the world stage
跑 得 比 那 更 快
Talents come out every year

Swaggering and happy to eliminate disasters for you
Gong Xi Fa Cai has to be loud enough to shout”

When Liu Haiyan heard such a festive and beautiful singing voice at this time, she couldn't help but gasped excitedly.

He really deserves to be his idol, and he sang really nicely.

People around took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and some videos of Zhang Fan singing on the spot were quickly uploaded on the Internet.

Many netizens were busy scrolling through Kuaidou at this time, and accidentally came across a video of Zhang Fan singing, and they were all very excited. They really didn't expect that it hadn't been too long before Zhang Fan would sing again. , and sang a new song.

"Fuck, new song, new song, new song again, Zhang Fan is really awesome!"

"It sounds good, it sounds good, it really sounds good, Zhang Fan yyds!"

"Fuck, it's unbelievable, unbelievable, really unbelievable. I didn't expect that Zhang Fan would still sing such a song. Aren't most of the songs he sang before were love songs?"

"Hahaha... I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore, this song is really brainwashing, I congratulate you on getting rich, I congratulate you on being wonderful, the best ones please come here, the bad ones please go away, oh so many people No wonder..."

"Zhang Fan really deserves to be a musical genius in the entertainment industry. He is really awesome. I really doubt that there is anything in this world that he doesn't know except having children!"

"Hey, brother upstairs, I don't agree with what you said. How do you know that Zhang Fan can't have children? Now that technology is so advanced, men can actually have children!"

"Hey, how do you know that Zhang Fan is a man? Isn't Zhang Fan a woman?"

"Fuck, I just want to ask, what are you guys doing? Is the Zhang Fan you mentioned the same person as the Zhang Fan I know? Why do I feel so wrong?"



an office
"I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore, I really can't take it anymore, will this Zhang Fan die if he doesn't pretend for a day? Why does he have to pretend everywhere?"

"It's also true about Yuqing. This time they went to such a fun place and didn't ask me to go with them. It's really too much! No, next time I find a chance, I will go to this farmhouse to have fun! "

At this time, Wang Xue looked at her mobile phone, watched some videos of Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing uploaded by local netizens, and only then did she realize that they had already arrived at this farmhouse.

Wang Xue was very angry and angry about their behavior of going to fun and delicious places without taking her.

"Mr. Wang, are you really sure you want to invest in Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing's movie? Many people in the company are against the movie you invested in, saying that we are making milk tea, not movies. We are now What we have to do is to make our milk tea well, and we shouldn't make these movies and the like..."

Wang Xue was looking at her mobile phone at this time, and when she heard what the assistant Xiao Ma said, she said domineeringly: "Who said it, let him stand up and tell me in person, what's wrong with me just wanting to invest in movies? What if you just want to play something fun?"

"Is this group of people annoying? When I asked Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing to speak for our Michelle Ice City, they disagreed and said that the two of them are not very popular. What a deal!"

"What's the result? The result proves that my vision is very accurate. Since our Michelle Ice City invited the two of them to endorse, the popularity and popularity have increased many times compared to before, and the sales volume has also increased by a lot. How many times do you know?"

"Every time I really ask them to come up with an idea, they can't let a fart go. Every time I do something, they will force you in every way. Whenever I succeed, they will Afterwards, Zhuge Liang said, I've seen this for a long time, I've let you do this, bah... I've never seen such a brazen person!"

Seeing Wang Xue's domineering look at this time, Xiao Ma swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said cautiously at this time: "After all, what happened to Mr. Wang this time is different from before. Now the film market is in a downturn, and there are so many people in the entertainment industry. There are not many film and television companies that can make money, and many movies are actually losing money!"

"In addition, Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing have never acted in a movie before. Although the TV series they acted in before was very popular, it does not mean that they can achieve good results in movies. Those little fresh meats are popular. It’s also quite high, but their movie box office can be said to be a group that hit the street!”

"And I heard that the water in the film and television industry is very deep. After all, we are not professional in this industry. I am afraid that we will not do it when the time comes!"

"And I also think what these shareholders say is reasonable. Let's make our milk tea well. After all, Michelle Ice City is very popular now. What we have to do now is to make Michelle Ice City the number one milk tea in the country." brand!"


When Wang Xue heard Xiao Ma's words at this time, she couldn't help but sighed. Although she is the CEO and chairman of the company, this company is not hers, and she doesn't just do whatever she wants.

Especially as the company grows bigger and more famous, she is subject to more and more restrictions.

This time, when she decided to invest in Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing's first movie "Young and Promising", many people in the company, especially the shareholders, were very opposed to it, thinking that they were making milk tea, so it was better not to go to the film and television industry This is muddy water.

It wasn't that she made a few correct decisions during this period, which made the popularity of Michelle Ice Tea several times higher than before, and the sales of Michelle Ice City increased by more than ten times than before. Otherwise, even if she wanted to invest in this Movies, these shareholders of the company will not let him do it!

Wang Yao sighed at this time and said: "Tell them, Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing are the spokespersons of our Michelle Ice City after all, since they spoke for our Michelle Ice City, give us Michelle Ice City It can be said that they have provided a lot of help, this "Young and Promising" is their first movie, so we at Michelle Ice City should try to help as much as possible!"

"If they don't worry about it, I can make an agreement with them. If this movie loses money, I will never invest in movies again. If this movie makes money, they will not interfere with me in the future." Let’s invest in film-related things again!”

She is a very ambitious person, and a mere milk tea can't satisfy her.

If Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing's movie is successful this time, she plans to set up a Michelle Ice City film and television company to invest in movies and be responsible for movie-related things.


When Xiao Ma heard Wang Xue's words at this time, he sighed deeply. He knew that this was the biggest concession Wang Xue could make.

What he has to do now is to tell the shareholders of the company about Wang Xue's bottom line, as well as Wang Xue's agreement with the company this time.

At this time, Zhang Fan's song also came to the end, and Zhang Fan was completely devoted to this song.

Although this song sounds relatively simple regardless of the lyrics, it is very festive and has a very good meaning-Gong Xi Fa Cai, Gong Xi Fa Cai, Gong Xi Fa Cai!
At this time, Zhang Fan continued to sing while playing the guitar:

"I congratulate you on getting rich I congratulate you on being wonderful

The best ones come here The bad ones go away
oh I don’t blame many people (come again)

I congratulate you on getting rich I congratulate you on being wonderful
The best ones come here The bad ones go away
oh, it's not surprising that there are many people

Wish you prosperity and wealth"

The song is over!
Many people at the scene were still deeply immersed in Zhang Fan's beautiful singing, and none of them had recovered.

Zhang Fan cupped his hands at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Here, I wish everyone good health and success in everything, Gong Xi Fa Cai!"

The audience at the scene heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and one by one, they slowly realized that the song was over.

At this time, they were all very excited.

"Fuck, it sounds good, it sounds good, it sounds really good, Zhang Fan is really handsome, you are much more handsome than on TV!"

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect Zhang Fanren to be so handsome and approachable. We asked him to sing just now, but he actually sang a song for us, and he sang such a new song. I really love this song!"

"Gong Xi Fa Cai, Gong Xi Fa Cai, the meaning of this song is really good, I hope that after listening to this song "Gong Xi Fa Cai", I can also get rich every day in the future!"

"I used to think that the reason why Zhang Fan was able to have such a high popularity and so many fans was just good luck and a bit handsome, but today I really saw his musical talent, he really It's too awesome!"

"Hahahahaha... Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for praising my husband. I'm a little embarrassed. I thank you for my husband!"

"Madam, don't just drink and eat a la carte!"

"Stop talking, stop talking, everyone back off, I'll come first!"

" stinky rascal, it's really disgusting for you to pee on people like this!"

"My brother, I heard that people with yellow urine may have diabetes, so you'd better go to the hospital for a checkup!"

"Really? Does yellow urine really lead to diabetes? My urine is very yellow every day. Now I am wondering if I will have diabetes. Don't scare me!"



After Zhang Fan sang this song, he returned to his seat with a proud face, looked at Lin Yuqing and said, "How is it? My song is not bad, is it that I won this bet? Do you want to fulfill your obligations according to the bet?"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, held her chin, and said slyly: "The bet? What bet? Did you remember it wrong? Did I bet with you just now?"

Zhang Fan: "???"

When Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, he looked confused, and said incredulously: "No, no, you are trying to play tricks on me, right? You are also a big star, how can you not talk? Is it true? How can you play tricks on me?"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she peeled a grape when she stretched out her slender hand, put it into Zhang Fan's mouth, and said with a smile on her face: "This time, for the sake of your nice words, , I will forcefully feed you one grape, as for the thirty grapes you mentioned, that must be impossible!"


Zhang Fan ate the grape that Lin Yuqing stuffed into his mouth at this time, and snorted comfortably, his brows could not help but relax, and he said excitedly: "It's delicious, it's delicious, it's really good." After eating, these are simply the most delicious grapes I have ever eaten, sweet and sour, tender and juicy, really delicious!"


When Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

She thinks this Zhang Fan is really funny, isn't it just a grape?The hype he said seemed to be the most precious thing in the world!
After they ate the fruit for a while, the proprietress quickly prepared all kinds of food, and then served the same dishes.

Looking at the delicious food on this big table, Zhang Fan took a deep breath at this time, and said with a look of intoxication: "It smells so good, it's really delicious, it really deserves to be a farmhouse, the dishes here There are also fish and shrimp, which are really too authentic. They are much more delicious than those eaten in those restaurants. They all smell so good, and they will definitely taste even more delicious. It seems that I will have a big appetite today. , had a big meal!"

When Lin Yuqing saw the delicious food on this big table at this time, the eyes of the whole person couldn't help but be full of splendor. To be honest, she is also a foodie, so seeing so many delicious things, the whole staff couldn't help swallowing I swallowed my saliva!
Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "Since the dishes have already been served, let's start eating. There are so many delicious things, we must not waste them!"

While talking, he picked up a lobster with his chopsticks, but he didn't pick up this lobster for himself, but put it in Lin Yuqing's bowl, and said with a smile: "You see, you are too thin Now, you should eat more and supplement nutrition. Although it is very important to keep fit, nutrition must also keep up. Most of this shrimp is protein. Eating this food will not make you gain weight too easily, and it is rich in nutrients. nutrition, so you can rest assured to eat!"

At this moment, Lin Yuqing looked at the lobster in her bowl, and after hearing Zhang Fan's words of concern, she felt a very warm feeling in her heart.

But at this time, besides being warm, her heart is more happy, because she thought of what she said in the book of love that she saw before - when a man starts to care about you and starts to give you food It means that he has slowly started to have you in his heart, and he has unknowingly regarded you as a very important person in his life.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuqing suddenly had an urge to cry.

It seems that I have put in so much hard work during this period, and it really has not been in vain. Now I have really started to slowly walk into this man's heart.

It is said that long-term love, long-term love, it seems that this sentence is really quite reasonable, they are basically together every day now, whether it is filming or filming programs, basically as long as they are working, they are together every day .

In addition, Lin Yuqing is very confident about her appearance, she is also a school beauty, and she is also one of the best in the entire entertainment industry in terms of appearance.

Moreover, her figure is also very good. All kinds of difficult poses in yoga are not a problem for her. The flexibility of her body can be said to be very strong. Said that there is no problem at all.

She felt that in addition to her good looks and good figure, she had such a good personality, and she also shared a common music hobby with this man. She didn't believe that such a beautiful woman like herself would hang around in front of this man every day. I don't feel anything about myself!

Unless this man is not a man, it is absolutely impossible for him not to have any feelings for himself.

Lin Yuqing felt that she wanted to reciprocate, so at this time she also put a piece of fish into Zhang Fan's bowl, and said with a smile on her face: "Mr. Zhang Fan, this braised fish is my favorite dish. You How about a taste?"

(End of this chapter)

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