Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 186 Lin Yuqing's version of "Insects Fly"?

Chapter 186 Lin Yuqing's version of "Insects Fly"? (seeking subscription)

As the photographer of "Longing for Life" this time, Dong Xiaoyang couldn't help sighing when he saw the behavior of the two people at this time: "I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore, I feel like I have been fed a big wave again." dog food!"

Director Wang Teng heard Dong Xiaoyang's exclamation at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "I don't know if you have noticed that it is really more and more natural for the two of them to do this kind of intimate action now. It's a feeling of deliberately showing affection, but now I feel that all this is too natural, as if the two of them are really a couple!"

"But the two of them are indeed a little too much now. The two of them are not satisfied after eating a large table of food, and they are still here to show their affection? Are you still throwing dog food here? Have you considered the feelings of us single dogs? what?"

At this time, a staff member suddenly said: "Director, I want to clarify one thing, I am not single, I actually have a girlfriend!"

Wang Teng: "Send you a word, get lost!"

Two people finished their meal in no time.

After the two of them finished their meal, the staff began to eat. After all, they still have a program to shoot in the afternoon.

After the two of them finished their meal, Zhang Fan was lying on a boss's chair at this moment, and Ge You was paralyzed all over his body!

Lin Yuqing ran to Zhang Fan's side at this time, took Zhang Fan's hand, and said excitedly: "Mr. I've already composed it, I'll play it later, and by the way, I will interpret this song, how do you think my song is doing?"

"Just point out any shortcomings I have. Don't be polite to me, don't give me face, and don't be reluctant to say that I..."

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Okay, then I'll take a look at how the song made by our musical genius is going. I am looking forward to your first song." It's the first song!"

"Come on, I believe in your ability, you can do well!"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, clenched her little fist, and said with a smile on her face: "Thank you, Teacher Zhang Fan, I also have confidence in myself, and I also believe that I will be able to do well. come on!"

After Lin Yuqing finished speaking, she whispered in Zhang Fan's ear: "And the lyrics of this song were written by the two of us together, so no matter what, I will definitely finish this song well." !"

After Lin Yuqing finished speaking, she came directly in front of a piano. Although she had shown that she was very confident in front of Zhang Fan just now, when she actually came in front of the piano, she was still quite nervous .

After all, Zhang Fan is not an ordinary person. He is a recognized musical genius in the entertainment industry. Since he showed his creative ability, he has written one classic song after another, and one after another excellent song.

Even if you don't like him, you have to admit that he is indeed a very talented person in music.

In front of such a musical genius, he, who is known as a musical genius, couldn't help feeling very nervous.

However, Lin Yuqing is a musical genius after all. She has participated in various concerts since she was a child, and even played in front of some masters, so she quickly adjusted her emotions at this time, and then sat in front of the piano .

Her slender and slender fingers kept dancing on the black and white keys like smart elves, and then a burst of very nice music came over.

At this moment, Lin Yuqing sang slowly while playing the piano:

"The dark sky hangs down
Bright stars follow

insects fly

insects fly

who are you missing

The stars in the sky are crying

Withered roses on the ground

cold wind

cold wind

as long as you are with me"

When Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's singing at this time, he couldn't help but gasped.

He was still lying on the chair just now, but at this moment he sat up straight away, because he found out that Lin Yuqing composed the song "Conger Fly".Although the song is not the same as the song he listened to in his previous life, it is generally the same, and the overall tone is relatively sad.

Although Lin Yuqing's composition for this song is not the same as the original song, but it adds a new and different feature to this song.

For those who are used to the original song, it was a little awkward when they first heard the song sung by Lin Yuqing, but after listening to it, they found that Lin Yuqing did a really good job.

It seems that a musical genius deserves to be a musical genius, and Lin Yuqing's musical prowess is really beyond recognition.

At this time, the eyes of some staff members who were eating just now were also attracted by Lin Yuqing's singing. They all carried their own rice bowls and surrounded Lin Yuqing, listening to Lin Yuqing's singing.

"Fuck, it sounds good, it sounds good, it's too good, can anyone tell me what this song is, I don't seem to have heard this song before!"

"Lin Yuqing's singing is sometimes moving, like gurgling water, singing softly, with unique charm; sometimes poignant, like dewdrops ringing like bamboo leaves, intriguing. Sometimes it is as thick as the long cry of an eagle when it spreads its wings, which is deafening. ;Sometimes it is so tactful as a line of hot tears when affectionate blending, touching the soul."

"Tsk tsk tsk...Lin Yuqing's throat seems to have been kissed by an angel, and mine seems to have been chewed by a dog!"

"Hahaha... I laughed to death, I laughed to death, brother, your description is too vivid!"

"Hey... people are also human, this Lin Yuqing is more beautiful than me, it is fine, she has a better figure, and she even sings better than me, everyone is also human, why is there such a big gap between people? What? Compared to her, I suspect that I am not even as good as a dog!"

"Hey, Xiaofang, I'm not talking about you. Although you are also very good, it depends on who you compare with. You must have inferiority complex when compared with Lin Yuqing. After all, among the women I have met, there is no one who can compare with you. Hers, she has killed 99.99% of women in just one appearance!"

"Hmph, you men don't have a good thing. When you see a beautiful woman, your eyes shine!"

"Fuck, everyone, come and see, the boxer is here, this punch probably has 20 years of skill, even if the boxing champion comes, he may not be able to stop it!"

"It's the same as you women's weirdness. Don't you women's eyes shine when you see a handsome guy? It's often said on the Internet that fans of all kinds of little fresh meat, brainless fans of all kinds of little fresh meat, all kinds of little fresh meat Aren't the fresh meat groupies all you girls?"

"Hearing your words, I trembled with anger. My whole body was sweating on a hot day, my hands and feet were cold, hell was empty, and the devil was in the world. Can this world be better? What do you want women to do to be satisfied, tears are not enough The world is full of oppression against women, when will women really stand up?"

"Okay, okay, can you all stop punching and listen to the song carefully? Can such a beautiful singing voice not stop your mouths?"

"I'll say it again, shut up all of you. If anyone dares to disturb my wife's singing again, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Bah, you shameless bastard, don't you have a wife yourself? Why are you robbing my wife?"



At this moment, Lin Yuqing was playing the piano and singing songs while observing Zhang Fan from the corner of her eye!

She found that when Zhang Fan heard these songs, he sat up from the chair all of a sudden, and the whole person looked very focused, as if he was savoring a very beautiful song.

Lin Yuqing was very happy to see Zhang Fan like this. Could it be that she wrote this song really well?

To be honest, in order to write this song well, she revised it many times in private, just to present it perfectly in front of Zhang Fan. It seems that the effect she made this time is not bad.

If others found out, Lin Yuqing, a musical genius, would be so unconfident when she was doing her best music, I'm afraid they would be very surprised!
If you want to talk about the former Lin Yuqing, she must be very confident.

After all, she has been considered a musical genius since she was a child, and she has indeed shown the strength of her musical genius since she was a child. No matter what instrument she is learning, she can learn very fast, no matter what tune she is learning.

No matter what competition she participated in since she was young, she was able to win the championship and the first prize, so these gave her a lot of encouragement and gave her a lot of confidence.

So before Lin Yuqing met Zhang Fan, she was very confident in herself, but after meeting this man, seeing this man's terrifying musical talent, and seeing this man, she wrote a classic song every few days. After the song, her self-confidence was completely crushed by this man.

Even Lin Yuqing is suspicious that people have been calling her a musical genius for more than ten years. Is her musical genius a joke or an illusory dream?
Compared with Zhang Fan, I seem to be too far away from Zhang Fan. If I am considered a musical genius, then what is Zhang Fan?
This time I can't blame her for not being confident in front of Zhang Fan, but her self-confidence has already been crushed by Zhang Fan. After all, whoever faces such a musical genius who can write a classic song in a few days, I'm afraid I can't raise any confidence, right?
Zhang Fan was listening to Lin Yuqing's song carefully at this time. If she knew that Lin Yuqing's confidence was not as strong as before because of her own reasons, she probably couldn't help but laugh.

After all, compared with Lin Yuqing, a so-called fake music genius, I was really far behind.

In terms of so-called musical talent, Lin Yuqing's musical talent can definitely beat him by a few blocks.

At this time, Lin Yuqing has completely devoted herself to this song. At this time, he continued to sing while playing the piano:

"Insects fly
sleep with flowers

One pair after another is beautiful

not afraid of dark

I'm afraid of heartbreak

Tired or not

It doesn’t matter whether it’s north, south, east or west.”

At this time, whether it was some of the surrounding staff or some people who came to eat, when they heard Lin Yuqing's heavenly singing at this time, everyone couldn't help being deeply intoxicated by it.

This song should only exist in the sky, how many times can it be heard in the world!
This song is already very pleasant to listen to, coupled with Lin Yuqing's heavenly voice and her powerful and solid singing skills, the song is performed vividly and vividly, like a piece of fairy music that keeps ringing in people's ears drift.


"Yes, yes, Lin Yuqing's singing voice is really beautiful. After listening to her singing, I feel that my whole body's bones are unbearable!"

"If I could hear Lin Yuqing talking to me in such a voice every day, it would definitely be a blessing!"

"Zhang Fan: I can feel what you said every day, but I don't think it's a big deal!"

"Hahaha... what is this? As Lin Yuqing's husband, I can hear his beautiful singing voice every day. To be honest, I'm tired of listening to it too much. I don't think there's anything wrong with it!"

"Bah, I've never seen such a brazen person like you? Don't you have a wife yourself? Why are you robbing my wife?"

"Okay, okay, can you all stop talking? Because of what you said just now, Lin Yuqing has already explained it to me in front of me for a long time!"

"Yellow soup poured into your mouth, this thing wakes up the dog the most. Don't come forward if the sugar is high, and don't give it a little sweet. If you want to, please don't fight for it. I have thin soup Xiang, and now I don't hide it. This thing is hard to find. , I want to make it taste. If you have a phoenix, please don’t hide it anymore, go up with me, and give it to the young man!!!”



After Lin Yuqing sang this song, she raised her head and looked forward. Hearing the appreciation of her song from the people around her, she was not only very happy in her heart!

But at this time, the person she paid the most attention to was Zhang Fan. She wanted to see what Zhang Fan's reaction was?She wanted to hear Zhang Fan's evaluation of his song?
It's just that when Lin Yuqing saw Zhang Fan, she found that Zhang Fan was looking forward blankly at this moment, as if he was distracted.

When she saw this, Lin Yuqing was very angry. Could this man be distracted while listening to his song?
ah ah ah ah...

When thinking of this, Lin Yuqing was extremely popular!
If this is the case, she really wants to beat up this man severely, otherwise it is really hard to relieve her hatred.

In fact, the reason why Zhang Fan was distracted was because the song Lin Yuqing sang just now reminded him of something.

He suddenly remembered that one of his girlfriends in his previous life also liked this song very much, and he would order this song every time he went to KTV.

So when he heard Lin Yuqing singing this song just now, he couldn't help but think of his girlfriend, and couldn't help but think of some past events, so he couldn't help being distracted.

Just as Zhang Fan was immersed in this beautiful memory, he suddenly felt a killing intent.

This was an intuition, and Zhang Fan immediately woke up from that good memory.

At this time, he suddenly saw Lin Yuqing looking at him. He could feel the angry gaze in Lin Yuqing's eyes. His eyes were hacked into pieces.


I don't know if it was because of the way Lin Yuqing looked at him, or because of some other reason, Zhang Fan sneezed suddenly at this moment, and then couldn't help shrinking his body.

Although it was a hot day at this time, he suddenly felt a biting cold!

(End of this chapter)

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