Chapter 192 Hey, Hey, Punch Your Chest (Subscribe)
Zhang Fan was swiping Kuai Dou with his mobile phone at this time, and suddenly came across this dancing video posted by Lin Yuqing, and then used his Kuai Dou account to like it, and commented under Lin Yuqing's video—it's too beautiful up!

Zhang Fan's comment under Lin Yuqing's dancing video quickly attracted the attention and attention of many netizens. Lin Yuqing also discovered Zhang Fan's comment under her video at this time, so she also replied under Zhang Fan's comment Arrived—thank you, Mr. Zhang Fan, your scholarly costume is also very handsome.

Seeing Lin Yuqing's comment, many netizens realized that there seemed to be something else that they hadn't discovered.

Just now, did Lin Yuqing mean that Zhang Fan also has ancient costumes?

Could it be that these two people are going to make some costume drama?
When many netizens thought of this, they couldn't help but gasped.

Because they really can't believe that all this is true.

"Ahhhh... No, no, I'm not mistaken, are they really going to make a costume TV series?"

"Ahhhhhh...the two of them are really the most handsome guy and beauty I have ever seen. If the two of them make a costume TV series, then we will be blessed!"

"If they can really make a costume TV series, I really hope that this TV series will come out as soon as possible. I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Lin Yuqing's ancient costumes have already been released, when will Zhang Fan's ancient costumes be released? I heard that it is still the ancient costumes of scholars, so I look forward to it even more!"

"That's right, Zhang Fan, you can't lag behind, Lin Yuqing has already posted it, you have to post it!"

"I just finished chasing the modern love drama "Small Smile is Alluring" they filmed a few days ago. I really like this TV series. The two of them are really handsome and beautiful. If they both If I personally make costume dramas, I will definitely follow them!"

"That's right, their looks are really against the sky. One is so handsome and the other is so beautiful when making a modern drama. I believe that it will not be bad when making a costume drama!"



So under the persecution of these netizens, Zhang Fan released his appearance as a scholar in ancient costume.

It wasn’t long before Zhang Fan’s appearance of this scholar’s ​​ancient costume was posted on this Kuaidou account, and it quickly attracted the attention and attention of many people. In less than 10 minutes, the number of likes on this video broke through. million.

"Fuck, shit, shit, I can't stand it, I can't stand it, I really can't stand it, he's so handsome!"

"Zhang Fan's modern clothes are already so handsome, I didn't expect his ancient clothes to be even more handsome, this is definitely a peerless handsome man in ancient times!"

"Seeing Zhang Fan's appearance in ancient costume, I finally understand what kind of person does Mo Shangren Ruyu, son Shi Wushuang describe? Only Zhang Fan's appearance in ancient costume can match this sentence!"

"Seeing Zhang Fan's scholar's ancient costume, I finally know what the four characters Pian Pian mean? I finally know what the four characters Merry and Talent mean!"

"Hey... all of you are really talented, unlike me who can only say one word, handsome!"

"Handsome! (Although there is only one word in this comment, it is enough to express the deep shock and deep-seated emotion. It can be said that it is concise and concise. Every single word is worth a thousand dollars, and each word is exciting. It can be seen that I have a solid writing skills and add an exclamation point at the end. Incisively and vividly, people are infinitely moved and melancholy)”

"Fuck, awesome, awesome, it's still possible to do this!"

"If the brother upstairs guessed correctly, you should be the representative of the Chinese class. Otherwise, your reading comprehension would never be so good!"

"Chinese class representative? You underestimate this brother too much, I suspect that he is definitely a Chinese teacher, otherwise his Chinese would never be so good!"



As soon as Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing's ancient costumes were released on the Internet, it immediately aroused many discussions among netizens. Many netizens thought that Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing's ancient costumes were particularly good.

Many netizens think that only by looking at Zhang Fan's ancient costumes can they know what an ancient handsome man is, and only by looking at Lin Yuqing's ancient costumes can they know what an ancient beauty is.

As the director of the promotional film this time, Cao Zhengchun is more confident about the promotional film this time when he sees the comments from netizens on the Internet.

After all, so many netizens on the Internet have already recognized the makeup photos of the two of them so much, and the ancient costumes of the two of them so much, and then he only needs to shoot enough for the story of this promotional film Wonderful, plus the current popularity and traffic of Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing, it will be a bit difficult to think whether this promotional film will be popular by then.

Soon the promotional film will officially start shooting.

The first long term is when two people meet for the first time.

When the two met for the first time, Liu Danzhou played by Zhang Fan was just a down-and-out scholar, while Du Shiniang was now the most beautiful brothel courtesan in the city.

In order to increase Du Shiniang's social status and popularity, the brothel owner set up a stage all over the city and asked Du Shiniang to dance her best neon clothes and raincoat dance in front of the audience!

So Du Shiniang danced his best dance, the Neon Clothes and Feather Dress Dance, on this stage, which made the audience in the whole city mesmerized. Big deal.

As a down-and-out scholar, Liu Danzhou was also in the auditorium this time. When he saw Du Shiniang's neon clothes and raincoat dance for the first time, he couldn't help being amazed.

Du Shiniang's red dress, every frown and smile, were completely and deeply imprinted in his mind, making him unforgettable.



This promo is actually not that long.

After all, this is just a promotional film, and it must not be filmed as a movie.

Moreover, the leaders of the scenic spot have requested that this promotional video must be controlled within 6 minutes.

It is indeed a little difficult to tell this story clearly and move people within 6 minutes.

But this is not a particularly difficult thing for Cao Zhengchun, after all, he is still very talented in directing.

Since he wanted to control the time, he chose a few more important scenes to shoot, and emphasized the rendering of several important scenes.

In this promotional film, he focused on the first time the two people met. As for how the two people met and fell in love, how Liu Danzhou went to Beijing to win the first prize in the exam, and how Du Shiniang was threatened by the prime minister’s daughter and chose to leave Liu Danzhou ... He basically passed everything in the middle.

The last scene Cao Zhengchun focused on filming was when Liu Danzhou wrote "The Hairpin Phoenix. Red Crisp Hand" on the stone wall of the West Sea after he got drunk, and then jumped into the river to commit suicide.

After Du Shiniang heard the news that Liu Danzhou committed suicide by jumping into the river, she wrote "The Hairpin Phoenix. The Love of the World" next to Liu Danzhou's "The Hairpin Phoenix. The Love of the World", and then jumped into the river to commit suicide.

Zhang Fan is quite familiar with swimming. After all, he lived with his grandparents in the countryside when he was a child in his previous life. When he was young, he often went down the river with his friends in the countryside to catch fish and shrimp. Can't beat him.

But Lin Yuqing is different, Lin Yuqing can't swim, so letting her jump into the river is indeed a big challenge for her.

Fortunately, before Lin Yuqing jumped into the river, Zhang Fan gave her great encouragement, patted her on the shoulder, and said to her seriously: "Don't be afraid, I will catch you below, you have to believe I, I won't let you get hurt in any way!"

After Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words, she was not so afraid, and then jumped down, because she believed that this man would catch her, because she believed that this man would not let herself suffer any harm. Hurtful.

When Lin Yuqing was filming this scene of jumping into the river, she came to the river, and at this moment she jumped directly without hesitation.

As soon as she jumped into the water, she felt a biting cold.

After all, it was already autumn at this time, and the water in the West Sea was freezing cold.

Especially since she just came to her aunt these two days. Although her aunt has left today, her body still has some sequelae. At this time, she suddenly came into contact with such cold water, which made her whole body feel a little cold. Unspeakable pain.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that she found that the water in this river is really too deep.

She had just jumped into the river, and she was startled by the icy water at first, and then her whole body suddenly sank uncontrollably.

At this time, Lin Yuqing kept looking around, trying to find that familiar figure, but at this time she turned around and didn't see this man's figure. At this time, she suddenly had a feeling of fear in her heart. .

"Mr. Zhang Fan, where are you? I really can't hold on any longer. Didn't you promise to catch me? Didn't you promise to protect me and not let me suffer any harm? What are you doing?" where?"

At this time, Lin Yuqing didn't know whether it was because of fear or grievance. She couldn't help but choked up when she was talking at this moment.

Just when she was completely hopeless, at this moment she suddenly felt her whole body entered a warm embrace, and then she heard a warm voice whispering in her ear: "I'm sorry, I'm here late!"

In fact, he wanted to come here earlier, but the director just said that he wanted to take a shot of Xihai after Lin Yuqing jumped into the river, so he was not allowed to go there so early.

If you want to blame all of this, you can blame Cao Zhengchun!

He is really too vicious.

Lin Yuqing felt this warm embrace at this time, and then heard Zhang Fan's caring words, all the grievances in her heart just disappeared.

But at this moment, she was still a little puzzled, so she punched Zhang Fan's chest hard with her small fist a few times.

Seeing Lin Yuqing's action at this time, Zhang Fan suddenly had a sentence in his mind - blah blah, beat your chest with a small fist.

"Mr. Zhang Fan, I am so cold!"

At this time, Lin Yuqing felt that the water in the river was like ice, which made her feel an indescribably biting cold. This feeling was really terrible.

Hearing Lin Yuqing's words at this time, Zhang Fan also felt that Lin Yuqing's body was very cold, and Lin Yuqing's whole body was still shaking at this time, so he was not only a little strange, but the water in the river was a bit cold now. , but it has not reached such an exaggerated level.

Anyway, for him, he didn't feel how cold the water in the river was.

But at this time, he still hurriedly lifted Lin Yuqing's whole body out of the water and sent it to the shore.

When the two returned to the shore, Duan Jiabao thoughtfully brought two cups of hot water to them at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. , The water here is too cold in this weather!"

At this time, Lin Yuqing saw the cup of hot water that Duan Jiabao gave her, as if seeing a life-saving straw, she quickly took the cup of water into her hands, and said with a smile on her face: "Bao'er, thank you, Thank you, thank you so much, I really need this cup of hot water now, I am really too cold!"

After Zhang Fan landed, he didn't feel anything at the time, but at this moment a light breeze suddenly blew, and he also felt a little cold.

At this time, he also took the hot water that Duan Jiabao handed him, and after taking a sip, he immediately felt that his whole body was much warmer.

At this time, Duan Jiabao suddenly noticed that Lin Yuqing's face suddenly turned a little pale, and asked with concern: "Sister Yuqing, your face is so pale, are you okay?"

Lin Yuqing was shivering constantly at this moment, but she still forced herself to say with a smile on her face, "I... I'm fine..."

Zhang Fan also found out that something was wrong with Lin Yuqing at this time, he was taken aback, quickly took the coat he had put on the shore just now, put it on Lin Yuqing, and said worriedly: "You Are you okay? Why are you shaking all over?"

At this moment, Lin Yuqing heard the man's concern, and saw that she was wearing the man's coat, and suddenly felt that she was not so cold anymore, and said with a smile: "I,'s okay, I'm fine. Feel much better!"

Seeing that Lin Yuqing's body was still trembling, but Lin Yuqing still said that she was fine at this time, Zhang Fan didn't believe it at all.


Zhang Fan sighed at this moment, and said with a helpless expression, "You're still lying to me at this time, Xiao Duan, hurry up and take Yuqing in to change clothes, don't let her wear wet clothes again!"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, shook her head, supported her body and said, "It's okay, it's okay, I'm really okay, let's go and see how the scene when we just woke up is going well." , if it doesn’t work, we’ll reshoot it!”

When Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, he firmly disagreed, and said with a serious face: "No, you have to change your clothes first, and see what your body looks like now? Don't hold on anymore. caught!"

"You have to listen to me now. If you don't listen to me, I will hug you and change your clothes. Do you believe it?"

When Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's domineering words at this time, she couldn't help but blush on her face, but at this time, not only was she not angry at all, but she felt very warm.

Could this be the legendary domineering president?
Really love love love.

Seeing Lin Yuqing's dazed look, Zhang Fan thought his threat would not work, so he squatted down directly, and he wanted to prove with practical actions that he wasn't scaring Lin Yuqing just now!

"Since you don't listen to me, don't blame me!"

At this time, Lin Yuqing was still caught in the sweet memories of her domineering president. At this time, she suddenly felt her whole body spinning, and she couldn't help screaming.

When she realized it again, she found that she had fallen into a warm embrace at this time.

She was hugged by the princess by the man in front of her? ? ?

Lin Yuqing seemed to have thought of something at this time, she was startled, and quickly struggled violently: "You, you... put me down quickly!"

Are you kidding me?
There are so many people watching here.

At this moment, Lin Yuqing could already feel that the eyes of the people around her were all attracted by the two of them.

Zhang Fan didn't care at all at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "What are you afraid of? This is not the first time I have hugged you like this, but I didn't expect that your body seems to be a little lighter than before. You shouldn't Are you skinny again?"

"Do you know why you were so afraid of the cold just now? It's because you are too thin. You should eat more. You are 1 meters tall, but your whole body seems to be only over 72 catties. This is too light!"

When Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words, she couldn't help but blushed even more.

Although what Zhang Fan said is indeed reasonable, this is not the first time Zhang Fan has hugged her like a princess, but the last time Zhang Fan and his gang of princesses hugged her was when the two of them were filming, but this time it was not It's not filming.

But are you really thin?
Lin Yuqing really couldn't believe this. She remembered that she seemed to have weighed herself a few days ago, and she had gained two or three catties compared to last month.

But I don't know whether it's because I'm too busy with work, or because I'm very happy with Zhang Fan every day, my appetite is much bigger than before, which caused her to gain several catties than before.

In the end, this man actually said that he was thinner than before?
It is really a man's mouth that deceives people, it seems that what he said is really true.

Lin Yuqing, Lin Yuqing, what is going on in your mind?

At this time, Lin Yuqing felt that all the people around her were looking at her, and she said shyly, "Mr. Zhang Fan, please let me down. There are so many people watching, I listen to you." If you want, I can go and change clothes, please put me down, I really beg you!"

When the staff at the scene saw Princess Zhang Fan hugging Lin Yuqing, they couldn't help but gasped.

They couldn't believe what they saw now.

"Fuck, shit, shit, Princess Zhang Fan hugged Lin Yuqing, am I right?"

"Who can tell me what happened to these two people, how did they hug each other in public?"

"No, no, do you mean that the two of them are going to make an official announcement?"

"Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible for my goddess to fall in love with this man, impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Zhang Fan, let go of this girl and let me do it!"

"Woooooooooo... My Yuqing, my Yuqing, my Yuqing!"

Compared with the heart-piercing and painful pain of these boys at the scene, when some girls at the scene saw this scene, they were all shocked by Zhang Fan's domineering, and their eyes were full of tears. little stars.

"Ahhh... I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore, I really can't take it anymore, Zhang Fan is so handsome and domineering!"

"Ahhh... Zhang Fan's princess hug is really handsome, he is really the most handsome man I have ever seen in a princess hug!"

"Ahhhhh... Could this be the legendary domineering president? I really love it!"

"Hey, Zhang Fan is really excellent, unlike my boyfriend, I want him to hug me as a princess, but he can't hug me at all, it's really useless! Zhang Fan just hugs Lin Yuqing So easy? How come you hold it so handsome? How come you hold it so gracefully?"

"Xiaohong, although you are my best friend, I really want to stand by your boyfriend this time. After all, you are so fat that ordinary men cannot hug you. Lin Yuqing is 1 meters tall. The height seems to be less than 72 catties!"

"Xiao Ling, how can you say that? Are you still my best friend? Besides, I believe that even with my weight, if Zhang Fan wanted to hug me, he would definitely be able to hug me. It would be great if there is such an excellent boyfriend like Zhang Fan!!!”

"Okay, okay, even if you want to dream, do it at night, and don't dream in broad daylight!"



(End of this chapter)

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