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Chapter 193 Zhang Fan's screenwriting talent? ? ?

Chapter 193 Zhang Fan's Screenwriting Talent? ? ? (seeking subscription)

Lin Yuqing was extremely shy and blushing when she heard the comments of these people around her. At this moment, her whole body was shrunk into Zhang Fan's arms, and she didn't dare to look outside.

Zhang Fan didn't have too much burden in his heart at this time, although he also knew that many people around him were talking about them at this time, but he didn't have too much burden in his heart.

As the director of this promotional video, when Cao Zhengchun saw Princess Zhang Fan hugging Lin Yuqing at this time, he couldn't help opening his mouth in surprise.

Oh my god, what are these two people planning to do?

Even if the two of you really wanted to do something, wouldn't the two of you find a place where no one was around and close the door to do it secretly?

Why do you insist on doing such a thing in front of so many people?

At this time, Cao Zhengchun quickly trotted all the way to the side of the two of them, seeing Zhang Fan doing this, he hugged Lin Yuqing indifferently, and said with a puzzled face: "Hey, hey, what are you doing? You didn't Do you see so many people around you watching?"

Zhang Fan heard Cao Zhengchun's words at this time, and said with a very serious face: "You ask me what I am doing, don't you have eyesight? Don't you know how to look? Don't you see that I am hugging her now? "

Cao Zhengchun: "???"

Cao Zhengchun was speechless when he heard Zhang Fan's words at this time.

Am I asking you this question?

Of course I saw that you came to hold her, I was just asking why did you hold her in front of so many people? ? ?
"Don't you know that with the current popularity and popularity of the two of you, it's easy to be on the hot search after you do something like this?"

Cao Zhengchun looked at the man in front of him at this moment, he really couldn't understand why the man in front of him would do this? ? ?
Could it be that this Zhang Fan really likes Lin Yuqing?

Are the two of them really ready to make an official announcement?

No, no, this can't be true, can it?
If the two of them really want to make an official announcement, then I filmed the first love movie between the two of them. Wouldn't this movie have more traffic and popularity by then, and wouldn't the box office be a big hit by then? It's on sale.

If the box office of this movie I made can be a big hit by then, wouldn't I be able to become a very good director.

If I can become a very good director, will I be afraid that no one will invest in me when I make movies in the future?Are you afraid that there will be no actors to play your own movie?

In just a short moment, many, many thoughts had appeared in Cao Zhengchun's mind, many, many ideas had appeared.

At this time, he even thought that his movie had gained a lot of traffic and popularity because Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing officially announced their relationship, so this movie had gained a lot of box office, so he became the biggest box office hit in the entertainment industry. director……

Zhang Fan looked at Cao Zhengchun in front of him at this time, first came to block his way, then stood there stupidly, his whole expression changed a lot, and then the whole person suddenly laughed silly, suddenly his face was inexplicable.

This guy is crazy, right?
But Zhang Fan didn't have time to argue with this guy at this time, and he didn't want to argue with this guy anymore.

Zhang Fan said: "This handsome guy, can you let me go? Yuqing just got into the water, and she feels a little uncomfortable. I want to carry her into the tent and change clothes!"

"What??? Are you going to hold her to change clothes in the tent???"

When Cao Zhengchun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, he opened his mouth wide in shock. At this time, his mouth could fit an egg.

He even wondered if he heard it wrong just now.

He knew that the relationship between the two was unusual, but when did the relationship between the two get so good that they could change clothes for each other.

This... this is too incredible.

Zhang Fan didn't expect that his words would cause such a big ambiguity, and made Cao Zhengchun think so much, but at this time he didn't want to explain, he just hugged Lin Yuqing and entered the tent.

Of course, Zhang Fan definitely couldn't change Lin Yuqing's clothes by himself, so he put Lin Yuqing in the tent and told her to change into dry clothes and drink more hot water.



Cao Zhengchun was watching the clip just shot by the two of them at this time, when he suddenly saw Zhang Fan approaching him, he was startled, and said in surprise, "Didn't you change clothes for Lin Yuqing? You How do you change clothes so quickly?"

Zhang Fan: "???"

When Zhang Fan heard Cao Zhengchun's words at this time, he immediately became speechless: "What is going on in your mind? You think about all this all day long, I really can't stand you!"

"I finally know why you look so wretched when you are only in your 30s. It is because you have these dirty thoughts in your mind all day long, so you look so wretched of!"

Cao Zhengchun: "???"

When Cao Zhengchun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, he was immediately stunned.

How did I become obscene? ? ?

You didn't say it just now, are you going to change clothes for Lin Yuqing?

I'm just repeating what you said again, does that make me obscene?

Is there any reason?
Is there still a king's law?

Is this still human?

But Zhang Fan obviously didn't want to dwell on this issue any longer, and asked with a concerned face: "How was the diving scene we did just now?"

Cao Zhengchun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, so he slowly came back to his senses, nodded, and said with a smile on his face: "I have to say that the two of you filmed this scene really well, Although the two of you did not graduate from a professional film school, after this period of filming training for the two of you, your acting skills have improved rapidly, and you performed very well in this scene just now!"

"At first, I thought you guys would have to shoot this scene a few more times, but I didn't expect you to shoot it so well once, you two should stop busy singing in the future, go and shoot more TV dramas and movies, you two Personally, he looks so good, and his acting skills are so good, it would be a pity not to make more movies!"

Zhang Fan looked at it at this time, and suddenly said with a surprised face: "Why did you also take a picture of the scene where I carried Lin Yuqing ashore just now?"

Cao Zhengchun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "It's nothing, it's nothing, I just thought you were so handsome holding Lin Yuqing just now, and the picture of the two of you just now is so beautiful, Your princess hug is really domineering and masculine, so I couldn't help but take a picture of it!"

"I can release this video as a tidbit. I believe that many netizens will like it very much. After all, the popularity of the couple CP between the two of you is very high on the Internet, and many people like it very much. The two of you are the couple's CP!"

Zhang Fan heard Cao Zhengchun's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "So that's the case? I thought you were going to shoot a scene where Liu Danzhou and Du Shiniang both came back to life. After all, the story of the two of them is really interesting." It's so miserable, the final ending of this story is too cruel, if you can bring them two back to life, then this story can become a beautiful story, at least the ending is a happy ending!"


Cao Zhengchun was taken aback when he heard Zhang Fan's idea at this time: "This is just an ordinary costume drama, the two of you are going to be resurrected, and this will become a fairy tale drama, okay My costume drama has suddenly turned into a fairy tale drama, the gap between the two is really too big!"

Zhang Fan said: "It doesn't have to change from a costume drama to a fairy tale drama, can you change the setting of the story?"

"For example, Liu Danzhou is very unwilling, and he doesn't believe that the relationship between him and Du Shiniang will change so quickly after so many years. Du Shiniang will suddenly dislike him. He knows why Du Shiniang doesn't like him. The reason why Mother did this must be because of some unavoidable reason!"

"He believed in the relationship between him and Du Shiniang, and he believed that there must be some unavoidable reason behind it, so he pretended to jump into the river and died, just to test whether Du Shiniang really didn't like him, or whether there was a reason Is there any unavoidable reason why I choose to leave him!"

"When he saw that Du Shiniang knew the news that he jumped into the river and died, he came to the West Sea, came to his stone tablet, and wrote this song "The Hairpin Phoenix Loves the World", he knew Du Shiniang's I still like him in my heart, and Du Shiniang still loves him in my heart!"

"So when Du Shiniang jumped into the river, he quickly jumped into the water and rescued Du Shiniang, and then the two of them untied each other's knots and lived happily together Already!"

"Isn't this a very good story? And the ending is so sweet, so complete, so perfect!"


When Cao Zhengchun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, he opened his mouth wide in shock.

He knew that Zhang Fan was very creative in music and had a certain talent in acting, but he didn't expect this guy to be so talented in screenwriting.

This story has been changed by him, it seems that it really has a different charm.

To be honest, at this moment, the setting of the story changed by Zhang Fan had a certain appeal to him, and he even wavered a little from his previous thoughts.

However, this thought was only a little shaken, Cao Zhengchun immediately shook his head, and put this thought behind him.

Cao Zhengchun said: "I always thought that you were just a talented person in music, but I didn't expect you to be so talented in screenwriting. Although your story is very good, but your story is different from the original one. This story is too far off!"

"The promotional video we made this time is to promote the beautiful love story between Liu Danzhou and Du Shiniang. If we change it like this, although we gave them a happy ending, it will change the story!"

"This story has been deeply ingrained in many people's minds. Many people know that Liu Danzhou and Du Shiniang both jumped into the sea in the end. If this is changed, it will be too different from the original story. It’s too big, and many people probably won’t be able to accept it!”

"Besides, if such a tragic story is turned into a happy ending, although the final ending is much better, the whole story will not be so sad, but sad stories are often more memorable!! !"

"Such a poignant and sad story, if I change it into a happy ending, then it will become a very ordinary and clichéd story, maybe people will feel very sweet and refreshed when they read this story , but people quickly forget about it!"

"As a director, especially as a very literary director, I hope that I can make a story that can make people remember more than making a story with a happy ending!"

Zhang Fan didn't force himself to hear Cao Zhengchun's words at this time, after all, he was just talking casually just now.

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "Forget it, I was just talking casually just now, if you don't want to change it, forget it!"

"However, in the setting of this story, this Liu Danzhou is not a scholar who can only study hard after all, he is the number one scholar, and the number one scholar in ancient times is much more powerful than the current students of Tsinghua University and Peking University. Tsinghua University and Peking University are at most only a provincial champion, but this one is the national champion!"

"Students at Tsinghua University and Peking University take an exam and compete with students of the same age group at most. The champion in ancient times competed with all the students who took the exam. Under such fierce competition, this Liu Danzhou can He won the first prize, which shows that he is a very smart person!"

"Liu Danzhou is obviously such a smart person. When he saw that Du Shiniang, whom he has always loved very much, suddenly changed so much after he was admitted to the No. [-] Scholar, I couldn't believe that he didn't have a little bit of doubt?"

"Don't say that Liu Danzhou is such a smart person who beat all the scholars in the country and was admitted to the first prize. Even a normal person must have a little doubt about this sudden change, right?"

"However, this Liu Danzhou was lucky. Not only did he not have the slightest doubt, but he couldn't accept the blow very quickly, and he jumped into the river to commit suicide. Isn't this incredible???"

"Compared to the story in which Liu Danzhou committed suicide by jumping into the river so directly, I am more inclined that he has doubts about this matter for a long time. This so-called suicide by jumping into the river is just a trick he set up to test out Du Shiniang. My intention is to know why Du Shiniang did this!"

"Facts have proved that his guess was correct. He knew that Du Shiniang was threatened by the prime minister's daughter. He knew that Du Shiniang chose to leave him to protect himself, so he jumped into the river when Du Shiniang Then I chose to rescue her!"

"After that, Liu Danzhou gave up the fame he obtained, and lived in seclusion with Du Shiniang in the name of feigning death. Since then, they have lived a shameless life together... Bah, they have lived a happy life ever since !"

When Cao Zhengchun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, he seemed to say something to refute, but after thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly felt that what Zhang Fan said seemed very reasonable.

He used to think that such a story seemed nothing, and everyone must like such a poignant love story very much!
Everyone appreciates the poignant love story between Du Shiniang and Liu Danzhou.

Now being told by Zhang Fan, it seems that there is indeed something wrong with this story.

Du Shiniang suddenly changed so much in a short while, how could Liu Danzhou, as the champion, not have the slightest doubt?

How could he commit suicide by jumping into the river so casually?

(End of this chapter)

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