Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 413 Did you often pick up money when you were a child?

Chapter 413 Did you often pick up money when you were young? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

"It's here, why did it arrive so soon? I had a sweet dream just now."

At this time, Chen Mengyao was woken up by her assistant, and said with a complaining face.

When Chen Mengyao woke up, she found that there was still some saliva on the corner of her mouth, and then wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth: "It's here so soon, let's go in quickly, I can't wait to eat."

Seeing Chen Mengyao like this, Bai Xiaobai couldn't help but sighed deeply.

Big sister, big sister, what time is this, and you still want to eat?

At this time, Bai Xiaobai quickly took out a pack of tissues from the front of the car, took out a few sheets and handed them to Chen Mengyao.

At this moment, Chen Mengyao saw a few pieces of paper handed over by Bai Xiaobai, and asked with a puzzled expression, "Why are you handing it to me? I don't need paper."

Bai Xiaobai saw Chen Mengyao's face full of question marks, and hurriedly whispered: "Sister, are you insane, wake up quickly, you fell asleep just now, and you were lying on Teacher Zhang Fan's shoulder Come on, and you are drooling and wet the real clothes of others, why don't you hurry up and wipe them off."

When Chen Mengyao heard her assistant's words at this time, the whole person slowly realized what happened just now.

Chen Mengyao looked up at Zhang Fan's chest at this time, and found that a large piece of Zhang Fan's chest was indeed wet, which made her blush from everything.

Embarrassing, embarrassing, really embarrassing.

Shame, shame, really shameful.

Chen Mengyao is not the kind of shy person anymore. Although she was very embarrassed at this time, she still took the paper from her assistant, and quickly wiped the saliva she had just drooled for Zhang Fan. On the one hand, he said embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I really didn't mean it just now, your suit should belong to Hermès, I'm really sorry, or I'll pay you one!"

At this time, when Zhang Fan saw Chen Mengyao wiping his chest in a hurry, he smelled the fragrance she was wearing, and said with a smile on his face: "No need, my suit is worn by the big star Chen Mengyao in the entertainment industry." She slept with it, and there is also the essence and jade liquid that she specially left behind, if it is taken out, how much can it be auctioned?"

Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan made this joke at this time, and after listening to it, she was not as embarrassed as before.

A few people got out of the car quickly and arrived at this Chen Ji snack.

Although it is very late now, this Chen Ji snack has not closed yet, but there is no one inside at this time.

"Hahaha... Teacher Mengyao, you are finally here. Tell me what you want to eat, and I will make it for you right now. We still have a lot of ingredients here."

At this time, Chen Mengyao saw this shy man, and said with a smile: "I am not the guest today. Hey, what do you want to ask? What do you want to eat?"

Zhang Fan looked at the store at this time, and found that although the store was not very big, it was very clean and tidy, and the overall appearance gave people a very simple feeling.

Zhang Fan said: "Didn't you say that the Roujiamo here is a must? Let's have some Roujiamo first. I see that there are some wontons made here, so let's have three more bowls of wontons. Some barbecue or something like that, and then casually."

At this time, the middle-aged man with a simple and honest face only saw Zhang Fan's handsome appearance and his close relationship with Chen Mengyao, so he couldn't help asking: "You are so handsome, you should belong to Teacher Chen Mengyao. Boyfriend? Oh, let me tell you that Teacher Chen Mengyao is a very good person. If it wasn't for her help, our shop would not be able to continue. Our family is very grateful to Teacher Chen Mengyao..."

"Sit here first, and I'll prepare these things for you now."

This simple and honest man, after saying this, hurriedly walked to the kitchen inside.

At this time, Chen Mengyao explained with a smile on her face: "Actually, I didn't do him any favors, it's just that once I ate their Roujiamo on the street and thought it was very delicious, and then they thought I want to open a shop, but I don’t have enough money, and the shop is under my name.”

"So I rented this shop to them for the time being, and then paid the rent after they earned enough money. Later, when they moved here, the business was very good, and then they expanded into other businesses and owed me rent. , At the end of the year, I will pay directly with the money I earn.”

"Let me tell you, their business here is booming during the daytime. Although the rent here is very expensive, they can still make a lot of money all year round."

Hearing what Chen Mengyao said at this time, Zhang Fan finally understands why the owner of this store is so grateful to Chen Mengyao?
Before Zhang Fan entered this shop, he had observed it. This is a commercial street, and the annual rent of a shop like this must be quite a lot.

Even if the price is very high, it is estimated that many owners are willing to rent this shop.

But this Chen Mengyao was willing to let them go into business first, and then pay the rent after earning enough money.

This can be said to be a very rare thing in today's society.

After all, whether it is renting a shop or a house, the rent must be paid first.

Zhang Fan said: "I didn't expect you to be a charter woman. There should be more than one shop here owned by you."

Before Chen Mengyao could speak, Bai Xiaobai hurriedly said with an excited face: "I know this, Teacher Zhang Fan, let me tell you that our boss is very powerful, basically all the shops here are hers. , the rent here alone can earn hundreds of millions of dollars every year.”

Although Zhang Fan knew that Chen Mengyao was a rich woman, after all, this Chen Mengyao had been popular for so many years, but she never thought that Chen Mengyao was such a rich woman, and that half of the street was her shop, which was too much. It's incredible.

Seeing Zhang Fan's shocked expression at this time, Bai Xiaobai couldn't help feeling very proud.

She just wanted to mention in front of Zhang Fan how awesome this Chen Mengyao is. Not only is she beautiful, she is also very capable, and she is also very good at making money. If anyone can marry such a woman, That is really a high incense that has been burned for eight lifetimes.

Although Chen Mengyao and Zhang Fan are reconciled now, the time for the two of them to reconcile is too short after all, and now there is another Lin Yuqing beside Zhang Fan, the relationship between Chen Mengyao and Zhang Fan is obviously not as good as that of Zhang Fan The relationship with Lin Yuqing is even closer.

Although now Lin Yuqing is Chen Mengyao's rival in love, and she also regards this Lin Yuqing as her enemy, but she also has to say that this Lin Yuqing is indeed very good, with a good background, a good family background, a good personality, and a beautiful person. They are all excellent...

Such a woman is born to be envied and hated by all kinds of people.

So she had to show Chen Mengyao's excellence in front of Zhang Fan all the time, to show that Chen Mengyao was no worse than Lin Yuqing, and that she could start from scratch and earn so much money with her own ability.

At this time, Zhang Fan couldn't help giving Chen Mengyao a thumbs up, and said with admiration: "Amazing, amazing, really amazing, this is simply a big rich woman!"

Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, shook her head and said: "What kind of rich woman is it? It's just that I was lucky. I made some money when I first became popular, but at that time I didn't know how to invest, and I was afraid When will I stop being popular and pass out, maybe I won't have the chance to film."

"I heard people say that buying a house makes money, so I started to buy various houses here. At that time, the houses here were relatively cheap. I basically used all the money I earned to buy houses here. Who knows, after a few years, there will suddenly be a commercial area here, and then the housing prices here will directly soar dozens of times."

"At that time, I didn't think that there could be any business district developed here. I just thought that I could buy more houses, so that even if I don't become popular in the future, I can have a place to live, and those who can't live can also rent out others to make some money."

When Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, he couldn't help sighing, this luck must be too bad.

With just this half of the street, even if Chen Mengyao stopped filming in the future, she could still live on this half of the street for a lifetime, no, at least ten lifetimes!

After all, this half of the street has an annual rental income of hundreds of millions.

If so many places are really sold, how much can it be sold for?

This is really scary.

It is unbelievable that people bought some places casually, and the house price has risen dozens of times after a few years. This is also very lucky.

Zhang Fan said: "You are really lucky. Did you often pick up money when you were young?"

Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said dissatisfiedly: "You actually forgot all the things we wanted to say, you forgot that when we were young, once we went out, I could always pick up some money, and then I always I used the money I picked up to buy ice cream, and you still ate it."

"The subject of mathematics is the most annoying subject for me, but every time I do multiple-choice questions, I choose one of the four options at random, and the final multiple-choice questions are all pretty close."

"I still remember that the multiple-choice questions in a math test were extremely difficult. You got two out of ten multiple-choice questions wrong, but I got all of them right. No, to be precise, I should be right!"

(End of this chapter)

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