Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 414 What?Is he Chen Shimei? ? ?

Chapter 414 What?He is Chen Shimei? ? ? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)
When Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, he couldn't help but gasped.

This Chen Mengyao's luck is too good.

This good luck is simply against the sky.

"I want to ask, have you ever bought a lottery ticket?"

Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and shook her head: "No, I haven't bought a lottery ticket, what's wrong?"

Zhang Fan shook his head at this time and said: "No, I just think you are so lucky. It would be a pity if you don't buy lottery tickets. I believe that if you buy lottery tickets, you might be able to win 500 million yuan." What about the grand prize?"

When Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words, she said with a smile on her face: "This is mainly because I didn't know about lottery tickets before I became famous. Now even if I know about lottery tickets, I can't buy lottery tickets. Besides, The water in the lottery is very deep, it doesn’t mean that if you are lucky, you will be able to win the lottery.”

Zhang Fan said: "By the way, let me ask you another question, does it feel good to be a rich woman?"

Chen Mengyao didn't expect that Zhang Fan would ask this question, she held her chin, and said with serious thinking: "The feeling of being a rich woman is not bad, it's just so-so. It must have been a great feeling.”

Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, and said with a surprised face: "I regard you as my friend, and you want to keep me, isn't it too much of you? You are just greedy for my body."

"Now I will definitely not touch your nurturing. If you have to keep this thing for me, maybe one day in the future I will not be able to afford food, and I will go to eat your soft food. At that time, can you Don't forget what you said today."

When Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words, she knew that Zhang Fan was joking, and she knew that such a thing might never happen, but she still said with a smile on her face: "I really hope that one day, if there is such a One day, that would be really great, when the time comes, I will not only take care of you in this life, but I will also take care of you in the next life and the next life."

Zhang Fan was startled when he heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, he quickly stepped back, hugged his arms tightly, and said with a frightened expression: "I'll go, you are too cruel, not only you want to keep me In this life, even in my next life, I have to take care of it!"

At this time, Bai Xiaobai heard the conversation between two people coming and going, and suddenly felt like a superfluous existence.

Bai Xiaobai thinks that the relationship between Zhang Fan and Chen Mengyao is really strange, saying that their relationship is not good, and the two of them can joke and flirt like this, saying that their relationship is good, but they The two of them don't seem to be in that kind of relationship, and they don't have the so-called good state.

So what's going on with the two of them?
"The delicious Roujiamo is here, and there are some kebabs with grilled gluten. You eat first, and Chaos will wait for a while."

At this time, Chen Mengyao looked at the delicious food on this big table, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said with a smile on her face: "Thank you, Old Chen, it's so late, and I'm really sorry to trouble you and Mrs. Chen."

The boss heard what Chen Mengyao said at this time, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen Mengyao, you are really out of touch. If you were not willing to rent this shop to us, we might still be selling things on the street. , the money earned is definitely not as good as it is today. Without Teacher Chen Mengyao’s help, I, Chen Shimei, would not be where I am today. Teacher Chen Mengyao, you are the benefactor of our family!”

Chen Shimei?
When Zhang Fan heard this name, he couldn't help being startled.

The boss's name turned out to be Chen Shimei.

Zhang Fan took a closer look at the boss's face at this time, and he found that the boss's face really insulted the name.

After the boss left, Zhang Fan couldn't help asking curiously: "Hey, is this boss's name really Chen Shimei?"

Chen Mengyao was about to eat Roujiamo at this time, when she heard Zhang Fan's words, she said with a puzzled face, "Yeah, what's the matter? Is there any problem? Let me tell you, the Roujiamo made by him and his wife is real. It’s a must, you’ll know it when you eat it.”

"Oh, no, no, no, I already want to drool when I smell this aroma. You see, Xiaobai has started to gobble it up now, so hurry up and eat."

When Bai Xiaobai heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, he gave Chen Mengyao a hard look!
I've helped you so much, what's wrong with eating a roujiamo?
Do you know what I have paid for your lifelong happiness?

At this time, Zhang Fan was not interested in eating some Roujiamo, and continued to ask: "Then is this Chen Shimei a scumbag? Did he abandon his wife?"

When Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words, she quickly covered Zhang Fan's mouth: "Keep your voice down, what are you talking about? How could Old Chen be such a scumbag? He treats his wife very well. The two of them are my friends." The most loving couple I have ever seen, where did you hear the gossip?"

At this time, Zhang Fan was suddenly covered by Chen Mengyao, stuck out his tongue, and subconsciously licked it. At this moment, Chen Mengyao felt the moisture of his palm, and he was startled, and quickly retracted his hand.

Chen Mengyao secretly glanced at Bai Xiaobai at this time, and found that Bai Xiaobai was concentrating on eating barbecue and meat buns at the same time, and didn't pay attention to the two of them. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Xiaobai didn't see this incident, otherwise, I don't know how embarrassing it is.

Zhang Fan couldn't help being a little embarrassed at this time, touched his nose, and said with a smile on his face: "This... The main reason is that I used to know a friend named Chen Shimei, he is really a scumbag, For the sake of my own glory and wealth, I abandoned my wife and children, so when I heard the boss said that his name is Chen Shimei, I would have this reaction."

Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's explanation at this time, and then she understood why Zhang Fan asked this question just now: "I think your friend is really not a thing, as the saying goes, those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black, you Stay away from such a wolf-hearted friend in the future, and be careful not to be led by him."


Zhang Fan nodded at this time, and then took a roujiamo and ate it.

He really wanted to taste how delicious the Roujiamo that Chen Mengyao was full of praise was?

"It's delicious!!!"

Originally, Zhang Fan didn't care so much about such a Roujiamo, after all, it was just a Roujiamo. He ate a lot of Roujiamo in his previous life, and he didn't think it was so delicious.

But after he took the first bite, he was really delicious immediately.

Yes, the Roujiamo made by Chen Shimei is indeed very good.

Seeing Zhang Fan eating so happily, Chen Mengyao said with a smile on her face, "How is it? I didn't lie to you, did I? I just said that the meat buns made by their family are very delicious."

"By the way, let me tell you one thing. After I hear what I said, don't get excited."

Seeing Chen Mengyao's mysterious face, Zhang Fan couldn't help laughing and said, "Why am I so excited, hurry up and tell me what you're talking about?"

Chen Mengyao took a deep breath at this time, calmed down her mood, and then slowly said: "I have participated in the I am a singer show, and I am the replacement singer for this week's I am a singer show."

Cough cough cough...

Zhang Fan was savoring your delicious Roujiamo at this moment, when he heard Chen Mengyao's words, he almost choked up: "What did you say? Did I hear you right? You joined me as a singer?"

Seeing Zhang Fan like this at this time, Chen Mengyao thought he was looking down on her, so she slammed the table and said angrily, "What happened to me participating in that program? Can I not participate in this program? Are you looking down on me? Are you looking down on me?" Do you think I'm not worthy to participate in the show I'm a singer?"

Bai Xiaobai, who was sweeping the delicacies on the table beside him, suddenly saw the table in front of him shake violently, and was startled.

Seeing Chen Mengyao's angry look, Zhang Fan quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, I didn't say you are not worthy of participating in this program. Of course you can participate in this program. I just didn't expect you to participate in this program." ?”

"In this way, we will be competitors in the future. I didn't expect that one day we would stand on the same stage and compete like this. This is really incredible."

Chen Mengyao said: "I will definitely sing my own songs for the first time, but when I participate in the program later, I may need you to help me write songs. You have helped Lin Yuqing write so many songs. We grew up together Yes, it’s not too much for you to help me write a few songs.”

When Chen Mengyao said these words, she stared closely at Zhang Fan's eyes. She was very afraid that Zhang Fan would say something that we were not familiar with or refused.

Zhang Fan said: "Writing songs is very brain-intensive. I don't know how many brain cells I have to die every time I write a song. A rich woman like you probably wants to prostitute my songs for free. "

When Chen Meiyao heard Zhang Fan's words, she nodded and said, "I don't lack money, but I have one problem."

"Let me ask you, you wrote songs for Lin Yuqing, did you ask for her money? If she gave you the money, I would give you the money, and double the money, but if she didn't give you the money If not, I will be treated the same as her."

(End of this chapter)

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