Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 450 Best Newcomer Award Lin Yuqing?

Chapter 450 Best Newcomer Award Lin Yuqing? (Happy 520!!!)
Tonight's awards ceremony officially begins.

Many netizens who are watching the live broadcast are also very excited at this time.

"'s started, it's started, it's finally started, where is Zhang Fan?"

"I want to watch Zhang Fan, hurry up and give Zhang Fan the scene footage!"

"Ahhhh... Where is my husband? I want to see my husband!"

"What award do you think Zhang Fan will get tonight?"

"I think Zhang Fan should be able to win a best lyricist award. He has written many songs, and the lyrics are very good, especially some Chinese style songs. Those lyrics are absolutely perfect. !"

"The blue sky is waiting for misty rain and I'm waiting for you, the smoke from cooking is rising thousands of miles across the river

, on the bottom of the bottle, the Han Li imitates the elegance of the previous dynasty

, When I foreshadowed meeting you... The lyrics are really amazing, such a good lyrics, if Zhang Fan is not given the best lyricist, it really can't be justified! "

"Yes, yes, the lyrics in those songs written by Zhang Fan are really beautiful, especially the Chinese style songs he wrote are really amazing!"



As the director of this evening's show tonight, Zhang Tao has been paying attention to the data in the background at this time. At this time, seeing many netizens on the barrage in the live broadcast room are swiping Zhang Fan, he couldn't help sighing, it seems This Zhang Fan is really popular.

"By the way, ask the director to give Zhang Fan the shots and cut more shots for him."

At this time, Zhang Tao saw that so many people in the live broadcast room were watching Zhang Fan, so he asked the staff to quickly show the camera to Zhang Fan without hesitation.

The director quickly received the news, and then quickly gave the camera to Zhang Fan.

It's just that when the camera was shown to Zhang Fan, they discovered that Zhang Fan was closing his eyes at this moment? ? ?

Many netizens who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help being excited when they saw Zhang Fan on the camera at this time, but seeing Zhang Fan's eyes closed at this time, they were all very curious, what is Zhang Fan at this time? Sleeping or meditating.

Whether it's sleeping or meditating, it's a bit inappropriate on such an occasion.

After all, this is not an ordinary place, this is the awards ceremony of the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival.

In such an important place, on such an important stage, how could he still be able to sleep?His heart is really too big.

"Damn it! Zhang Fan is sleeping? It's really awesome!"

"Hahaha... I laughed to death, I laughed to death, I really laughed to death, Zhang Fan is really too funny."

"Sleeping at such an important awards ceremony, this is something only Zhang Fan can do, right?"

"Zhang Fan probably didn't expect that he just squinted for a while, and the camera was on him?"

"Why is Zhang Fan so sleepy? What did he do yesterday?"

"I guess he must have done nothing good!"



It wasn't until Zhang Fan was pushed by Lin Yuqing next to him that he slowly reacted.

But at this time, he didn't panic, but suddenly showed a very sunny smile to the camera, and laughed.

And at this time, he even waved his hand to greet the audience in the live broadcast room.

Although Zhang Fan was very embarrassed when he was found sleeping secretly, but Zhang Fan has always understood a truth, no matter how embarrassing things are, as long as you are not embarrassed, then the embarrassing one is someone else.

Although he was very embarrassed at this time, he could only pretend that he was not embarrassed.

Otherwise, he might be really embarrassed.

"Damn it! Zhang Fan's psychological quality is too good. After being found sleeping, he didn't panic in the slightest!"

"Not only did he not panic, but he also greeted the audience in the live broadcast very calmly and calmly. This psychological quality is really second to none!"

"What is psychological quality? This is called thick-skinned, and this is called shameless!"

"This is more than shameless, it's simply shameless to open the door for shameless—shameless at home!"

"You say such a handsome man, how did he have such a thick skin?"



"Hahaha... This Zhang Fan is really amazing. Sure enough, I was right about him. He actually fell asleep here. This is probably something only he can do!"

At this time, Zhang Tao saw that after the camera was shown to Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan seemed to be dozing off, and he felt a little funny.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that he suddenly discovered that Zhang Fan's sleep not only did not cause any bad effects, but the number of people who went to the live broadcast room directly increased by tens of 10 people in just a while.

When Zhang Tao saw this, he couldn't help but gasped.

No wonder many people said that Zhang Fan is a lucky star in the ratings. It seems that this sentence is true, this Zhang Fan is simply a pervert.

If other artists dared to sleep on such an important ceremony, they would probably have been scolded by others, but Zhang Fan not only did not get scolded by netizens for sleeping, but more netizens started to pay attention to their live broadcast .

There is really something very strange about this Zhang Fan.



After going through some procedures in front of the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival, the first award for this year's Best Newcomer was announced.

According to the situation of the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival in previous years, this award is usually issued by some relatively senior seniors in the industry.

This year's Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival is no exception. The singer who presented the award this time is a senior singer who has debuted for 30 years——Wang Gaofeng!

Although Wang Gaofeng is over [-] years old, she looks very good. Perhaps because of years of music research, she really has a very classical and noble temperament.

Wang Gaofeng stood on the podium at this time, opened the list in his hand, and said with a smile on his face: "The singer who was nominated for the best newcomer award at this year's Oriental Wind and Cloud Music Festival is Lin Yuqing..."

When Wang Gaofeng called Lin Yuqing's name, a picture of Lin Yuqing appeared on the big screen behind her instantly, and Lin Yuqing's very classic song "Bubble" sounded

"It's all bubbles, just a flash of fireworks
All your promises are too fragile

And your outline is so sad because I didn't see through it."

Although this song "Bubble" is already very alive, it's completely rotten, but when many people hear Lin Yuqing's singing again, they still have the urge to get goosebumps.

Lin Yuqing's high pitch, Lin Yuqing's singing skills, and Lin Yuqing's timbre are really amazing. Although there are many Internet celebrities and professional singers on the Internet, they have all sung Lin Yuqing's "Bubble", but they None of the cover versions can be compared with Lin Yuqing.

Although this song was written by Zhang Fan, even if Zhang Fan himself sang this song, it is impossible to sing it better than Lin Yuqing.

For this nomination, everyone did not have any surprises.

Although Lin Yuqing only made her official debut on the talent show The Voice of China in the second half of this year, and even though she only debuted for half a year, I have to say that she has achieved very, very, very good results.

The achievements of many singers who have debuted for more than ten years may not be as good as Lin Yuqing's achievements in the past six months.

"Pan Yuejiao!"

Wang Gaofeng read another name at this time, and at this time a picture of a singer and her song appeared on the big screen again.

And at this time, the camera also showed Pan Yuejiao who was sitting under the stage. At this time, Pan Yuejiao covered her mouth with an expression of disbelief.

In contrast, Lin Yuqing, who was also nominated at this time, was very calm and just smiled at the camera.

A total of five singers were nominated for the Best Newcomer Award at the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival, three men and two women.

At this time, the camera was also aimed at the nominated singers in the audience.

The expressions on each of their faces are different, some are happy, some are excited, some are calm, some are confident...

After all, the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival is second only to the Golden Melody Awards in China, and it is already a very good result for them to be nominated for the best newcomer.

Although the few of them knew that the possibility of winning the award was not high, because Lin Yuqing was among the nominees this time.

If someone else was nominated instead of Lin Yuqing, they might still have a little desire to compete, but if the person nominated was Lin Yuqing, they really didn't even have the desire to compete at all.

They knew that the few of them were running with them, and they were not Lin Yuqing's opponents at all. Just one of these songs that Lin Yuqing released in the second half of the year was enough to beat their existence.

It is their honor to be nominated for the best newcomer, but it is their misfortune to be nominated together with such a musical genius as Lin Yuqing.

But losing to Lin Yuqing, a musical genius, is no shame.

Because it's not that they are too weak, but that Lin Yuqing is too strong.

At this time, the live broadcast room was full of barrage.

"Hahaha... This is probably the least suspenseful award ever."

"Now I can say, if Lin Yuqing can't get the best newcomer this time, I will directly broadcast Chixiang!"

"Who dares to bet with me, I bet 1 yuan, Lin Yuqing will definitely win the best newcomer award this time!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Are you gambling?"

"Unless there is something shady about this award, otherwise, apart from Lin Yuqing, it is impossible for anyone else to win this award. After all, her achievements in just six months surpass the achievements of other singers in ten years!"

"Really, this is a matter without any suspense, but the program has made it look so suspenseful!"


After nearly half a minute, until the scene shot was shown to each of these singers, Wang Gaofeng looked at the card in this hand at this time, and announced loudly: "Won the No. The best newcomer award is Lin Yuqing, let us congratulate Lin Yuqing!"

clap clap clap!
When Wang Gaofeng announced the name, the audience could recall the thunderous applause.

Lin Yuqing also stood up at this time, and the camera was all on Lin Yuqing at this time. After Lin Yuqing stood up at this time, Zhang Fan also stood up at this time, and then gave Lin Yuqing a hug.

Many netizens who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help screaming excitedly when they saw Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing embracing each other.

"Ahhh... Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing hugged! Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing hugged!! Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing hugged!!!"


"Ahhhhhh... I knew the relationship between the two of them was not simple, and I knew the CP I knocked on was real, woo woo woo..."

"Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing, if you two are not together, I will be sad!"

"I don't want to knock the CP of the two of them, but the two of them are really sweet!"


After Lin Yuqing and Zhang Fan embraced, they came to the stage, received the award from Wang Gaofeng, and then began to give their acceptance speeches.

Lin Yuqing looked at the award in her hand at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "First of all, it is a great honor to win the Best Newcomer Award at the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival. Many people say that Lin Yuqing is very good, you are a musician. Genius, you have achieved very good results in just half a year since your debut..."

"But here I would like to thank a person very grandly. This person is Teacher Zhang Fan. I would like to thank Teacher Zhang Fan for writing me every song. Without him for writing these songs, I would not be able to stand On this stage, it is even more impossible for me to win this award, without Zhang Fan, there would be no Lin Yuqing, thank you!"

The director was very clever at this time. When Lin Yuqing was talking about Zhang Fan, he gave the camera to Zhang Fan again, and Zhang Fan patted his palm with a smile on his face at this time.

When the netizens who were watching the live broadcast saw this scene, they couldn't help screaming again and again.

"Ah, ah, ah... I got it, I got it, I got it again!"

"It's too sweet, it's too sweet, it's really too sweet!"

"Without Zhang Fan, there would be no Lin Yuqing. What kind of complicated relationship is this?"

"No, no, this can drive!"

"This is not the car to go to kindergarten, put me down quickly!"

"Report! Report! I want to report someone driving here!"



a room

Lin Wenqiang was watching the live broadcast of the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival at this time. When he saw his daughter winning the award for the first time, he was very happy, but when he heard his daughter's acceptance speech at this time, He became angry again: "What are they talking about? What does it mean that without Zhang Fan, there would be no Lin Yuqing? Obviously I am your father, and it is obvious that without me, Lin Wenqiang, there would be no you, Lin Yuqing. How can it become nothing now?" Zhang Fan doesn’t have Lin Yuqing anymore???”

Seeing Lin Wenqiang's angry look at this time, Li Shengnan tied a pear with a bamboo stick, brought it to Lin Wenqiang's mouth, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, don't be angry, eat a pear Quench your thirst! Yuqing is right, she was able to get such an award, thanks to Zhang Fan's help, without Zhang Fan's help, it would not be easy for her to get this award!"

Lin Wenqiang heard Li Shengnan's words at this time, snorted coldly, and said indifferently: "Bah! I don't believe that Zhang Fan is so good. My daughter is so good. I don't believe that she doesn't have Zhang Fan. She just No more!"

(End of this chapter)

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