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Chapter 451 "Sea of ​​Flowers"?Best Composer Award!

Chapter 451 "Sea of ​​Flowers"?Best Composer Award! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)
Of course, although Lin Wenqiang said so, he still recognized Zhang Fan's ability in his heart. After all, Zhang Fan is really talented in music, otherwise he would not be able to write so many classics song.

But when he saw his daughter getting so close to Zhang Fan, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Now he finally understands Lin Yuqing's grandfather, why he was so displeased at the beginning.

Is this really something that every man has to go through?
When he was just with Lin Yuqing's mother, Lin Yuqing's grandfather always disliked him in various ways and picked on him in various ways. At that time, he was very angry and felt that Lin Yuqing's grandfather It's really too much, always picking on his faults in various ways, now after he really became a father, he understands the mood of Lin Yuqing's grandfather back then.

From a very objective, rational, and calm point of view, Zhang Fan is of course a very good man.

First, this Zhang Fan is very handsome. Although this Zhang Fan looks a little worse than when he was young, I have to say that this Zhang Fan is also considered a handsome guy.

It's okay for a man not to be handsome, but it's even worse if a man is only handsome.

What he, Lin Wenqiang, looked down on the most in his life were those men who depended on their appearance for a living.

As handsome as he was back then, he was like a straw in their town, but he didn't rely on his own face to make a living, he had to rely on his talent.

Because he really hates those men who rely on their faces for food.

He felt that a man must have his own ability, must have his own ability, must have his own ability, and then go to work out a career.

At this point, I have to say that Zhang Fan really meets his requirements. Zhang Fan is really talented in music. Many of the songs he wrote are very classic, excellent, and very nice. His career in the entertainment industry can be Said to be very prosperous.

Of course, for Lin Wenqiang, it is not enough for a man to be handsome and talented. To be worthy of his daughter, this man must also be understanding, gentle and considerate, and know how to love others.

After all, Lin Wenqiang only had such a precious daughter, and he didn't want his precious daughter to be wronged in any way.

Handsome and talented, these are just the most basic things. For Lin Wenqiang, the most important thing is to treat his daughter well.

But on this point, Zhang Fan seems to have done a good job.

Anyway, my daughter is very dependent on Zhang Fan.

Although this Zhang Fan is very good in all aspects now, it can be said that he is a very good match, but Lin Wenqiang is still a little uneasy, and he still has to continue to test this Zhang Fan.

After all, this matter is not an ordinary matter, but it is related to his daughter's lifelong event.



The next award to be announced is the Best Composer Award.

This award can be said to be a very important award in any music ceremony. After all, the most important thing about a song is the melody of the song.

Among many songs, the composer of a song is the most important.

The presenter of the Best Composer Award this time is also a very famous senior in the industry. He has produced many excellent songs for many singers. His name is Kintaro.

Zhang Fan was sitting under the stage at this time, and when he heard this person's name, he was taken aback. He thought this person's name was Big Big Wolf.

"Mr. Zhang Fan, I want to congratulate you in advance."

When Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, he looked confused: "Congratulations? What are you congratulating me for? What do I have to congratulate? When I debuted in the entertainment circle, my achievements were not as good as yours, so I didn't win this Best Newcomer Award, it seems that I will never have the chance to win such an award in my life!"

Lin Yuqing held the trophy in her hand at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "Mr. Zhang Fan, if you like this Best Newcomer Award, then wait a minute. If you get this Best Composer Award, we will exchange it for you." How about a moment?"

Zhang Fan said: "Why are you so sure that I will be able to win this Best Composer Award? Are you so confident in me?"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "Of course, Teacher Zhang Fan, you are an unparalleled musical genius in my heart. No one can compare with you. You must be able to." To be able to receive this award!"

"And Mr. Zhang Fan means that you didn't release an album this year. If you release an album this year, you can sign up for the Golden Melody Awards. I believe that with your ability and talent, if you sign up for the Golden Melody Awards, you can also Won the Best Composer Award and the Best Lyricist Award!"

Lin Yuqing's words really touched Zhang Fan's heart. Zhang Fan has produced many classic songs in the past six months, but he has never released an album. This is indeed a rather regrettable thing.

But with his talent, bah, it should be said that with his hack, he came up with an album, and that was a matter of minutes for him.

For a singer, an album is still very important, so Zhang Fan is also considering whether to release an album at this time.

What songs should you choose for an album?After all, he has produced a lot of classic songs in the past six months.

I hope I don't become that Charlotte guy one day and use up all the songs in my head.

"Congratulations to Zhang Fan for winning the Best Composer Award at this year's Oriental Music Festival!"

Just when Zhang Fan was thinking about these messy things, Jin Tailang stood on the podium at this time and had already read out the best lyricist award for this Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival!
Zhang Fan won this year's Best Composer Award without a doubt for his song "Flower Sea".

At this time, the director quickly gave the camera to Zhang Fan, but when the camera was given to Zhang Fan, they found that Zhang Fan seemed to be in a daze at this moment.

no?no?This is not true, is it?

Brother, although you are really very talented, even though you are really a musical genius, you can't do this, can you?
You have won a Best Composer Award anyway, so please give me an expression, can you stop being so indifferent all the time?
Many netizens who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene.

"Hahaha... I'm dying of laughter, I'm dying of laughter, this Zhang Fan is really too funny."

"This Zhang Fan is really good at playing. He was sleeping just now, and now he is in a daze again. I don't know what to say about him!"

"Other singers are overjoyed to win an award, but this Zhang Fan has won such an important award, yet he is in such a daze? What is he trying to do? He also disrespects this Dongfang Fengyun Music Awards Ceremony too much right?"

"Okay, okay, you don't need to go online, Zhang Fan is not such a person at all, maybe he is thinking about something else?"

"It's not Zhang Fan's honor to present Zhang Fan at the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival, but the honor of the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival. With Zhang Fan's talent, if Zhang Fan releases an album, he should go to the Golden Melody Awards this year." It's not the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival, to put it bluntly, the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival is really awesome, but it's just a low-profile Golden Melody Award!"

"Brother upstairs, although what you said is very pretentious, I have to admit that what you said is very reasonable!"



Lin Yuqing, who was sitting next to Zhang Fan, saw Zhang Fan's dazed look at this time, and quickly pushed Zhang Fan: "Mr. Zhang Fan, don't be dazed, it's time for you to go up and receive the award!"

At this time, Zhang Fan was pushed by Lin Yuqing, and then he slowly reacted. At this time, he realized that the camera was facing him again. The audience said hello.

Embarrassment is impossible to be embarrassed, and it is impossible to be embarrassed in this life.

"Damn it! This Zhang Fan's psychological quality is too good, he doesn't feel embarrassed at all when encountering such a thing?"

"If it were me, I would probably be able to pick out three bedrooms and one living room with my toes in embarrassment!"

"It is said that Zhang Fan's musical talent is his best thing, but I think Zhang Fan's face is his best thing. I have never seen such a thick face!"

"To be honest, even if Zhang Fan doesn't have such a great musical talent, with his face, he can still do well in the entertainment industry!"

"Zhang Fan doesn't seem to need these things at all, okay? He's so handsome, he can eat just by his face!"

"To be honest, as a rich woman, one thing I regret very much is that I didn't take care of Zhang Fan when he was not famous. Otherwise, Zhang Fan now belongs to me alone!"

"Fuck! Auntie asks for a babysitter. I can do it too. Although I'm not as handsome as Zhang Fan, I'm in better shape than him. I can definitely satisfy you!"

"When I was young, I didn't know how good my aunt was, and mistakenly regarded girls as treasures. When I was young, I didn't know the fragrance of soft rice. I mistakenly planted rice seedlings when I was young. I looked for my aunt when I turned around. However, my aunt had already run away. Hello, auntie, auntie is a ray of light in the dark. As long as Auntie grasps it, move into the big villa overnight!"

"Hahaha... the brother upstairs is talented, talented, really talented!"




(End of this chapter)

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