Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 455 Promote the movie at the music ceremony?

Chapter 455 Promoting a movie at a music ceremony? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

Many netizens who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help being shocked when they heard the climax of the two singing together.

They really didn't expect that Zhang Fan and Chen Mengyao would have such a tacit understanding in their first cooperation, and the level of tacit understanding was almost comparable to that of Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing's cooperation.

"Ahhhh...didn't you think that the two of them would have such a tacit understanding when they cooperated for the first time?"

"Is this the legendary telepathy? A handsome guy and a beautiful woman, I can't help but want to smack the CP of the two of them!"

"No, no, absolutely not, I disagree! Zhang Fan belongs to Lin Yuqing, and the cooperation between the two of them is the most tacit understanding!"

"Lin Yuqing: It's obvious that Zhang Fan and I have the best understanding when we cooperate, and Zhang Fan is mine, so why is he being snatched away by other women now? I'm so sad!"

"As Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing's CP fan, when I saw this scene, my whole heart couldn't help but break. In my eyes, Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing are a couple. This Chen Mengyao is just the two of them. My little three!"

"Damn it! Is that an exaggeration? You guys are too good at CP. I think Zhang Fan and Chen Mengyao are a good match, and they both come from the same orphanage. She was a childhood sweetheart when I was young!"

"I don't think it should be possible. When Zhang Fan first entered the entertainment circle, Chen Mengyao had already become famous in the entertainment circle. If the relationship between the two of them is really good, why didn't Chen Mengyao help Zhang Fan when Zhang Fan first entered the entertainment circle?" What about him?"

"I think it should be like this. Zhang Fan and Chen Mengyao grew up in an orphanage. Zhang Fan has had a crush on Chen Mengyao since he was a child. It's just that Chen Mengyao is too beautiful and outstanding. He feels that he is not worthy of it." Chen Mengyao. So he studied very hard. When he first entered the entertainment circle, Chen Mengyao was already a very famous star in the entertainment circle, but in order to pursue Chen Mengyao, Zhang Fan worked desperately. Until this year he completely broke out and became the most popular star in the entertainment industry this year, so he got the chance to sing a song with the woman he has been secretly in love with..."

"I'll give you the pen, you write it! It's a pity that you don't write novels with your imagination!"



Lin Yuqing was sitting under the stage at this time, and when she saw Zhang Fan and Chen Mengyao standing on the stage singing together, she suddenly felt an indescribable irritability in her heart.

In the past, she and Teacher Zhang Fan stood on the stage together and sang a song together, but she didn't expect that there are other women beside him now. She thought that she would not care, but she didn't think that in her heart To be so irritable.

"Lin Yuqing, don't think too much. The two of them just sang a song together. The reason why they sang this song together this time is also to promote the movie "Mermaid". He is very popular, if he and Zhang Fan sing this song together, it can better promote the movie "Mermaid"!"

At this time, Lin Yuqing kept comforting herself in her heart.

In this movie, the two of them sang the song "Hello in the World Always" together, so it is also a good choice for Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing to sing this song together this time.

The reason why Zhang Fan didn't do this this time was because Lin Yuqing was the heroine of this movie. Even if the two of them sang this song together, the effect would not be that great, after all, the popularity had overlapped.

That's why he invited Chen Mengyao to sing this song with him at this time
Chen Mengyao's current popularity and status are relatively high among female stars, and the two of them singing this song together can bring the greatest popularity to the movie "Mermaid"!

On stage

This time the song has come to the end.

At this time, Zhang Fan even took the initiative to hold Chen Mengyao's hand, and then the two looked at each other quietly, and continued to sing in chorus: "In the world of martial arts, I don't know who is taller."
Or the trick is the same way

But I know love can't find better

Treat my heart to the world, always hello"

Many netizens who were watching the live broadcast saw that at the end of the song, the two of them held hands together, and there seemed to be something wrong with the way the two of them looked at each other, and they couldn't help screaming.

"Fuck! Holding hands! Holding hands! The two of them are actually holding hands!"

"Isn't it just holding hands? This is a very normal thing. Why are you so excited!"

"But the eyes of the two of them looking at each other are very strange. This kind of eyes is like the eyes of couples in love looking at each other. I think the relationship between the two of them is definitely not simple!"

"Don't fart anymore, it is impossible for Chen Mengyao of our family to be interested in Zhang Fan, and Chen Mengyao of our family will always belong to me alone!"

"Ahhhhh... No, no, I can't help knocking their CP, I declare that from now on I will be Zhang Fan and Chen Mengyao's CP fan!"

"I have to say that handsome men and beautiful women are eye-catching. The two of them really look like a good match!"


#张凡陈梦瑶手手# This topic quickly became the tenth most searched topic on Weibo, arousing discussions and attention from many netizens, and even many people began to knock on their CP, and established a Zhang Fan The CP chat with Chen Mengyao.

Director Zhang Tao couldn't help being very happy seeing the rising number of people in the live broadcast room at this time.

Now the number of people online in the live broadcast room has broken the record of the past few years.

When Zhang Fan and Chen Mengyao sang the song "Hello in the World Always", the popularity of the live broadcast room reached its peak.

As Zhang Tao who is in charge of this Oriental Music Festival, he is naturally very happy to see that this Oriental Music Festival has achieved such a good result.

Zhang Tao has always had a wish, which is to make the Oriental Wind and Cloud Music Festival a Golden Melody Award.

Now his Dongfeng Fengyun Music Festival has received as much attention as the Golden Melody Awards. The only thing that is lacking is the foundation of the Golden Melody Awards for so many years.

However, the Golden Melody Award also has many problems. For example, many songs nominated for the Golden Melody Award are relatively niche.

After the songs that won the Golden Melody Awards every year came out, many netizens were stunned when they saw these songs, saying that they had never heard these songs at all.

The Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival has made some considerations in this regard. He not only considers the professionalism and skill of the song, but also considers the popularity of the song, so in recent years, the attention of the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival will be more and more. come higher.

Even in the past few years, the attention of the Oriental Music Festival has surpassed that of the Golden Melody Awards.

Even a few years ago, in order to increase the attention of the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival, he specially nominated some traffic stars.

Of course, just for nominations, he will definitely not give any of these awards to these traffic stars, and he does this only to earn the popularity of these traffic stars' fans.

But this year, there is Zhang Fan, a pervert with both traffic and strength, and he doesn't need to invite those traffic little fresh meat, because the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival can be supported by such a troublesome traffic like Zhang Fan up.

But this time Zhang Fan did not disappoint him.

After the two sang the song, the host also conducted a certain interview with them.

But Zhang Fan would not let go of this opportunity, and took this opportunity to promote his new movie Mermaid.

"This song "Hello in the world" is a theme song I wrote for my new movie "Mermaid". Another theme song of this movie "Invincible" has been released. This song "Hello in the world" It’s almost the same as the expression of invincibility.”

"And in this movie, Lin Yuqing and I will also sing this song together in a very unexpected way. If you want to know the specific situation, you can watch the movie "Mermaid" by then. knew!"


When the host heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, he couldn't help but fasten Q.

He said how could Zhang Fan be so good, he would sing a new song at their oriental music festival, and help them get traffic through the oriental music festival.

Going to the music festival to promote the movie?

This is something that only Zhang Fan can do.

Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Zhang Tao almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

He said why Zhang Fan was so kind to sing such a good song at his music festival, which attracted so much traffic to his music festival. It turned out that he was doing it to promote his movie.

This advertisement really caught him off guard.

After Zhang Fan finished speaking, he also realized the way the host looked at him, and said innocently, "Why are you looking at me like that? Could it be that your Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival stipulates that you can't promote it here?" Is there a movie? Or do you want to charge me for advertising, and I will tell you if you want money, or you will die!"


Zhang Tao: "??????"

Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Zhang Tao not only sighed helplessly!

Because the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival did not stipulate that movies are not allowed to be promoted on it, but there is no need for regulations at all. After all, no one would be so weird as to promote any movie at the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival. After all, this is just a music ceremony. It's not a movie ceremony.

As long as he is a normal person, he probably wouldn't promote a movie at a music festival.

If others dared to do this, he would have blocked this person long ago, and he would never even think about participating in the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival next time.

But if this person is Zhang Fan, he must be cautious.

Although Zhang Fan promoted his movie "Mermaid" at their music festival, Zhang Fan's song also drew a lot of attention for their music festival.

Moreover, many hot searches in Dongfeng Music Festival today are contributed by Zhang Fan. It can be said that Zhang Fan's contribution to their music festival today is obvious to all.

People only promote a movie, so don't bother with him.

After all, who let them come out with such a good song just now and help their music festival attract so much attention.

"Forget it, forget it, let's forget about it, jump over quickly!"

Zhang Tao gave instructions to the host on stage at this time.

The host was not only very surprised to hear Zhang Tao's words through the headset at this time.

He thought that Zhang Tao would be furious and would never invite this Zhang Fan again, but he didn't expect him to compromise with this Zhang Fan.

At this time, the main city quickly showed a smiling face that was uglier than crying: "No problem, no problem, there is indeed no rule in our Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival that we cannot promote movies here..."

Zhang Fan groaned when he heard the host's words at this time, and said with a face of course: "I said that no one will make such a weird rule. If that's the case, then give me another minute. Spread the word about my movie!"

When the host heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, the smile on his face froze instantly.

When Zhang Tao in the background heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, the expression on his whole face was also very rich.

Many netizens who were watching the live broadcast saw the smile on the host's face suddenly freeze, and they couldn't help bursting out laughing.

"Hahaha... I laughed to death, I laughed to death, I really laughed to death!"

"Oh my god, I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore, I really can't take it anymore, this Zhang Fan is really too funny!"

"Hahaha... no, no, my stomach hurts from laughing!"

"Wait a minute, are you the teaser sent by the monkey? I'm really being teased by you!"

"Zhang Fan, you should stop playing with this host, you're almost ruining him!"

"Host: I have never seen such a speechless person and such a speechless thing in my life!"

"Zhang Fan: That's because you didn't meet me before, so you see me now, don't you?"

"Hahaha... These sand sculpture netizens on the Internet are really talented, I will die laughing on the Internet sooner or later!"



At this time, Zhang Fan saw that the host's face was turning into a pig's liver color, and he patted him on the shoulder with a smile on his face: "Hahaha...don't be so nervous, I was just talking to you just now." It's just a joke, you see your face is about to turn green."

"To make up for you, I decided to give you a movie ticket for our "Mermaid" movie for free. Then you can go to the cinema to watch this movie for free. How about it? Are you surprised? Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy?"

(End of this chapter)

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