Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 456 A 3-year-old virgin? ? ?

Chapter 456 A 30-year-old virgin? ? ? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)


Many netizens who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help laughing when they saw the host's bewildered expression.

I have to say that this Zhang Fan is really too funny.

"I'm dying of laughter, I'm laughing to death, I'm really laughing to death, this Zhang Fan is really too funny!"

"Zhang Fan is too stingy to give him a movie ticket. What if he has a girlfriend?"

"Be content, Zhang Fan can give you a movie ticket, that's not bad!"

"Host: Don't say it, don't say it, please don't say it, can't I support the movie "Mermaid"?"

"Zhang Fan's last movie "Youth and Promise" was very good. When I saw this movie, I remembered my lost youth and the running back in the sunset, so this time I support Zhang Fan's filming. "The Mermaid"!"

"I'm really grateful to Mr. Zhang Fan for the movie "Young and Promising". Last time I invited my favorite goddess to watch this movie, and then took the opportunity to confess my love to her. She was very moved after watching this movie. So I promised me! So this time I am determined to see the movie "Mermaid", even Jesus can't stop me, I said!"

"I'm going, is it real or not? Is Zhang Fan's movie really that useful? I'll give it a try too!"



Next, Zhang Fan once again won the Best Composer Award and the Best Song Award for the song "Blue and White Porcelain".

Zhang Fan directly won four awards at the Oriental Wind and Cloud Music Festival in one night. I have to say that this is really a very remarkable achievement.

There's no way, it's not that others are too weak, but that Zhang Fan is really too strong this year.

One of his casual songs this year is enough for other singers to eat for a lifetime.

This guy is simply a pervert. Even if he attends an awards ceremony, he still has to come up with an extraordinary new song.

The next few awards have nothing to do with him. Of course, the most important award of the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival is of course the best singer of the year.

The best singer of the year at the Oriental Music Festival is divided into the best male singer of the year and the best female singer of the year.

With Zhang Fan's achievements in music this year, there is no doubt that he will be the best singer of the year, but the best singer of the year award is not only related to achievements, but also depends on your qualifications.

So Zhang Fan felt that although he had achieved good results in music this year, he still had some difficulties in getting the best singer of the year.

Zhang Fan looked at his phone at this time, and suddenly found that someone had sent him a message.

Liu Awei: [Did you forget one thing? 】

Zhang Fan also saw the news sent by Liu Awei, and his face was baffled.

Forgot something?What can he forget.

Zhang Fan: 【Forgot what?What did I forget?Is it because I won four awards tonight and forgot to share the good news with you?Then it should be too late for me to share with you now! 】

Liu Awei: 【...Did you forget that you are going to participate in the Internet Literature Ceremony tonight?If someone's editor sends you a message and you don't reply, they have already found me.

I'll accept the prize for you in a while, the organizer is in a hurry, and I can't find you until now. 】

What the hell!

What the hell!

God damn it!
When Zhang Fan saw the message Liu Awei sent him, he couldn't help but lie.

He sang so excitedly on stage just now that he even forgot that he still has a web essay ceremony to attend.

Oh, my god!

Zhang Fan: [Sorry, I forgot, I will go there now! ! ! 】


This time, the Internet Literature Ceremony and the Dongfang Fengyun Yinyun Festival are held very close to each other. As long as he speeds up, he should be able to arrive at the Internet Literature Ceremony soon.

At this time, Zhang Fan saw that no one was paying attention, so he sneaked away.

It's just that what Zhang Fan didn't expect was that when he was about to sneak out, the director gave him the camera.

Because as soon as Zhang Fan appears in the camera, the live broadcast room will become very popular, so the director will switch to Zhang Fan's camera from time to time according to the director's instructions. Even if he sleeps with his eyes closed, just give him more cameras. The popularity of the live broadcast room will still be very high.

But the director didn't expect that when he pointed the camera at Zhang Fan again just now, Zhang Fan would sneak away?

At this time, not only the director was dumbfounded, but many viewers who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help being dumbfounded when they saw Zhang Fan's leaving back.

"Fuck! I read it right, is this person Zhang Fan?"

"Who can tell me what's going on, how did he sneak away?"

"I think there must be some misunderstanding. Maybe someone is in a hurry to urinate and secretly went to the toilet!"

"Brother Director, can I trouble you to go to the toilet to track it down? I want to take a look at Zhang Fan's dick"

"Fuck! Network administrator, I want to report that someone is driving here!"

"It's not time to put me down for kindergarten!"

"All of you are really dirty, not as pure as me! I am 30 years old, and I am still a virgin. Let me ask you, which one of you can do it!"

"Fuck! I'm so scared, you're still a virgin at the age of 30? You're really an old virgin. I just want to ask, how did you do it?"

"A 30-year-old virgin is even rarer than a 20-year-old virgin!"



The Internet Literature Ceremony is also very lively here at this time.

Some web writers got together in twos and threes, and at this time they all started talking to each other.

"Banana, you are pretty good. Your grades in that historical essay are pretty good now, but your update is really too slow!"

"Oh, I can't help it. I'm not as good as I was when I was young!"

"Hahaha... It's the same as when you were young and you updated quickly!"


"Xiaoyu, when will your school finish? You have written more than 2000 million words. Are you still not finished?"

"The end? Are you kidding me? My novel has just started, okay?"

"2000 million words just started??? Are you sure you're not joking?"

"I can't help it. Do you think I don't want to finish this novel? The main reason is that my new novel's grades are not very good. Now I can only rely on this novel for food. After all, I signed a contract with the platform back then. I can get tens of thousands of dollars every month for updating!"

"Damn it! You're too good at pulling wool. Usually capitalists exploit workers, but this time you're directly exploiting capitalists!"


"Tomato, congratulations, your recent new fantasy novel has done pretty well!"

"It's not bad, but compared with "Fights Break Sphere", my grades in this novel are not so good?"

"Hey, there's nothing I can do about it. The main reason is that the novel Fighting the Sky is really too popular. It's simply the most popular novel this year, bar none!"

"Can you believe that this novel already has [-] lords, and since the anime of the novel "Fights Break Sphere" was aired, the book's score is still rising!"

"Don't say it, don't say it, this Li Xiaoyao is really awesome. He wrote a novel that is worth our whole life. To be honest, I really want to see the true face of this Li Xiaoyao what!"

"I heard from the editor that this guy will come this time, but his seat has been empty and no one has come. I guess he won't come this time. It’s already more than 100 million, and I don’t know if it’s true!”

"The average order is more than 100 million, which is too exaggerated. It is estimated that his monthly income from manuscript fees is tens of millions!"

"And this novel has now been published on all platforms. Not only does it perform very well on Tiandi Chinese Online, but it also performs very well on other websites. The popularity of the novel Fighting the Sky is really exaggerated. , the WeChat index of the novel Fights Break the Sky is no worse than the WeChat index of first-line stars!"



Compared with the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival, the attention of the Internet Literature Ceremony is much, much less.

After all, the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival is full of big stars, while the Internet Literature Ceremony is just some novel authors.

Although the novels of these novel authors are very popular, and even some of their top authors earn as much money as those stars, their attention is still not as good as those stars.

The online live broadcast has also started online, but so far, the number of people online in the online live broadcast room is only tens of thousands.

A large part of them came here to read the most popular fantasy novel on the Internet today, "Fights Break Sphere" by Li Xiaoyao, the author.

But after they watched the live broadcast, they realized that Li Xiaoyao's position as the author had been vacant all the time. Many netizens speculated that this Li Xiaoyao might not come.

"Ahhhhhhh...why didn't Li Xiaoyao, my favorite author of fantasy novels, come?"

"Yes, yes, this story of Li Xiaoyao is well written and updated very fast. In the past, other authors could not keep up with my reading, but now I can hardly keep up with his updating! "

"Such a fast hand speed can only be achieved by being single for 20 years!"

"Who said, I've been single for 20 years, but I'm not as fast as Li Xiaoyao!"

"Let's go, there is nothing interesting in this Internet ceremony, I can't see it, my favorite author Li Xiaoyao, I'd better go to the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival opposite, at least I can see my favorite singer Zhang What about Fan!"

"The relationship between Zhang Fan and Li Xiaoyao should be quite good. After all, the animation of the novel "Fights Break Sphere" is made by the company behind Zhang Fan, and Zhang Fan also wrote the animation for the novel "Fights Break Sphere". It's the theme song."



(End of this chapter)

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