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Chapter 457 Zhang Fan Is Li Xiaoyao, the God of Internet Literature?impossible!

Chapter 457 Zhang Fan Is Li Xiaoyao, the Master of Internet Literature?impossible! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

Wearing a mask, Zhang Fan quickly rushed to the Web Literature Ceremony.

When Zhang Fan arrived here, more than half of the web essay ceremony had already been completed.

Zhang Fan quickly found a seat with his name on it, and quickly came to this seat and sat down.

When many writers at the scene saw someone appearing in Li Xiaoyao's position, they were all very surprised. They could finally see the true face of Li Xiaoyao's Lushan Mountain.

Although this Li Xiaoyao is wearing a mask now, judging from his flowing long hair and those embarrassing eyes, this Li Xiaoyao must be a very handsome guy.

This made them, the internet authors, a little envious and jealous.

As we all know, these online writers basically don't have any handsome men.

After all, I shut myself in a room every day, sitting in front of the computer, writing novels and conceiving novels every day. Many great masters are bald because of thinking about stories.

Although many great gods are earning more and more money, their heads are also getting balder.

Today they came to participate in this web essay ceremony and have tried their best to dress themselves up, but their appearance is still a bit unflattering. It is really too difficult to find a handsome guy among these authors.

In the end, I didn't expect that Li Xiaoyao's novels were so popular, and he was so young, and he was so handsome. This is simply a sure winner in life.

"Fuck! I'm a little jealous of this kid. Why is his hair so long while our novels are bald? Why? This is too unfair, right? Besides, his novels are so popular, he always If I earn money from a novel, I may not be able to compare with others in my lifetime of writing!"

"No way, there are always some geniuses in this world. They don't need trial and error, they don't need to rush to the street, a book is enough to succeed, and this Li Xiaoyao is obviously this kind of genius. It's me, it seems that in the future, we don't need to change the person responsible for the beauty of the online literature world!"

"Bah! You're really too thick-skinned. You have a little more hair than me. With your face, you dare to say that you are responsible for your appearance. How dare you say such a thing? Do you want a little B-face? "

"Hmph! You're just envious and jealous that I have more hair than yours. I can't help it. I want to have less hair, and I want to be bald, but my hair really doesn't allow it!"

Just when some of them wanted to go up to say hello, Zhang Fan had already taken off his mask.

When they saw Zhang Fan's face, if they had to describe their inner feelings in one word, it would be handsome! ! !

"Fuck! You're so handsome!"

"It's unbelievable why there is such a handsome man in our online literature world. This is simply a proper male protagonist of a novel. Isn't this sense of substitution coming?"

"With such a handsome face, why do you write novels? Wouldn't it be nice to be a star? If I had such a handsome face, I wouldn't shut myself in the room every day to write novels. I would definitely Go out, when those beautiful girls see my face, they will all come over and post it!"

"Okay, okay, you ≡30-year-old virgin, don't flirt anymore, you usually forget all kinds of flirts in your novels, but in reality you are a [-]-year-old single dog, I am really convinced!"

"Speaking of celebrities, do you guys think that Li Xiaoyao looks very much like a celebrity? What's the name of this celebrity? I can't remember it for a while."

"Don't tell me that I haven't realized it yet. What you said seems to be true. This Li Xiaoyao really looks like a star. I saw his billboard on the way here just now! "

"Zhang Fan!!! Zhang Fan!!! It turned out to be Zhang Fan!!! I read it right!"

"I remembered, I remembered, this guy is Zhang Fan, I said, why is this guy so handsome?"

"Isn't this Li Xiaoyao's seat? What is this Zhang Fan doing here?"



Many authors are very curious at this time, this is Li Xiaoyao's seat, what is this Zhang Fan doing here?
Anyway, none of them thought that Zhang Fan was Li Xiaoyao, which was simply impossible.

Although this Zhang Fanren is indeed quite handsome, and his songwriting is really good, but they do not believe that the most popular fantasy novel on the entire Internet is actually written by this Zhang Fan, it is simply impossible things.

After all, every line is like a mountain. Although this Zhang Fan is handsome, it doesn't mean that he can write novels well.

Besides, even if this Zhang Fan has a bit of literary talent and is good at writing novels, he cannot be this Li Xiaoyao.

Because this Li Xiaoyao is a pervert, he updates [-] words a day!

This Zhang Fan is a big star, he is so busy all day long, how can he update so many words in a day?
You must know that some of them can't write [-] words a month.

The key is that someone can write so fast and write novels so well, which is a skill.

When Zhang Fan appeared, the popularity of the live broadcast began to rise continuously.

"Damn it! You may not believe it, but I just saw Zhang Fan in the Internet Literature Ceremony!"

"Really? How is this possible? Isn't Zhang Fan participating in some Oriental Music Festival? How could he be at our ceremony?"

"Really or not? Zhang Fan just left from the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival. I thought he had gone home. I didn't expect him to appear on the scene of this kind of online literature ceremony. What does he want to do?"

"Damn it, not only did he appear at the site of the Internet Literature Ceremony, he also sat in Li Xiaoyao's place. What does he want to do?"

"Could it be that this Zhang Fan is Li Xiaoyao?"

"Impossible! Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

"I admit that Zhang Fan is quite handsome, but you say that he can write novels, and he can also write such classic novels as "Fights Break Sphere", this is impossible!"

"Yes, yes, and Li Xiaoyao can update [-] words a day. This Zhang Fan is a big star and is so busy all day. How can he write so many words a day?"

"I don't even know how you came up with this idea. If Zhang Fan were Li Xiaoyao, I'd just eat three hundred catties of shit!"



#张凡出现在网文大宗场# This topic quickly became a trending topic on Weibo.

Zhang Xinda is a well-known troll on the Internet, he often relies on trolling some celebrities to gain popularity and the like.

At this time, he was scrolling through Weibo, looking for some topics on Weibo, to see if there was anything that could make him popular. As a result, he quickly saw Zhang Fan appearing at the scene of the Internet Literature Ceremony, and then I also saw Zhang Fan sitting on the seat of Li Xiaoyao, a very famous author on the Internet.

When Zhang Xinda saw this video, he couldn't help laughing immediately.

This is really a way to heaven if you don't go, but there is no way to hell but you just rush in.

He was worried that he couldn't find something to catch the trend, but he saw such a trending search.

This is simply giving him enthusiasm for nothing.

Naturally, Zhang Xinda would not let go of such a good opportunity. He quickly opened his Weibo with 700 million fans, and then quickly published a Weibo.

He directly won a very attractive title - the big star Zhang Fan did such a thing?Really disappointing.

[The big star Zhang Fan in the entertainment industry actually did such a lack of quality in front of the public, it is really disappointing.As a star in the entertainment circle, Zhang Fan actually occupied the position of Li Xiaoyao, the author of online articles? ? ?Are the stars in the entertainment circle superior to others?Are web writers going to be bullied?

To be honest, I have also read the novel "Fights Break Sphere". I like this novel very much. Seeing that the author of this novel is so bullied by Zhang Fan, I really feel sorry for Li Xiaoyao. He worked hard I really can't stand the fact that the works I wrote are so disrespected by people, and even one of his positions has to be taken over by others. If you still want to lose face, Zhang Fan, you should get out! 】

After Zhang Xinda finished writing this Weibo, he brought up related topics about Zhang Fan. After all, Zhang Fan is very popular. If you put Zhang Fan's name on it, it will easily be on the hot search list.

Then he bought some sailors, and left comments on his Weibo to drive the trend on the Internet.

"Isn't it? Am I right? Zhang Fan is this kind of person?"

"Zhang Fan really disappointed me. I quite like his songs. Didn't I expect him to be this kind of person?"

"This Zhang Fan is really too much, how can he take someone else's seat casually? I declare that from now on I will turn black on Zhang Fan's fans!"

"I also like the novel "Fights Break Sphere". I didn't expect the author of this novel I like to be bullied by Zhang Fan? This Zhang Fan is really too much, brothers, follow me, don't let this go Zhang Fan!"

"I really didn't expect that such a low-key person like Li Xiaoyao would be bullied by others like this. Li Xiaoyao usually only writes novels and has never shown his face on the Internet. In the end, someone would bully him like this. Really It's too much!"

"As a fan of Li Xiaoyao, I really can't take it anymore. Although our family Li Xiaoyao is low-key, he can't bear this kind of bullying. Brothers rushed me to Zhang Fan's Weibo!"



And Zhang Fan's fans here also looked confused.

They didn't expect Zhang Fan to gain so many black fans all of a sudden in such a short period of time.

When they clicked in and saw this video, they were also very shocked.

"Isn't it? Isn't it? How could Zhang Fan be such a person?"

"I don't believe that Zhang Fan would be so disrespectful. There must be some misunderstanding!"

"That's right, just because Zhang Fan has done so much charity, just because he donated so much to schools, I don't believe that he would be such a disrespectful person, I believe there must be some What a misunderstanding!"

"That's right, and Zhang Fan has written the theme song for Li Xiaoyao's "Fights Break Sphere" anime. I believe the relationship between the two of them is good. There must be something about this matter that we don't know why. Yes, everyone, don't be impulsive!"

"Yes, I don't believe that Zhang Fan is such a person, there must be some misunderstanding!"

(End of this chapter)

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