Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 462 Do You Want Me To Promise Me?

Chapter 462 Do You Want Me To Promise Me?
"Against the world
Is this mountain the highest

Or another height is higher than the sky
In the world there is a mountain higher than this mountain

But love can't be found better than you"

Zhang Fan had just come out of the Net Wen Da Dian at this time, and immediately heard a burst of very pleasant singing.

As expected of the song I sang, it's just so nice.

Zhang Fan was narcissistic at first, and then took out his mobile phone to see that it was his manager Liu Awei who called.

What is this guy doing on the phone at this time?
Could it be that he saw that he had won another award and came to congratulate himself?

Isn't it just winning an online article award for the best work of the year?Isn't this a normal thing for me?

As his manager, shouldn't he be used to his excellence?

"You call me now, do you want to congratulate me for winning another award? As my agent, you have to get used to my excellence and style. It's normal for me to win an award. I don't want an award." It's normal."

Cough cough cough...

Hearing Zhang Fan's narcissistic words at this time, Liu Awei couldn't help coughing a few times: "You are really too narcissistic, your narcissism is really beyond my imagination. But I I didn't call you to tell you about it, I just wanted to say sorry to you, I made a mistake about one thing. "

"I originally thought that you would not win the Best Singer Award at the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival, but I didn't expect you to win the Best Singer Award at the Dongfang Fengyun Music Festival. In the end, you didn't go, but fortunately your My childhood sweetheart Chen Mengyao picked up the award for you, this time you should thank him well, otherwise you will be embarrassed this time!"

Zhang Fan said: "Damn it! I won the Best Male Singer Award. Doesn't it mean that I won't get this award this year? Doesn't this award mean that I have to be nominated for several years before I can win this award? What's going on? what?"

Cough cough cough...

Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Liu Awei couldn't help coughing a few times in embarrassment. After all, he was the one who swore at the beginning that Zhang Fan would not get this award, so in the end Zhang Fan went to the Internet Literature Ceremony Receive another of his awards.

But he can't be blamed for this. According to the inside information he got, Zhang Fan didn't get the best male singer award in the first place.

If you want to blame, blame the person who gave him the inside information. His inside information is really not accurate at all.

It is definitely impossible to go back now. The online literary ceremony on my side is over, and the Dongfanghong Cinema Festival on the opposite side is probably almost over.

But this time Chen Mengyao did him such a big favor, I should really thank her this time.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan took out his mobile phone and called Chen Mengyao.

"Against the world
Is this mountain the highest

Or another height is higher than the sky
In the world there is a mountain higher than this mountain

But love can't be found better than you"

At this time, a very nice ringtone suddenly appeared on the phone, and this ringtone was the song "Hello Always in the World" sung by the two of them together.

After the two slept on the same bed last time, the relationship between the two can be said to be one step closer. When Chen Mengyao saw Zhang Fan set his mobile phone ringtone to Lin Yuqing's song, she was very envious .

So when Zhang Fan invited Chen Mengyao to sing the song "The World Is Always Hello" with him to promote his new movie, Chen Mengyao offered to record the song and even help promote the movie. The reward, but he made Zhang Fan have to agree to one condition.

They don't want to take revenge, and they also help for free. What's wrong with agreeing to one condition?
No matter what, I can't go whoring people for nothing.

He hasn't been shameless to this extent yet.

So Zhang Fan agreed to Chen Mengyao's request.

He originally thought that if he agreed to Chen Mengyao's request, Chen Mengyao would let him do excessive things.

After all, he knows very well that this woman has been entangled with him for a long time. If she takes this opportunity to do something excessive to him, will he fulfill his promise?Is it to fulfill the promise?Or fulfill the promise?

After all, he, Zhang Fan, is not a person who does not keep his word. Zhang Fan is a person who keeps his word and promises, and is very trustworthy. Since he has promised others, he must be so trustworthy.

Zhang Fan had already prepared for this woman to speak, but this woman actually asked him to set the song they recorded as the ringtone of his mobile phone.

When Zhang Fan heard this request from Chen Mengyao, he couldn't help but opened his mouth in shock.

He originally thought that Chen Mengyao would make some very excessive request, but he didn't expect Chen Mengyao to make such a simple request.

It's really a needle in the bottom of a woman's heart. Sometimes a woman's mind is really too difficult to guess.

After the two recorded the song, Zhang Fan then set the song recorded by the two as his cell phone ringtone.

Chen Mengyao originally asked him not to change the ringtone of his mobile phone for ten years, and he had to use the song they recorded as his mobile phone ringtone, but Zhang Fan definitely wouldn't do it, after all, he would listen to a song for ten years Vomited.

After Zhang Fan used his super bargaining skills, the two finally settled the deal within three months.

Zhang Fan had to use the song "Hello in the World Always" sung by the two of them as his cell phone ringtone for three months.

Now it seems that not only her own mobile phone uses this song, but also Chen Mengyao's mobile phone uses this song as a ringtone.

Now he finally understands why Chen Miao insisted on asking him to change the phone ringtone to this song. It turned out that he wanted to use the same phone ringtone as himself. Could this be the legendary couple's ringtone?
He has heard of couple clothes, couple shoes, couple mobile phones, couple gloves, couple socks, couple things, etc. Is this the first time he has heard of couple ringtones?

"Hey, what are you doing calling me in the middle of the night?"

Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's voice at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "It's nothing, I mainly want to thank you, I heard that you went up to help me get the award I won, so I want to thank you very much a bit!"

Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a resentful face: "It turns out that Teacher Zhang Fan's thanks are so cheap, are you just talking about them?"

"It is said that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. This time I have done you such a big favor, you can thank me with your mouth. Are you embarrassed? Do you want to show some face?"

Cough cough cough...

Zhang Fan couldn't help coughing in embarrassment when he heard what the woman on the other side said at this time. He suddenly felt that what the woman on the other side said made sense.

"Then how do you want me to thank you? Do you want me to promise you with your body? But I am an unmarriageist, and I don't plan to get married now. "

"If you don't mind, I can be your boyfriend now, and we can be husband and wife first..."

When Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she blushed and spat: "Hey, why are you so shameless? I have never seen such a brazen person like you. As a man, you don't want to take responsibility. You think about going whoring for nothing, thinking about taking advantage all day, are you still a man?"

When Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, he couldn't help being angry. He could endure others questioning his appearance, he could bear others questioning his talent, he could bear others questioning his aesthetics, but he absolutely couldn't Put up with people questioning whether he is a man.

"Of course I belong to a man. If you don't believe me, we can start the video now. I'll take off my pants and show you!"

When Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she could only blush even more: "Hey, who wants to look at you? Why are you so shameless? I didn't realize that you have such a thick skin before."

If others dared to say such things to him, she would probably have hung up the phone long ago, but hearing Zhang Fan say such things to her at this time, I don't know why he didn't feel any anger in his heart, but felt a faint joy a feeling of.

Zhang Fan said: "Okay, I'm not joking with you anymore, I've already thought about how to thank you, otherwise I'll treat you to a meal, and I'll take you to eat whatever you want."

When Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, a very good idea suddenly appeared in her mind, and she said with a smile: "It's so late, it's really too troublesome to go out to eat, or you can come to my house Well, my house has everything here. We will eat hot pot tonight, you can go to the supermarket to buy more ingredients when you come here later, I haven’t eaten hot pot for a long time, and suddenly I want to eat hot pot!”

"By the way, buy a few more bottles of beer when you come. Although I have Lafite from 1990 and Conti from [-] here, it seems that eating hot pot and drinking red wine doesn't go well together. Eating hot pot and drinking beer is more suitable!"

Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, and really wanted to ask if all you women love hot pot so much?

He remembered that when he invited Lin Yuqing to dinner, Lin Yuqing always had to eat hot pot
As a result, he wants to invite this Chen Mengyao to dinner now, and this Chen Mengyao also wants to eat hot pot.

Is hot pot really so fragrant?
goo goo...

At this moment, Zhang Fan's stomach growled suddenly.

For some reason, when he heard the word hot pot, he felt a little hungry.

Zhang Fan said: "This is not so good. It's already past ten o'clock. It will be eleven o'clock when I finish shopping and go to your house. It will be past twelve o'clock after we finish eating. If you drink If so, then I won’t be able to drive, how can I go back?”




(End of this chapter)

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