Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 463 8888 big red envelopes? ? ?

Chapter 463 8888 big red envelope? ? ? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)
Chen Mengyao said with a smile on Zhang Fan's words at this time: "This... this is indeed because I didn't think carefully, or how about I call you a substitute driver when the time comes?"


When Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, he couldn't help but sighed deeply.

Wouldn't this woman say that you don't have to leave tonight?
What is the driver called?
What do you call a shit driver?
Zhang Fan said: "No, no, this is absolutely not possible. You don't know how dangerous a surrogate driver is now, and I am so handsome. If the surrogate driver you call falls in love with my beauty, then I will Isn't it over?"

When Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

This man is really too funny.

At this time, Chen Mengyao certainly heard the subtext of this man. The subtext of this man was that he didn't want to leave after he came here tonight.

But although Chen Mengyao could hear the subtext of this man, of course she would not agree to this man so easily.

Because she is a woman, of course she has to be a little more reserved.

Besides, sometimes things that are too easy for a man are often not cherished by them.

So although she understood the man's subtext, she would never go up and agree to the man's request.

Hearing the woman's laughter at this time, Zhang Fan couldn't help but said angrily, "Why are you laughing? Why are you laughing? What's so funny? Isn't what I said a fact? Am I not handsome?" ? Isn’t it possible for the things I said to happen?”

Chen Mengyao said: "It's nothing. I'm not laughing at you. I just suddenly thought of something funny. I'm really not laughing at you."

"Don't you want to stay with me? It's not good for this lonely man and widow in the middle of the night."

Zhang Fan heard this woman's words at this time, and knew that this woman understood his subtext.

Since you want to play hard to get with me, let's play hard to get.

"You're right, it's really not good for lonely men and widows to eat together in the middle of the night, so we won't eat tonight, and we can go to eat together when we are free during the day, I'll hang up first, I'm really sleepy today, I'm going back to sleep first!"

"Yawn! Yawn! Yawn!"

When Zhang Fan said this, he yawned three times in a row.

When Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she immediately became anxious.

She originally wanted to make a joke with this man, but she didn't expect this man to be serious? ? ?
Chen Mengyao said: "No, no, absolutely not, I will give you half an hour, hurry up, don't forget to buy your things, if you can't make it, you will be finished, if you come here tonight , I'll show you something good, something very, very good..."

At the end of Chen Mengyao's speech, she purposely spoke in a very seductive voice.

Hearing Chen Mengyao's words at this time, Zhang Fan suddenly had some exciting images in his mind, and then his dick couldn't help but jump.

"Woman, you are playing with fire!"

I don't know why Zhang Fan uttered such a very domineering president-like sentence by accident at this time.

When he was watching the TV series, he felt that those domineering CEOs said these words very greasy and pretentious, but now when he said these words himself, he felt that these words were really... quite good.

But those domineering presidents are still greasy. He is so handsome, so he must not be greasy to say such words, it will only give people the feeling of domineering presidents.

Cough cough cough...

Zhang Fan coughed a few times at this time, and then slowly said: "Who do you think I am, Zhang Fan? Is I Zhang Fan that kind of nasty person? Please make it clear first, what exactly do you want me to see?" ?”

"Gluck cluck cluck cluck..."

Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a very charming smile: "What? Of course it is a good thing, and there will be no surprises when I say it now. You will know when you come here. I believe that after you read this good thing, You will never regret it, if you don't watch it, you will definitely regret it!"

After Chen Mengyao finished speaking, she hung up the phone directly, leaving Zhang Fan with infinite reverie.

"I didn't want to go at first, but this woman has already said so. If I don't go, it will be a bit too embarrassing for her."

"This woman has been secretly in love with me all the time. If I don't give her face, she will definitely be sad. If she is sad, maybe she won't think about it. If she doesn't think about it, maybe she will do it What crazy thing happened, for the peace and stability of this world, and for the improvement of human happiness index, I decided to go to this Hongmen Banquet tonight!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan picked up his car keys at this time, and prepared to drive to the supermarket to buy some ingredients for hot pot.

Here, after Chen Mengyao answered the phone, she was so happy that she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Sister, let me tell you why you are so happy? Why don't you just treat you to a hot pot meal? See how happy you are?"

At this time, Chen Mengyao heard what his assistant Bai Xiaobai said, touched Bai Xiaobai's head, and said with emotion: "You don't understand this, the important thing is not to eat, but who to eat with... ..."

"Forget it, you won't understand it if you tell a single dog like you, but you will know it when you fall in love in the future."

"Today is really a lucky day for this girl. After running with her for several years, she finally won the Best Female Singer Award I wanted most. Tonight, I can still live a two-person world with Zhang Fan, which belongs to the two of us. It's really cool."

Lin Yuqing, Lin Yuqing, if this continues, what else do you have to fight with me?


world of two people?

When Bai Xiaobai heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, he suddenly pouted and said pitifully, "Sister, I thought that you guys were going to eat hot pot with me, but it turns out that you and Teacher Zhang Fan are eating hot pot together. This is too much!"

"In the past, every time you won an award and every time you celebrated, I would eat hot pot with you, but now this person has become Teacher Zhang Fan?"

"I didn't expect you to be such a person who values ​​sex and despises friends. If you have Teacher Zhang Fan, you don't want him anymore. I'm really sad, Lan Shouxiang Mushroom!"

Cough cough cough...

Hearing Bai Xiaobai's words at this time, Chen Mengyao couldn't help being very embarrassed. At this time, he hugged Bai Xiaobai and said with a comforting expression: "Okay, Xiaobai, don't be angry, don't be angry, this time is counted. I'm sorry for you, I'll send you a big red envelope later, to compensate you, how about you? You can eat whatever you want tonight..."

When Bai Xiaobai heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, he couldn't help snorting coldly: "When you asked people to eat hot pot with you, you called him Xiao Baibai, but now you don't need others to eat hot pot with you Well, you just let others Xiaobai, this is really a newcomer is better than an old one, woo woo woo... I'm really sad."


Seeing Bai Xiaobai's sad face at this time, Chen Mengyao also felt that what he had done was a little too much, so he took a deep breath and made up his mind and said, "Okay, okay, don't be sad, This time it was indeed my fault, you can come with us when the time comes, the three of us can live a three-person world together."

Bai Xiaobai heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, and shook his head: "Forget it, sister, you are almost 30 years old, and it's hard to find someone you like, so I won't bother you, otherwise, I really I am afraid that you will still be a single dog when you are 40 years old, then my sin will be great."

Hearing Bai Xiaobai's words at this time, Chen Mengyao straightened out her majestic **, and said proudly: "Who is single? People who want to chase this girl can go to France from here. This girl has a beautiful face." With a figure and money, there are many people who want to chase this girl."

"Others are single because they have no way to get out of the singles, so they can only be single. The reason why I am single now is because I have not found someone I like, so I am single. Now that I have found someone, you can rest assured that I am very happy." Soon you will be able to get out of singleness."

"But seeing that you have sacrificed so much this time, I will definitely make it up to you, and tell me what compensation you want."

Bai Xiaobai's eyes lit up when he heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time: "I heard that a new restaurant opened in Beijing recently, and you only need 1888 to eat the legendary Australian lobster and hairy crabs. Yes, sister, if you really love me and want to make up for me, you can send me a big red envelope of 1888 so that I can eat lobster and hairy crab."

"Now only food, only very delicious food can soothe the pain of being hurt by you in my heart"

When Chen Mengyao heard this request from her assistant at this time, she agreed without hesitation. This request was simply not a request for her.

"Of course there is no problem. After all, I should really compensate you. But what kind of lobster can you eat at 1888? I will send you 8888 directly. You can go to a better restaurant to eat lobster!"

Bai Xiaobai was startled when he heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, and hurriedly said: "No, no, this is absolutely not possible, this is even higher than my monthly salary."

Bai Xiaobai felt that the 1888 red envelope was too big for him. This time, he saw Chen Mengyao so happy, and she always wanted to eat that set meal, so he boldly asked for it.

Bai Xiaobai feels that she is very lucky to be able to become Chen Mengyao's assistant. According to her understanding, other celebrity assistants don't even ask for red envelopes. very normal.

At that time, it will really become the so-called "red envelope".

Chen Mengyao has always been very kind to him, but Bai Xiaobai has always warned himself, don't get carried away, don't be ignorant, you must do your job well, so that you can be worthy of Chen Mengyao's kindness to her.

So even though Chen Mengyao has been very kind to her all the time, she has always been very disciplined, never taking what she shouldn't take, and never wanting what she shouldn't want.

This is something that Chen Mengyao appreciates very much.

At this time, Chen Mengyao saw Bai Xiaobai shaking her head. She knew Bai Xiaobai's character. I won't let her be my assistant anymore.

But today is a special day, and Chen Mengyao was in a very good mood. She patted Bai Xiaobai's shoulder and said with a smile on her face, "Okay, okay, don't hesitate any longer. My girl's mood today It's very good, so you must take this red envelope for me, go and eat something good!"

(End of this chapter)

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