Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 492 Zhang Fan accompanies, Chen Mengyao sings "Little Lucky"?

Chapter 492 Zhang Fan Accompanied, Chen Mengyao Sang "Little Lucky"? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)
"You're not going to record a show, why didn't you even bring a photographer?"

"Didn't you just say you were going to play in the aquarium?"

"That's right, I just said that I'm going to play in the aquarium, but I didn't say that we can't record programs when we go to the aquarium. Can we record programs while playing?"

"Forget it, there are probably a lot of people in the aquarium, and it's not easy to control. It will be more troublesome to surround it. Besides, since it's for fun, just have fun and stop thinking about work. gone."

"Isn't this a bit bad? Will it delay your recording of the program? If it delays your recording of the program, I'm embarrassed."

"Really? I haven't seen that you will be embarrassed, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, we have enough time this time. It doesn't matter if we stay here for a few days."



Soon several people dressed up and came to the aquarium.

There are not too many people in the aquarium today. Zhang Fan was attracted by the various things inside the aquarium just after he entered the aquarium.

To be honest, this is the first time he has come to the aquarium.

Because he lived with his grandparents when he was a child in his previous life, and their family lived in a small county town, where there were no aquariums and the like. After growing up, although he went to a big city, he was busy with work at that time, and Haven't been to any aquarium.

I didn't expect the aquarium to be quite interesting.

"Hey, isn't it your first time to come to the aquarium?"

"Yeah, what's the matter? This is indeed the first time I've come to the aquarium. I didn't expect it to be quite fun. I thought only children would like it here."

"Then do you want to touch the dolphins, and let the dolphins kiss you?"

"Kiss me, how can this be?. In broad daylight, in the midst of the universe, you actually want a dolphin to take advantage of me? You are really too much."

Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, rolled her pretty eyes, and said helplessly: "You are too involved in the drama. Do you want to touch it? If you don't touch it, I will touch it myself .”


Zhang Fan sighed at this time and said, "Since you want me to accompany you so much, then I will accompany you. After all, it is a bit too pitiful for you to let you go alone."

When Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she couldn't help rolling her beautiful eyes again.

Why didn't she notice this man's mouth was so short before?
At this time, Zhang Fan touched the dolphin under the guidance of the staff, and was even kissed by the dolphin.

I have to say that this feeling is really good.

Moreover, this staff member was also his fan. After serving them, he strongly requested to take a photo with him. Zhang Fan agreed to his request without hesitation.

Lin Yuqing and Chen Mengyao also had a great time.

A few of them played all morning and returned to the room at noon.

"I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I really had a lot of fun today."

Lin Yuqing went to the aquarium to take a lot of photos today, and she was very happy when she came back. She even posted pictures of herself playing in the aquarium on Weibo.

Lin Yuqing's Weibo now has nearly 2000 million fans. The most important thing is that her Weibo has a very large number of active fans. Each of her Weibo has more than one million likes, unlike some Although celebrities have tens of millions of Weibo fans, they only get tens of thousands of likes, and some even have thousands of likes. Most of their fans are zombie fans.

Lin Yuqing just posted this Weibo, and immediately there were many comments on her Weibo.

"Ahhhh... Sister, you are finally willing to post a selfie. It's so beautiful, so beautiful, really beautiful."

"Sister, where are you? Is this a new job?"

"I also want to go to the aquarium. I haven't been to the aquarium for a long time."

"Why does this aquarium look so familiar? If I'm not mistaken, this should be the aquarium in Sanya."

"Really? It can be seen, this is incredible."

"I can testify that this is absolutely true, because my home is in the aquarium in Sanya. I often go to this aquarium. This is definitely the aquarium in Sanya. Why did Lin Yuqing go to Sanya? Is it for tourism? "

"Probably not? I saw someone post a photo of him and Zhang Fan on Weibo, saying that Zhang Fan is in Sanya. If I guessed correctly, they should have gone there to record a show."

"Lin Yuqing went to Sanya to record a program today. Could it be that she was recording "Longing for Life"? Is it true or not? If it is true, that would be great. I really like this program, but This show has been discontinued for several episodes, it is really annoying."

"If you guessed correctly, this episode should be the last episode of this year. I hope this episode can be filmed longer. After all, this show has already owed us several episodes. Do you want to do this last episode? If it is longer, the program team is really too much."



Lin Yuqing looked at her Weibo at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "Mr. Zhang Fan, there are many netizens on the Internet who are urging us for this episode of the program, and they all say that they hope we The program can be made longer."

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face: "No problem, we will be filming programs here for a few days, but now is not the time to discuss the program, after all, we will definitely not be able to film today, so let's settle the matter of eating first, what do you think?" What to eat."

Chen Mengyao said: "Whatever you want, or you can just order some takeaway. After going to play all morning, I'm really a little hungry."

Lin Yuqing said: "I'm fine, I can do anything, I'm not picky."

Zhang Fan originally thought that the two women were going to argue, but he didn't expect that the two women had no opinion. If so, then he can decide for himself.

"Since none of you have any comments, I'll go and order some local special takeaways."



After eating at noon, they went to the beach in Sanya to play again in the afternoon, and the recording of the official program started the next day.

During the recording of the program, they first went to the beach to surf, then went to the beach to catch some seafood, and then went back to make it by themselves.

In the evening, everyone began to gather together and perform talents around the campfire.

Lin Yuqing sang, Chen Mengyao danced, Zhang Fan played the piano, and some other people stood around and watched.

I have to say that they are really lucky. After all, whether it is Zhang Fan, Lin Yuqing, or Chen Mengyao, they are all very famous stars in the entertainment circle. Ordinary people want to see one of them performing singing or dancing It's already very difficult, I didn't expect the three of them to cooperate today.

Chen Mengyao said: "Sister Yuqing just sang so beautifully that I couldn't help but want to sing, then I will sing to everyone a single that I plan to release tomorrow, this single The title is "Little Lucky", I hope everyone will like it."

"And let me tell you a secret, this song is also a song written by Mr. Zhang Fan himself. I also like this song very much. I hope everyone will also like this song."

Zhang Fan was not shocked when he heard the news from Chen Mengyao at this time, after all, Chen Mengyao had already told him about it before.

Chen Mengyao will release the song "Little Lucky" on the entire network tomorrow, and this episode will not be broadcast until at least a few days later, so this episode can also play a role in helping Chen Mengyao play songs.

However, this song by Chen Mengyao will be released tomorrow. This song is already a very classic song. Coupled with Chen Mengyao's fame and her singing, as long as the publicity is in place, this song will definitely be able to be released in the next few days. The Internet is on fire.

At that time, it is not certain whether Chen Mengyao needs them to play a song on this show, or whether their show needs Chen Mengyao's song to increase the popularity.

As for my staff, when they heard that Chen Mengyao was about to sing a new song, they were all very excited. After all, many of them were fans of Chen Mengyao.

"Fuck! Can I listen to it without paying this time?"

"I didn't expect to be able to hear the new song of the goddess in advance after participating in this program. I am really happy."

"And this song was written by Mr. Zhang Fan. There is no doubt about Mr. Zhang Fan's musical talent. I believe this song will definitely be a very classic song."

"Everyone, don't forget to post on Weibo to help Teacher Chen Mengyao promote this song."

"Don't worry, although my Weibo has only a few million fans, which is no match for Teacher Chen Mengyao's Weibo with 8000 million fans, but I still want to do my best to promote this song for Teacher Chen Mengyao."



When Lin Yuqing heard the news at this time, she was not only very surprised.

Because he didn't expect Zhang Fan to write another song for Chen Mengyao.

In the past, this treatment was only available to her.

The former teacher Zhang Fan only wrote songs for her alone.

But now Chen Mengyao also has this treatment, from now on this treatment will not only belong to him alone.

Although she knew that such a day would definitely come, Lin Yuqing still felt a little uncomfortable when this day came.

Chen Mengyao also noticed Lin Yuqing's expression at this time. Although the expression on Lin Yuqing's face did not change much at this time, she could still see that Lin Yuqing was not feeling well at this time.

But Chen Mengyao felt uncomfortable, but Chen Mengyao felt very happy.

"Little girl, although you are very good, but you want to fight with this girl, you are still a little tender."

At this time, Chen Meiyao felt that this was not enough, so she said with a smile on her face: "Mr. Zhang Fan, you wrote this song for me, so I have a request later, that is, when I sing this song later, can you If you can't help me with the accompaniment, it's really an honor for me."

This time she not only wanted to kill, but also punished her heart.

She wants to have what Lin Yuqing has. After all, when she watched some programs before, she would often see Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing singing songs together, and Zhang Fan would also accompany Lin Yuqing.

Some time ago, she had sung the song "Hello Always" with Zhang Fan, so when she sang this time, she wanted Zhang Fan to accompany her.

In this way, she has what Lin Yuqing has, and she has what Lin Yuqing doesn't have.


Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "Of course there is no problem with this. It is also my honor to be able to accompany such a beautiful woman as Teacher Chen Mengyao."

At this time, Chen Mengyao heard that Zhang Fan agreed, and she was very happy: "Mr. Zhang Fan, thank you, thank you, thank you so much."

Zhang Fan was sitting in front of a piano at this time, his hands began to dance on the black and white keys, and then a burst of very nice music came over.

At this time, Chen Mengyao looked at Zhang Fan with a smile on her face. She had been looking forward to this scene countless times. This scene appeared countless times in her dreams, and today it finally came true.

Lin Yuqing felt even more depressed when she saw the two people beside her at this time. In the past, Teacher Zhang Fan only accompanied her alone, but now she also accompanied the other person.

It's like a teddy bear that I loved when I was a child was snatched away by others. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

At this time, Chen Mengyao sang slowly following the rhythm of the music:

'"I heard the raindrops fall on the green grass
I heard the get out of class bell ringing in the distance

but i didn't hear your voice

seriously call my name

When I fell in love with you, I didn't understand feelings
I feel unforgettable when I leave
Why didn't I find that I met you

is the best thing in life"

When Chen Mengyao's singing sounded, whether it was the staff at the scene or some other actors who came to participate in the show, they couldn't help but gasped.

At this moment, Zhang Fan only had one thought in his mind——Chen Mengyao's singing voice is too nice.

The reason why Chen Mengyao has been able to achieve as much as a professional singer in singing as an actress is because her voice is very prominent and very special, and people will never forget her voice after listening to it once. The tone is simply born for singing.

In addition, she continued to improve her singing skills in the later stage, so her singing skills became more and more stable.

And as her fame grows, she is also able to cooperate with more and more outstanding musicians. She has released many types of songs and many popular songs. In addition, she has also played dozens of concerts. There is a concert, so the stage experience is getting richer and richer, and the control of songs is getting richer and richer.

So even if she sang this song in front of so many people, Chen Mengyao remained very steady.

Although her singing skills may not be as good as those of the top singers, in fact, most of the songs do not require such top singing skills, and although Chen Mengyao's singing skills are not as good as those of the top singers, they can be regarded as reaching the level of first-line singers up.

Coupled with her timbre, her stage experience, and her rich skills in interpreting songs, the songs she sang are still very pleasant.

And this "Little Lucky" is a song that Zhang Fan specially sang for Chen Mengyao. This song is very suitable for Chen Mengyao's voice and timbre. Because of these reasons, this song is so good when Chen Mengyao sings it .

(End of this chapter)

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