Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 493 The Influence of "Little Lucky"

Chapter 493 The Impact of "Little Lucky" (please subscribe for monthly ticket)

"Fuck! It sounds good, it sounds good, it sounds too good."

"Mr. Chen Mengyao really deserves to be the legendary timbre hooligan in the entertainment industry. This timbre is really good."

"I have collected a lot of songs sung by Teacher Chen Mengyao in my playlist. The OSTs of many film and television dramas she sang are very nice, and I like them very much."

"You all praise Teacher Chen Mengyao for singing well, so let me praise Teacher Zhang Fan. Teacher Zhang Fan is really amazing. He is worthy of being a musical genius in the entertainment industry. This song is really well written. "

"Mr. Zhang Fan writes every song so beautifully. It's really amazing."

"Admiration, admiration, really admiration."



When Lin Yuqing heard the song sung by Chen Mengyao at this time, she couldn't help but nodded.

I have to say that this woman's voice is really good, and this song sung by her is really good.

And she had a hunch that this song should be a song not inferior to her classic song "Bubble".

This woman really made a lot of money. Teacher Zhang Fan actually wrote such a good song for her.

By the way, Zhang Fan seems to still owe her a song. Didn't Zhang Fan say that the New Year gift he prepared for her last time was just a song?

Later, she must ask Zhang Fan if he has prepared this song of hers?
Soon the song came to a climax. At this time, Chen Mengyao was completely immersed in the song, and continued to sing:
"Maybe I was too busy smiling and crying

Busy chasing shooting stars in the sky

people naturally forget

who is in the wind and rain
I have been silently guarding the place
So you are the luck I want to keep most
It turns out that we and love

used to be so close

The decision to fight the world for me
The rain that accompanied me
It's all about you

A spotless sincerity”



This song "Little Lucky" is relatively simple and easy to learn, so after Chen Mengyao finished singing this song, everyone began to sing this song together.

Chen Mengyao said with a smile on her face at this time: "My song will be released on Penguin Music tomorrow, so please help me to post on Weibo tomorrow to change it. I will thank everyone in advance here."

When these people heard Chen Mengyao's words, they all said that there was no problem.

"No problem, such a beautiful song must be heard by more people."

"This song is really good. To be honest, I really want to hear this song on the music platform for the first time."

"Tomorrow, I will add this song to my playlist as soon as possible. It is such a nice song, and I will listen to it every day from now on."

"Mr. Chen Mengyao, I have always been your fan. I have bought several albums you released before. I really like this new song of yours."

"Must, I must support Teacher Chen Mengyao tomorrow."



Today's show will end almost at ten o'clock in the evening.

Today's show is quite exciting, and it should be able to cut more than two hours. Tomorrow, another day of filming should be enough.

"Mr. Zhang Fan, the song you wrote for Sister Mengyao is really very nice."

Zhang Fan heard this familiar voice at this time, turned his head to look, and found that it was Lin Yuqing, and said with a smile: "What you said, it seems that the song I wrote for you is not good."

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and quickly waved her hands and said, "No, no, I didn't mean that. The songs you wrote for me, Mr. Zhang Fan, are also very nice, and I like them very much, but Zhang Fan Teacher, did you forget one thing, the New Year gift you promised to give me before."

When Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, he slapped himself on the head suddenly, and said with a face of enlightenment: "Oh, I almost forgot if you didn't tell me, but don't worry, the song I promised you has already Ready."

Lin Yuqing said: "Really? Teacher Zhang Fan, I don't study much, so don't lie to me."

Zhang Fan heard that Lin Yuqing didn't believe him at this time, and said sadly: "Hey, when did I lie to you, you don't believe me, it really makes me sad, if you don't believe me, I'll write this song to you right now, okay?"

Seeing Zhang Fan's appearance at this time, Lin Yuqing said with a smile on her face, "Okay, okay, Mr. Zhang Fan, don't be angry, I was just joking with you just now, how could I not believe you? .”

"Mr. Zhang Fan, look up at the starry sky tonight. It's really beautiful. I haven't seen such a beautiful starry sky for a long time."

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and when he looked up, he saw the stars all over the sky. The starry sky tonight is indeed very beautiful.



ten o'clock the next morning

Chen Mengyao posted a Weibo announcing the release of her new song "Little Lucky" on the Penguin Music platform.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan, Lin Yuqing and some actors from the "Mermaid" crew all reposted Chen Mengyao's Weibo and expressed their support for Chen Mengyao's new song.

#陈梦瑶新歌《小健康》# soon became the third hot search, many netizens clicked in after seeing this hot search, and then they knew that Zhang Fan was going to release a new song, and let them Surprisingly, this new song by Chen Mengyao was composed by Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan is a musical genius in the entertainment industry, and because of the many songs he released before, each song is very classic, very nice, and very good, so many netizens are very fond of his new songs Looking forward, every time his new song is released, it will attract the attention of many netizens, and this time is no exception.

"Ahhhhh... Goddess, you finally sang again. It's been a long time since I heard your beautiful voice."

"Ahhhh... my wife, your voice is so beautiful, I can't help but feel pregnant."

"I said, why is this song so good? It turns out that this song was sung by my wife, and this song was written and composed by my husband. It's really amazing."

"A product produced by Zhang Wenfan must be a high-quality product. It seems that this sentence is indeed true. Coupled with Chen Mengyao's beautiful voice, I believe this song "Little Lucky" will become popular all over the country."

"I have already listened to this song at Penguin Music. This song is really good. Brothers, don't miss it when you pass by. If you miss such a good song, you will definitely regret it."

"This song "Little Lucky" is really unique, it's really nice to hear."



After listening to this song, many music critics also sent out their own comments.

A well-known music critic Erdi: "Today I would like to recommend a very nice song to everyone. The name of all the songs is "Little Lucky". This song is written and composed by Zhang Fan, a famous music genius in the entertainment industry song, and this song is sung by Chen Mengyao, a timbre hooligan in the entertainment circle."

"To be honest, I have always been looking forward to the cooperation between these two people, so after I heard the song "Little Lucky" they collaborated with, I immediately went to listen to this song. After listening to it, I found that the song "Little Lucky" "Xing Yuan" did not disappoint me."

"Chen Mengyao was full of innocence when she sang "Little Lucky", and restored the most authentic girlish feelings of shyness. An innocent girl was muttering about her shy blush of secret love, the sour touch of first love, and the feeling when she turned around and met him. I am glad to be satisfied. Accompanied by guitar and piano, the song reminisces about youth. The interweaving of majestic strings and drums, along with Hebe Tien's voice, seems to tell the throbbing of the past and the throbbing of the past. Burning youth moved."

"This song "Little Lucky" is really a song not to be missed. I highly recommend everyone to listen to it. In addition, this song is so good, it is really a pity not to make a MV. I look forward to @陈梦草Make an MV of this song."

Erdi is a very famous music critic on the Internet, with millions of fans on Weibo, so his Weibo has also caused a lot of commotion on the Internet. After listening to his recommendation, many netizens also feel They all listened to this song.

"Erdi's taste has always been very high. He doesn't like ordinary songs. Since Erdi recommends this song so much, I'll go and listen to it."

"Chen Mengyao's voice has always been my favorite in the entertainment industry, so I like to listen to his songs very much."

"Zhang Fan is one of my favorite musicians. He is very classic in both lyrics and composition. This song was written by him, so I will listen to this song no matter what."

"I just listened to this song. It's really good. Thank you very much for the recommendation from Teacher Erdi."

"Ahhh... Chen Mengyao's voice is really amazing, I really like this song."



Even at this time, Weibo launched a topic-what did you feel after listening to the song "Little Lucky"?Many netizens have shared their feelings after listening to this song under this topic.

Netizen Lonely Ruxue: "When I listened to this song just now, I couldn't help crying, because this song really makes me feel the same way."

"I like a boy. He is very cute and cold, but he can only give me a smile. We have known each other for more than three months. The first time we met was at a math competition. At that time he was sitting on my beside."

"I didn't remember him three months later. We went to the same school. He met me by chance in the cafeteria. I was really confused at the time. Because I don't remember him He told me how he knew me, and I felt very embarrassed afterwards."

"I haven't seen him for more than three months and he still remembers me. But I forgot him completely. But now I fell in love with him by mistake. Every time I see him, I can't help but talk to him Talk. But I dare not. My best friend advised me to take the initiative and appear in front of him every day. But I just dare not."

"Naturally, he is so cold and embarrassed to talk to me. We seem to be getting farther and farther away. Every time I see him, I can only look at him silently. He will also look at me. But neither of us dares to talk to me. The other party talked. He is a very gentlemanly boy. I saw him politely helping a girl when the school was cleaning the floor, and I felt very heartbroken."

"I looked at him for a long, long time, and he would look at me blankly from time to time, but once his eyes fell on me, I didn't dare to look at him. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in front of me again. Should I? It’s time to take the initiative to chase him down.”

On this microblog called Lonely Ruxue, many netizens have given their own suggestions.

"Since you like it, go after it, and don't leave any regrets in your life."

"Go boldly and try it. Love is right, it is love, and love is wrong, it is youth."

"I think you should confess to him directly, maybe the person you secretly like is also secretly liking you."

"Maybe after you catch up with me, you will find that love is not what you imagined. When you are really together, talking about the future must be full of longing, but it will also be very confusing. Secret love is also a very beautiful thing, hidden quietly Take it to heart, wait until one day, maybe ten or 20 years later, you will still remember the eyes he stared at you blankly, your face blushing quietly, the youth at that time was so pure and beautiful, even if the years grind your heart and appearance, but he will still be the most beautiful young man in your heart. Believe me, this is a secret that only belongs to you, and there will be regrets, but when we were young, we couldn’t bear more responsibilities, and we could only be disappointed and lost .”

"That's right, once I secretly fell in love with someone, and he agreed to confess to him, but after being together, I found that everything was not as beautiful as I imagined, and then we broke up."

There are also some netizens who confess their love to the people they like under this topic.

Netizen Bed Sheet Yeyehong: "Liu Xiao, 13 years ago, you first entered my field of vision. Since then, I have gradually fallen in love with you deeply, but from crushing love to confessing to you, to waiting foolishly , I have never been able to be with you. Now I have a family and a business, and I want to have my own baby, but when I hear this song, I still can't help the feelings deep in my heart. I didn't expect it to be so many years, I still can't forget, can you see this comment?"

How can a netizen be born proud to lose: "I never believed in love at first sight, but since I met you, I have changed my mind. I like your tenderness and your laughter. I believe that love is arranged by God. No matter how many detours there are on the road of love, people who are destined will still meet together, it's just a matter of time."

"I'm glad I met the right you at the right time. For the rest of my life, I want to listen to the wind and rain with you, watch the beautiful mountains and rivers with you, and walk arm in arm with you in the night with orange lights. This life is not enough. You I have no time to participate in your past, but I will accompany you to the end. I love you Li Xiaodie!"

Netizen Zui Wan Qingfeng: "When I was 14 years old in junior high school, you looked a bit cold, and you sat behind me and always naughtyly wrote nicknames on my clothes, drew turtles, and cheated in exams. The two fought and chased and hit me on the head with a book, and slowly felt a different kind of affection between you and me, and I was a bit introverted and stupid, and I didn't have the courage to confess..."

"But after listening to this song today, I feel that I can no longer be so timid, Meimei, I want to say to you: I am lucky to meet you, and I really want to tell you that you have been occupying me for so many years. Hold my heart, I want to love you for the rest of my life, give me a chance please?"

(End of this chapter)

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