Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 505 "Look at Chang Zhang's Family"?Zhang Fan has a new song?

Chapter 505 "Go home often"?Zhang Fan released a new song? (additional update)
Just when everyone was complaining about how boring the Spring Festival Gala was, Zhang Fan stepped onto the stage at this time.

When everyone saw the song "Go home and see" on the subtitles of the TV station, and the lyrics, composition, and arrangement of this song were all Zhang Fan Zhang Fan, everyone couldn't help it shocked.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! It's Zhang Fan? Zhang Fan came out? He's going to the Spring Festival Gala?"

"What does it mean that Zhang Fan actually went to the Spring Festival Gala? Isn't it normal for Zhang Fan to be so popular in the Spring Festival Gala this year?"

"I didn't expect Zhang Fan to come up with a new song in this year's Spring Festival Gala. It's unbelievable, unbelievable, really unbelievable."

"The lyrics, composition, arrangement, and singing are all done by Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan is really awesome. This is the legendary musical genius. He really doesn't want others to earn a penny from him for this song." !"

"I just like this kind of singer-songwriter who can write songs and sing by himself. It's really awesome, but is it really good to sing a new song on such a big stage as the Spring Festival Gala? Is this new song really so sure?"

"I think this song can appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and even the director of the Spring Festival Gala has agreed to this song on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, which means that this song is indeed very good. I am really special Looking forward to this song."

""Go home often"? This song is a very warm song as soon as you hear the title. I look forward to it, look forward to it, and really look forward to it."



Little Sun Orphanage
When they saw Zhang Fan coming out, the children couldn't help screaming one by one.

"Ahhh... Brother Zhang Fan, Brother Zhang Fan is here!"

"Ahhh... Brother Zhang Fan is really handsome tonight!"

"What are you talking about, what do you mean Brother Zhang Fan is really handsome tonight? It's the same as saying that Brother Zhang Fan is not handsome!"

"No, no, I mean brother Zhang Fan is really handsome tonight."

"No, no, I won't eat for now, I want to watch brother Zhang Fan sing!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, you don't need to worry, I want to see brother Zhang Fan sing too!"



As a burst of music sounded, Zhang Fan sang slowly at this time:

"Find some free time

Take the kids home often

Bring a smile and a wish
Accompany your lover to go home often

妈妈 准备 了 一些 唠叨

爸爸 张罗 了 桌 好饭

生活 的 烦恼 跟 说 说
Talk to Dad about work"

Many viewers who were watching the Spring Festival Gala couldn't help but gasp when they heard Zhang Fan's singing at this time.

As soon as the expert makes a move, he will know if there is any.

Zhang Fan really deserves to be a musical genius in the entertainment industry. His songs are really well written, and he completely attracted everyone as soon as he opened his mouth.

In particular, Zhang Fan's singing style is very relaxed, unlike the fast songs he usually sings, no matter young, middle-aged or old people can understand this song.

"Fuck! It sounds good, it sounds good, it sounds really good!"

"A musical genius deserves to be a musical genius, it's really awesome!"

"Go home and have a look, often go home and have a look, the singing is true. Baishan filial piety is the first, in fact, parents don't ask much! They don't want their children to give them much money, don't make them feel lonely. Take some time to go back and visit your parents. Family reunion is the greatest wish of parents. As the New Year approaches, I wish all parents in the world good health, family reunion, and always laughing."

"Originally, I thought this year's Spring Festival Gala was quite boring, but after hearing this song by Zhang Fan, I think this year's Spring Festival Gala is still a little interesting!"

"Hahaha, Zhang Fan's nationality is really too high. When my mother saw Zhang Fan appearing on TV just now, she said that this is not the leading actor in "Small Smile is Alluring"? You know my mother Young celebrities don't know many of them at all, but in the end she knows Zhang Fan..."

"My mother is also very old, and she never liked to watch that kind of idol drama, but since I watched a "Small Smile is Alluring" with her, she has fallen in love with this TV drama, and she is watching it every day at home. Watch this TV show!"

"Hehehe, being a fan of Zhang Fan is really very happy. When my dad heard this song sung by Zhang Fan just now, he exaggerated that Fan's song was very down-to-earth and very emotional. It feels so good!"



#张凡新歌《长家看看》# This topic quickly became the second most searched topic on Weibo. In just a few minutes, it aroused the discussion and attention of many netizens.

Many netizens praised this song highly. They think that this song "Go Home and Have a Look" is the most bright spot in this year's Spring Festival Gala so far.

"Zhang Fan deserves to be Zhang Fan. This song is really good. This is really the most bright program I have seen so far in the Spring Festival Gala."

"Among the programs of the Spring Festival Gala in previous years, the sketches were the most attractive to everyone, but this year, everyone probably didn't think that the most attractive song was Zhang Fan's song."

"Find some free time to find some time, lead the children to go home often, bring a smile and best wishes, and accompany the lover to go home often... The lyrics of this song are really good, it really makes people feel happy Feel the same."

"This song is really touching. Parents are here. If you don't travel far, you must travel well! Now I really understand the meaning of this sentence! In fact, parents don't care about how much money you give each month! No way What an expensive gift you bought! I just want you to spend a little more time with them! Chat with them about homework, what’s in your heart, and stories about your childhood!”

"The most expensive car I've ever been in in my life is my father's shoulders, and the most expensive house I've ever lived in is my mother's belly. I don't want to drive a luxury car or live in a villa, I just want the health of my parents all over the world!!! "

"Filial piety comes first. Parents have worked hard for us for most of their lives. They don't ask for anything in return, they just want to see their children often. Don't just think about money in a day. Money can't be earned in a lifetime. If you have time, Go home and reunite with your parents more often, don’t wait until you lose it to know regret, then it’s too late.”

"When I heard this song, I was really touched. We should not forget our family affection and neglect our loved ones in our busy schedule. Do good deeds and filial piety first. Those who are struggling outside should often go home and have a look, spend more time with our parents, Parents are the concern of our life, they raised children, worked hard all their lives, and devoted their whole lives to us."



On stage

At this time, Zhang Fan's song has reached its climax, and Zhang Fan has completely devoted himself to this song, continuing to sing:

"Go home often, go home and see
Even if I brush the chopsticks and wash the dishes for my mother

老人 不 图 儿女 为家 做 贡献 贡献 呀
It’s not easy for a lifetime to be reunion.”

Many people couldn't help crying when they heard Zhang Fan's climax.

A rental house in Beijing.

Liu Yu is a North drifter. Although it is New Year's Eve this year, he has not returned home. He is eating instant noodles and watching the Spring Festival Gala alone in his rented house at this time.

It's not that he didn't want to go home, he just didn't have the face to go home, because he didn't make any money this year, he felt very embarrassed, so he didn't go home.

"Go home often, go home and see
Even if I brush the chopsticks and wash the dishes for my mother

老人 不 图 儿女 为家 做 贡献 贡献 呀
It’s not easy for a lifetime to be reunion.”

Liu Yu has always been a very strong person, but at this time when he heard Zhang Fan's singing from his mobile phone, he couldn't control his tears anymore, thinking of his parents at home, Lie down on the table and cry loudly.

The lyrics Zhang Fan sang really moved him so much!
Liu Yu didn't even think about it at this time, so he directly made a video call to his mother.

"Xiaoyu, why did you call? Are you over there alone and have nothing to eat? I told you that you must come back during the Chinese New Year. Why don't you come back? Why are you so stubborn?"

Hearing what his mother said at this time, Liu Yu burst into tears and said, "Mom, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't have quarreled with you, it's not that I don't want to go back, I just feel that I haven't made any money this year. What money, I have no face to go back, I'm sorry, I made you ashamed."

"I was not good at studying since I was a child. I have never done anything to make you proud. I feel that I am simply a waste. I am not worthy to be your son at all, because I always let you down. I never I have never made you proud..."

Liu Yu's mother heard Liu Yu's words at this time, and she couldn't help crying: "You brat, what are you talking about, you have always been the pride of your mother, when did your mother despise you? , Regardless of whether you have made money or not, you should go home during the Chinese New Year, and the whole family should be reunited after the Chinese New Year."

"When I was watching the Spring Festival Gala just now, I also heard a song. What is it called? Go home and have a look, even if you help your parents wash the chopsticks and wash the dishes, the old man does not want his children to make much contribution to the family. Ah, it's not easy in a lifetime to be reunited..."

"Look at how well this song is written. My parents don't want you to achieve any great things, how successful you are, or how much money you make. I just hope that our family can be safe and happy, and this is the most important thing. Alright!"

Liu Yu heard what his mother said at this time, and said with a look of surprise: "Mom didn't expect that you were also listening to this song "Sing Home and Have a Look" by Teacher Zhang Fan. I just heard this song very interesting. That’s why I’m giving you this call.”

"Mom, I'm sorry, I was wrong, don't worry, I'll buy a bus ticket to go home tomorrow, it's really hard for me to be here alone, I'm still eating instant noodles, I saw a big table over there for New Year's Eve After dinner, I couldn't help drooling."

Liu Yu's mother heard that her son was eating instant noodles during the New Year's Eve, and said with a distressed face: "You are really a brat, you can't take care of yourself at all, even if you don't go home during the New Year's Eve, you should give it to me." Buy yourself something delicious, what kind of instant noodles are you eating, really..."


Wang Erzhu is a security guard of a company in Shanghai. Although this year is the New Year's Eve, he still insists on his job at this time.

It's not that he doesn't want to go home, it's just that he wants to earn more money and give his daughter better conditions.

The salary on this day of the Chinese New Year is three times the usual salary, so even though it is New Year's Eve this year, he still hasn't returned home and is still here to help the company.

Fortunately, there is a TV in his room. At this time, he turned on the TV and watched the Spring Festival Gala.

"Go home often, go home and see
Even if I brush the chopsticks and wash the dishes for my mother

老人 不 图 儿女 为家 做 贡献 贡献 呀
It’s not easy for a lifetime to be reunion.”

When he heard this burst of singing, for some reason, Wang Erzhu suddenly felt his nose sore at this moment, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

He misses his parents, he misses his children.

So at this time he made a phone call home.

"Dad, why are you crying? Are you feeling uncomfortable for the new year alone, or you can come back? Panpan must study hard and be obedient in the future. Don't cry anymore, okay?"

When Wang Erzhu heard his daughter's words at this time, he couldn't help but tears streaming down his cheeks again: "It's okay, dad is okay, dad just misses you a little bit. I'm sorry, Panpan, dad wants to apologize to you, I am really sorry that your father who celebrates the Chinese New Year cannot be by your side."

Wang Erzhu's daughter heard Wang Erzhu's words at this time, and she said to him very well-behavedly: "Dad, don't cry, I understand you, you are here to make more money and give me a better life, so you are here Not coming back."

"Dad, don't worry, I will study hard. When I grow up, I will buy you a big car and a big house, so that you won't have to work so hard in the future."

Seeing how well-behaved his daughter was, Second Uncle Wang took a deep breath at this moment and made a decision: "Papa Panpan decides not to work tomorrow, so Papa will come home tomorrow to see how you are doing?"

When Wang Erzhu's daughter heard Wang Erzhu's words at this time, she said incredulously, "Dad, what are you talking about? Did I hear you right?' Say it again!"

Seeing his daughter's unbelievable expression, Wang Erzhu couldn't help but have a sore nose: "You heard me right, Dad is going home to see you tomorrow, don't you miss Dad?"

(End of this chapter)

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