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Chapter 506 Li Shengnan was forced to have a blind date?Almost Barbie Q!

Chapter 506 Li Shengnan Was Forced To Go On A Blind Date?Almost Barbie Q! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)
PS: Brothers and sisters, there is good news for everyone. After my unremitting efforts to revise, Chapter 471 has finally been released. Although a lot of good-looking content has been deleted, you can still take a look.

Little Sun Orphanage
At this time, these children had already eaten, and they all gathered around the TV to watch the Spring Festival Gala.

When they saw Zhang Fan coming out and singing on the stage, they were all very happy.

"'s nice, it's nice, it's really nice, this song sung by Brother Zhang Fan is really nice."

"Ahhhh...the pink suit Zhang Fan is wearing today is really handsome."

"Woooooooooo... I can't help but want to cry when I hear this song, because when I hear this song, I think of my parents."


"All right, all right, we are all children in the orphanage, none of us have parents, even if we had been abandoned by them back then."

"That's right. Although we don't have parents, my dean's grandma treats us so well, and brother Zhang Fan treats us so well. We still have nothing to be dissatisfied with."

"Yes, yes, don't you guys watch TV? The life of those children without parents on TV is so miserable. Now we can eat enough and wear warmth, and the dean's grandma loves us so much. We should Enough!"




When Ye Xiuling saw these children crying together, she couldn't help but sighed deeply.

She originally wanted to take these children to watch Zhang Fan's first Spring Festival Gala show together, but she did not expect that the song Zhang Fan sang was such a song, so these children have no parents. When they heard these songs, I couldn't help but touch something deep in my heart all of a sudden, and couldn't help crying all of a sudden.

Ye Xiuling hugged a girl at this time, and said comfortingly: "Okay, don't cry, don't cry, everyone don't cry, grandma will always be by your side in the future, you don't have parents, grandma It's your parents and grandma who will always take care of you."



A room in Beijing

"Dangdangdangdang, Yuqing's favorite sweet and sour pork ribs is ready."

At this moment, Lin Wenqiang looked at the piles of delicacies he had made on the table, and nodded in satisfaction.

Now that everything is ready, the only thing left is Dongfeng, and this Dongfeng is his daughter.


Thinking of this, Lin Wenqiang couldn't help but sighed deeply.

If it was before, Lin Yuqing would have returned by this time, and the two of them had already started sitting at the table to eat the New Year's Eve dinner.

But it's different now, now Lin Yuqing has entered the entertainment circle, and she's very promising, she's already on the Spring Festival Gala this year.

But fortunately, their family lives in the capital, even after Lin Yuqing's performance in the Spring Festival Gala, they will be able to rush home in time for the New Year's Eve dinner.

Lin Wenqiang turned on his mobile phone at this time, and found that his daughter had sent him a message - [Dad, you don't have to wait for me tonight, I'll be here until late, so you can eat first.But don’t give me all the food, I want to eat your sweet and sour pork ribs, braised fish, mapo tofu, cola chicken wings, kung pao chicken, braised pork, pickled fish, fish head with chopped peppers, Spicy hotpot...]

Seeing this message from his precious daughter, Lin Wenqiang couldn't help laughing.

"Tsk tsk're already so big, and you're still a foodie, really..."

However, Lin Wenqiang felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart when he thought that this daughter is so grown up and still likes the food he cooks so much.

Lin Wenqiang feels a sense of accomplishment that his daughter likes to eat the meals she cooks so much.

"By the way, the Spring Festival Gala should have started, but fortunately my baby girl appeared later, and she should not be in the front."

While Lin Wenqiang was talking at this time, he turned on the TV with the remote control of the TV, and what popped up directly on the TV was the Spring Festival Gala.

It's just that when he turned on the TV, there was a burst of very pleasant singing on the TV.

"Go home often, go home and see
Even if I brush the chopsticks and wash the dishes for my mother

老人 不 图 儿女 为家 做 贡献 贡献 呀
It’s not easy for a lifetime to be reunion.”

When Lin Wenqiang first heard this song, he didn't notice who sang it, but he liked it very much, and sighed, this song is really good.

Originally, he thought that the current Spring Festival Gala was not as good as every year, but he didn't expect that this song in this year's Spring Festival Gala would make his eyes shine.

But when Lin Wenqiang saw the man's face clearly on the TV, he suddenly felt that this man's face was very familiar. Isn't this man Zhang Fan?

Such a beautiful song just now was actually sung by this Zhang Fan? ? ?
And at this time, I saw on the TV that the lyrics, composition, and arrangement of this song were all Zhang Fan? ? ?

Although Lin Wenqiang felt very upset because Zhang Fan approached his daughter repeatedly and "had bad intentions" towards his daughter, but Lin Wenqiang also had to admit that Zhang Fan was indeed very talented in music, and the song was written really well. good.

bang bang bang...

At this moment, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

When Lin Wenqiang heard the knock on the door at this time, he couldn't help but feel very strange. Who is knocking on the door during the Chinese New Year?
It can't be my baby girl, right?
This must be impossible, after all, my precious daughter must be waiting for the next Spring Festival Gala performance at the headquarters of CCTV.

But if this person is not his precious daughter, then who is this person?

Everyone who celebrates Chinese New Year eats New Year’s Eve dinner at home and watches the Spring Festival Gala. Who will come to their house to visit when they have nothing to do?

When Lin Wenqiang opened the door, when he saw a woman wearing a black mask appearing in front of him, he asked with a puzzled face, "Who are you, this beauty?"

This woman wearing sunglasses and a mask, saw Lin Wenqiang open the door, and walked in without any politeness. At this time, she took off the windbreaker outside, and said with a face of remorse: "No way, No way, I just wore sunglasses and a mask, but you don't even know me anymore, it really makes me sad."

"It seems that I haven't come to your house for two weeks because I've been busy with work recently. As a result, you don't know me anymore. It really makes me sad."

When the woman took off her sunglasses and mask, Lin Wenqiang realized that this woman was Li Shengnan. When Lin Wenqiang saw Li Shengnan at this time, he said in surprise: "What's wrong with you? You don't need to be here during the New Year's Eve." Do you spend the New Year with your family at home?"

Lin Wenqiang was really surprised when he saw Li Shengnan at this time. He usually understands that Li Shengnan would eat at their house, but this year it might be Chinese New Year's Eve. Shouldn't she have a New Year's Eve dinner with her family?Why did you suddenly run into your own house?


When Li Shengnan heard Li Wenqiang's words at this time, he couldn't help but sighed deeply, and said helplessly: "Don't mention it, all of our family members are back tonight. Gathering together for a New Year’s Eve dinner, they gathered together to discuss my marriage, especially those Qita aunts and eight aunts who asked me why I am not married at such a young age, do I have a partner? Do I have a boyfriend? Like, you have to introduce me to a boyfriend..."

"You can imagine how horrible that scene is, I really can't stand it, so I lied to them that I have a boyfriend, and then I'm going to have dinner at my boyfriend's house tonight, so I can start from today Get it back at the family dinner tonight, otherwise, facing these seven aunts and eight aunts tonight, I really want Barbie Q!"

When Lin Wenqiang heard Li Shengnan's words at this time, he couldn't help being silent for a while.

This Li Shengnan just said that she was going to eat at her boyfriend's house, but she ended up at her own house. What does she mean?
Although Lin Wenqiang usually spends most of his time on his work and his daughter, and doesn't pay much attention to some emotional matters, he is not a piece of wood, nor is he a fool, he can naturally feel it. Come out, this Li Shengnan seems to have a little different feelings for him.

Even if this Li Shengnan is Lin Yuqing's mother's best friend and sister, she doesn't have to come to her home so often, although the excuse she comes to her home every time is to visit Lin Yuqing.

Before she became Lin Yuqing's manager, she was fine. Since he became Lin Yuqing's manager, she came to her house more frequently.

At this time, the atmosphere between the two of them was a bit awkward, and Li Shengnan also realized that what he said just now was a bit too ambiguous, so he quickly changed the topic and said: "Oh, when I entered the room just now, I smelled a very strong smell. It smells so good, I didn't expect you to prepare the New Year's Eve dinner, tonight's New Year's Eve dinner is really very rich, such a large table of dishes..."

Li Shengnan walked directly to the dining table while talking at this time, picked up a coke chicken wing, put it in his mouth and ate it: "Not bad, your coke chicken wings are really good, crispy Delicious, oily but not greasy, I didn't expect you, a big man, to be so good at cooking, how can you make me, a woman who can't cook, feel so bad!"


Hearing Li Shengnan's words, Lin Wenqiang couldn't help heaving a deep sigh at this moment.

To be honest, how can he be a big man who can cook at the beginning, he didn't know how to cook before.

It's just that after Lin Yuqing's mother passed away, he took care of Lin Yuqing alone, and became a father and a mother by himself. Under this kind of training, he learned to cook even if he didn't know how to cook.

Of course, he doesn't cook often. When Lin Yuqing was young, he was busy with work, so he hired an aunt for the family, but he would cook for Lin Yuqing at home on Saturdays and weekends. Fan, do your duty as a father.

Especially now that Lin Yuqing has grown up, and she is now working, and her daily work is very busy. Sometimes the father and daughter can't get together for a long time, so now he cherishes their father even more. The opportunity for the two girls to get together for dinner.

So every time his daughter comes back from work, he will deliberately take time out, and then make a big dinner to eat with his daughter.

While eating at this time, Li Shengnan sighed and said: "It's delicious, it's delicious, it's really delicious! When I was at home just now, I didn't have any appetite at all when I faced those seven aunts and eight aunts. Now it's really delicious. It's starving me to death."

At this moment, Lin Wenqiang saw Li Shengnan gobbling it up, and she ate half of this plate of coke and chicken wing stew, so she hurriedly said: "Hey, hey, don't eat, don't eat, eat again If you go down, this plate of chicken wings will be eaten up by you, if you finish this plate of cola chicken wings, Lin Yuqing will have nothing to eat when she comes back."

Li Shengnan heard Lin Wenqiang's words at this time, and said with a face full of complaints: "Hey, hey, hey... can you stop being so stingy and just eat some of your coke chicken wings? Are you so nervous?"

"Besides, I've been your daughter's agent for the past six months. I've been working hard all day, helping her with business negotiations, endorsements, and TV dramas, movies, and variety shows. Do you think it's easy for me? What's wrong with me eating some of your coke chicken wings!"

"And your daughter's Spring Festival Gala this time is also because I used my previous relationship to help a lot. You said that I did so much for your daughter, but you actually treated me like this. It really makes me sad. gone."

Although Li Shengnan is not a professional actor, but after being an agent for so many years, she has brought out many actors at once, so her acting skills are naturally very superb.

At this time, she was about to cry while talking, which made the listeners sad and the listeners shed tears.

It seemed that Lin Wenqiang had done something heinous at this time.

Seeing Li Shengnan like this at this time, Lin Wenqiang not only had a very headache: "Okay, okay, don't cry, don't cry, I didn't tell you not to eat, I mean you can't just catch this Eat it with a plate of coke chicken wings. You can try this braised pork, I have been cooking this braised pork for a long time, and it is also very delicious."

"You have to know that Yuqing's favorite is the cola chicken wings I made. If he comes back and sees that the cola chicken wings are gone, she will definitely be sad."

(End of this chapter)

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