Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 507 Take a look at Chang Zhang's family, after all, company is the longest confession o

Chapter 507 Go home often, after all, companionship is the longest confession of love (6400 words for subscription)


When Li Shengnan heard Lin Wenqiang's words at this time, he couldn't help but sighed deeply, and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, I won't eat, okay. It's okay to make you nervous." , You are really a daughter slave! Yuqing is so lucky to have a good father like you."

"It's not like my dad, who never cooked for me since I was a child. No, I forgot. He seems to have cooked for me once. I remember that time my mother went out on business. I didn’t come back, he went home and gave me a pot of noodles, but the noodles were not cooked..."

"Besides, I'm usually busy with work, and I don't have any talent for cooking, so I decided that if I really want to marry in the future, then I must find a man who is very good at cooking. From now on, I will have something delicious every day."

When Li Shengnan said this, he looked at Lin Wenqiang specifically.

At this time, Lin Wenqiang felt Li Shengnan's gaze on him, and he was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Why do you look at me with such gaze, in fact, my cooking is really so-so. Of course What I mean by so-so is not compared with the ordinary, but compared with the chefs of that kind of hotel, such as those chefs in five-star hotels, such as those chefs in Michelin hotels. My cooking skills are comparable to theirs. It’s still worse than that.”

"I think if you really want to marry a man with a particularly good cooking skill, you can look for it in the chef industry in the future, such as some five-star hotel chefs or Michelin hotel chefs, you Guaranteed to be able to eat a variety of delicious meals every day, which is definitely better than the cola chicken wings, sweet and sour pork ribs, kung pao chicken, mapo tofu, pickled fish, braised fish, braised pork, etc. too much!"

Li Shengnan: "???"

When Li Shengnan heard Lin Wenqiang's words at this time, he couldn't help but fasten his Q.

She really couldn't figure out how there could be such a straight man in this world.

She already hinted so clearly, why doesn't this man still understand?
Do you have to let yourself, a woman, take the initiative to confess to him?Do you still want to be ashamed?

Thinking of this, Li Shengnan couldn't help heaving a deep sigh at this moment.

I am really having a hard time.


On stage

At this time, Zhang Fan's song also came to the end. Zhang Fan took a deep breath at this time, and continued to sing:

"Go home often, go home and see
哪 怕 帮 妈妈 刷刷 洗洗 碗

The elderly do not expect their children to make much contribution to the family

一辈子 不 容易 就 个团团 圆圆
often go home and see go home and see

哪 怕 给 爸爸 后 背揉揉肩

The elderly don’t want their children to make much contribution to the family”

The song is over.

At this time, some of the audience at the Spring Festival Gala were deeply immersed in Zhang Fan's beautiful singing.

To be honest, the first few programs were really boring, and I almost fell asleep after watching them.

You must know that the people who can watch the Spring Festival Gala live are not ordinary people, they are not ordinary people.

They haven't seen anything good-looking, and it's really not an ordinary difficulty to surprise them and surprise them.

But this time Zhang Fan's song did it. Although they were given a symbolic applause when the performances were over, they could clearly feel that when Zhang Fan finished singing this song , When they applaud, they really applaud from the bottom of their hearts.

There was even an older man in military uniform who couldn't help crying when he heard Zhang Fan's song?

#张凡《常家庭看看》# This topic quickly rushed to the hot search on Weibo, and you immediately aroused the discussion and attention of many netizens. In just a few minutes, there are many people on this topic There were tens of thousands of comments.

"Fuck! It sounds good, it sounds good, it's really good! Zhang Fan's song "Go Home and Have a Look" is really amazing."

"To be honest, the first few programs of the Spring Festival Gala were really boring, and I almost fell asleep watching them, but this song by Zhang Fan really attracted me completely after it came out."

"You may not believe it, just now I was bored and went to fight the king with my friends, but when Zhang Fan came out, as soon as I heard his song, I was completely attracted by his singing, Then I hung up, although the crystal on our side has been pushed off after listening to this song, but I am still very happy!"

"Taiyou: What evil did I do to form a team with you, I really know how to tie Q!!!"

"Hahaha, me too. Just now our family was bored watching the Spring Festival Gala. We all got together to play cards. My dad suddenly heard this song sung by Zhang Fan, and then stopped playing cards. I kept staring at Zhang Fan. Until Zhang Huan sang this song, his eyes were red, and he said he thought of my grandma again. He used to be very busy with work and often didn’t go home. My grandma passed away. He wasn't around when he was there!"

"I am a migrant worker working in other places. I didn't go home this year because I felt that I didn't make any money this year. It would be very embarrassing to go home, so I didn't go home. I was alone in a rental house in the capital. I was eating instant noodles and watching the Spring Festival Gala. Just now I heard this song by Zhang Fan. When I heard this song, I really couldn’t help crying, and then I called my mother The phone call, and then my mother said that she missed me very much, and then I decided that I would go home tomorrow and celebrate the New Year with my family."

"Young man, you are right to do this. In fact, our parents don't want us to achieve great success or how much money we make. They only hope that we can be safe and healthy, and we can get together with them during the Chinese New Year. Eating, drinking, chatting, this is their greatest happiness!"

"I thought that this year's Spring Festival Gala would definitely not be able to earn a tear from me, but when Zhang Fan's song came out, I couldn't hold back anymore, and tears flowed down my face!"



The official Weibo account even posted a topic at this time——

[After listening to Zhang Fan's "Go Home and Have a Look", I believe many people will feel very deeply. If the average life expectancy of a person is 75 years, then each of us lives only 30 months. We might as well draw a 30×[-] table, and then we find that the time we spend with our parents is only so short——(table jpg)

If your parents are 50 years old this year, then you can only spend so much time with him——(Form jpg)

There is only so much time you can actually spend with your parents if you and your parents meet once a month - (Form jpd)

If you meet your parents once a year, then you will find that there is only one grid when you meet your parents for the rest of your life——(Form jpg)

In fact, life is very short. We always think about growing up, earning money, and catching up with the aging speed of our parents, but we all forget that our parents don’t ask us to earn much money or do such a big business. , In fact, parents only have one simple request, that is, they want us to spend more time with them.

When we are busy at work, don’t forget that companionship is the longest confession of love. Thanks to Zhang Fan for this song "Go Home and See", I hope that all of us can go home often and go home often Stay with your parents.

Don't wait until the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, or the child wants to support but the relative is not there to regret it.When parents are present, there is still a way to go in life, and when parents are not, there is only a way back in life. 】

As soon as this topic on Weibo was posted, it aroused heated discussions among many netizens on the Internet. Many netizens couldn't help crying when they saw this topic posted on Weibo.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I didn't pay attention before, but when I saw this form, I suddenly realized that I only have so little time to spend with my parents!"

"Yes, yes, I used to feel that there was more time, and I would have opportunities to accompany them in the future. I always thought about earning money, earning money, and earning money. But when I saw this form, I suddenly discovered that we can really There is less than one grid left to spend time together!"

"Woooooooo... I couldn't help crying when I saw this form. It turns out that companionship is the longest confession of love. Parents don't actually ask us to earn a lot of money or do a great job. Parents only ask us to accompany them more, they only have such a small request, but we can't do it!"

"After listening to "Go Home and Take a Look", I really couldn't help crying. [Go Home and Take a Look] Such a simple wish is difficult to realize due to various reasons. Maybe it's too busy at work or too far away. Everyone has their own helplessness. Fortunately, the Internet is now developed and communication is convenient. No matter where you are, you can contact your parents anytime. Good health and happiness in old age!"

"The thread in the hands of a loving mother, the clothes on the clothes of the wandering son... pity the hearts of parents in the world! Parents don't care how conspicuous you are or how rich you are, they care more about your health and safety. Blood is thicker than water, and family affection is infinite. They What I look forward to is to be reunited with you. Don’t just focus on profit and making money, take some time and go home often..."

"We should not forget our family affection and neglect our loved ones in the midst of our busy schedule. Be kind and filial piety is the first priority. We should often go home to see those who are struggling outside, and spend more time with our parents. Parents are our lifelong concerns. They have worked hard to raise children. He has devoted his whole life to us all his life.”

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo It's extremely uncomfortable."

"People say that Zhang Fan is best at writing love songs. I think Zhang Fan is best at writing true love songs. He is not only good at writing love songs, he is also very good at writing family songs!"



After Zhang Fan sang the song, he was stopped by the host Sa Xiaoning.

Seeing Zhang Fan at this time, Sa Xiaoning said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Zhang Fan, don't rush to leave. Mr. Zhang Fan heard that you are a music genius in the entertainment circle before. I didn't feel anything before, but just now When I saw the song "Go Home and Have a Look" you sang, I couldn't help but was moved to tears."

"I really want to thank you for your song. It is because of your song that I realized that I usually neglect my family. Because I am usually busy with work, I often don't have time to go home to spend time with my family. "

"Just like today's New Year's Eve, my family may sit at the dinner table and watch the New Year's Eve dinner, but I can't accompany them. As a son, I am really ashamed, so I realize that in the future I will have to treat They care a little more, and we need to go home and see them more.”

"I believe Mr. Zhang Fan, your purpose of composing this song is also to hope that all of us can realize the importance of family and go home often, right?"

Zhang Fan heard what Sa Xiaoning said at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Teacher Sa, you are right, the purpose of my writing this song "Go Home and Have a Look" is to hope that everyone can go home often. Look, spend more time with your family, spend more time with your parents, whether you have money or not, you have to go home for the New Year.”

"Of course, the companionship I mentioned actually has a deeper meaning, because now the Internet is getting more and more developed, and many people are addicted to their mobile phones. Maybe because we go back once a year, we don't know much about our parents. , I don’t know much about their circle of life and the topics they are interested in.”

"So many of us have returned home physically during the Chinese New Year, but our hearts have not yet returned home. We are always staring at our mobile phones, always chatting with our colleagues and friends, but ignoring our parents around us."

"What I want to tell you is that it's not about going back home. Living with your parents and having a meal is considered being with your parents. The real way to accompany your parents is when we put down our phones and really understand their inner needs. Go and accompany them to talk and chat."

"It's not that we go home and sit on the sofa playing with our mobile phones, chatting with our friends, while our parents sit aside awkwardly, chatting without saying a word, this is not real companionship."

"I believe that most people are very busy at work. Maybe we can only see our parents once a year. We may not even spend a month with our parents a year, and some people don't even have a week. , do we still have to be absent-minded in such a short time with our parents? Do we still have to be so perfunctory? "

"I am an orphan. I grew up in an orphanage. I am a child without parents. I have longed for family affection since I was a child. When I see other children lying in the arms of their parents and acting like a baby, I always feel very sad. I am so envious, so I yearn for and look forward to this kind of family relationship."

"But I may not have the chance, so I hope that everyone who has the opportunity can seize the opportunity and go to truly accompany their parents. After all, companionship is the longest confession of love."

Hearing Zhang Fan's words, many netizens who were watching the Spring Festival Gala couldn't help but gasped at this moment, and even some netizens with relatively low tears couldn't help crying at this moment.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... I thought Zhang Fan's singing was already touching enough, but I didn't expect Zhang Fan's words to be even more touching. I had cried enough after listening to Zhang Fan's singing, but I didn't expect to hear Zhang Fan's singing. This made me cry even harder."

"Cry me to death, cry me to death, Zhang Fan, cry me to death!"

"Hearing Zhang Fan's words, I was really touched, because when I had the New Year's Eve dinner with my parents just now, I was still playing with my mobile phone, WeChat, and chatting with my good friends. My God, although I went home during the Chinese New Year and stayed by their side, I didn't really go to accompany them at all."

"Me too, I always feel that I have nothing to talk about with my parents. I have my own life and my own circle, so every time I go home during the Chinese New Year, I just have a meal with them. After the meal, we sit in the hall During the day, I played with my mobile phone, chatted with my colleagues, grabbed red envelopes in the circle of friends and so on, but really forgot to really care about them, to really chat with them..."

"Hey... I am really ashamed to hear Zhang Fan's words. Although I go home every New Year, I have been playing with my mobile phone and chatting with my girlfriend just now. They never really cared about their parents!"


A family in Chengdu

Zhang Lei is an Internet programmer. He usually works in Guangzhou. He returned home this year during the Chinese New Year. He just started watching the Spring Festival Gala after having the New Year's Eve dinner with his parents.

But young people like him are not interested in the Spring Festival Gala. After all, the Spring Festival Gala is really boring now, so he picked up his mobile phone and friends to grab red envelopes and send red envelopes in the circle of friends. Happy.

After grabbing the red envelopes with his friends, he opened Weibo, ready to check Weibo to see if there was any interesting news.

Then he saw that Zhang Fan's "Go Home and Have a Look" was the most popular song, so he played this song very curiously. After listening to it, he couldn't help crying .

Then he went to watch the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala, and heard Zhang Fan's words.

When he heard Zhang Fan's words, his face suddenly turned pale, and he felt as if his chest had been hit horizontally with a sledgehammer. It was really uncomfortable and very painful. s pain.

Zhang Lei originally thought that he was a filial child who went home to spend the New Year with his parents every year, and he is so good, he joined a big Internet company, and his parents are usually proud of him. He felt that he had always been a very filial child, but Only after hearing Zhang Fan's words did he realize how ridiculous his so-called filial piety was.

At this time, Zhang Lei suddenly looked up at his parents sitting opposite him, but found that his mother had been staring at him at this time. When Zhang Lei looked up, he quickly put the melon seeds in front of him, and said with a smile on his face : "Xiao Li eats melon seeds, and this peanut was just quarreled by my mother today. It's really delicious after you taste it!"

Hearing his mother's warm words, Zhang Lei couldn't control his emotions at this time, couldn't help his nose sore, and tears flowed down his cheeks.

Because Zhang Lei suddenly remembered that when he was playing with his mobile phone just now, his mother was always by his side and wanted to talk to him, but she was afraid of disturbing him, so she kept walking around by his side all the time, and then sometimes suddenly Ask him a question, how is his job?How about eating out?
But at that time, he was having a good time grabbing red envelopes with his friends, so he just answered perfunctorily, and even got impatient when asked, and said loudly: "Why are you so annoying? These things are not usually called I told you before, why are you still asking?"

Thinking of what he said just now, Zhang Lei felt that he was simply a bastard at this time, a heinous bastard. At this time, he really wanted to slap himself hard.

Zhang Lei's mother was shocked when she saw her son crying suddenly, and hurriedly said, "Xiao Lei, what's the matter? Why are you crying? Did something happen to you? If something happened to you, tell him Mom said, don't scare mom."

Seeing his mother's nervous look at this time, Zhang Lei hurried to his mother's side, hugged his mother at once, put his head in her arms, and said coquettishly: "Mom, It's nothing, I just miss you all of a sudden."

Zhang Lei's mother felt her son's actions at this time, and she was shocked, especially when she saw her son lying in her arms, her whole body couldn't help but stiffen, but it was just a moment , and then the whole person laughed happily, hugging his son tightly.

Because she hasn't hugged her son for a long time since her son started working.

Although she was very happy in her heart, Zhang Lei's mother still complained at this time: "You said that you are already such a big child, why are you still so clingy like a child."

Zhang Lei heard what his mother said at this time, and continued to say coquettishly with a smile on his face: "Mom, haven't you heard that no matter how old a child is, he will always be a child in front of his parents? I don't care how old you are." In front of you, I will always be your child!"

Zhang Lei's mother was very moved when she heard her son's words at this time, but he felt that something was wrong with his son today, so he said with a puzzled face: "I found that something is wrong with you today, but your small mouth today It's pretty sweet."

Naturally, Zhang Lei would not tell his mother that he realized his problem after listening to Zhang Fan's song and his words just now, and then said these words.

Zhang Lei said: "Mom, our family hasn't played mahjong together for a long time, why don't you play mahjong with us?"

Zhang Lei's mother was even more surprised when she heard Zhang Lei's words at this time: "Hey, what's going on with you today? Didn't you say that playing with us old people is very boring?"

When Zhang Lei heard what his mother said at this time, he coughed a few times in embarrassment, touched his head, and said with an embarrassed face: "Is there? Did I say this? Mom, you must have heard it wrong I like playing mahjong with you the most, how could I find you boring? Besides, our family hasn’t played mahjong together for a long time.”

Zhang Lei heard Zhang Fan's words just now, and felt that Zhang Fan's words were very correct. He either went home or stayed with his parents, which was not real company.

The whole family liked to play mahjong before. They used to play mahjong together, so Zhang Lei felt that he could play mahjong with his parents, and chat with his family while playing mahjong. This should be regarded as a real companionship with his parents. Bar.

(End of this chapter)

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