Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 511 "The Mermaid" pre-sale box office exceeded 3 million?

Chapter 511 "Mermaid" pre-sale box office breaks [-] million?

The song "Where has the time gone" is not only very popular on Weibo, but also very popular on short videos.

Many official accounts reposted the climax of Chen Mengyao and Lin Yuqing's chorus "Where's the Time Going", and in just a few minutes, the number of likes of many videos exceeded one million .

Moreover, the Weibo accounts of Chen Mengyao and Lin Yuqing's Kuaidou account also gained a lot of fans.

Seeing the popularity of this song sung by Chen Mengyao and Lin Yuqing, many entertainers in the entertainment industry couldn't help being very envious and jealous.

They felt that Chen Mengyao and Lin Yuqing were really lucky to get this song written by Zhang Fan.

This song is so well written, no matter who sings it, anyone can be popular, why are they not so lucky to get such a good song?

And this Zhang Fan, why didn't he have the day when Jiang Langcai entered?How can he always write so many classics, so many excellent, so many good songs?
God, earth, is there any reason for this? ? ?

Liu Hong, the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, couldn't help being very happy when he saw that these two songs had caused such a big response on the Internet.

Because the few boring programs at the beginning of the Spring Festival Gala had already made him suspicious of life by netizens, he did not expect that the two songs written by Zhang Fan would improve his reputation.

He really wanted to give a special thanks to Zhang Fan.

He agreed to let Zhang Fan sing a song solo on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, because he liked Zhang Fan's creative musical talent, but he was also under a lot of pressure. It is really difficult to read a song on stage.

Although Zhang Fan's popularity is very high this year, the traffic is very high, and there are many fans, but what is the Spring Festival Gala?The Spring Festival Gala is the largest stage in China, even if it is the king of heaven and the queen who wants to sing a song solo on this stage, it is extremely difficult to exist, let alone Zhang Fan, a star who has only become popular in the past year.

Fortunately, he withstood all the pressure and finally agreed to let Zhang Fan sing a song by himself, and also agreed to let another song written by Zhang Fan appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

The two songs "Go home and see" and "Where does the time go" can be said to have aroused great repercussions on Weibo and short video platforms. It can even be said that these two songs are the biggest hits of this year's Spring Festival Gala. two highlights.

After Chen Mengyao and Lin Yuqing sang this song, Lin Yuqing went home to eat the New Year's Eve dinner, while Zhang Fan and Chen Mengyao were going back to the orphanage together.

After the countdown to twelve o'clock in the morning, this year's Spring Festival Gala will almost come to an end.

#报页这年春节让你最忘忘的计划# This topic quickly rushed to the top of the Weibo hot search, triggering a lot of discussion and attention on the Internet. In just a few minutes, the reading volume of this topic is directly Break ten million.

"I watched the first few programs of this year's Spring Festival Gala. I thought this year's Spring Festival Gala was hopeless, but when Zhang Fan's song "Go Home and Have a Look" came out, my eyes lit up. I have to say that this year's Spring Festival Gala left the deepest impression on me. There is nothing better than the song "Go Home and Have a Look" sung by Zhang Fan, this song really moved me to the point of crying."

"Me too, me too. Before, I didn't like Zhang Fan at all. I thought he was a little traffic star like other traffic stars, but this time when I heard her song, I really liked it." I changed my opinion of her, I never thought that she could write such down-to-earth songs, she is really talented."

"Although Zhang Fan's song "Go Home and Have a Look" also touched me very much, but the one that impressed me the most is the song "Where Has the Time Gone" by Chen Mengyao and Lin Yuqing? , This song really made me cry uncomfortably."

""Where did the time go" is really the song that impressed me the most in this year's Spring Festival Gala. When I heard this song, I really cried, because this song reminded me that I had passed away. mother for several years."

"Hahaha... We all have the same ideas. The two programs that impressed me the most are Zhang Fan's "Go Home and Have a Look" and Chen Mengyao and Lin Yuqing's "Where Has the Time Gone" , but these two songs were written by Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan is really the biggest winner of this year's Spring Festival Gala!"

"Although I don't want to admit it, I really have to admit that Zhang Fan is really a dick today!"



Zhang Fan and Chen Mengyao were driving a car on the road at this time.

Zhang Fan was driving the car at this time, and Chen Mengyao, who was sitting next to him, suddenly asked, "By the way, today Lin Yuqing invited you to her house for the New Year, why didn't you go there? Didn't you go to her house for dinner before?" Is it? I thought you were going to her house to celebrate the New Year today. "

Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, and said with a sigh: "I originally wanted to go to their house to celebrate the New Year, but seeing you alone, it is so pitiful, so I refused, and I will accompany you. When you celebrate the New Year, you say I am good, how are you going to thank me?"

At this time, Chen Mengyao suddenly kissed Zhang Fan's face, and said with a smile, "Is this enough to thank you?"

Zhang Fan didn't expect that Chen Mengyao would sneak up on him at this time, he simply didn't talk about martial ethics, and said with a smile on his face: "Is this what you call thanking me? You are obviously taking advantage of me, besides, what is it if you kiss me?" ability."

"Ah ah ah ah..."

Zhang Fan had just finished speaking at this time, and suddenly found a sharp pain in his waist, and he couldn't help screaming: "I said, what do you want to do, woman? Do you want to murder your own husband?"

Seeing Zhang Fan like this at this time, Chen Mengyao blushed and said, "Who knew that you are a bit too annoying."

Zhang Fan said: "Didn't you say you wanted to thank me? Now why are you blaming me again?"

Zhang Fan was taken aback when he heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time. He originally thought that Chen Mengyao was a very pure person, but he didn't expect that she would have such thoughts about him? ? ?

Regarding Chen Mengyao's request, Zhang Fan didn't even think about it, and said directly, "All right."


Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, although he was very happy in his heart, he pretended to be helpless on the surface and said: "Seeing that you are so eager, then I will reluctantly agree to you."

Chen Mengyao spat at Zhang Fan's words at this time: "Bah, what do you mean you reluctantly agree to me, this kind of thing is obviously you taking advantage of it, okay?"



By the time Zhang Fan and Chen Mengyao returned to the orphanage, it was already past one o'clock in the morning.

Although it is said that New Year's Eve is also to watch the year, the children in the orphanage can't keep it. After Chen Mengyao and Zhang Fan went back, these children fell asleep one by one.

Ye Xiuling was still up at this time, and when she saw Zhang Fan and Chen Mengyao coming, she said with a smile on her face: "It's really too late for you two to come back, you haven't eaten yet, right? There are more New Year's Eve dinners tonight, I'll go warm it up for you again."

Zhang Fan heard Ye Xiuling's words at this time, and hurriedly stopped him: "No need, no need, grandma, you are so old and not in good health, you should go to rest first, I will go to the kitchen to do whatever you want with Mengyao. Just something to eat."

Ye Xiuling originally disagreed, but seeing Zhang Fan's resolute look, she finally agreed.

Soon, Zhang Fan and Chen Mengyao came to the kitchen.

At this time, Chen Mengyao looked at Zhang Fan and said suddenly, "Are you sure you can cook? If you can't cook, you're doomed, because I can't cook."

Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, I didn't expect you to cook anyway!"

Chen Mengyao: "???"

Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a hurt face: "What do you mean? I feel that my self-esteem has been hurt."

At this time, Zhang Fan saw Chen Mengyao like this, touched her head, and said with a smile on his face: "Oh, it's nothing, what I mean is that you just watch it from the side, and then leave it to me." Now, what do you want to eat?"

When Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she felt very warm in her heart. It had been a long time since anyone had said such words to her.

Although she is a strong woman in the eyes of others and a desperate third mother, she also hopes to be protected, cared for, and pampered.

At this time, Chen Mengyao said with a smile on her face: "It's so late, you can just cook a few good dishes."

Zhang Fan said: "Okay, you've already said that, then I'll just make a few special dishes, you can just sit and wait."



Then Zhang Fan started cooking. At this time, Chen Mengyao saw this man cooking next to him. Seeing this man's serious face chopping vegetables, Chen Mengyao felt an indescribable warmth in her heart. At this time, she It felt as if there were only the two of them left in the world.

To be honest, she didn't know how many times she had imagined such a scene in her dreams, but now it really happened in reality, and she was really excited.

It really didn't occur to her that she would be able to spend so much time with Zhang Fan in her lifetime. Zhang Fan was cooking while she was watching.

After looking at it for a while, Chen Mengyao turned on her mobile phone, and found that most of the microblogs were all kinds of hot searches by Zhang Fan.

After all, Zhang Fan's performance in this year's Spring Festival Gala was really great. It is not an exaggeration to say that Zhang Fan saved this year's Spring Festival Gala by himself.

Zhang Fan's two new songs are the biggest highlights of this year's Spring Festival Gala.

These two new songs currently have the highest number of likes on the short video exceeding 2000 million.

At this time, Chen Mengyao was suddenly surprised to find that her Weibo account had suddenly gained 60 followers, and her Kaidou social account had also gained more than 50 followers.

Chen Mengyao knew that all of this was thanks to the man in front of her. Without the song given to her by this man, it would be impossible for her to perform so brilliantly in this year's Spring Festival Gala.

At this time, Chen Mengyao held her chin and looked at the man in front of her with admiration: "Zhang Fan, you are not the same as when you were a child, why do you think you have become so powerful now? Even if you are so handsome. You are so talented and have written such a good song, now your popularity has been maxed out, and your song "Go Home and Have a Look" has been directly maxed out on the Internet."

"The song "Where's All the Time Gone" you wrote for me and Lin Yuqing is also very popular on the Internet, and my Weibo and Kuaidou accounts have gained hundreds of thousands of fans tonight. , thank you so much.”

Zhang Fan finished cutting the vegetables at this time, and when he heard Chen Mengyao's words, he raised his head and said with a smile on his face, "If you really want to thank me, just work harder tonight."

When Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, some images suddenly appeared in his mind, and he blushed and said, "Bah, why are you so dishonest, you are always thinking about those nasty things, I really can't stand you."

Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "I haven't done anything to you yet, you can't take it anymore, you are too weak."

In terms of the thickness of the skin, Chen Mengyao is definitely not as good as Zhang Huan.

So seeing Zhang Fan's shameless face, Chen Mengyao could only sigh helplessly in the end.

No way, who made me fall in love with such a rascal.

At this time, Chen Mengyao had nothing to do and went to Weibo again. At this time, he suddenly saw a hot topic on Weibo - Mermaid's pre-sale box office exceeded [-] million.

When Chen Mengyao saw this trending search at this time, she was surprised and said: "I'm going, Zhang Fan, your "Mermaid" movie is too good, and the pre-sale box office on the first day of the new year has broken through three. [-] million, now second only to the sci-fi blockbuster "Big Bang" with an investment of [-] billion!"

"By the way, you said that we have nothing to do tomorrow anyway, why don't we go to the movies together, just watch your movie "Mermaid"."

Zhang Fan heard what Chen Mengyao said at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Are you sure you want to watch this "Mermaid" movie with me, I have a lot of kissing scenes with Lin Yuqing in this movie Yes, are you sure you want to see it?"

(End of this chapter)

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