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Chapter 512 Only elementary school students like the movie "The Mermaid"?

Chapter 512 Only elementary school students like the movie "Mermaid"? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)
Chen Mengyao: "..."

Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and took a deep breath: "Why do you have a kissing scene in this movie? Isn't your movie about mermaids? Your movie is not a romance movie, why do you have a kiss scene?" What about the kissing scene? Did you purposely watch the little girl grow up beautifully to take advantage of him?"

Zhang Fan heard Chen Mengyao's words at this time, and said helplessly: "What is going on in your mind? The name of this movie is "Mermaid", and Lin Yuqing is playing "Mermaid", so I told her Isn't it normal to have a kissing scene?"

Although Chen Mengyao really wanted to refute Zhang Fan at this time, but after thinking about it carefully, she found that what Zhang Fan said was quite reasonable.

After all, Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing are the male and female protagonists in this movie, how could the male and female protagonists not have any kiss scenes.

Besides, the biggest selling point of this movie called "The Mermaid" is the CP of Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing. After all, their CP is very popular on the Internet. Many people go to see this movie because of the two of them. The CP.

So it is impossible for the two of them to have no emotional scenes in this movie. Since the two of them have emotional scenes in this movie, it is impossible for the two of them to have no kissing scenes in this movie.

Although Chen Mengyao expressed her understanding of Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing's kissing scene in this movie, she still found it hard to accept.

Chen Mengyao said: "Although you and Lin Yuqing have a very strong sense of CP, and many people like your CP, but as an actor, you have to try a lot. You can't always cooperate with an actor. Next time we will If two people want to collaborate in a movie, there must be a kiss scene!"

Zhang Fan had already fried a few dishes at this time, and at this time he put the dishes on the table and said with a smile on his face: "All right, all right, don't worry, I will definitely make a movie in the future, and then we two Solo lead, let's add more kissing scenes."

"Hurry up and eat. I'm hungry if you're not hungry. I didn't eat much tonight because of the Spring Festival Gala."

Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Chen Mengyao not only frowned, but smelled the aroma from the table at this time, sniffed her nose, and said with a sigh: "Wow, these meals are really delicious. , Zhang Fan didn't expect that your cooking skills are so good, when did you practice so good, I don't know at all!"

Zhang Fan said: "There are still many things you don't know. That's enough, what do you want to drink? There doesn't seem to be any wine here, or let's drink some juice."

After all, most of the orphanages are children, so there must be no beer or anything like that.

Chen Mengyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "No problem, I hate drinking beer anyway, this thing is really too bitter!"

It was already three o'clock in the morning when the two of them finished eating.

Chen Mengyao said: "Hey, don't you want me to help you with that? Now do it."

Zhang Fan hugged Chen Mengyao at this time, and said with a smile on his face, "Forget it, I've been busy all day and I'm tired, let's go to rest early."



The next day, New Year's Day, it was very lively.

There is nothing in the countryside, most people are basically at home, and most people in the city go out to watch movies on the first day of the new year.

Because Zhang Fan's wonderful performance in the Spring Festival Gala last night added a lot of points to the movie "Mermaid", so many people want to buy movie tickets for "Mermaid" today, but "Mermaid" is the beginning of the new year. Many of the movie tickets for the first day have been pre-sold out, so you can only buy movie tickets for the second day of the Lunar New Year.

Originally, the movie "Mermaid" was the least expected movie in the Spring Festival, but its pre-sale box office came to the second place in the Spring Festival movie, second only to the science fiction blockbuster "Big Bang" with an investment of one billion up.

However, the gap between the two is not as big as the investment gap between the two. The pre-sale box office of "The Big Bang" is [-] million, while the pre-sale box office of "The Mermaid" has reached [-] million.

However, this is only the pre-sale box office on the first day of the new year. How the box office of these subsequent films will depend on their follow-up word of mouth.

Beijing TV Entertainment Channel.

A female reporter with long legs was reporting in front of the cinema at this time.

Although this year is the first day of the Lunar New Year, many people are enjoying the Chinese New Year holiday, but for reporters, no matter whether it is the first day of the Lunar New Year or the second day of the Lunar New Year, as long as the work requires them, they must do it.

"Hi everyone, I'm a reporter from Beijing TV's entertainment channel. I'm very glad that I'm here to bring you this front-line report. I believe everyone has seen the movie behind me. This movie theater is the most famous in Beijing. .”

"Although this year is the first day of the Lunar New Year, there are really a lot of people watching the movie. Did you see the long queue behind me? All these people came to watch the movie."

"This year's Spring Festival file can be said to be full of blockbuster movies, including the science fiction blockbuster "Big Bang" with an investment of one billion yuan, the popular movie "Mermaid" starring Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing, and the comedy blockbuster "The Killer". "Too Calm" and the suspense film "Golden Heist"!"

"According to the data obtained by our TV station, the pre-sale box office of the blockbuster "The Big Bang" with an investment of one billion yuan has reached 5 million yuan on the first day of the new year. This can be said to be a very high value. After all, many movies The entire movie may not be able to have a box office of [-] million, but the box office of this movie directly exceeded [-] million on the first day, it can be said that this is really an amazing figure."

"Of course, the most surprising thing is the movie "Mermaid". Although the movie "Mermaid" has two top-notch and popular actors starring, their appeal in the movie is not as good as these veteran movie stars. Compared with Jia, it is still far from enough, but this time they are like a group of dark horses that rushed out, and the pre-sale box office reached [-] million, ranking second in the box office of pre-sale movies during the Spring Festival this year."

"It seems that the top popularity is indeed the top popularity. We underestimated the fans of Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing before. They are really awesome, but how the box office will be after this movie depends on this movie. The word-of-mouth of the film has grown, after all, it is impossible to rely on fans alone to support the box office of the entire film."

"It's not surprising that "The Big Bang" was able to take the No. [-] pre-sale box office on the first day of the Spring Festival this year. No matter in terms of director, investment, and actors, this movie has an absolute advantage. Moreover, this movie has the most film schedules, and it can be seen that major theaters are very optimistic about this billion-dollar science fiction blockbuster."

"Okay, let's interview the people who came to watch the movie and see what movies they came to watch."

The reporter first found a couple who seemed very sweet.

Reporter: "Hi, you two handsome men and beauties. I am a reporter from the entertainment channel of Beijing TV Station. I would like to ask, what movie did you come to watch today?"

A very cute girl with a round face heard what this reporter said.With a smile on his face, he said: "Of course I came here to watch the movie "Mermaid". I like Zhang Fan the most. He is really handsome and talented. I am his die-hard fan. , I’m already level [-] in Chaohua, so I definitely have to support his movies.”

The boy next to the girl also said with a smile on his face: "Hahaha, I am here with my girlfriend today. I originally wanted to watch the sci-fi blockbuster "The Big Bang" with an investment of one billion yuan. , but at the strong request of my girlfriend, I came here."

"Although I am not a fan of Zhang Fan, I like Lin Yuqing very much. He is really beautiful, and her voice is really nice. I like her songs very much. She is really my favorite. a female singer."

The round-faced girl heard the boy's words, stretched out her hand, and pinched the boy's waist fiercely. The boy suddenly gasped and screamed in pain.

The boy quickly said: "Honey, I was wrong, I was wrong, just let me go, I won't dare again."

The round-faced girl said with a smile on her face: "Are you wrong? Where are you wrong? Why don't I know."

When the boy heard what the girl with the round face said, he said with a mournful face: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I was really wrong, in my heart you are the most beautiful girl in the world, other beauties are like you It’s not worth mentioning in front of you!”

The round-faced girl had a happy smile on her face when she heard what the boy said.


At this time, the reporter found another boy wearing glasses, and asked with a smile on his face, "Hi handsome guy, I'm a reporter from the Entertainment Channel of Beijing TV Station. I would like to ask, what movie did you come to watch today?" of."

The handsome guy wearing glasses saw that the reporter who was interviewing him was a good-looking beauty, and replied with a smile on his face: "Does it need to be said? Of course I came here today to see the reporter who invested 10 billion yuan." The sci-fi blockbuster "The Big Bang", I have read the novel of this movie, I really like the novel of this movie, so today I came here specially to watch this movie."

I remember continuing to ask at this time: "I heard that the movie "Mermaid" is also very good, especially the leading role of this movie, Zhang Fan, is liked by many young people. Do you like Zhang Fan? Will you support it?" His 'Mermaid' movie?"

Hearing what the reporter said, the boy wearing glasses said in surprise, "What are you kidding? Although Zhang Fan's song is not bad, I really like it, but let's forget about the movie. I might as well watch this kind of sci-fi blockbuster for the money.”

Next, the reporter asked some people to interview the reporter, and found that except for some young people, few people chose to watch Zhang Fan's movie.

It seems that the reason why the pre-sale box office of the movie "Mermaid" is so high is all supported by these young people.

Soon the video of the interview was posted on the Internet.

"Hahaha... I asked why the pre-sale box office of the movie "Mermaid" is so high? So it was all supported by some of Zhang Fan's fans."

"To be honest, I didn't want to watch the movie "Mermaid" at first, but my girlfriend likes Zhang Fan very much, she insisted on supporting Zhang Fan's movie, so in the end I had no choice but to follow."

"Oh, don't say it, don't say it, my girlfriend is this Zhang Fan's brainless fan, her mobile phone cover is all Zhang Fan's picture, and she also said that Zhang Fan is the most handsome guy in the world, Zhang Fan's movie It has to be supported, and he wants to take me to support not only today, but also tomorrow, which is really too much."

"Me too. Me too. I originally wanted to watch the movie "Big Bang", but the girl I had a crush on liked this movie very much. I wanted to invite her to watch the movie, so I had to buy "The Big Bang" Tickets for the movie The Mermaid."

"If you are a man, you should watch this billion-dollar sci-fi blockbuster "The Big Bang". What's so good about the movie "The Mermaid". Only elementary school students like this movie."

"Don't look at the pre-sale box office of the movie "Mermaid" on the Chinese New Year's Day, but these are all fake spittle from the fan economy. Once the Chinese New Year's Day is over, the box office of this movie will definitely flop quickly. of!"

"Anyway, I wouldn't watch this movie if I was killed. If Zhang Fan released an album, I might consider buying his album, but if he makes a movie, forget it. It's not easy to make money these days. Go see any movie!"

"Yes, yes, you said Zhang Fan, a musical genius, can't he write songs properly? Last night he wrote two songs "Where Has the Time Gone" and "Go Home and See" and I really like them I like it, I was moved to tears by his two songs, but I will definitely not support his movies!"



At this time, not only some netizens, but also many Weibo big Vs came out at this time.

A movie star V: "To be honest, when I saw "Mermaid", a movie starring two popular male and female stars with little acting skills, the pre-sale box office exceeded [-] million on the first day, I was completely shocked , I said how could the box office of this movie be so high? But after reading this interview, I realized that the reason why the pre-sale box office of the movie "Mermaid" is so high is all supported by some young fans of Zhang Fan ah."

"It can only be said that this is really the tragedy of Chinese movies. Some good movies are not supported by anyone, and some bad movies are supported by stupid fans who don't have new traffic. Therefore, some good movies don't have such a high box office, and some bad movies It's really unfair because the box office of the starring stars in it is so high."

A movie big V: "Nowadays, movies with traffic stars first get the pre-sale tickets on the first day through fundraising, so that the movie theaters will think that this movie will be watched by many people, and then arrange more movies for this movie, so as to attract more people. More passers-by go see the movie, and then there's a false boom in box-office numbers."

"That's why I advise all movie theater owners to be cautious. The reason why the box office of the movie "Mermaid" is so high on the first day is not because the movie is so good, but because Zhang Fan has a lot of brain-dead fans. Because the pre-sale of this movie is good on the first day, if you give this movie more schedules, you will definitely lose a lot."

At this time, a second-tier star named Song Hailong posted a movie ticket for the movie he posted, and the movie ticket he posted was the movie ticket for the movie "The Big Bang": "I am very grateful to this investor. I have been looking forward to the one billion sci-fi blockbuster. I can finally watch it today. Director Chen Xiaogang has always been my favorite director. I am also looking forward to his sci-fi blockbuster. I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with director Chen Xiaogang. .”

At this time, many celebrities posted their movie tickets one after another. Most of the celebrities posted their movie tickets for "The Big Bang", and some celebrities posted their movie tickets for "This Killer Is Too Calm" , There are still some celebrities posting movie tickets for the movie "Golden Heist", but few celebrities post movie tickets for the movie "Mermaid".

In fact, if you take a closer look, you will find that these celebrities who sell movie tickets are basically stars from the same company as the actors or directors of the movie. They use this method to help promote the movie.

On Zhang Fan's side, he doesn't have any big agency, he has always been alone, so naturally there are no celebrities to advertise his movie tickets.

Although the pre-sale box office of the movie "Mermaid" is very good, but due to various voices on the Internet, now everyone is not optimistic about the follow-up trend of the movie "Mermaid".

Even the bosses of many movie theaters don’t dare to schedule more films for the movie “Mermaid Knife” after seeing the situation on the Internet at this time, and some movie theaters are even planning to reduce the number of movies for the movie “Mermaid”.

(End of this chapter)

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