Create a virtual anchor with the witch boss

Chapter 1 What does a woman know about 1D?

Chapter 1 What does a woman know about Two-dimensional?

Get rich early.

The person who said this sentence must have just missed the opportunity to make a fortune.

Just like Li Lu now.

Two years ago, he was a planner of a well-known game company, but he was so arrogant that he didn't like the design concept of Krypton Gold Mobile Games, so he switched jobs to a stand-alone game company instead.

However, the environment has changed suddenly in the past six months, and the game industry has ushered in a cold winter.

The "Steam Girl" project that Li Lu devoted himself to for two years is about to be cut off, and he himself may be fired at any time.

At the same time, the door of the big factory has also been mercilessly closed.

Even if Li Lu wanted to, he wouldn't be able to go back to steal Krypton's money.


If I knew it earlier, I would rely on the last Two-dimensional mobile game company and don’t leave. Who knew that Two-dimensional can make so much money!
With such remorse, Li Lu stepped out of the elevator in the office building and walked into his own company, a two-dimensional game company called "Absolute Domain".

Ashamed to say, although he does not accept the design concept of krypton gold games, he has no resistance to Two-dimensional.

think about it.

Dedicated to making a two-dimensional stand-alone game, creating an innocent world full of magical girls, who can stand it?
More importantly, as a buyout stand-alone game, the core of the design is to give players dozens of hours of pure gaming experience, rather than forcing them to mechanically go online every day, and seduce them to buy paper people.

This is a fucking game.

The boss relied on the above words to lure Li Lu in.

It was only after chatting with my colleagues that I found out that they all ate the same thing.

The amazing thing is that although the company's salary is not as high as that of big factories, the turnover rate is not high.

The boss did fulfill his promise, let everyone go to a pure stand-alone game, and never interfered with the project except for the occasional discussion about the color of the magical girl's socks.

In addition, the office area of ​​"Absolute Domain" can also be called comfortable and cozy, with everything from figurines, pillows to the latest graphic novels, it is difficult to get out after entering.

Therefore, even though there are rumors that the project has been cut, dozens of workstations are still full.

On each of the screens, magical girls were still flashing.

These are probably the so-called old Two-dimensional.


The boss is about to run away, why haven't these people given up yet.

In this situation, the fire in Li Lu's heart inevitably burst out with a ray of stars.

Since everyone is still insisting.

Then me too.

I also……

Just as Li Lu walked to the work station with enough energy, a thick and soft laughter came from beside him——

"Hey... Lele... Hey..."

This voice came from Ah Zheng, a modeler at the next station.

Ah Zheng's height is similar to Li Lu's, only slightly heavier by 50 kg. He wears the largest short-sleeved white T-shirt all year round, and he pretends to be an IT practitioner thanks to his pair of black-rimmed glasses.

At this time, the man was lowering his head and holding his mobile phone with a smirk: "Yesterday, Lele celebrated her birthday and gave me a lot of dances, so cute~~~"

With this situation, the fire in Li Lu's heart was extinguished in an instant.

Damn this Two-dimensional is not appropriate.

However, Ah Zheng didn't intend to let Li Lu go. He suddenly turned around and showed his phone, and raised his glasses seriously: "Mr. Lu, Lele is going to have a million fans, please help me to pay attention."

Li Lu looked at the screen disdainfully.

Unsurprisingly, he saw a two-dimensional virtual anchor who was singing and dancing, the black long straight one.

The so-called virtual anchor is the kind of animated character played by a real person, also known as Vtuber, Guanren, virtual idol and the like.

In short, as long as a woman of the right age puts on a layer of Two-dimensional skin, a person like Ah Zheng will immediately become excited.

But for Li Lu, this behavior of using three dimensions to disguise Two-dimensional is not only incomprehensible...

It is a blasphemy against the sacred Two-dimensional fundamentalism.

Wait, it's none of his business, he's not Two-dimensional.

Facing Ah Zheng, Li Lu only snorted softly, and put down his shoulders coldly: "Following this kind of person will pollute my video feed, it is impossible to pay attention, and it is impossible to pay attention in this life."

"Hey, what a big tone." Ah Zheng smiled, shaking his phone and said, "Watching Lele dance a dance, I can resist me buying you milk tea."

"No time." Li Lu sat in front of the computer rubbing his shoulders and said, "I have to go through the main task line with the director before I get off work."

"Director?" Ah Zheng pointed to the opposite office and said, "The director has already run away."

"???" Li Lu stared blankly.

Sure enough, the name tags of the office were taken off.

Damn, didn't you agree to create the world of the purest magical girl together?

"There's no need to make a fuss about it. They're all looking for a way out." Ah Zheng pouted all around, "On the surface, everyone is submitting resumes."

"???" Li Lu quickly looked at the colleagues around him.

Sure enough, there was no operation on their screens at all, and they were all looking down at their phones.

Do you hire directly there?
Just me being honest?
Li Lu swallowed for a long time before asking Ah Zheng: "What about you? Have you found a way out?"

Ah Zheng smiled idiotically: "I didn't find it at all."

Li Lu scolded: "Then are you still laughing?"

"Hey, I have Lele."

"... Can Lele pay you?"

After pondering for a while, Ah Zheng put down his phone and said seriously, "Mr. Lu, what really makes us happy is not the salary, is it?"

"It's salary." Li Lu said.

Ah Zheng leaned forward and said, "Then let me ask you, when is the happiest time of day?"

Li Lu waved his hand: "I don't have time to talk to you, I have to look at the recruitment."

"Okay, don't be so arrogant." Ah Zheng raised his glasses and smiled, "The happiest part of the day is playing games at night."


"Still playing Harry Potter?" Ah Zheng asked again.

"Just playing around..."

"Who are you kidding, you are online steadily from 8 to 12 o'clock."

"..." Li Lu shook his head and said, "There is a teammate who is very annoying and keeps arguing for me to lead her to a duel."

"Regardless of this, let me ask you, how does it feel when playing games?"

"no feelings."

"Don't pretend to be with me." Ah Zheng sighed with a smile, "You only have those few hours every day to forget the troubles of project failure and the anxiety of the industry's cold winter, and only those few hours to fully devote yourself to it. , truly feel what it means to be alive.”

"Sigh." Li Lu sighed, "It is because of people like you who can't tell the difference between virtuality and reality that the game industry has been criticized."

"If I really couldn't tell the difference, would I still sit here and tell you to submit your resume?" Ah Zheng patted Li Lu heavily, "Virtuality and reality are not important, what matters is what gives us strength, what Soothe our hearts."

At this moment, Li Lu was at a loss for words.

He had to admit that when the heavy palm hit his shoulder, he did feel some kind of strength and comfort.


Ah Zheng suddenly swiped his hand and grabbed Li Lu's cell phone with a slap in the face: "So hurry up and follow Lele!!"


Just as they were scrambling for the mobile phone, the glass door of the front desk opened left and right, and the sound of hurried and unfamiliar footsteps came.

Li Lu and Ah Zheng looked over at the same time.

A male colleague from the human resources department is leading a beautiful but not easy to mess with woman.

The beauty comes from her clear face and neat long hair.

Not easy to mess with, just because of the bewildered smile on the corner of his mouth.

It's the smile of the ultimate professional who sees through everything.

Such a smile made Li Lu have to look sideways.

This woman is not simple.

She is clearly at the age of the mascot of the workplace, but she has an old-fashioned aura of the workplace.

It can only be said that she is probably the kind of woman who cannibalizes people without spit out bones, and tells you to count the money by yourself after selling you.

If Li Lu's focus is on temperament.

Then Ah Zheng is simply focusing on the form.

Gray uniform, white shirt, perfect fit, just enough to accommodate everything.

Even though she tried her best to hide it, the vitality of life was still ready to come out, which instantly ignited Ah Zheng's career spirit.

Especially the corner of the skirt, which is no higher than the knee.

Finally, smooth black stockings and small flat leather shoes delivered a fatal blow.

"Mr. Lu, you have to work hard today!" Ah Zheng gasped and patted Li Lu.

Li Lu only murmured: "I remembered, she seems to be the person in charge of the publishing side, she rarely shows up, only once a year, what's her name..."

"It's not important." Ah Zheng said angrily, "You still don't know what to focus on."

"...Then what's the point?"

Ah Zheng stared at the woman's steps with serious eyes, "Is it pantyhose or knee socks!"


Looking at the disdainful Li Lu, Ah Zheng stared wide-eyed, and his whole body was on fire: "Bastard, why don't you understand what gives us strength and what comforts our hearts!"

Li Lu hugged his head and was furious: "MD, how can you speak so confidently!"

Between the sprays, the human resources colleagues clapped their hands.

The noise stopped immediately, and everyone in the office area looked at them.

The HR colleague pointed backwards, raised his hand and introduced:
"This Lin Li, who is in charge of publishing, Mr. Lin, will act as the director of the "Steam Girl" project for a period of time. Welcome everyone."

Immediately there was applause, and many colleagues even stood up, secretly looked away, eagerly swearing allegiance to the new master.

As for Ah Zheng, he was about to stick out his tongue.

But Li Lu still maintained his rationality, clapped a few casually, and clicked on the planning case, ready to work.

On the one hand, he has no trust in a woman of this temperament, and is just a professional manager who is only interested in profit.

on the other hand……

What does a woman know about Two-dimensional?

It's still being published.

Those who engage in distribution are engaged in sales.

Those who engage in sales are cheating krypton gold.

Will you still care about the gameplay if you have cheated krypton gold?

Li Lu even thought of it. The first thing Lin Li did after the incident was to change "Steam Girl" from a stand-alone buyout to free krypton gold, and then force the planning to inject a bunch of payment points, so that these things that should have been flying freely in the Steam Continent Magical girls, brutally stuffed into gashapon sales...

Damn it, it's all because Two-dimensional's money is so easy to make. Don't you know how to be more reserved when you're kryptonite.

Just as Li Lu was immersed in dark fantasies, Lin Li lightly raised her hand and nodded lightly with everyone:
"Without wasting everyone's time, I'll just say it straight.

The "Steam Girl" project has ended.

The boss wants me to complete the employee clearance before leaving get off work. "

(End of this chapter)

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