Create a virtual anchor with the witch boss

Chapter 2 "The Things That Really Matter"

Chapter 2 "The Things That Really Matter"

The applause stopped abruptly, and the colleagues were dumbfounded.

Although everyone had prepared for this ending, they still inevitably fell into shock.

But Ah Zheng's shock was different, he was simply shocked by the crisp girlish voice.

After a brief pause, Lin Li continued:

"After the team is disbanded, there is a high probability that I will be dismissed as well.

So I hope that in the final conversation, we can understand each other, maintain sincerity and restraint.

So please get ready and start talking in 10 minutes. "

After speaking, Lin Li received the information from the person in charge of human resources, smiled and nodded with everyone, then turned and walked into the office.

Colleagues looked at each other in blank dismay, some were anxious, some were sad and indignant, and some were unwilling.

Only Ah Zheng focused on the "really important things", and he nodded seriously with his chin dragged: "Hmm... Big sister's voice is so sweet."

"Damn it, are you finished yet?" Li Lu patted his head, "It's as sweet as here when you don't have any work!"

"Who said that?" Ah Zheng rubbed his head and snorted, "Don't worry, all the staff will not be dismissed."


"If all the employees are dismissed and dismissed completely, then the boss will declare bankruptcy directly. Not only will this month's wages be exempted, but there will also be no need to pay compensation."


"Mr. Lu, although it is a cold winter in the industry, don't forget that after winter, there will always be spring." Ah Zheng sneered while supporting his glasses frame, "Reducing staff for the winter, this is the real intention of the boss."

"Fuck..." Li Lu shook his head and said in surprise, "How did you manage to seamlessly switch between virtual and real?"

"There are more realistic ones." Ah Zheng hugged Li Lu, and whispered together, "Who goes, who stays?"

Li Lu said blankly: "...Brother Zheng... give me some advice?"

"Isn't this obvious." Ah Zheng squinted at the half-closed door of the director's office, "Our future is completely determined by the big sister, but please note that the big sister doesn't have time to get to know each of us in detail, that is, Said that she will decide who goes and who stays based on her feelings."

"I see!"

"So the next conversation is very important." Ah Zheng clenched his fist and said, "We must try our best to win her favor, match her preferences, and at the same time emphasize that I work hard and my family is difficult, and make up a story that can impress her."

"Is it necessary to fight so hard?"

"If you don't fight, others will." Ah Zheng secretly glanced around, "Everyone is already searching desperately."

Li Lu's ears trembled.

Sure enough, the office area was filled with the clicking sound of mechanical keyboards.

They are probably searching for topics such as "how to face liquidation", "how to ask for more compensation".

The cheerful atmosphere of the past was instantly suppressed.

"This is the ugly three-dimensional. It only takes one minute to go from a happy big family to a dark forest where you can't die." Ah Zheng also grabbed the keyboard himself, gritted his teeth and shook his head, "Don't talk, I have to find a set that can Smash their rhetoric."

"Oh, it's rolling up now." After Li Lu sighed, he picked up the mouse and clicked on the planning copy of "Steam Girl".

"What time do you care about this?" Ah Zheng glanced at him from the corner of his eye and said, "Hurry up, memorizing a section of "Labor Law" is better than this."

"It doesn't matter." Li Lu rolled up his sleeves and said with a smile, "I'd better sort out the documents. If the project is restarted one day, I hope the person who takes over will smile."

Ah Zheng was shocked when he heard this: "Mr. Lu... you are the real Two-dimensional the fuck."



Ten minutes later, Lin Li started the conversation on time.

Every colleague went in worried and came out with a dejected face. The whole process took 5-10 minutes.

After returning to their workstations, they either sat stupidly or packed up their things directly.

Apparently, the retention rate is low...

At exactly 11 o'clock, it was Ah Zheng's turn.

Ah Zheng was amazing, he came out within 20 seconds after entering.


As soon as he came back and sat on the chair, he entered a state of sluggishness.

"So fast?" Li Lu asked, rubbing his hands, "Didn't you prepare a bunch of excuses?"

"Yeah, the speech I prepared..." Ah Zheng said with his mouth open, "After entering, she... took a look at me, and then suddenly asked me if I like Lele."

"I recognized your identity at a glance?!" Li Lu asked in surprise, "Then what did you say?"

"I said hey, Lele is the cutest... Then she smiled and said there was nothing to talk about, and let me go."

"..." Li Lu paused, and instantly understood everything.

As far as Ah Zheng's performance is concerned, not to mention the boss, passers-by will most likely stay away when they see it.

In this era, blatantly acknowledging that you are a fan of a virtual anchor in reality is more courageous than coming out.

But the really scary one was Lin Li.

She actually saw through Ah Zheng's essence at a glance.

This style is just like the final boss origin witch in "Steam Girl".

In the story, the Witch of Origin disguises herself as an ordinary magical girl, mixes with the protagonist group as a teammate, manipulates the protagonist group to challenge enemies one by one, and secretly lays traps, torturing and playing with the lovely magical girls, forcing They lose their dreams and self-esteem...

Isn't this exactly what Lin Li did to Ah Zheng?
Leaving aside the vicious and perverted personality, Lin Li probably wants to remove the senior Two-dimensional from the team, so that she can optimize "Steam Girl" to the way she wants.

After all, it is Ah Zheng, and his aura has already been exposed. For the realist villain who hates two-dimensional, it is the first cancer to be removed from the team.

Damn, without a high-purity old Two-dimensional like Ah Zheng, what would be left of "Steam Girl"?
Are you going to switch careers to make web games for $999?

Turn the magic girl we worked so hard into... into a cave boss for Kryptonites to grab?
Amid grief and indignation, Ah Zheng also grabbed Li Lu's arm nervously: "Mr. Lu...don't reveal your identity when you talk, and pretend to be yourself!"

"What's the ingredient? I'm already normal."

"Mao, it's hard for an old Two-dimensional like you to escape her eyes." Ah Zheng sniffled his nose and said, "In terms of strength, I can at best be considered Xiaoqing, and you are the fucking Bai Suzhen."


(End of this chapter)

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