Chapter 3 Iron Man vs. Witch
11 points.

Li Lu was called by name.

He breathed a sigh of relief and stood up straight.

Ah Zheng clenched his fist beside him and said, "Sister Suzhen, come on."

This concise encouragement successfully dampened most of Li Lu's momentum.

It wasn't until he reached the office door that he managed to recover a little, and knocked on the door as steadily as possible.

"Please come in."

A crisp girlish voice came from inside.

Alas, who would have thought that the owner of the voice was a devil.

"En." Li Lu responded, and walked into the office neither humble nor overbearing, and sat on the chair with his back straight.

At this time, the two of them were sitting opposite each other with only one table between them.

Li Lu was even more resolute, ready to give her a blow and let her know that there are iron-blooded and real men in the company.

Lin Li didn't look at him at all, just looked down at the documents, flipped through them and said, "Wait for half a minute, I'll take a quick look at the resume."

"En." Li Lu snorted hard, his body still sitting on the spot like a rock.

But Lin Li raised her hand and found a rubber band out of nowhere, then lowered her head and tied it into a ponytail.

Seeing her dancing and slender fingers and concentrated eyes, plus the bursts of fragrance from the stretched arms, Li Lu's momentum was inevitably shaken.

Hold on.

It's just a pigtail, we haven't seen it in Two-dimensional!

After a while, Lin Li tied up her ponytail, and her demeanor became a little more capable.

Refreshing and refreshing, it is reasonable to say that it is an executive of a large company.

What's even more amazing is that when she carefully read the resume, there was a trace of tenderness like a big sister in her eyes.

If it wasn't for seeing her face early, plus Xiaoqing... plus the news that Ah Zheng paid for it with his life, maybe Li Lu would be deceived by her now.

Not long after, Lin Li closed the file, raised her head and smiled and said, "Well, it's pretty good. Although I'm not yet 25 years old, I'm already a veteran of the company, and in actual work, it's almost the main strategy of the project."


This sudden sweet voice was so popular that it instantly shook the foundation of Li Lu's momentum.

Intellectually, of course he knew that this was a witch's trick of playing hard to get.

Make you happy first, and then when you propose the refund conditions, you will be embarrassed to refuse.

But such a clear sense of reason can't resolve the instinct of confusion after the mortal body is praised by the witch.

"Hey... hey..." Li Lu had no choice but to scratch his head and muddle through.

Lin Li also smiled, leaned on the back of the chair, hugged her chest and said, "I think you went to 'Fantasy Township' first after graduation. The salary and development there were higher than our company. It was considered a reverse job-hopping at that time."

"If you only consider the benefits, it's okay." Li Lu shook his head and smiled bitterly, "It's just that I personally prefer to be a stand-alone player."

"Then why did you choose an online game company like 'Gensokyo' for your first job?"

Li Lu spread his hands and said: "'Fantasy Township' was originally a stand-alone game, but the first product only sold tens of thousands of copies, and then turned to free-to-play mobile games."

"It's 32825 copies." Lin Li nodded while resting her chin. "Aside from the channel share, the income of one game is 15 yuan. The total profit is less than 50 yuan, and the R&D cost is more than 400 million yuan."

Li Lu was speechless.

There is something about the witch...

But that's right, after all, it's a distribution business, so it's not surprising to remember this classic case.

Lin Li went on to say, "Now 'Fantasy Township' is among the top three in the industry, with an annual turnover of tens of billions. With your qualifications and old friends, there is a chance you can go back inside, right?"

Li Lu Yisu.

It's time to come!
After all, employees with more opportunities will be more eager to leave for personal development, and even quit without compensation.

For Lin Li, it is undoubtedly the most comfortable to be able to complete the retreat in this way.

As Li Lu, should he say that he can't go back now, that he wants to stay here?

Or bragging that I can go anywhere, such a dick employee is the hope of the future, you better keep me?

Or expressed support for Lin Li's reform on the spot, vowing to change "Steam Girl" into a skin-changing page game with his own hands?
After a few puffs, Li Lu shook his head: "I understand what you mean, I just hope to give me another two weeks to sort out the copywriting, materials and demos so that they can be archived."

Lin Li shook her head and said, "I think you misunderstood, the "Steam Girl" project has been cancelled."

"Maybe it will restart someday?" Li Lu raised his eyebrows.

Lin Li pursed her lips lightly: "The probability is that it has nothing to do with you and me."

"It may be irrelevant in terms of interests, but it will always be my work." Li Lu nodded without giving in. "Even if it is only a semi-finished product, I hope to seal it up as completely as possible."

"Hmm..." Lin Li leaned back on the chair lightly, and looked Li Lu up and down.


She squinted her eyes, and said with a light smile, "Your words, the taste of Two-dimensional is very correct."


Li Lu was shocked.

not good……

All of this... is a trap!
All the conversations don't make any sense at all.

The only purpose... is to detect your own Two-dimensional concentration...

Having said so much, it is nothing more than to seduce myself to say shameful words. was exposed in the end...

Looking at Lin Li's squinting eyes, Li Lu's body was already as thin as a piece of paper.

Such a woman can't beat her after all.

However, even though Li Lu had lost his fighting spirit, Lin Li did not intend to let him go.

She pouted to the door and said with a smile: "I think you have a good relationship with Huang Zheng?"

Li Lu gasped.

This detail can only be said to be worthy of her.

When she entered the office area, the witch looked defiant, but she had actually observed every detail.

The whispering between herself and Huang Zheng naturally couldn't escape her eyes.

As I said before, Huang Zheng couldn't control it for a long time, and his breath overflowed.

Now that I have exposed my identity, I am afraid that I have been classified as a raccoon by the witch...


Nothing more...

I, Li Lu, don't care anymore.

"Yes, Ah Zheng and I have a good relationship." Li Lusheng nodded indifferently, "He usually speaks a little erratically, but he is a trustworthy person, whether as a colleague or a friend."

"Then you are also a fan of Lele?" Lin Li suddenly covered her mouth and giggled, "Little Coke, right?"

"???" Li Lu asked in a daze, "What is Little Coke?"

"The names of Lele's fans." Lin Li laughed even louder, "Haha, don't you know this?"

Immediately, Li Lu burst into anger.

At this point, he doesn't care about his relationship with his boss anymore.

You say I am Two-dimensional, but I can bear it.

You said that Ah and I were on the same road, so I endured it.

But you say I am a V ring with a pink leather jacket?
I'll show you to death!
"One is one, and two is two." Li Lu blushed, trying to restrain himself and said, "What little Coke, if you don't know, you just don't know."

(End of this chapter)

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