Chapter 14 Reverse Marathon

Just when Li Lu was numb all over, Lin Li turned her head and smiled shamelessly: "Okay, I feel refreshed, let's get off work."

Li Lu tremblingly swallowed and spit: "I have to take it easy... I have to try reality again..."

"The principle of reality is also very simple." Lin Li took out the car keys and smiled, "I'll ask for the equity if I do well, but if I don't do well, we'll run away, that's all."

"No, wait..." Li Lu pressed his forehead with both hands and said, "Do you have a button on your body that can switch the operating mode at any time?"

"It's better to say it's autonomic nerves." Lin Li nodded her chin and said, "When encountering a certain situation, it will switch to Two-dimensional, and come back when it's appropriate."

"Then it's back now, right?" Li Lu stood up nervously, "I warn you, say hello when you switch again, I can't stand it if I don't agree with you."

"Didn't I say hello just now?" Lin Li raised her hand, turned the car key between her fingers and walked out, "Come on, I'll take you home."

Li Lu swallowed and spit.


Why is he so handsome all of a sudden.


On the way home by car, Lin Li grabbed the steering wheel and "danced and danced" all the way, making witty remarks.

I always feel that the child has been suffocated for so many years, and I can't wait to pour out all the shameful ambitions in one breath.

Only then did Li Lu know that she was able to enter a large financial institution back then, and entered the game industry purely to "immerse herself in what she likes" and "break through the sky".

As for why he jumped from a big factory to the absolute field of start-ups, it seems to be for... usurping the throne.

For those large capital-oriented companies, the projects are often lacking in vitality. More often than not, they find a successful product that has been verified by the market, do some differentiation according to cats and dogs, and then bundle their own social functions, paid innovations and other things. Just took it out and rolled up the money.

Relatively speaking, due to their own disadvantages, small workshops have to put all their eggs in one basket to pursue innovation and seek breakthroughs by means of big bets.Therefore, their products also reflect the will of the boss more than the will of capital.

Of course, once the small workshop successfully raises funds and goes public...

The will of the boss is no longer his own.

At that time, all the original intentions, promises, never XX, etc. will all be gone, and everything will slide towards profitability and stock prices.

Therefore, when discussing whether a company has "degenerated", you don't need to look at what its leader said, but just look at how much money he raised and who got the money.

If capital is a train that is always accelerating forward, the so-called "degenerate" boss is nothing more than a cog on it. From the moment he is installed on the train, he loses himself and direction, and can only compete with other cogs. Grab the revs.

There is no need to blame or lament, anyone would do the same.

Compared with the train rolling forward, Absolute Domain can be described as a... a marathon team running in reverse.

The boss is almost wholly-owned, recruiting a bunch of like-minded teammates, pointing in a certain direction and running away.

This kind of nature just catered to Lin Li's needs, and also gave her room to usurp the throne.

It's just that I never thought that the cold winter would come so suddenly.

In the freezing weather, Lin Li had to jump back in advance and act as the team leader.

After sending off 90% of the members, she forcibly turned the direction of the team, pointing to what she thought was Spring.

Judging from the words, Lin Li is more like a little coke, secretly watching a slice of Lele when he has nothing to do.

On the one hand, she really thinks Lele is cute and healing.

On the other hand, the Cokes themselves are also full of fun, and often make some serious literary creations.

Although Li Lu couldn't understand the stalks she said, he was surprised to find a species.

Girl Coke?
Isn't Lele a product of tricking Ah Zhengqian by making gestures?

Why would a woman eat this set?
Li Lu was curious about this for the first time.


When they were about to get out of the car, the two people's mobile phones rang at the same time.

It turned out to be a farewell email from the boss, sent by all the staff.

The title is "Jianghu Road is far away, I wish you good luck".

Li Lu still clicked and took a look:

Partners along the way:
When you receive this letter, you should have left the company.

I'm sorry, I don't have the courage to say goodbye in person, let alone look back at the unfulfilled promise and the distant ideal.

When the "Steam Girl" project was established, I gave myself a bottom line, and the maximum compensation was 500 million.

But by the time you left, that number had climbed to 764 million, and there was no hope of selling a single copy.

I underestimated the gravity of reality and overestimated the wings of faith.

In the end, he insisted on holding the princes to be buried with him.

Sorry, I can only stop here.

I hope that after this separation, everyone can be reborn to a better place.

The world is big, and the future is even bigger.

If we can meet again, I hope you will forgive me.

If you forget each other from now on.

Good luck to you.

Guan Shihao

PS: I made a commemorative video of the company, click the link below to watch it.

"Eternal Absolute Territory! "

——The following is a personalized signature——

I always love Misaka Mikoto!
And Yukinoshita Yukino. (Supplemented in 2014)
And Rem. (Supplemented in 2017)
And Mai Sakurajima. (2018)

Sorry, I cheated on Mahiru Shiina (2021)

"..." Li Lu remained silent.

I don't care what you said on the scene is good.

But how many years has it been.

Why don't you know that work mailboxes must not display personalized signatures!

And this weird signature update frequency.

On the surface, they are promiscuous, but when you think about it carefully, it seems that these five wives have been single-minded compared with those of his kind over the years.

Although Li Lu's emotions were diluted by this signature, he couldn't help but clicked on the video link.

Different from the imagined corporate promotional video, this is a short story composed of a series of Q-version stick figures.

Four years ago, Guan Shihao and his partners established Absolute Field.

The original company only had publishing business, which was basically a single-handedly pull-up of the resources provided by the partners.

Then began to contact independent gamers and small workshops to assist them in publishing with favorable conditions. The company also deepened the Two-dimensional lineage during this period.

Two years ago, the first and last self-developed project, "Steam Girl" was officially approved.

The company began to recruit troops and turned profits into losses.

More than half a year ago, due to environmental impacts, the business volume of the distribution department fell to zero.

Three months ago, the partner left, leaving only Lin Li in the distribution department.

Today, the "Steam Girl" project team was disbanded.

At this time, the video in front of him was also moving towards the last few seconds.

But at this moment, everything suddenly changed on the screen.

The original painting of the heroine of "Steam Girl" incarnated as the Flame God caught off guard and hit Li Lu in the face.

What followed was the fiery dubbing that I had heard countless times:

"Sorry, I can't fit into this world.

If you are too.

Then burn with me. "

Unconsciously, Li Lu pursed his lips tightly.

RNM...why come to this set all of a sudden.

Isn't this exactly... the copy written by me.

At this moment, a whisper came from the side——

"The real shot of middle-aged Coke's collapse in an instant."

Li Lu suddenly turned his head.

The car had already parked on the side of the road, Lin Li didn't know how long he had been filming!

"Are you enough!" Li Lu cursed and was about to get out of the car with his bag.

"Woohoo, the professor is still so good at moving himself~~"

"Delete it for me!"

"I'm about to post to Moments~~"

"Damn... At least delete the word "Little Coke!"

"That's the essence, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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