Chapter 15

After struggling and confirming that Lin Li hadn't really released any video, Li Lu finally got out of the car.

Standing on the side of the road, watching the streamlined black electric car drive away, he suddenly thought of one thing——

Forget about working overtime!

Damn, the rhythm of the day is too chaotic, and the physiological reactions have been disrupted.

Seeing that it was too late to order takeout at this time, Li Lu had no choice but to go to the small restaurant next to him and order a bowl of beef noodles casually.

While waiting for his meal, he habitually put on his headphones, ready to have some fun.

I have gone through too many heavy things today, why not watch cat videos and relax.

Only then did he discover the message someone had sent half an hour ago.

[Ah Zheng: Lele is live streaming, hurry up! 】

Li Lu smiled.

[Li Lu: It's none of my business. 】

[Azheng: How to do a project without watching the live broadcast?Just take it as a research, show me! 】

[Li Lu: It's ridiculous, researching this kind of thing has to be done during working hours, just watch the video recording later. 】

[Ah Zheng: How can that be done? It will only be effective if you cooperate with the barrage on the spot!How could Teacher Lu be so unprofessional? 】

Li Lu couldn't help scratching his head.

What Ah Zheng said was correct. Live broadcasting is just like a football game, and the aim is the sense of atmosphere and immediacy.

Just like the national football team.

You witnessed them step by step in real time, kicking to 0:3, then it will be a matter of course emotionally, shouting "RNM money back" with your soul.

If you saw this 0:3 on the morning news, you would just grin and laugh.

As the main strategy of the project that is about to enter the virtual anchor track, it is the right time to experience the demeanor of the top anchor on the spot.


【Li Lu: That's the truth, but I'm eating out. 】

[Ah Zheng: It’s not just watching while eating. 】

As Ah Zheng said, is there anything more reasonable than watching live broadcasts on your mobile phone while eating noodles?
But Li Lu, he still wants to be a human being.

This restaurant is one he frequents, and there is even a girl waiter he knows well.

Every time she is on duty, Li Lu will unconsciously take up the airs of an IT elite. Even if she looks at things, she still has to watch TED public lectures, which are relatively high-profile.

But today...

Li Lu raised his head and looked around. At this moment, there was only one aunt waiter left in the store, and she was still playing with her mobile phone with her head down.

It should be fine, even if she sees Lele, she doesn't know what it is, it's just a cartoon.

Only then did Li Lu dare to return to Ah Zheng.

[Li Lu: Then send the link, I'll investigate it]

【Ah Zheng: Hey~~】

Soon, a link to the live broadcast titled [The tool man couldn't think of a good plan, so he had to make a big mess and read the comments] popped up.

Li Lu's finger moved over immediately.

But just when he saw the ID "Lele wants to bully people" and saw her Q version smirking profile picture, Li Lu hesitated.

Do you really want to click in...

It's just a touch though.

But just click in, even if it's just for a second.

In the future life, it will never be washed clean again.

At this moment, Teacher Zheng thoughtfully sent a message:
[Azheng: Teacher Lu, don't hesitate, it's all for work, you are a career planner! 】

That's right, it's all for work, and I can't do "Steam Girl" anyway, so why not do it.

Make money, it's not shabby.

Think of it as understanding the vast world and exploring species diversity.


Li Lu pressed his finger firmly.

After reading the screen for a short time, a pink live broadcast room refreshed in front of Li Lu's eyes.

The little 3D girl with long fluffy black hair, wearing a fat uniform, black socks, and bowknot, is laughing at the comments in the dormitory scene.

Before Li Lu could react, a laugh like a little sheep came from the earphones.


Hearing this, Li Lu just wiped his mouth firmly.

He wasn't moved in the slightest, even a little contemptuous.

For a professional like him, the uniform and attire were as flattering as over-applied makeup.

With big eyes and loose uniforms, you can't wait to take pictures of the "small beautiful girl" in your mind.

As for the soft laugh, it was undoubtedly a trained and modified falsetto, which was disgustingly hypocritical.

He, Li Lu, as a hunk who has been drooling over a comic book since he was 4 years old, how could he have feelings for such a gaudy character?
"Hehe." He smiled.

The so-called Lele is nothing more than the cultural saccharine of the industrial age, a product tailored to hit a certain group of people.

Of course, strictly speaking, "Steam Girl" is actually such a product, it is nothing more than a more hard-core, more forceful style, and as rough as possible.

So just looking at this layer of skin, Li Lu has no position to deny Lele.

In the final analysis, we still have to watch her performance.

Li Lu unconsciously pressed the earphones and looked at the screen intently.


I put down my guard and give you 1 minute.

A little bit of emotion counts as my loss.

On the screen, Lele was covering her mouth and laughing, as if she was laughing at the content of the comment.

This comment is simple -

[Hey (drool) Lele (drool) my Lele (drool) hey (drool) Lele...

Eh?What's going on, me, how can I (shock) (sweat)...I can't (tears)...

Hey (drool again) Hey (drool) Lele (drool) My Lele (drool)]

What the hell, Ah Zheng can't even write about it, can he?
How is it possible, how can a normal anchor read this kind of disease comment.

However, when Li Lu's scalp was numb, Lele actually started reading in his own tone.


Hearing the dexterous laughter of this little rabbit, Li Lu was completely solemn.

At this moment, the whole world changed.

This message gives people the feeling that Ah, who has lost the ability to take care of himself, is rolling in a mental hospital.

But when it came out of Lele's mouth, the scene changed immediately.

A simple voice and an emotional smile instantly brought Li Lu to the pink, tender and furry girls' dormitory.

In the dormitory, on the soft little mattress that smelled like a girl's body, a little girl was both ashamed and happily hugging her quilt tightly, a pink quilt.

She wiped her saliva and rolled around with a smile: "Lele~~My Lele~~Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Li Lu was shocked again, and his figure began to shake uncontrollably.

Obviously just repeating those few words, Lele laughed differently every time.

At first it was a light movement, then a greedy mouth, then delusions and gaffes, the emotions went from shallow to deep, the twisted girl became clearer, and the fluffy feeling became more and more irritating...

But at this moment, suddenly!

"Me, what am I!"


"I can not……"

Lele's tone changed, as if she realized that this was a fantasy.

During this short pause, Li Lu felt it.

I felt her shock, her bewilderment, and her sadness.

Her loss, her grievance, and her self-blame.

But when the spirit is about to collapse.


She found another weird voice transition, and smoothly switched back to that delusional "hehe".

It is like a person who recognizes the truth of the world and faces an unstoppable dark future.

Smiling, he put down the sharp sword in his hand, and removed the riddled armor on his body.

Then curled up and returned to the original hotbed, choosing that soft illusion.

Finally, after a long aftertaste of "噫噫噫吹吹~~~", Lele was already laughing in front of the camera.

"Little Cokes, don't engage in such nasty things anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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