Create a virtual anchor with the witch boss

Chapter 16 Lele can cheat, but I can't?

Chapter 16 Lele can cheat, but I can't?
At this time, the barrage was completely blocked.

[Guardian] [Cute pinch] [It's numb]

【I'm super, don't】【Enjoy it】

Within a few seconds, each of the above phrases intersected and slid across the screen like bricks gliding at a constant speed.

Although Li Lu didn't understand these black words at all, it didn't affect his empathy.

It is almost impossible to rehearse the sick message just now.

Putting it in other places may even lead to embarrassing live broadcast accidents.

But Lele performed on the spot, and completed a performance with ups and downs and ups and downs while talking and laughing.

That lovely feeling is even more like a flood sweeping through the sky, and the evil god is coming, and it is impossible to break free.

Oh shit……

Li Lu gritted his teeth.

This Lele is completely different from what I imagined.

From her original understanding, she should have flattered and flattered the screen, saying things like "Lele will always belong to you" and "Little Coke stickers".

But who would have thought that her talent was so terrifying that she could turn such a speech of Ah Zheng into this!
At least from the perspective of seiyuu, she is already comparable to the domestic first-line.

At this time, looking at Lele's 3D leather case again, Li Lu was already full of solemnity.

Beads of sweat oozed out of his scalp.

It was only now that he noticed that what was more terrifying than Lele's talent was her skin.

The entire performance just now, her fat uniform, her fluffy long hair, her swaying hair, her changeable smile, her leaning forward and backward, the movement of her fingers... all did not reveal a sense of disobedience at all.

She can pose any action and expression, and all this is 3D.

Perhaps the audience didn't find it so amazing, they have long been accustomed to it, and even forgot about the "3D model".

But it is precisely this kind of "forgetting" that is the highest state of digital art.

When the audience "forgets" that this is a character synthesized by technology, it also means that the technology inside has been perfected, and every detail perfectly fits human intuition.

Such a silky effect perfectly deceives the human vision and brings the audience into the Two-dimensional world.

This sense of immersion is exactly what game designers have been pursuing all their lives.

But in game visual design, there is an inherent shortcoming.

That is "mechanical sense".

No matter how complicated your design is for a character's movements, he will inevitably fall into rigid repetition.

This is equivalent to telling the player all the time that you are just manipulating a piece of program code.

But Lele's live-action performance perfectly overcomes all these.

More exaggerated to say.

A formidable technical team, plus an exceptionally talented Lele, they joined forces to savagely break through the technical barriers at the current stage and raise the Two-dimensional interpretation to the level of the next era.

Such a sense of immersion is enough to make tens of thousands of Ah Zheng realize their soul soaring in this hour.

It's like ascending to the dueling field of Hogwarts.

It's like a girl flying up to unpack the express box.

Just like Zhao Wenqi ascended to the world of Cthulhu.

Or... Lele is Cthulubenlu at all.

What I, Li Lu, saw were top-notch techniques and exquisite performances.

But for each Ah Zheng, this is indescribable.

It was as if Ah Zheng had been possessed by a demon, and she gave up control of her body step by step.

Then she gently picked up Ah Zheng's soul, stroked it, and whispered.

Accompanied by the ballad, Ah Zheng's soul gave up thinking a little bit, like a newborn baby, returning to the original,

He forgot everything, only saw Lele smiling and holding him, shaking.

Shake, laugh.

This is heaven.

A paradise that exists in a virtual world for only one hour a day.

At this moment, amidst Lele's laughter, Li Lu gradually understood Ah Zheng and everything.

He didn't even realize it.

He himself is showing a baby-like smile...

getting lighter, getting lighter...

"Brother, here we come."

A girl's voice so real that she had a local accent interrupted Li Lu's ascension.

His whole body trembled, and he turned his head to look.

It was the familiar waiter girl who was putting the beef noodles on the table.

But her eyes...

has changed.

No longer the kind of little sister who hides admiration, ambiguity and longing.

It's like Cheng Xiaowan in the negotiation room.

It's the kind of feeling...we are all human beings, but we are deeply aware of the essential gap between each other's thoughts, and we need to maintain some sense of distance politely, but because we are waiters, we have to serve the entangled feeling.

Li Lu took a picture of his phone in an instant and unplugged his earphones: "I...I'm researching the virtual anchor market."

Perhaps it was because the desire to survive in his eyes was too strong, and the waiter girl was scared back.

"Then...then I won't bother you, brother..."

Then, she hurriedly turned around and ran away.

At this time, the face was still steaming.

Li Lu's people are already cold.

For some reason, a casual sentence from Zhao Wenqi suddenly appeared, and this woman seemed to whisper in Li Lu's ear:

"Ms. Lu really should be Little Coke."

Where it doesn't make sense, Zhao Wenqi's intuition has always been eerily accurate.

Why, why did she make this judgment?
Li Lu turned around blankly, staring at the beef noodles and lost in thought.

An anchor like Lele has a lot of fans.

But there are more people like me who can't understand and even hate them.

Where are the boundaries?
Who would be taken away by her indescribable power, who would dismiss her?
Is it Two-dimensional concentration?
Or the degree of aversion to reality?

Or the Cthulhu coefficient?character?worldview?

Li Lu couldn't figure it out, at least not yet.

He only knew that he was indeed the kind of person who was more likely to be taken away by Lele.


Stay away even more.

If you become like Ah Zheng, you will be completely cold.

Can't watch it anymore, at least not today.

Li Lu tremblingly picked up the chopsticks, picked up the noodles and blew on them, before sucking them in.

Tasting the real fragrance and the satisfaction of carbon water, his soul returned to its place.

His teacher when he first entered Gensokyo, Senior Brother Du, whom he respected very much, once said:
"The best way to cure game addiction is to play games with your own hands."

This statement may not be entirely true, but at least Li Lu himself was quickly confirmed.

When he really makes a game, designs characters and levels, and calculates values ​​and rewards, the perspective of the whole person watching the game will change.

Those once beautiful and gorgeous games, the underlying mechanism will be exposed in an instant.

It was as if he had put on "X-ray perspective glasses". No matter how beautiful the beauty was, the first thing he saw was the blood vessels and bones under the flesh.

Brother Du called this "Gynecologist Syndrome", which means that people who are obsessed with women will soon lose interest in the opposite sex once they become a gynecologist.

Anyway, Senior Brother Du is very good at saying this kind of words that make sense at first glance, but when you think about it carefully, you feel that there is something wrong.

But for Li Lu now, this theory is a good medicine.

The best way to overcome fear is to face it.

Once you really analyze the technology and operation behind the scenes of the virtual anchor, once you really see the person hidden in the leather case, all this should be boring.

Thinking of this, Li Lu sucked and sucked, eating the noodles faster and faster.

Let's first understand the technology and operation behind it, and don't look directly at Lele for now.

As Lin Li said, in the three-dimensional world, survival is everything.

Now that he has nowhere to go, that's all he has to do.

It was nothing more than defrauding Ah Zheng of his money.

Lele can cheat, but I can't?
As for me, Li Lu myself.

My will, my mind, my dignity is here.

Impossible, it is impossible to become a little Coke, and it is impossible in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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