Create a virtual anchor with the witch boss

Chapter 17 Free, She's Free

Chapter 17 Free, She's Free
next morning.

When Li Lu woke up, he was very energetic.

I don't know if it's because the game is fun, or Lele is too refreshed.

He couldn't help grabbing his phone to check the time.

09: 55.


It turned out that I overslept and was already late, no wonder it was so cool.

Why is he so righteous?
Of course it was because I was working late at night after work.

He was at 09:30 in the evening, and he was investigating Lele's overtime madness.

No one can question his professionalism.

Just when he was coaxing him out of bed.

"Ding Ding~"

A message popped up in the mailbox.

[Zhao Wenqi: Made a simple report, the team leader should change it]

[Attachment: "Virtual Anchor Market Research Report V1.0" (49MB)]


As expected of Wen Qi, Lin Li just casually explained a job that she didn't want to explain, so she just worked overtime overnight to finish it.

This child is too serious, she can't help herself to read every word you say carefully, and finally she will understand to the extent that "if you don't do a good job right away, the world will be destroyed".

Therefore, in the communication with Zhao Wenqi, Li Lu was always doing subtraction, trying to make it clear that "you don't want to do this".

As for the current situation...

Li Lu immediately sent a message.

[Li Lu: The report is enough, take a good rest in the morning, and go to the company in the afternoon. 】

Zhao Wenqi replied at the speed of light:
【Wen Qi: But I have already arrived at the company...】

[Li Lu: Then lie down on the table and sleep, someone tells you to get up again! 】

[Wen Qi: Will I be scolded if Mr. Lin sees it? 】

[Li Lu: Who cares about her?You and me. 】

[Wen Qi: Then let me lie down for a come quickly too]

After finishing the order, Li Lu copied Zhao Wenqi's report to the other four colleagues.

Just after sending it, the phone rang again.

[Lin Li:! ! !Oops, professor I missed the alarm clock! 】

Li Lu smiled with his toothbrush in his mouth.

[Li Lu: If you are late on the first day of taking office, you have lost all dignity. 】

[Lin Li: Quickly explain it to me, just say that I went to the boss for a meeting! 】

【Li Lu: Actually, I'm just getting up too. 】

[Lin Li:? ? ?Well, the master plan is terrible, isn't it? 】

[Li Lu: As long as you have no position to criticize me, I have been researching for half a night and I am happy. 】

[Lin Li: Little Coke still has the face to talk about research after watching a live broadcast? 】

【Lin Li: I'll pack up quickly, and see you at your door in half an hour. 】

Li Lu shook his head and walked into the bathroom, putting down his phone.

There is a high probability that the company is going to die, so let's run away early.


At 10:30, Li Lu walked out of the courtyard on time with his shoulders on his back, and saw the black streamlined electric car parked by the side of the road.

He hurriedly jumped over happily.

Jumping and jumping, he saw Lin Li who was looking in the mirror in the main driver and arranging her hair.

Today, she is still dressed in exquisite overalls, with a pair of smart eyes and a sweet smile.

Against the backdrop of the shiny car glass, this is the aura of a young rich woman.

However I...

Li Lu tightened his shoulders unconsciously.

A young and handsome male worker like me got into her car early in the morning...

I suddenly felt ashamed.

At this moment, he seemed to feel the eyes of the people around him burning up, as if he had read their heartfelt words:

"You don't struggle when you are young..."

"Rely on your face to eat, let's see how many years you can enjoy it."

"It looks like he's still a student, shameless."

Just as Li Lu was hesitating, the car window rolled down.

"Hurry up, Professor." Lin Li pouted and urged, "Today is going to be a big event."

"I..." Li Lu gritted his teeth stubbornly, "I take the subway to work by myself."

"???" Lin Li stared, but quickly squinted and smiled, "Is the professor just thinking about something? Snape just has a lot of inner drama~"

"Mao!" Li Lu raged angrily on the spot, "It's just a colleague, I'm afraid it will affect badly."

"Hehe, I'm afraid because I think about it, and thinking about it means I'm afraid. Are you all so boring, Little Coke?"

"I don't, I have nothing to fear!" Li Lu was furious at this moment, and he rushed to the passenger driver in two or three steps, opened the door and got in, and put on his seat belt when he got up, which was even more awesome than riding in his mother's car.

After Lin Li was overjoyed, she set sail smoothly.

Li Lu ignored him, turned his head and looked out the window.

But it didn't stop him from paying attention to Lin Li's clothes today with his scattered peripheral vision.

Although it is still a combination of work clothes and shirts, the fabric and color are darker and thicker, making it appear tighter.

Under the outline of black stockings and small leather shoes, there is really no regret.

It's just that the way he drives is really not flattering, with his legs crossed, like a truck driver with his feet.

In the spirit of losing without losing, Li Lu coughed lightly, recalling "Lin Li's Quotations" and said: "If I remember correctly, you seem to want to wear something else to work."


That's the sentence-

[I want to wear white silk to work, but I dare not, I am so humble and weak. 】

This sentence was what she said when Li Lu was evaluating the costume of the character.

Unexpectedly, the Half-Blood Prince has a good memory.

However, facing this, Lin Li looked indifferent, and just played with her hair and laughed: "Yes, I said it, Heisi should get out of Two-dimensional."


Li Lu was shocked.

So rigid, this witch is so rigid.

In other words, she had given up her shame and everything during her time at Hogwarts.

In front of her, the half-blood prince was like a brother who grew up naked together. He didn't need to hide anything, and he didn't need to care about his image at all.

At this moment, Li Lu realized.

is freedom.

As long as she's with the Half-Blood Prince, she's free.

But even can't just pick your feet if you have nothing to do!
Li Lu looked grimly at Lin Li, who was picking her feet, and said, "You've been picking your feet recklessly here, does the color of stockings matter?"

"I can't help it. If there is only the professor in the three-dimensional dimension, then I will definitely choose the dress I like. Now it is really a last resort." Lin Li said, and flicked the hem of the socks on her legs, "The black will It is a customary choice in the workplace to give people a sense of mystery and delicacy, while white will give people a more innocent and immature feeling, not only will they be looked down upon, but will also be considered as a perverted old woman disguised as a female high school student."


Li Lu nodded heavily, it made sense.

In three dimensions, other people are hell.

Who doesn't live to meet the expectations of others?
Who has the courage to make fireworks with different colors?
It's just that the phrase "a perverted old woman disguised as a high school girl" seems to have hurt a lot of people inadvertently.

Seeing Li Lu bowed his head and remained silent, Lin Li turned to smile and said, "I got up so late, must have watched Lele last night, right?"

Li Lu immediately retorted: "Does getting up late have something to do with watching Lele?"

"You just said you didn't see it?"

"It's research, Ah Zheng forced me to do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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