Create a virtual anchor with the witch boss

Chapter 18 The Trust Between Comrades

Chapter 18 The Trust Between Comrades

Lin Li quickly rubbed Li Lu's shoulders: "Okay, okay, research and research, don't be angry."

"Give me a good drive." Li Lu turned his face and patted Lin Li away, but suddenly felt something was wrong, and asked nervously, "Did you pick it with this hand just now?"

"Okay, let's get down to business." Lin Li suddenly and solemnly clenched the steering wheel, "Have you got any results from the research?"

Li Lu shook his head, shook his shoulders and sighed: "I'll just say it, behind Lele is the top technical team, our grass-roots team is too far behind."

"So whoever has the strongest technology can create the best virtual anchor?" Lin Li asked.

"Of course not necessarily, but this will expand the advantage infinitely." Li Lu gestured, "Just like a war, a team with stronger performance is equivalent to having more advanced weapons and equipment. We don't even have an AK yet. What are you fighting for?"

"Hmm..." Lin Li asked after a short thought, "Since you believe that technology is paramount, why did you come to the absolute field at that time? Isn't the game made by this kind of company 100% lost?"

"How is it possible, up to 70%!" Li Lu turned his head and argued, "Games are different. The expressiveness of 3A masterpieces is of course top-notch, but even if it is a pixel game or even a word game, as long as you can make your own things, as long as you can It's fun and survivable."

"Then why can't virtual anchors work? Our goal is not to be the top 1 in the industry, just to survive." Lin Li shook her head with a smile and said, "As long as your plan is interesting enough, we can even really be a pixel anchor. "

"That's not a joke!"



During the silence, Lin Li gently raised her hand: "I'll return the same to you—Lele's expressiveness is certainly top-notch, but even a pixel anchor, or even a text anchor, as long as he can make his own things, as long as he is liked by others, It's also survivable."

As she spoke, she flicked Li Lu's face lightly with her index finger: "In the end, it's my business to make judgments, you just go forward."

"Then what if... is wrong?" Li Lu muttered.

"Haha." Lin Li laughed loudly, leaning over to pick her feet on the spot: "Wrong, it's the boss's money anyway~~~"

"Why can't you finish digging, athlete's foot?" Li Lu scolded, wiping his face, "Also, Guan Shihao has already paid so much, and you still take him into the pit?"

"Heh, it's not your turn to sympathize with him as a rich second generation."

Lin Li sat up straight and pursed her lips and said:
"Let me ask you, what is the meaning of the rich second generation?
Isn't it just investing money, increasing GDP, creating tax revenue, and injecting vitality and diversity into the market?

We are perfecting him, letting him play his social value, and giving him a chance to make money.

If we don't help him now, he will only save his money or buy some houses or something. That is a waste of social capital and a wrong behavior that causes an economic crisis.

To figure out Li Lu, we are not only sacrificing ourselves to save others, but also saving the economic situation! "

"Fuck..." Li Lu stared with his head in his arms.

He always felt that something was wrong, but he just couldn't refute it.

"Finally, Professor." Lin Li looked forward deeply, and drove steadily into the parking space, "The three-dimensional is a scary place, and you are a group of people who can't be bad, so just follow me, As long as I am sure that your talents are not inferior to anyone, then you will definitely be able to do it.”

"..." Li Lu remained silent.

He had to admit that Lin Li was much more determined than anyone he knew in the third dimension.

"Okay, you go up first." Lin Li breathed a sigh of relief, took off the mirror on top and adjusted her makeup, "I want to adjust to the three-dimensional state."

"Hmm..." Li Lu raised his shoulders, opened the car door, and said hesitantly, "I actually agree with your line, if this is the villain's line, the crime is not entirely your fault, at least I am one of the accomplices. "

"You..." Lin Li trembled, turned her head and said, "Hurry up, don't disturb my three-dimensional transformation."

"What, wait, is there still BGM?"

"B you bastard, let me go!"



It was almost 11 o'clock when Li Lu entered the company.

Here we must mention the good atmosphere in the absolute field.

For a long time, the company has no requirements for attendance, as long as the total working hours are not bad.

After all, everyone came here with the love for stand-alone games. It doesn’t matter if you arrive late and leave early occasionally, but if you delay the overall progress, you will feel very uncomfortable.

Therefore, even if Li Lu was late, he came in an upright and majestic manner.

At this time, Cheng Xiaowan sticks to the post of mascot, Ah Zheng is ready to go, Zhao Wenqi is making strange forms with dark circles under her eyes, and even Shen Lang is debugging the motion capture software.

At least from the appearance, Lin Li's vision is correct. These people are strange, but they still have a way of doing things.

Seeing this, as the main strategy of "Project: L", Li Lu naturally couldn't be left behind.

Not only that, but he also has to overcome fear and defeat Lesulu.

From the root, eliminate the possibility of becoming a small Coke.

Li Lu walked to the work station with such a mood.

Before Ah Zheng could say hello, his nose twitched.

Looking at Li Lu again, his face was already solemn.

Then, he nodded vigorously.

Although Ah Zheng didn't say a word the whole time.

But Li Lu felt a kind of fiery trust.

A kind of trust that only comrades can have.

This is……

The unique trust between Coke?

Li Lu hurriedly took off his backpack and tremblingly said: "I'm not... I don't... I just took a casual look, research, it's research."

"It's okay, there's no need to explain." Ah Zheng smiled lightly, and looked back at his screen, "I understand Mr. Lu, I have always understood."

"I don't understand you..." Li Lu gritted his teeth and sat down, tilted his body and whispered, "Yesterday you said you didn't want to do this project, was it the truth or you were tricking me?"

"Truth." Ah Zheng nodded.

"Then why didn't you run away and drag me into the water?"

Faced with this question, Ah Zheng smiled: "Because Lele said that the little Cokes should be brave and not afraid of difficulties."


"Hey, Mr. Lu, do you still remember why we made games?" Ah Zheng rubbed his nose and smiled, "Isn't it because the games on the market are not enough to play, there are shortcomings, and I believe that I can do better before making it? "

"Where are so many nonsense." Li Lu shook his head and picked up the water glass, "I just want to keep my work as close as possible to my interests."

"But in the end, since we made the game, have we been unable to play the game? It's hard to find a work that satisfies us, right?" Ah Zheng asked.

"This is also..."

"But we haven't regretted it, have we?" Ah Zheng patted Li Lu and said with a smile, "Compared to being an audience, it's more enjoyable to be a director yourself, even if you will not be able to watch other people's performances in the future."

"That is to say..." Li Lu pondered, "You have already made up your mind to destroy the Lele in your heart?"

"Maybe I like it more? Who knows." Ah Zheng raised his glasses handsomely.

Li Lu didn't even look at him, and said to himself: "Just make up your mind, anyway, I will go if you go."

"I'm touched..." Ah Zheng covered his face instantly, "Mr. are a little Coke like a lighthouse!"

"Fuck off!"

(End of this chapter)

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