Create a virtual anchor with the witch boss

Chapter 19 Transformation completed!

Chapter 19 Transformation completed!

When Li Lu and Ah Zheng were playing poorly, Zhao Wenqi, like a ghost, approached Li Lu's ear with dark circles at some point: "Leader, I heard that the boss of this project hasn't nodded yet... We may still lose our jobs at any time Is it……"

Li Lu trembled in fright, and quickly raised his hand to lower his pressure: "Wen Qi, don't think too much, just spend one day's salary doing one day's work."

"I just don't want to go to the interview again..." Zhao Wenqi sighed, and floated back to her station, "It's rare to meet such a non-aggressive head of the herbivory department as Mr. Lu..."

"Thank you for your compliment..."

"Well, I have to work harder..." Zhao Wenqi picked up her collar and grabbed the keyboard, "Do more, let the boss see hope..."

"Enough Wenqi, you need to rest!"

Somewhere further away, Shen Lang suddenly raised his hand: "The simple motion capture and camera have been adjusted, when will my daughter come?"

It never occurred to me that Moyu Wang became the most efficient one.

This feeling is like a scumbag with all kinds of charms on the surface. One day, he heard that he was going to be a father. Instead of running away, he rushed to the mother and baby supermarket immediately to pick out a crib and baby clothes.

It can only be said that the slavery is fully displayed.

However, when Shen Lang showed off this simple live broadcast equipment.

That man, that man named Ah Zheng, unconsciously took off his black-rimmed glasses and got up sadly.

As he approached Shen Lang, he rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Brother Lang, with your equipment, can even me become a beautiful girl?"

"What are you going to do..." Shen Langhu stood in front of the equipment, with fear that he had never seen in his eyes.

"Let me try it, just try it..." Ah Zheng smiled and forced him over.

"No, you go away! I'll smash the camera right now, believe it or not!"

"Don't be so stingy...just debugging..."

"You go!!"

During the scuffle, Cheng Xiaowan at the front desk suddenly stood up nervously.

"Hello... are you?"

Follow the reputation.

An old man and a young man, two men in suits walked over with a solemn face.

The young man in a suit waved his hand, scanned the office area and asked, "Who is your person in charge?"

"Ah, it's not here yet..." Cheng Xiaowan hurriedly greeted her, "Who are you?"

"We are from the property management of the building." The old man in the suit said in a deep voice, "Yesterday, the deduction of the management fee and water and electricity was unsuccessful. I called your accountant to say that I have left?"

"Ah... yes..." Cheng Xiaowan nodded nervously, "I'm in charge of this now...the account is really... not enough..."

"This is a breach of contract, and you will have to pay a late fee." The young man in a suit immediately took a step forward, showing a piece of paper and said, "In principle, we can cut off the power and the internet."

"Ah, this..."

Just as Cheng Xiaowan was trembling, Li Lu rolled up his sleeves and was about to go.

Ding dong.

The elevator door opened.

Small leather shoes came out, followed by long legs of heretical colors, neat uniforms and cool long hair.

The eyes are so sharp, the aura is so presumptuous.

That woman has completed her transformation!

Although it is exactly the same as the attire when he picked his feet in the car, but his brows and breaths are full of fighting spirit that only exists in the third dimension.

As she clattered out of the elevator,

The two men in suits also fell silent.

Lin Li only glanced at the two of them, and walked directly into the glass door without stopping for half a step: "Temporary salary settlement, the account is empty, and I will call you the day after tomorrow."

The young man wanted to catch up: "...Are you the person in charge? If you are in arrears, you will have to pay a late fee."

"Okay, the company in a building has collapsed by 1/3, and you Mr. Zhang begged me to reduce the price and renew the lease." Lin Li still didn't stop, she just stroked her hair and shook her head with a smile, "I'll call later. Give him a call and tell him, go get busy with other things.”

"..." The young man froze, staring blankly at the old man in suit.

However, the old man in a suit raised his hand to block it, and smiled at Lin Li's back: "Then please tell Mr. Zhang that we have been here, otherwise we will not be able to do it."

"Yes." Lin Li then entered the office.

The old man in the suit walked out of the young man.

The young man just turned his head blankly: "You... aren't you Mr. Zhang..."

"That's right...but it would be very difficult for us to expose it face to face." The old man in the suit swallowed and said, "She sealed our words and predicted my strategy... that's the only way to go gone."

"Huh? Such a complicated thing happened just now? Why didn't I feel it at all?"

"It's not difficult for the participants, but it's not difficult." While the old man sighed, his face was calm with "it's over".

It wasn't until the two entered the elevator that Lin Li emerged from the crack of the office door.


Several people nodded blankly.

"Fortunately, I remember the last name correctly..." Lin Li just walked out of the office, holding a coffee cup and walked towards the rest area nonchalantly, "There is a problem with the account now, but the old management will be in charge, and the salary has been settled with the resigned people , will not treat us badly."

"It's not that I'm afraid of this." Li Lu chased after him and asked, "Who cares about others? Are you still hiding under the covers and crying?"

"Well, despite his age, he still has a fragile mentality." Lin Li continued with coffee and said, "Just in time, this gives us time to prepare. The more prepared we are, the greater the chance of him making additional investments."

Hearing this, Zhao Wenqi couldn't restrain herself and said in a low voice: "That is to say... Mr. Guan really hasn't approved "Project: L" yet..."

"So now we have to work harder." Lin Li took the coffee and walked towards the office non-stop, "Everyone, please read Wen Qi's report first. The conference room will have a meeting at 11:[-]. We need to take the first step as soon as possible. .”

After Lin Li returned to the office, everyone stopped talking nonsense and went back to their workstations to open Zhao Wenqi's document.

It has to be said that the Witch always has the aura of being in control of everything. Colleagues who don't know the inside story are easily bluffed by her.

But Li Lu knew the inside story. She played games all night, picked her feet, slept in, and continued picking after waking up.

But then again.

The so-called leadership, isn't it about bringing people together and moving toward a clear goal?

Let's be his accomplice first.

Li Lu also brewed a cup of bagged green tea, returned to his work station and opened Zhao Wenqi's report.

The whole text is less than [-] words, because there are many pictures and tables, the file appears to be very large.

But no matter what, she compiled [-] words in one night.

At this speed, even some online writers can only feel ashamed, and even a front-line producer of Gensokyo like Senior Brother Du, I'm afraid they can only hold a candle to it.

Li Lu sipped his tea lightly, and began to read this article.

In this report, the history of "virtual anchor" is divided into four stages.

The first stage, [Chaos is born, and ancient gods gradually appear. 】

Damn, when will Zhao Wenqi learn to speak well...

This phase started about 15 years ago.

At that time, the increasingly mature 3D technology, like the majestic primordial soup, always brewed something great.

So, after going through an unknown number of technical collisions.

An existence with green twin ponytails appeared in front of human beings.

She is a pure digital composite girl, not to mention the image and dance, even the voice is digitally compiled.

The greatest thing is that anyone can create a song that belongs only to her through the public sound source and software.

Facing such a girl who is not stained with any three-dimensional silt, a music library and voice that only belong to Two-dimensional.

Those Two-dimensional pioneers, the original purebloods, crawled irresistibly to the ground.

At this moment, all that resounds in the universe is her name——

His Highness Hatsune Miku.

(End of this chapter)

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