Chapter 20

With the popularity of works such as "Song of Scallions", "His Royal Highness the World's No. [-] Princess", and "Thousand Sakura", Hatsune Miku is the first time to achieve a large-scale breakthrough of virtual idols.

In the past 15 years, she has met countless challengers, but has never fallen from the altar.

After all, that is the realm of the gods. As the ancient god of creation, she will always be the most original, purest, and most inviolable one.

But God is not everything.

Under the realm of the gods is the world.

There are things in the world.

For most people, Hatsune is just a distant existence. At most, if you look at it occasionally, even if you hear her singing, you don't think the electronic sound is very pleasant, and you may even find it noisy.

Yes, the moment she became a god, she would no longer be able to blend into the fireworks of the world.

So, is there a possibility that there will be an existence between man and God, she not only contains the most beautiful fantasy deep in the human heart, but also has real feelings, and can share joy, anger and sorrow with you.

Of course the answer is yes, it just takes time.

With the gradual maturity of motion capture technology, Reiki has once again revived.

The technical path for real people to play virtual characters has gradually become clear.

Just like the situation before the birth of the ancient god Hatsune, this relatively cutting-edge exploration was initially limited to a small circle, and most people only thought it was a technological experiment.

Just like the situation in the country during the Spring and Autumn Period, it was a story that only belonged to a small circle of nobles. Most people were just farming with their heads down, and history had nothing to do with them.

until that woman appeared.

Yes, that woman.

that woman.

She swept the world, she conquered the world.

Inside and outside the mountains and rivers, all crawl under her feet.

Her posture is in sync, and her voice is on the same track.

She makes models and makes leather cases.

For such a woman.

No matter ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign, old or young, there is only one title for her——

First Emperor Kizuna Love.

The moment when she ruled the world, the history belonging to mankind under the domain of gods opened its chapter——

[Unification of the first emperor, great harmony in the world]

Oh shit……

Zhao Wenqi was asked to write a report, but she was not asked to write a historical record!

But it's still interesting to watch.

Accompanied by Kizuna Ai's not-so-smart portrait, Li Lu continued to read for the time being.

The starting point of this history was six years ago.

At the end of that year, through motion capture technology and voice acting, Kizuna Ai, the First Emperor, successfully integrated live-action performances into 3D virtual performances, raising the quality of virtual idols to a higher level.

A track called Vtuber (virtual anchor) was born.

Compared with a digital body like Hatsune, a girl like Kizuna who has emotions, anger, sorrow and joy, and interacts with the audience in real time is undoubtedly more suitable for the world.

Compared with a real anchor, her two-dimensional skin retains room for fantasy, making everything pure.

For a while, Kizuna was in the limelight.

But at the same time, on the land of the Internet, the majestic aura still hasn't dissipated.

Faintly, something is brewing.

Due to the blind rush of capital to the "VR" field at that time, the related technology has been developed several times, which made the once high-end motion capture technology quickly flow into the private sector.

By four or five years ago, as long as there was a reasonable computer, anyone could become a virtual anchor.

The natural barrier of technology was broken, and one girl after another bought weapons and aimed at the emperor's throne.

At this moment, those eyes full of dreams are just like the ambitions of those young people under the rule of the Qin Dynasty.

Princes and generals, I would rather have a seed.

A fight was inevitable.

But the first emperor, after all, is the first emperor.

With Kizuna Ai Yuxi in hand, it is difficult for a personal anchor to compete with her after the capital is padded.

Naturally, someone began to respond and unite them together to form an organization.

All of a sudden, the whole world was besieged on all sides.
History has also officially entered the next stage——

[All the heroes rise together, seal the frontier and plunder the land]

Li Lu couldn't help wiping his sweat.

Good guy, did Chen Sheng Wu Guang before Shihuang's butt was hot?

But it makes sense to think about it. After all, the duration of the Qin Dynasty has been surpassed by the serialization time of "Qin Shi Mingyue".

Taking a closer look, in fact, the so-called heroes are just a few companies.

Their method of making a fortune is not very beautiful. It is nothing more than attracting individual anchors into the organization, and then integrating them together to operate traffic and create plans, which are similar to the "guilds" in the domestic anchor industry.

On the other hand, due to the limited capital of these organizations and the patchwork of individual anchors, in terms of screen expressiveness and anchor quality, they have reversed history and returned 3D to 2D.

But there are many of them.

Thousands of newcomers pour in, and there are always a few who can become a hit.

And there will always be only one Emperor Shihuang, her setting is fixed, and it is impossible to understand all fans.

Even more so.

Just when Shihuang was in full bloom, she was radical, and made a stupid and great mistake in order to explore the road through the ages.

But Zhao Wenqi did not elaborate, only said that those will be described in the future "The Chronicle of the First Emperor".

In short, Shihuang's foundation was shaken, and her world inevitably began to be eroded.

An era of bloody storms and flashes of swords has begun.

First there were uprisings, and then there was a struggle between Chu and Han.

Just when Li Lu wanted to see Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, Zhao Wenqi suddenly changed his style of writing and turned his attention to China.

The chilling atmosphere disappeared in an instant.

There is only a piece of countryside here, there is no killing at all, and even little is known about the history outside.

Only then did Li Lu react.


Those things, those histories, for most people here...

It doesn't exist at all.

Due to well-known but inconvenient reasons, this place is like an independent ecological circle, a prehistoric continent before human beings set foot in it, refreshing and harmless.

For a long time, there was only one large native animal named "Luo Tianyi".

Even though the first emperor had visited here, he only appeared as a guest, mainly in etiquette exchanges, and the action of opening up trade and opening ports was not so firm.

But those who kill red-eyed people outside may not be so polite.

So, just one day three years ago.

A company that had no ambitions in the outer continent set foot on this continent.

At that time, the world didn't know that at the moment he landed.

Species invasion has already begun.

Under the operation of this company, countless anchors who have experienced in the outside world for many years flocked here.

The scene was so tragic, it was no different from a group of all-powerful king players changing regions to play bronze.

These lovely exotic girls, with their sweet voices, swept the already nascent V circle overnight.

For the local anchors who have just started, this is undoubtedly a disaster.

Within half a year, the newly emerging industry and the newly emerging circles were divided up nine out of ten.

It is hard for the audience now to imagine what kind of love the fans at that time had, translating every sentence of theirs.

It is even more difficult to imagine how downstream the local anchors were in the chain of contempt and what kind of pressure they were under.

Looking back now, the mainstream of the V circle at that time was indeed suspected of advocating alien species too much.

But talking about individual behavior regardless of the historical environment is all hooliganism.

As the earliest Two-dimensional believers in the local area, following in the footsteps of the culture of the birthplace of Two-dimensional is really a very normal behavior.

What's more, these foreign VTubers are at the level of kings.

To make an inappropriate analogy: a person does not watch the national football team, he only watches Ronaldo Messi, which is completely understandable.

The good news is.

Local anchors are far more competitive than the national football team.

Even if they are completely suppressed at the beginning, even if they have no food to eat and no clothes to cover their bodies (referring to the accuracy of the leather case), they still grow tenaciously.

No one knows what kind of suffering, pain and grievance they endured at this stage.

What can be seen is only the expanding ambitions of those foreign kings.

Some of the anchors even think that being here is a gift to these local fans, and they should beg me to broadcast live.

So one day two years ago, a foreign king was defeated by his own ignorance and arrogance.

After a speech that trampled on the bottom line, and a paper without sincerity, she and her company left the scene sadly.

Of course, this is just an individual behavior, but judging from the results, it undoubtedly set off an earthquake that changed the direction of history.

During the upheaval, more and more people broke out with the same cry——

Country V!Country V!Country V!

that moment.

Its daybreak.

(End of this chapter)

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