Chapter 21 Darkness Comes
After a long night, the local anchor was finally able to suck the nourishment of the earth.

The unbearable pain and long forbearance have inadvertently forged their strong hearts.

They have fought against the king all the year round, and after many tortured experiences, they also have the qualifications to become kings.

With the influx of more newcomers, the V circle was broken and everything was revived.

In this new round of competition, they climb up and grow step by step, vowing to win back their own land.

Everyone believes that a wonderful era of vitality and everything is coming.

So now, there is only one last question left.

Who will break the circle?

Who can be king?

Everyone is looking forward to, waiting, wanting to see who she is, who is the proud girl of heaven, who is a warrior who resists pressure.

But history, once again made a joke.

Just like the ancient god Hatsune and Shihuang Ai.

Xinshen has never been interested in participating in the embarrassing fight.

They only come.

So, on that day.

In the clear sky, a crack was torn from the outside.

They (they) are here.

The wheel of history stopped abruptly and changed direction, turning to another road——

[Dimension tearing, darkness descending].

Damn, what's the matter with the weird immersion in this copywriting...

Zhao Wenqi, what can't you do? Are you wasting time with our small company?

What was beyond Li Lu's imagination was that the so-called ending was just around the corner.

Although the domestic V circle at that time was full of vigor and vitality, it was still only a small circle, composed of a group of hardcore old hi and pure blood Two-dimensional, with limited commercial income and not being valued by major manufacturers.

But this is actually just a coincidence.

The universe is big, and someone will always notice.

Even if he is outside the latitude.

No one knows when, "OneZero", the leading company in the IT industry, quietly shook hands with "Xingyao Entertainment", the leading company in the artist world, and set their sights on this place.

For OneZero with top-notch technology, these two-dimensional paper figures are too thin and light.

The so-called live broadcast was nothing more than a picture of a half-length beautiful girl, dangling there.

Although these pictures can make some expressions and movements, they still cannot break away from the thin texture, which is essentially at the same technical level as shadow puppetry.

Even for a small number of anchors with 3D modeling, due to technical and capital limitations, the effect is hardly satisfactory.

It is still a problem for them to be natural and smooth, not to mention dancing and micro-expressions.

Too weak.

This world is left to us.

When the idea of ​​OneZero was born, tens of millions of funds began to flow with it.

He will personally achieve technological breakthroughs, and Shining Star Entertainment will be responsible for the selection and training of anchors.

So, one day not long after.

Just when everyone is full of beautiful imaginations about the future.

A rift was torn in the sky, and darkness poured in from the void.

Visitors from beyond the latitude appeared.

Most people haven't had time to look up.

That indescribable, unstoppable, and incomprehensible force has quietly pressed down on the earth.

Here comes darkness.

Faced with this sudden shocking change, this combination full of copper smell and fan circle feeling, the V circle showed its blood for the first time, and collectively swore to be incompatible with it.

Then came the unprecedentedly tragic dark jihad.

Countless events and characters were born in this. When the war was at its most intense, even the base of the V circle was blasted, and the whole circle was thus on the road to splitting.

Because it is too epic and bloody, Zhao Wenqi said that this part of the content will be explained in "Dark Jihad".

Outside the V circle, for most people, facing this absolute power, they only have hindsight.

They only vaguely remember that from a certain day on, in every corner of the Internet, two words began to appear frequently:
Lele, Lele, Lele, Lele, and Hey Lele...

To be precise, Lele did not come alone, but appeared as a group of virtual artists, but her power was too strong, and she couldn't help but become the eye of the dark storm.

And this dark whole is called V-Gene.

Looking back now, the impact of V-Gene on the entire industry is twofold.

The first is the professional hit passers-by.

At that time, most of the anchors in the V circle were amateur monks. If you can improve your interaction ability a little bit during the live broadcast, it will be great if you can support yourself.

And Shining Star Entertainment not only selects the best from the best, but also conducts long-term artistic training, which first takes the lead in terms of quality.

But that's not enough to rip the dimensions apart.

As a traditional V circle immersed in Two-dimensional, they are true Two-dimensional pure-blooded fighters, the opposite of the three-dimensional idol economy. It's hard to gain much favor.

If you want to defeat or conquer this group of people, you must have a source-level power, an unstoppable force, to force their beliefs to disintegrate from themselves, destroy their rational defenses, and let Le Sulu take advantage of it.

And such power comes from OneZero.

As an Internet company, OneZero, like all capitals, is keen on confinement and expansion, but their technical genes are more clear. Compared with pure heap capital, they are more inclined to use technology to open up the situation and achieve subversive blows to the fields they are involved in.

In short, if there is a two-way foil in the Internet wars, it must be thrown by OneZero.

Back to Earth first.

OneZero has evolved its real-time motion capture 3D expressiveness to the top level in a very short period of time. Although it cannot match the blockbuster movies, it is more than enough to hit the V circle paper people at that time.

As for the strength of the attack, Li Lu had already experienced it in Lele's live broadcast room last night.

In front of the dynamic light and shadow, silky movements, and delicate texture, small workshops and personal anchors are indeed hard to match.

In this way, with the advent of V-Gene, the original ecological balance was instantly broken.

The original head anchors had great careers, and they had been battle-tested for a long time. They were originally players in the top ranks, so the impact they received was limited.

But the newly promoted small anchors are not so lucky. They have no outstanding competitiveness. Under the shadow of V-Gene swallowing everything, it is impossible for them to get fresh nourishment.

Faced with such a situation, some insiders will inevitably feel aggrieved.

We only have such a small territory, you spend tens of millions to do what we do!

At this time, they still don't know that V-Gene's ambition is far more than that.

"Mmmm...too small..."

Lele groaned.

"It's too small here..."

"This world is too small..."

"Going to a bigger place..."

So, Lele stretched a lot.

The world expands here.

at the same time.

Li Lu's cerebral blood vessels also expanded.

He turned his head silently: "Zhao Wenqi... how can you write..."

(End of this chapter)

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