Create a virtual anchor with the witch boss

Chapter 22 The Fate of the Historian

Chapter 22 The Fate of the Historian

Zhao Wenqi shrank her neck, grabbed her collar and turned her head: "The team leader saw where Lele broke the circle?"

"If you break the circle, you will break the circle. Is it necessary to create the world from the ancient gods?!" Li Lu scolded.

"Ah..." Zhao Wenqi lowered her head and said, "I thought the team leader would like this style of writing."

"I don't really hate it..." Li Lu pointed around and said, "But there are many other colleagues, we'd better be objective and not mislead others."

Zhao Wenqi turned back to the screen with some grievances: "But the team leader said that I only report to you..."

"This... this is..."

Next to him, Ah Zheng turned his head with a rosy face: "Mr. Lu, I'm going to criticize you now. Teacher Wen Qi's writing is so good. Is there a more objective narrative than this? Lele opened up the world, Lele seven days Creation of the world, Lele Nuwa mending the sky, is there a problem?"

"Damn, are you here to read cool articles?!"

Li Lu gritted his teeth and looked back at the screen.

Fortunately, there are only a few lines left in the report.

Even if it is a spicy chicken web article, you have chased 90% of it, so what is the ending?

Li Lu bit the bullet and looked down——

In terms of results, V-Gene undoubtedly broke the circle.

For outsiders, before they even know what a "virtual anchor" is, Lele's fist of dimension has already hit them.

Overnight, Ah Zheng who was ill was everywhere in forums, groups, and even reality.

Faced with such a situation like the spread of a virus, some people resisted, some fell, and some left.

So far, the original believers of Lele are still spreading the Gospel of Lele everywhere.

So far, the remaining pure-blood fighters in the circle are still fighting, promoting those orthodox managers who are rooted in the red, vowing not to let darkness cover everything.

Naturally, in this environment of struggle, extreme small coke inevitably appeared.

The exaggerated pathological manifestations of these very few people have indeed affected the public to a certain extent.

Because of this, extreme black came into being.

The two are in perfect harmony, lingering and sentimental, and the style of public opinion has become wild.

But they are only a minority after all.

Just like Weibo comment area.

Every time I see the extreme speeches of those fierce people, I feel that the world is a big shithole, ready to explode at any time.

But once you get out and look at the colleagues and classmates around you, everyone is very normal, and it is difficult to find such a unique individual.

The same is true for Lele. Most people who like her can control themselves. Usually, they only use emoticons at most, and the onset will only be carried out in the live broadcast room and related topics.

People who hate her just hate her, there is no reason to waste time on insignificant things, the most they can do is block a few Cokes, even if Cokes appear by their side, they will only keep their distance like Li Lu treated Ah Zheng.

As for those who really love to twist and hate to tear.

Maybe it's just too lonely.

It is worth mentioning that when Lele broke through the circle, a small thing happened.

The first emperor, Kizuna Ai, announced his temporary retirement.

During the last live broadcast, someone asked her "why dormancy?"

"I'm not special anymore," she replied.

It's a romantic ending.

But history has never accepted romance.

There is only the truth that repeats again and again——

Kingship is not eternal.

As far as the local V circle is concerned, it is still unknown who will lose and who will be crowned in the coming days.

The only thing that is certain is.

The dimension has collapsed, and it is not yet the end.

The darkness has only just begun.

——The End——

So far, Zhao Wenqi's "Historical Records of the V Circle"... oh no... it is "Virtual Anchor Market Research Report V1.0", which is finally finished.

Li Lu let out a long sigh of relief, it can be regarded as the end of reading...

Although it is full of her exaggerated subjective expressions, for Li Lu, an outsider, it is almost in line with somatosensory.

Hearing Li Lu let out a sigh of relief, Zhao Wenqi suddenly turned her head mechanically: "The team leader has finished reading?"

"Ah...well..." Li Lu nodded hastily, "The writing is very...very attractive, but isn't Lele being too exaggerated here? No matter what, she can't be on the same level as the God of Creation and the First Emperor, right? ?”

"The reason is like this, but if it's only in China, her drainage of the entire V circle is the most terrifying." Zhao Wenqi nodded hollowly, "And OneZero is a multinational company, and its willingness and ability to expand far exceeds that of other local Internet companies. Enterprise, since V-Gene is successful here, it is only a matter of time before this model is introduced to the world..."

"What a radical judgment." Li Lu scratched his head and said, "So, entering the venue now is courting death?"

"That may not be the case." Zhao Wenqi sighed softly, "What you see is only the roughest history of managing people, and there are countless events and biographies hidden in it. The complexity of this circle is far beyond your imagination, V- Gene's road may not be smooth, they seem to be invincible, but there are also some inherent defects... You wait two more days, and I will write "The Chronicle of the First Emperor", "The Romance of Chu and Han" and "Dark Jihad" as soon as possible... Depends To understand those is to understand the V circle..."

"Enough!" Li Lu hurriedly raised his head and raised his hand, "Teacher Wen Qi, no one is urging you to change this thing."

"There is no need to remind me..." Zhao Wenqi murmured with a smile, "It was only when I started to write that I realized that the official historian is my destination. I will organize and narrate quietly without being disturbed or seen by anyone. But I firmly believe that these words will definitely be useful in the future, and will definitely be read by people.”

"Don't be Sima Qian, no one will be interested in this!" Li Lu quickly got up and ran over, "Mr. Wen Qi, it is more important to have a complete and happy life than to leave a masterpiece, please sleep on the table for a while! "

"Don't touch my head..."

"Give me a rest on my stomach!"

"I know, I know……"

Li Lu sat back at his desk, and his mood calmed down a little.

Looking back at history, the road to success is always so clear that it is taken for granted.

But what kind of mood did those people living in history open up the way forward?
Where should the current "Project: L" go.

The competition in front of him is so fierce, and Lele's shadow is so huge, Li Lu really can't see any feasible path.

He even hoped that ten years later, he could travel back and point out a real path to success.

Or simply spoil the spoiler, Lele has ended history, so hurry up and run away with a bucket.

But such a spoiler can't happen...

A person who overcomes thorns and thorns can only firmly believe that victory is ahead, and what he walks is the road.


I don't have the qualifications, courage and wisdom...

Li Lu couldn't help but think of the last company, the boss of Gensokyo.

After the failure of the stand-alone project, he didn't feel any disappointment in his eyes, but immediately turned to the development of free-to-play games.

"The future world will inevitably have a Two-dimensional territory, if we can't do it, no one can.

In order to get there, let's put some things down for a while. "

He said so in an internal meeting.

Those who can win, at least should be such a person, such a resolute, cruel and romantic person.

And I just escaped from there... the lost dog curled up in the ideal candy house.

How did this kind of person get on the battlefield.

In the confusion, a fat palm patted on Li Lu's shoulder.

"Meeting~~" Ah Zheng shook his notebook and said with a smile, "Mr. Lu, is this Yuyu?"

"Yeah." Li Lu quickly turned off the screen and got up, "I just feel more and more ridiculous about this project."

"Yeah, I think so too."

"??? Then you still do?"

"But why isn't it ridiculous? You have to work, right?" Ah Zheng hugged Li Lu and walked forward, "I only know that there are Teacher Lu, Elder Sister Lin Li and Lao Guan here, and I can rest assured that they will work with you. "

Li Lu scolded with a smile: "Can you plan Lin Li out?"

"No." Ah Zheng raised his glasses seriously, "We are so soft, we need such a hard bone to connect us together so that we won't fall apart. I will always believe in such a big sister."

Here it comes again, the sudden "official mantra" comes again.

Just when Li Lu had no choice but to express his approval, Ah Zheng suddenly showed a wriggling smile.

"After all, Lele said that the little Cokes should unite and not allow internal strife."

" go! Take your hands away!"

(End of this chapter)

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