Create a virtual anchor with the witch boss

Chapter 23 The Squirrel Is Myself

Chapter 23 The Squirrel Is Myself
11: 30.

Everyone gathered in the meeting room with different expressions.

Ah Zheng is especially happy, after all, he has just finished reading Shuang Wen.

Li Lu suddenly thought that the ultimate target opponent of "Project: L" and Ah Zheng's true love are actually the same person.

And he is unlikely to pose a threat to that opponent, he just wants to mess around and live.

Having said that, Ah Zheng is so happy.

Zhao Wenqi is still the same, nervous about the new leadership, afraid of being criticized for her report just now, afraid of unemployment, afraid of communicating with the opposite sex, afraid of war, afraid of...

In short, with all kinds of worries in mind, he pulled the chair and shrank behind Li Lu's side.

Compared to her, sister Xiaowan's face was more bewildered.

It's not the confusion about one's own identity, but the confusion about the company's future after reading the financial statements.

As for Shen Lang, he is just a simple and happy handsome guy.

From the beginning to the end, there was a smile on his face, as if he was immersed in the expectation of raising his daughter.

Have no idea.

The only one who is worried is Li Lu himself.

In this world where darkness is falling and dimensions are collapsing, start from scratch and create a virtual anchor...

He couldn't think of anything more difficult than this.

It would be more realistic for Zhao Wenqi to write Cthulhu web articles to support the company, after all, they change [-] a day.

In the complicated atmosphere, Lin Li walked into the conference room casually holding a coffee cup as usual.

Before she sat down, she smiled at Zhao Wenqi and said, "Wenqi's writing is very interesting, but the title is wrong. This should be called "Background Introduction" instead of "Market Research."

"Ah... yes..." Zhao Wenqi nodded, "Market data is not easy to find... I will try to sort it out before I get off work."

Lin Li waved her hands in fright: "No, no, your body is important, so you don't have to go so fast. We will do this together. We will sprint as hard as we can during working hours, and we will have a good rest after get off work. If we can work overtime, we won't work overtime."

"That's right." Li Lu complained, "How many times have I said it, don't work overtime without authorization."

Zhao Wenqi pinched the corner of her tracksuit and said, "Anyway, I'm at home... I have nothing to do when I'm staying."

The more Li Lu watched, the more angry he became, and he scolded on the spot: "You are not allowed to work overtime at home, you can play games, watch dramas and catch up, but you can't work overtime."

"Then I... try my best..."

Lin Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Li Lu, you don't have to be so fierce."

"You don't know how weak she is, and she may be hospitalized at any time if she works overtime." Li Lu shook his head and said, "Don't worry about Wen Qi's business, let's talk about you."

"It's not that I want to care, I'm just curious." Lin Li looked at Zhao Wenqi and asked cautiously, "Wenqi is not the audience of the V circle, how can she know so well?"

"It wasn't true at the beginning." Zhao Wenqi stared at Lin Li, and said quietly, "It was two years ago, I resigned from the last company...the work of that company will never be finished...I will finish one job after finishing one item... Three things popped up... I was too busy at all, so I was always scolded by my boss and my colleagues... There was also a male colleague who was always spying on me... I often chatted privately in office software and asked about my privacy...Age, preferences, family What, you bumped into me on purpose during's too scary, I can't stand it..."

Lin Li's blood pressure suddenly rose, and she raised her hand abruptly and said, "No, no, no... Needless to say why he left the job... And that male colleague obviously wants to pursue you..."

Zhao Wenqi stared and said, "Isn't that even more terrifying?"

"Are you afraid of men... But I think you and Li Lu get along pretty well."

"Ms. Lu is different..." Zhao Wenqi lowered her head and became shy, "Besides, I'm not afraid of men."

Lin Li was puzzled, what a Jenny!

Li Lu was very pleased.

I, Li Lu, have acted throughout my life. When I meet the hard, I will be tough, and when I meet the soft, I will be soft.

For a person like a witch, I definitely won't give her a good face.

I will take extra care of people like Wen Qi.

Lin Li shook her head and sighed, "I don't think Li Lu is any different."

" should I put it... Teacher Lu doesn't make me feel like a man, so I'm not afraid."

"Wow..." Lin Li opened her mouth.

Li Lu opened his eyes wide: "You tell me clearly!!"

"Ah, that's not what it means..." Zhao Wenqi hurriedly waved her hands, "It's just that even if Teacher Lu loses his temper, he acts like a little pet acting like a baby. It's not scary at all, and it's also very cute, like a herbivore."

"Wow..." Lin Li opened her mouth.

Li Lu has closed his eyes: "I was wrong, don't say it in the future."

It turned out that the Jenny Turtle was himself.

Wait... what is this going to do?

Why is my mind full of Jenny Turtles?

There is no way, the meeting is like this, one person says one sentence, and the topic will soon drift to a strange place.

Fortunately, there are serious people in the room.

Cheng Xiaowan unfolded the meeting minutes, and turned her head while holding the pen: "So why does Sister Wen Qi know so much about the V circle?"

Zhao Wenqi grabbed her collar and replied quietly: "It was during the period after resignation that I wanted to try to do some work that could be done by myself at home. My first choice was to write novels, but I seemed to deviate from the preferences of most readers. It was all over the street. Then I tried to be a Vtuber, did a lot of research, watched a lot of live broadcasts, spent money to find someone to make a model, and purchased equipment... In the end, I gave up after broadcasting a total of three times..."

"Oh?" Lin Li's expression brightened, "How does it feel to end up in person?"

"It's scary..." Zhao Wenqi shook her head and said, "There are only three fans in total... One person is trying to induce me to talk about sensitive topics, wanting to see me banned... One person keeps asking about my measurements, I want my contact information... There is only one normal person who watches the live broadcast seriously, but he can only say 'haha'... This is the V circle... Evil occupies 2/3... I will be crazy, and I will be crazy if I continue to be an anchor... ..."

"Okay, let's stop here, I got it." Lin Li panted heavily, "I'm sorry Wen Qi, I will never inquire about your affairs again."

Shen Lang next to him smiled: "Whatever they do, just block them."

"It's easy for you to say..." Zhao Wenqi sneered, "What will you do if someone calls your daughter an ugly pig?"

"I beat him!!!" Shen Lang stared at him on the spot, "Wen Qi, you are not allowed to say anything, even if it is a hypothesis, you are not allowed to assume it, it will hurt her!"


It was like this again, and the topic drifted to a strange place again.

Lin Li seemed to realize something was wrong, and immediately raised her hand and said:
"Okay, let's just talk about things related to the project.

Regarding "Project: L", Guan Shihao just said to me: "I don't have the courage to think about it now, and the company will discuss it in detail in two days."

In other words, the old management will come to the company the day after tomorrow, and I will persuade him to inject additional capital on the spot.

That's the goal of our first phase. "

She said, got up and wrote beautiful big characters on the whiteboard.

"When the boss comes, we have the following ready.

One, the industry report that can bluff him.

Second, he was stuck in a business plan that he could bear the upper limit of losses.

Third, find a way to ignite his enthusiasm and force him to make irrational investments.

This is our task for the past two days. If there is a problem, we will talk about it now, and if there is no problem, we will divide the work. "

(End of this chapter)

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