Create a virtual anchor with the witch boss

Chapter 24 The only breakthrough point

Chapter 24 The Only Breakthrough Point
I have to say that Lin Li's writing is very beautiful and neat.

The voice and momentum can also be called professional, serious and sassy.


This content...

Isn't the consulting report to be thorough and accurate? Why is the standard to bluff Guan Shihao?
There is also investment, isn't the rate of return the most important thing? Why is the standard here "the upper limit of losses"?
Not to mention the last one, what does it mean to force people to make irrational investment choices, and ask me to change into a maid outfit and dye blue hair to dance?
This is not a project meeting, it is simply an illegal meeting of a fraudulent group.


"Boss Lin has something..." Ah Zheng raised his black-rimmed glasses seriously, "He is indeed a trustworthy... great leader."

"The purpose is clear, the standard is clear." Shen Lang snapped his fingers handsomely, "I just like this style, and I'm with you."

"I don't understand the other two. I will work harder on the consulting report." Zhao Wenqi skillfully took over the most tedious work.

Only Cheng Xiaowan can be called normal.

"Boss Lin, I... I'm just an ordinary person..." Cheng Xiaowan didn't dare to look directly at her and asked, "Are you sure these behaviors are normal and not involving fraud..."

"Don't worry, it's not involved at all, it's much more reasonable than the stock market and real estate market." Lin Li threw down the carbon pen confidently, "Xiao Wan, I asked someone about it, now you don't need a qualification certificate to do finance, don't worry , you will not go to jail, at most you will only have some civil liability."

"That's good..." Cheng Xiaowan breathed a sigh of relief.

What the hell?So relieved?It seems that you can bear civil liability!
"Isn't this a normal or abnormal problem?" Li Lu followed up with his head in his arms, "Lin Li, you don't understand project planning at all!"

"Li Lu, you don't understand Old Guan at all!" Lin Li countered instantly.


"Think about it." Lin Li nodded his forehead and said, "Guan Shihao is a person who can invest millions in stand-alone games based on his personal preferences without any market research. What he cares about is money. Is it love? "

"!" Li Lu's expression shook.

"Going a step further." Lin Li gestured, "Apart from the color of the magic girl's socks, has he ever been involved in any project? He hasn't. He's the kind of person who trusts you when he sees you pleasing to the eye. I just ask you to give him everything." Where can you find such a good boss for a ready-to-go financial backer?"

"!" Li Lu nodded blankly.

"In the end, did he disband the project team because he didn't have enough money? No, it was because of the environment that the game couldn't be released. He gave up because of frustration. What he lost here was not money, but Ideal is enthusiasm." Lin Li slapped both palms and asked, "I'm just asking you, at this time, as the veteran and backbone of the company, and a member who loves the absolute field, what should you do most? "

Li Lu fell into this rhythm in a daze, and muttered blankly: "I...I awaken his enthusiasm?"

"Isn't this our third task?" Lin Li turned around and pointed at the whiteboard, "We are not only working on the project, but also saving the boss, the company, and ourselves. Did you see that, did you see Light? See Is it in order?"

"..." Li Lu blushed, and lowered his head unwillingly but irresistibly.

If the starting point is here.

Then the criteria of "bluffing him", "loss limit", and "irrational investment" are justified.

But I always feel that something is not right.

I got it!
Li Luzhong raised his head again and said: "It's true that I can treat my boss with this attitude, but I can't convince myself that this matter must first be done before I have the motivation to do it."

"!" Shen Lang next to him was startled, "Teacher Lu is right, if it turns out to be a half-finished "Steam Girl"...Damn it, I can't bear to think about it."

"Oh, the two of you are really two-dimensional." Lin Li spread his arms weakly, "I tell you clearly, 20% of the success of "Project: L" depends on your ability, and 20% depends on your ability. Due to luck, 60% depends on the amount of capital injection from the boss, so now we have not yet considered how to succeed, but we have to work hard to qualify for success. In short, the more the boss gives, the better your daughter will be. Cute, get it?"

"Hmm..." Shen Lang seemed to be thinking for a while, then snapped his fingers again, "I'm coming along, in order for my daughter not to lose at the starting line, I must first squeeze out the old manager's money."

Lin Li nodded in satisfaction: "I like to cooperate with people who understand like you."

"To each other~" Shen Lang also raised his arms and pointed with a smirk, with a look of complicity.

Facing Brother Lang like this, Li Lu has long been used to it.

But he was still skeptical, pinched his chin and said: "Then let's be clear, our ultimate goal is to accomplish one thing, to become a virtual character, not just to cheat the boss of money, right?"

"That's right." Lin Li dusted her hands, sat down and looked around, "Any questions?"

Cheng Xiaowan raised her hand alertly: "How to judge the upper limit of the boss's loss?"

"Integrate the boss's decision-making and capital flow in the past two years." Lin Li propped his chin with both hands, nodded coldly, "Guan Shihao is not a professional investor, he just has money in his family, such a person must have a lot of assets in financial products , I will actuarially calculate the upper limit of his tolerance based on past data."

This inexplicably serious feeling seems to be simply cheating on Shihao's money!

"Perfect." Shen Lang also became serious, nodding coldly like her, "I can only say that in terms of technology, you get what you pay for, money and performance are equal."

"Of course." Lin Li then knocked on the table, "We need to get more dowry for your daughter."

"!!!" Shen Lang immediately cheered up, "Then I'll make a technical budget."

"Yes, do it."

What's the situation, how did these two sparks?

Shen Lang, take a closer look, Lin Li has to be a bustard to start with!
In this enigmatic excitement, the team completed the first phase of task deployment.

Zhao Wenqi: Write the industry report.

Shen Lang: Give a technical report and budget.

Huang Zheng: Make a first-version model that pokes the boss.

Li Lu: Do the first edition planning, think together with Lin Li how to save Guan Shihao, and bring back his enthusiasm.

Cheng Xiaowan: Crying hard, delaying the payment time with the property company.

Lin Li: Calculate the upper limit of losses, and plan together with Li Lu how to seduce Guan Shihao into making irrational investments.

These tasks are daunting, but the chances of success are slim.

But in any case, "Project: L" has finally begun.

The future is still chaotic, and Lele is still empty.

But at least, the absolute field has taken the first step.


During lunch break.

Li Lu held the water glass and stood in front of the window sill.

At this moment, in his eyes, the giant cloud that covered the sky and the sun seemed to be in the shape of Lele.

What would our "she" look like if we didn't know it?

"It's really hard to be cuter than Lele..."

Wait...that's a weird mouth fetish.

Li Lu covered his mouth in horror.

not me?I wasn't talking just now, was I?

Li Lu turned his head, only to see that Ah Zheng was leaning on the back of the chair, holding the back of his head with his hands, looking at the screen frowningly: "It's not easy, Lele is already the limit of cuteness in this universe..."

Fortunately, what Ah Zheng said was not a thought that came naturally from my heart.

Ah Zheng sighed again, leaned back, raised his head and saw that he was about to swing: "Mr. Lu, I am so hard. No matter which direction you try, you will be blocked by the high wall of law... There is no way to go, Mr. Lu." , I have nowhere to go."

"Yes, Lele has shortcomings." Li Lu collected his spirits and took a sip of his saliva, "From the first time I saw her, I discovered this deficiency."


"She is not white hair." Li Lu said.

"!!!" Ah Zheng's eyes widened suddenly, "Yeah, I forgot... We are all white hair control... It's Lele! Lele unknowingly replaced my aesthetics."

On the other side, Shen Lang also jumped up: "Yes, my daughter must be white hair!"

"I like white hair too." Zhao Wenqi nodded.

Lin Li opened her mouth and poked out of the office when she heard the noise: "Have you found a breakthrough point? So fast?"

"Well, it's exciting!" Ah Zheng raised his glasses sharply, "Although it is impossible to surpass Lele's cuteness, I have the confidence to achieve the ultimate in white hair!"

"White hair! White hair! White hair!" Shen Lang was already gushing with anger and blood.

Even Zhao Wenqi's expression changed: "Indeed, only white hair can rule the world."

Weird intuitions about meaningless things!

At this moment, a glimmer of hope ignited in Li Lu's heart.

It's back, the feeling of entering the absolute field for the first time is back.

Sorry, I can't like Lele.

My heart will always belong to Baimao.

If you are too.

Then burn with me!

(End of this chapter)

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