Create a virtual anchor with the witch boss

Chapter 27 Dimensional Dislocation

Chapter 27 Dimensional Dislocation
In the office area, Li Lu ate two bites and played a game.

It's already eleven o'clock when we're full and hungry.

Different from the environment of bullying children in the college game last night, this night was a battle of wits and courage every moment.

Anyone who has played competitive games knows that when facing an opponent whose strength is obviously inferior to his own, he can often play very loosely and casually, and making some mistakes is harmless, and he can get it back casually.

But when facing a well-matched opponent, every detail is crucial, and often lose a little and never come back.

That was the case tonight.

Li Lu must keep calculating and moving positions, trying to prevent every mistake and get every advantage.

But his a player who is strong when he is weak, and he is a coward when he is strong.

He is fiercer than anyone else when he abuses food. Once he enters the quality bureau and is suppressed, he will be in a hurry.

This led to daily duels, which took almost two hours to finish.

When he put down his phone, Li Lu's brain was already scorched.

Lin Li was fine, even a little refreshed: "Are you still fighting, professor?"

"No...I want to rest..." Li Lu gasped.

Seeing his appearance, Lin Li put down her phone and stretched herself: "It's fun to team up with the professor, and I feel refreshed~"

Li Lu stared at her blankly, unable to say a word.

How about picking yang and tonifying yin with you?
This is really in line with the standard of a witch.

Perhaps because she was too energetic, Lin Li was not satisfied with stretching, and even stepped on her leather shoes for a walk.

Slipping around, they arrived in front of Shen Lang's computer.

"Do you want to turn this off?" She shook her hand in front of the camera, obviously eager to try.

Li Lu hummed and said with a smile: "There is nothing to be afraid of, just try it if you want to, look at how calm I am, I am not afraid of being crooked when I am upright."

"Yeah, you're already a little Coke who's just getting home." Lin Li then sat at Shen Lang's desk, put on her earphones and looked at the screen.

But when she saw the simple two-dimensional leather case, she froze.

Several times I wanted to say something, but I stuttered and shrank back.

Li Lu just smiled disdainfully.

This person is like this, how awesome and coquettish he is when he is face to face, how weak and helpless he is when he enters the virtual scene.

You usually talk about the right thing to do when you start a project, but once you enter Hogwarts, it will be ruined, right?
In reality, it is the kind of person who strikes hard and is submissive on the Internet.

Wait, it seems to be reversed somewhere...

On the other side, Lin Li had already patted the earphones out of breath.

When she turned her head to look at Li Lu, her face was full of respect: "So nervous... so difficult... Professor, how did you do it... It seems that Coke is not useless."

"What's so difficult about it?" Li Lu smiled wantonly, "Anyway, you are playing a virtual character, and no one knows who you are."

"Is it the other way around?" Lin Li pointed at the screen and said, "The real camera is nothing, but it's only when you enter this scene and put on this leather that you get nervous..."

"Obviously you are the one who rebelled!" Li Lu was puzzled, "How can you be afraid of this, a big society cow?"

"Does Sheniu have something to do with this?" Lin Li was even more puzzled. "Social interaction is just a performance based on skills and experience. You will be at a loss when you put on the skin and enter the live broadcast room."

"I don't understand."

"What's so hard to understand? How can people watch casually in such a personal place as the virtual live broadcast room?"

"I still don't understand..."

"You little Coke's brain circuit is quite strange."

"No, no, this time it's obviously you who have a problem..." Li Lu looked at Lin Li blankly, and after watching her pick her feet recklessly for a long time, she suddenly punched her, "I seem to understand a little bit."

Then, he got up and gestured:
"Is that what you mean? Three-dimensional is for you to put on a mask and play another self. Anyway, they are all human settings, so there is nothing to embarrass. But once you enter Two-dimensional, you will switch unconsciously. Go back to your original body, when your true self is exposed, you will feel shy instead."

Lin Li looked at Li Lu like a fool: "Isn't this human nature?"

"Mao's human nature..." Li Lu put his head in his hands.

Understood, at this moment he understood everything.

For this person, the watch world is just an RPG for earning money to get promoted, and the inside world is the real life.

That's why she is fearless in the three-dimensional, but cowardly in the two-dimensional.


Li Lu suddenly turned to Lin Li and asked, "Why can you reveal your true nature when you see me?"

"Because you exposed the professor first." Lin Li said with a casual smile, "Shouldn't you treat each other with sincerity?"

"What did I expose?"

"Two-dimensional, Little Coke, Half-Blood Prince L, isn't it too much?" Lin Li laughed even louder, "There is no pretense at all, the appearance is the same, it is simply awe-inspiring!"

Li Lu hesitated: "You mean, everyone else wears a camouflage leather case in the third dimension, but I don't?"

"That's not true, Ah Zheng didn't either, and he was so frank that it hurts." Lin Li propped her chin and said, "But I don't want to be frank with him."

"Damn it." Li Lu thumped the table angrily, "I'm just a little more handsome!"

Lin Li couldn't help shaking her shoes and laughing loudly: "It's better to say that it's like Snape in adolescence, he got into the drama right away, so the leather case is very important."

"Don't shake it, the smell will come out."

"Aren't you finished, how boring~"

"It's because you are endless!" Li Lu turned his head and sighed, "At first, I wanted to cut costs and let you be the one in the leather case, but now it seems impossible."

"Impossible." Lin Li waved her hands in panic on the spot, "I can't do it, I can only maintain my three-dimensional form in front of so many people."

"It's a pity..." Li Lu sighed, "Although you are an old woman, at least your voice is okay."

"Oh, I'm only half a year older than you." Lin Li sneered.

"Only half a year old? How can you be so good at being half a year older than me!"

"Probably because you can distinguish between work and life." Lin Li commented sharply, "It's really hard to make a difference like a professor who mixes three-dimensional and two-dimensional."

"Damn it... I don't even know how to refute it..." Li Lu scratched his head and said, "If you look at it this way, it's impossible for you, and neither is Wen Qi... Xiao Wan is the only one left in the company."

"Xiao Wan is even more impossible. She doesn't understand Two-dimensional at all, and she's too rustic. She's really just an administrator." Lin Li said with a sigh of relief, "Don't try to save money, take the recruiting route. .”

"That's a lot of money."

"But also the most important expense."

"Then how many are you going to call?"

"How do I know that you are the main planner of the plan." Lin Li pushed the USB flash drive and said, "Here is a planning process similar to V-Gene. If it doesn't work, copy it first, and then talk about it after bluffing Guan Shihao."

Li Lu grabbed the USB flash drive and sighed: "According to my understanding of the old manager, he dislikes this kind of skin-changing behavior the most."

"Then we can only take one step at a time." Lin Li grabbed out the car key, shook it with a smile, "I'll take you home."

"Oh..." Li Lu stood up skillfully.

I don't know why, but the rubbing of this car is becoming more and more natural.

Before getting off the bus, I even made an appointment to pick me up the next morning.

There is a sense of humiliation of surrendering to this materialistic world.

(End of this chapter)

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