Chapter 28 Never touch again
Perhaps in order to hedge against this humiliation, Li Lu spent the whole night imagining plans.

Now it seems that taking the route of the recruiting person is a foregone conclusion.

The form of expression is also a 3D starting point.

If you make an investment of this scale, if you want to recover the cost, it seems inevitable to take the singing and dancing route of idol girl groups.

Can this route.

So fucking annoying!
On the one hand, this is a complete copy of V-Gene, and there is no place that is stronger than them.

If, as the main planner, I can't find any hope of success, then the essence is still to cheat the old manager's money.

On the other hand, even though the success of VG is imminent, words such as idol, singing and dancing, girl group, and fan circle are still dazzling and offensive.

It's as offensive as injecting "krypton gold to become stronger" into a "game".

Obviously everyone hated him over and over again, but in the end they accepted it unapologetically.

even myself...

The law of reality is like this, and it can always destroy the will of the individual like a flood.

Damn, three-dimensional is really annoying.

Li Lu, who was lying on the bed, complained inexplicably.

But he soon realized something was wrong.

not good.

Brainwashed by a witch.

Don't do that kind of thing, don't shrink back so cowardly!

But the desperate situation is right in front of you, and you can't find the exit after thinking about it for a day.

Is it going to be a bad copy of V-Gene...

Damn... the more I think about it, the more my head hurts.

I can't think about it anymore, I have to sleep, and I will explode all day tomorrow.

Now I need to stabilize my emotions a little bit, watch a hypnosis video.

Li Lu then grabbed the phone, turned to his side, and clicked on the batch card video.

It's a pity that none of the concerned UPs have been updated.

It can only be pushed casually.

I hope the big data that approves the card understands me.

After all, I have always been very careful to click on the video, for fear of being misjudged by big data, pushing strange things, and then getting out of control and becoming a useless account.

Uncle Pika must know, he must know what a social animal that is physically and mentally exhausted needs in the middle of the night.

Li Lu swiped upwards.

[Lele: Today is a refraining word game, don't run away, little Coke, I am the sweetest little pudding...]

【Is it hot?Lele's earthy love story will help you cool down]

[Butter Fly evolves to protect! 】


RNM! !
Li Lu took a picture of the phone on the spot.

Ah, why is it all Lele! !
I just tapped it last night, just one click, really just one click, this is the only click in my life...

Am I already dirty?

Can't go back?
Uncle Pika, can't we go back?Don't give me a chance?

No, when researching virtual anchors in the future, you must open a separate account.

Now, there is still time to remedy it.

I have to ignore these tweets about Lele and just look at other things, so maybe the approval of the card will give me a chance to be a new person.

Therefore, Li Lu took aim at the girl named [Butter Fly evolves to protect it! ] video, carefully examine its ingredients.

First of all, "Butter Fly" is a super-burning golden song of Digimon, the best childhood memory of countless people, and Li Lu himself likes it very much. If you click on a video with such a theme, you will be considered a fan of burning songs, no problem, very Safety.

Then, judging from the length of the video, this should be a netizen's personal cover. Such content is completely within Li Lu's preference space, and it is safe +1.

In addition, the current Li Lu does need some positive energy, to ignite his fighting spirit, to protect his ideals, and to need more of this kind of bloody music, which is +1 for safety.

In the end, the number of views of the video has reached almost 200 million, which proves that this video has been widely recognized, and the choices of so many people will never be a big pitfall.

Overall, this video can be said to be home safely.

There was nothing to hesitate, Li Lu immediately clicked in.

After a short read.

A masked man appeared in the middle of the screen.

Without any warning, he turned on the screen and said to the camera:

"Lele, I'm really good - I like you.

For you, I want to evolve! "

Boil! ! !
Li Lu was shocked.

No, it's a second creation!

The second creation about Lele!
Damn it's hard to guard against!

He frantically tapped the screen to run.

But right now.

The prelude of the electric guitar embedded in the gene has already sounded.

At this moment, Li Lu's fingers froze.

how is this possible……

Already heard, the blood is already heating up, how can it be turned off?

Take a step back.

Now Li Lu seems to be shopping in Goulan.

And it has been seen by all.

Anyway, it was too late to leave, and I couldn't wash it off.

Why not fall?
No, it's not corruption, it's research.

Do some research.


Once you enter the hook bar, do you still have to do the rest?
Accompanied by the unexpectedly clear voice of the masked man, famous scenes from the VG live broadcast appeared in front of him one by one.

Although the adapted lyrics are full of slang words and stalks, but with the relevant pictures, it is not difficult to understand the artistic conception.

For example, the two sentences "Hold the blue drill on the left, and the purple wolf king on the right" are the nicknames for the two members of VG.

Another example is "adult idols like to play with people's hearts", which is an accurate expression of the itching feeling during the live broadcast.

For example, "That day she WO~~~~ under the ruthless iron rod for high-pressure live broadcast", it is probably about the dark jihad period, Lele was run over by the ancestor V-circle giant, but still gritted his teeth and insisted on live broadcasting.

This music, this singing voice, coupled with Lele's various weird dance steps and silly looks, coupled with the billowing barrage.

Li Lu has gradually forgotten the original song.

When you hear that sentence:
"Give you a Sandwich Coke punch, did you find out after good night?"

"Fall from a dream and hear the time adjusted by the bedside.""

He even wanted to hit a "tearful eye" along with it.

But at this moment, enter the chorus.

The eternally burning melody suddenly burst into Li Lu's ears——

"Infinite love shines in the stars.

Always fantasize about her coming to the dream.

Quietly give me a punch.

Dry out all my realistic distress and pessimism!

Remove the occasional broken clothes.

In fact, she is just like us.

Run hard toward tomorrow.



Li Lu was already numb all over.

Even if he doesn't like Lele at all, he doesn't understand Lele at all.

He felt it.

is power.

The so-called power in Ah Zheng's mouth.

At the same time, there was a "crack" in his mind like an electric shock.

I was wrong.

One thing was wrong.

Not leather, not technical power.

is power.

The core of Lele lies in this power.

All girl groups, idols and other ghost things are gone.

It was this force, it was hit by this force.

Right now.

【Zhao Wenqi sent the file:】

【"The Chronicles of the First Emperor".Docx】

[Zhao Wenqi: Since the team leader doesn't let me work overtime, I can continue writing historical records when I have nothing to do. 】

【Li Lu: Are you still working overtime? 】

[Zhao Wenqi: No, writing historical records is a hobby, not a job. 】

[Li Lu: Exactly, let me ask you a question, I seem to have made a mistake before. 】

[Zhao Wenqi: Team leader, please. 】

[Li Lu: As a fan of the man in the leather case, do you like the man or the leather. 】

[Zhao Wenqi: ... Needless to say, do you like playing games because of the graphics or the sense of immersion? 】

[Li Lu: That's right... the picture will attract me the first time, but only when I immerse myself in the gameplay, I will really like it... It's the same with people, it really needs a cute leather case to attract the audience, But what makes them stay must be the soul inside! 】

[Zhao Wenqi: This is what I said, VG does not necessarily have smooth sailing, and even, the success of VG may be just accidental. 】

[Li Lu: Huh?Is it possible that the crushing of technical ability and artist quality is accidental? 】

[Zhao Wenqi: This involves "Dark Jihad"...I said that if I don't understand these things, I can't understand the V circle...It's really my fault, the work is too slow to write...I will write it...]

[Li Lu: Stop, stop, stop, you can just say something here. 】

[Zhao Wenqi: Probably...

At that time, the entire V circle hoped that VG would die. After all, it was a combination of idol company + big capital, and I couldn't think of a more poisonous ingredient than this.

So everyone was fully armed, preparing the most vicious rhetoric, and flocked to Lele's first live broadcast.

At this moment, all the distorted anger was concentrated on her alone.

No matter how you think about it, it's a one-sided bloodbath...

If it's another person...depression and hospitalization on the spot are possible...

But Lele held on... She treated everyone who scolded her graciously...

Then came the most glorious scene in the jihad - the 20th house dance company.

Let's dance, seal the gods.

At least half of the audience fell down and converted on the spot.

That group of people, that is, the ancestor Xiao Coke, a group of people with the most combat effectiveness and the most serious illnesses in the V circle, the spear and starting point for VG to break the circle.

But morally speaking, they have betrayed their original belief after all...

It's also the group of people I hate the most.

Ah... this... I'm sorry, team leader...

The historian's attitude should not be substituted into the history books, and the last two sentences are deleted. 】

After thinking briefly, Li Lu replied:
[Li Lu: So, the advantages brought about by top technology + artist selection are not as great as I imagined?They probably died suddenly when they debuted, maybe it was just because of Lele? 】

[Zhao Wenqi: There is no way to verify this question. It just depends on whether the team leader is more inclined to the materialist view of history or the heroic view of history.I am more materialist in my discussion, but I believe in heroes subjectively. 】

[Li Lu: Then if Lele is replaced by another member of the team, will the influence of VG be very different now? 】

[Zhao Wenqi: There must be no answer to this kind of question.Speaking of team leader, even if you want to assume, at least mention a clear replacement. 】

[Li Lu: Just that...that woman with a blue drill bit and a hairstyle like a drill bit. 】

[Zhao Wenqi: Hmm... It's even more unimaginable... I can only say that that woman is famous for stretching her hips. 】

[Li Lu: Well, I probably understand that there is no doubt that VG has advantages in technology and artists, but these are not enough to make VG become what it is today. effect. 】

[Zhao Wenqi: That's right.It should also be explained that although Lele is currently the most profitable virtual anchor, the ones behind her are not other members of VG, but traditional 2D managers. In terms of commercial achievements, VG's set is really good. Very strong, but once Lele is thrown away, she has not yet shown absolute dominance. 】

[Li Lu: Got it, Teacher Wen Qi, this information is very important. 】

[Zhao Wenqi: Ah, it's all my fault for being obsessed with historical records... The serious report was written slowly, I'm sorry, the team leader, I've been staying overnight...]

[Li Lu: Sleep for me!Immediately now! 】

【Zhao Wenqi: Alright...the team leader should spend less time brushing Lele, these should pay attention to the dosage at the beginning. 】

[Li Lu: Stop spitting blood, whoever brushed that thing! 】

[Zhao Wenqi: Oh?I just saw you bookmarked that Butter-Fly. 】

[Li Lu: You...I...research...Forget it, don't tell others. 】

[Zhao Wenqi: (smiling) I like the observation team leader the most. 】

Li Lu also figured it out, Zhao Wenqi's second hobby outside of Shiji is to photograph the world of animals.

At this moment, he put down his phone and lay flat on the bed.

I feel like I'm finally getting started.

Although the plan is still a headache.

But at least a glimmer of light was seen.

VG can't rule everything for the time being. Behind their success, a two-dimensional, more essential factor is still hidden somewhere, a place that only Zhao Wenqi and Ah Zheng can understand.

Considering OneZero's pedigree with Star Entertainment.

Maybe they didn't even realize what it was.

Based on this, there is indeed a slight chance in Absolute Domain.

Well, don't think about it anymore, I can't even think about the current situation.

have to work tomorrow.

Although it is not certain how far "Project: L" can go.

But at least I have a little bit of courage and direction.

My current mood is just like the masked teacher sang:
"Give you a Sandwich Coke punch, did you find out after good night.

Falling from the dream, I heard the time adjusted by the bedside.

Everyday he WO~~~~
Flowing through the endless crowds.

That day he WO~~~~
Put on mask and courage,

Ready to attack tomorrow!

Infinite love is in..."

Oh shit.

Li Lu turned around.

Watch it again, just one more time.

Go to bed after reading it, and never touch these ghost things again.

(End of this chapter)

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