Create a virtual anchor with the witch boss

Chapter 29 It's Late, It's Late

Chapter 29 It's Late, It's Late

next morning.

When Lin Li called to urge Li Lu to get out of the car, Li Lu was still lying on the bed.

But man, that's what's convenient.

Brush your teeth while urinating, after washing your face, use water to straighten your hair, then pick up a set of clothes from yesterday, lift your pants, grab your phone, put on your shoes, and you can go out. At the fastest, 3 minutes is enough.

Of course, if it's not really getting up late, it's better not to do this.

After all, if this is the case, you have to shit in the company.

Some things cannot be resolved in a free environment, and this day will be very unhappy.

But this didn't stop Li Lu from running briskly towards the car with his shoulders on his back.

Sure enough, as long as there is such a thing for the first time, the second time will not be so reserved, and the third time will be fun.

In the face of comfort and luxury, that weak dignity is not worth mentioning.

After he got into the car and fastened his seat belt, Lin Li still looked at him with his head tilted and frowning.

"Didn't you tell me not to work overtime last night, just copy the template today."

"Huh?" Li Lu was taken aback for a moment, and then he saw his thick dark circles through the rearview mirror.


After all, as long as there are some things for the first time, the second time will not be so reserved, and the third time will be fun...

Actually last night...

Has been researching Lele's core competitiveness.

It seems to be more than three o'clock before going to bed.

No way, compared to Lele's main body live broadcast, those unconstrained second creations are more attractive, accidentally...

80% of the push is all about this stuff.

Uncle Pika, you won this time.

However, Lin Li didn't know what happened last night. After sighing a bit distressedly, he started the car, and couldn't help nagging: "You are just trying your best, and you have to focus on tomorrow. I will briefly copy it today." The template is ready, get off work early,"

"Alas..." Li Lu scratched his head and said, "I am a person with a strong sense of responsibility, and I can't sleep if I have unfinished work."

"Crazy! I haven't asked for shares yet. If you hold shares yourself in the you still have time to play Harry Potter?"

"I thought you were going to say something."

"Otherwise? The professor's greatest function is to use Snape to fight. Do you really think that you are a top planner? Just copy the plan or something."

"Shut up, this is not my style." Li Lu raised his arms and said, "I will copy that template symbolically, but my energy will still be spent on finding breakthroughs."

"Why, the Half-Blood Prince is going to devote himself to researching potions? Planning to write a book on potions to surprise everyone?"

"Why did you start again? Change me back to the three-dimensional form!"

"Hey, hey, hold on for a while, let's talk after entering the parking lot..."

The two chatted all the way, and after a while, they drove to the office building where the company was located.

But it seemed that there was an accident on the road ahead, and a bunch of people blocked the roadside. Even the passing cars couldn't help stepping on the brakes. Watching the excitement for a few seconds, some people even took out their mobile phones to take pictures before they were willing to leave.

This is very annoying. If one person steps on it, the road will be blocked if it is not blocked.

But Lin Li was still too embarrassed to honk the horn, so she could only move forward a little while suppressing her anger.

Li Lu was curious about what kind of accident caused this group of people who got up early to go to work to brake.

Until the car he was in drove to the side of the "accident car".

He understood everything in an instant.

The "accident car" did not experience any accident, but just parked quietly on the side of the road.

It was a large white SUV, a circle larger than a normal car, and it looked very wild and rich.

Only, it looks like it hurts, hurts, hurts...

Although it is a white primer, the surface of the car can hardly see any white...

All... full of beautiful girls...

On the side facing Li Lu, Mai Sakurajima-senpai in a bunny girl costume is at the front door, and the smiling maid Rem is at the back door.

Although he couldn't see the other side, it must be Yukinoshita Yukino and Shiina Mahiru.

As for the widest, forward-looking front cover.

It can only belong to Misaka Mikoto.

On the front cover, she is stretching out her right hand handsomely, bursting out with lightning from her fingertips.

Yes, when encountering this kind of car, everyone will want to take a group photo.

And it can only be one person who can do this kind of thing and painstakingly produce this kind of car.

"Guan Shihao doesn't come until tomorrow!" Lin Li was shocked, and immediately stepped on the accelerator, but then he breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, you were planning all night last least you can deal with it."

"Ahh." Li Lu's eyes were even more dull, "Actually... I didn't do anything..."

"??? Then your dark circles are so heavy?"

"I've been brushing Lele."



"You... at least use the word 'research' to wrap it up..."

"I completely forgot about the's just a simple superior." Li Lu smiled calmly, "It doesn't matter, the big deal is that we will lose our jobs together."

"...No, professor, for things like watching Lele videos, the dosage should be controlled at the beginning."

"It's late, it's already late."

"It's okay, there's still time, think about it now..." Lin Li gasped, "Let's rest in the parking lot for a while, and quickly come up with a plan that can force him to make irrational investments."

"Irrational... plan..." Li Lu's eyebrows twitched, "Wouldn't it be nice to show him Lele on the spot? The old man will definitely feel that kind of power."

"Not good!!!" Lin Li looked at Li Lu nervously, "Professor, come back quickly, return to the way the day before yesterday, have you forgotten, have you forgotten how disgusted you were when Ah Zheng fell ill!"


"Forcibly promoting Lele will only be hated by others, Professor."

"It's like this... so what should I do?"

"Aren't you a genius planner, come up with a solution for me!"

"Aren't you a bad woman, make up a routine for me!"

"Stop, don't make noise, it's done!" Lin Li slammed on the brakes, stopped the car and said, "Well, I'll go up and deal with it first, you open the template here, and try your best to make up the plan, I can't hold back I'll call you up."

"Isn't it still that I am moving forward with a heavy burden?"

"Then carry on with the load." Lin Li opened the car door and said, "This is the only chance, Professor, think of a way to save up a plan at the speed of light, so that Guan Shihao can feel the power of "Project: L"! "

"Uh... that's the only way to go."


Absolutely the realm of the lounge area.

A man in a brown jacket and gray jeans was sitting on the sofa, holding a manga just taken from the bookshelf in a daze.

His hair and beard are a bit long, and he is obviously not young, but his eyes are still like a child's.

A child who was robbed of a beloved toy.

In a daze, Cheng Xiaowan brought a cup of tea with sincerity and trepidation.

"President Guan...President Lin should be here soon."

"It's okay." Guan Shihao took the tea, nodded with a wry smile, "I'm sorry."

"Ah... I'm sorry, right?"

"Okay, go get busy." Guan Shihao waved his hand boredly.


Office area not far away.

After Ah Zheng and Shen Lang briefly touched their heads, they boldly walked over.

"What is the old guard looking at?" Ah Zheng asked, rubbing his hands.

"I didn't look at it, I just touched it." Guan Shihao smiled and stood up to greet him, "Just in time, what do you think of Lin Li's project?"

"Ah..." Ah Zheng swallowed and said, "I think we can try."

Shen Lang followed up and said: "I have already set up a simple environment here, so why don't you come and try?"

Guan Shihao just shook his head: "Personally, I suggest you submit your resume as soon as possible to find another job, and don't waste time here."

"..." Ah Zheng and Shen Lang looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

The ministers are about to fight to the death, why did Your Majesty surrender first?
Or rather...

Lin Li has been fooling people from the beginning to the end?
Lao Guan is not interested in "Project: L" at all?

(End of this chapter)

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