Create a virtual anchor with the witch boss

Chapter 30 No Interest, No Motivation, No Benefits

Chapter 30 No Interest, No Motivation, No Benefits

When it froze, the sound of the small leather shoes rattling sounded.

Lin Li's laughter followed: "I saw your car from a long distance away, it looks like a tourist attraction."

Ah Zheng and Shen Lang hurried away and asked Lin Li to speak alone.

Lin Li also closed the door, and teased with coffee, "Look, these people are very responsible."

"Isn't it because you insist on tying them to the boat?" Guan Shihao shook his head and leaned on the back of the chair. After sighing lightly, he said suddenly, "Let's go, it's meaningless."

Lin Li paused for a short while, then drank his coffee and turned around, "Everyone is still making a report overnight, so at least you have to read it before making a decision."

Guan Shihao was lying on the sofa, stroking the comic book and saying, "No interest, no motivation, no interest."

"Being a Vtuber is similar to making a game, and now those companies are also from games."

"What does it have to do with me?" Guan Shihao rubbed his forehead and said, "Oh, I have delayed him for a few more days, let's count an extra month's salary, and I will pay another 20, let's finish it."

"Old Guan, I don't understand." Lin Li sat across from him holding a coffee cup, "Isn't there still a way, isn't there still a way to run?"

"Are you kidding?" Guan Shihao said with a dry smile, "If the things I hate are listed in the TOP3, Guan Ren will definitely be included in it. From the anchor to the fans, one is more disgusting than the other, and the other is more shabby than the other."

"Yeah, I don't care if you are a fundamentalist..."

"The letter V only belongs to VICALOID, and virtual idols can only be like Hatsune. The current V circle is just a two-dimensional reproduction of the stinky mechanism of fandom idols. I wish they would die soon." Guan Shihao He cursed coldly, "Even if Shihao has a lot of money and has no place to put it, burn it, or throw it on the street, he won't give a penny to the V circle!"

"Yes, yes, don't be angry..." Lin Li's old mother persuaded, "But the virtual anchor here is the only track that has a chance in the entire Two-dimensional. If you swear to the death...don't care If not, it will become...become..."

"What has become?"

"A rich second generation who just hangs around and waits to die..."

"You!...You!" Guan Shihao's eyes were slightly red, "I don't know if I am very fragile now, so I can't speak nicer!"

"Oh, isn't this one of my own~"

"Oh, thank God." Guan Shihao bowed helplessly, "Lin Li, Sister Li, President Li, the world is so big, you can just let me go... The games are not allowed to be played, and I have nothing to bother about. Well, just eat it and wait until you die."

"Then you resign from me now~" Lin Li giggled.

"No... you..." Guan Shihao scratched his head and said, "For so many years, you have supported the publishing side, don't trap me in injustice..."

"Then trust me again." Lin Li raised his glass and said, "At least hear the report before deciding."


After a brief silence, Guan Shihao got up silently.

"It's all out of respect for the fruits of my colleagues' labor, and it's impossible for me to pass."

"Yes, yes." Lin Li stood up with a smile, "Then you touch the manga first, wait for half an hour, and then start when Li Lu comes?"

"Let's start now. I have an appointment at noon." Guan Shihao looked at his watch and said, "Four and ten minutes is enough."

"It's mainly Li Lu who is responsible for the integration... It's best to wait for him..."

"If you want to wait, just wait. In short, I will leave in four or 10 minutes, and I will give you 20 in the end."

"Then... then let's start."

In desperation, Lin Li had no choice but to call for a temporary meeting.

At the same time, seize the opportunity to send a message to Li Lu:
[Lin Li: It's not good, the old manager is in a bad mood, and there's not much time, you have to come up within 20 minutes, don't copy V-Gene, think of another way! 】

[Li Lu: I'm not a god, what do I think! 】

【Lin Li: Wait a minute, I'll turn on the voice, you listen to the old manager's attitude and think, your two-dimensional purity is the closest to his, and it can only depend on you. 】

[Li Lu: Isn't it because of wisdom and talent? Two-dimensional purity what the hell! 】

[Lin Li: Stop talking nonsense, think about it for me! 】


A few minutes later, the remnants of the Absolute Domain stepped into the conference room one by one.

This may be the company's last meeting.

Guan Shihao sat down calmly, glanced at the former employees, with a sorry and sad expression in his eyes.

Look at him like this.

Zhao Wenqi had already turned up her high collar, and her mood sank to the bottom.

Shen Lang leaned on the chair, his whole body was itchy with discomfort, but it was not easy to put it down.

Cheng Xiaowan was unusually calm, with a sense of relaxation that was about to be released.

Ah Zheng kneaded his hands together in front of the table, but became uncontrollably nervous.

Guan Shihao immediately asked: "Ah Zheng is not feeling well? Hurry up and go home and rest."

"I just feel like I'm going to be attacked..." Ah Zheng adjusted his glasses in a panic, "It's such an old man, I'm a little coke... Although I know you don't like it, I still want to make a statement..."

"Yes." Guan Shihao smiled slightly and leaned back in his chair, "Yes, it's better than someone who only gets sick online. It's okay, your identity doesn't affect our relationship, as long as you don't mention Lele to me. We are still good brothers."

"Mmmmmm... I don't care how tolerant you are... so cute..."

"RNM..." Guan Shihao slapped the table on the spot.

"Hahaha, just kidding."

"You are not allowed to say 'pinch', and you are not allowed to say any elements that contain Lele! Understand?"

"Yes, yes, stop making trouble." Ah Zheng smiled, "Wait a minute, and you'll be merciful...Let's put projects first, and put personal tastes behind."

"En." Guan Shihao then turned to look at Lin Li beside him, "Start?"

"Okay." Lin Li immediately looked at Zhao Wenqi, "Wenqi, come on first, let me give you a brief overview of the industry."

"Oh..." Zhao Wenqi clicked on the document in the notebook in front of her, and read from the report she just wrote, "The virtual anchor industry began with..."

However, as soon as she read a few words, Guan Shihao raised her hand.

"Sorry to interrupt, I have a basic understanding of the background, just tell me the current market data, entry costs, business model and profit expectations."

"Ah..." Zhao Wenqi looked down quickly, "Brother Shihao, time is limited, and the data I have collected is still very little."

"Probably just say it."

"Wait a moment... I'll look for it..."

As Zhao Wenqi flipped through the documents, the atmosphere in the conference room inevitably became a little more solemn.

Guan Shihao, he has changed... He is no longer the rich second generation who spends money like water.

This is also reasonable.

For a project that he is not interested in at all, he should treat it coldly from the perspective of an investor.

But this undoubtedly disrupted Lin Li's plan in an instant.

Putting down his preference, Guan Shihao turned into a capital form.

It would be very difficult to "bluff" him with the report.

(End of this chapter)

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