Create a virtual anchor with the witch boss

Chapter 31 Want to be spoiled for the future

Chapter 31 Want to be spoiled for the future

After a while, Zhao Wenqi gave the basic data.

The user scale of the V circle is between 200 million and 300 million, and the potential users are distributed in the pan-Two-dimensional, which is gradually transforming.

Although the past few years have been regarded as explosive development, compared to the population base of the Internet, it is still a small circle.

The batch card video is undoubtedly their base camp, and it also contributes most of the traffic and revenue here.

In the past year, more than 4000 virtual anchors have registered in the industry every month.

In terms of the number of fans, the top anchor has more than 300 million fans, and the 50th has 50.

Of course, the small anchors with tens of hundreds of fans are the most, just like online novels that no one cares about.

On the other hand, the number of fans does not represent the income of the anchor. The biggest profit comes from the value-added services of the live broadcast room, including but not limited to "eye-catching messages", "gifts" and "team leader".

The group leader is equivalent to a VIP member who pays monthly. After paying, he can have value-added services such as emoticons, fan cards, etc., which is the main source of live broadcast revenue.

From the perspective of direct income last month, V-Gene accounted for half of the top ten in the industry, and Lele himself was far ahead with a monthly income of nearly 300 million yuan.

For reference, the income of No.10 is 40, and the income of No.30 is 15. After that, it has dropped sharply, and it is almost enough for generals to survive.

Judging from the number of stable paid "heads", V-Gene often almost occupies the top five.

At Lele's birthday party not long ago, she even reached an unimaginable 16000 group leaders, almost the sum of the 2nd to 10th members of the month.

However, most of the time, the number of head anchors will fluctuate around 2000.

After the data was reported, Guan Shihao said without much hesitation: "So a head anchor has only 2000 core paying fans?"

Zhao Wenqi explained: "It will be more than this... 2000 people are equivalent to rich members..."

"No offense, Ah Zheng." Guan Shihao spread his arms at this point, "Obviously, this industry is small and troublesome, and the risks are high, and the few cents you earn in the end have to be shared with the approval card. Now it's even more difficult. Even monsters like OneZero have come in to monopolize the head, I really want to give myself a reason to invest, but I can’t find it.”

Faced with this question, let alone Zhao Wenqi, even Ah Zheng bowed his head.

In the basement parking lot, Li Lu, who was sitting in a car monitoring the meeting, frowned even more.

What Guan Shihao said is absolutely correct, this is the thinking circuit of a normal person.

No matter what you say, the V circle is indeed still a situation of "supporting love". Although there are millions of audiences on the surface, there are only tens of thousands of people who will actually pay.

Just like Gensokyo, which was a stand-alone game back then, only [-] people bought the genuine version in the end.

If you want to make money, you must obey the laws of business.

There are not many people who pay for love, but there are thousands of people who are keen on drawing cards and eager to become stronger instantly with krypton gold.

Paying for games only works in a very small circle.

Spending money to buy "cool" is the real broad business logic.

The game industry quickly touched this path and grew.

However, in the virtual anchor industry, no similar profit plan can be imagined at all.

Of course, relying on traffic to receive advertisements is also a way.

But the scale of the V circle is here, and it only costs a few cents to sell yourself badly.

Looking at V-Gene at this time, are they here to make money?
Of course not, this is just a part of the capital layout. OneZero doesn’t need this little money from this circle at all. What he wants is data research, technological hegemony and the future of the Metaverse.

There were such monsters before, and thousands of traditional anchors later.

If it doesn't work, it doesn't work at all from a business perspective.

In the conference room, everyone was silent for a long time.

It was Lin Li who forcibly took a breath and said with a smile:

"Old Guan, don't just look at the current live broadcast revenue, Vtuber's profit model has yet to be discovered, are commercial performances, advertisements, linkages these are the key points, and the future IP value, the premium of the Metaverse..."

"Lin Li." Guan Shihao only raised his hand heavily, "Stop talking, you're going to become the kind of person I hate the most."


Guan Shihao then turned to the others: "Do you have anything else to say?"

"I'm here..." Shen Lang raised his hand and said, "Do you want to hear the technical budget?"

Guan Shihao just shook his head: "Ah Zheng?"

"I'm just a pinch... By the way, it's okay to say 'pinch' here?"

"Haha..." Guan Shihao slapped his legs and smiled, then turned to Cheng Xiaowan, "Your side?"

"Me? I'm's fine if I don't go to jail." Cheng Xiaowan said with a peaceful face.

"That's how it is." Guan Shihao looked at Lin Li, "I'll find someone to take away the office equipment next week, and you can also tell the property owner to cancel the lease before the end of the month."

"Wait a minute, Li Lu hasn't come yet." Lin Li hurriedly raised her hand, "You were the one who poached him from a big company that was about to flourish, now we must see him for the last time."

Hearing this name, Guan Shihao, who had already got up, actually sat back down.

"Indeed, the one who is most sorry is you..." Guan Shihao said, pushing away Lin Li's notebook on the phone, and said to the phone below who was talking on voice, "Stop listening, come up."

Soon, there was a reply in the voice.

"Here we come, old man."


In the ascending elevator, Li Lu pondered one possibility after another.

But every possibility is overthrown the moment it is established.

Anli Lele on the spot, let the old man be addicted?

State your interests and fight hard?

Impossible, the current veterans don't like this anymore.

He can lose money for a cause he loves, or he can make money doing a cause he hates.

But it's never possible to lose money in an annoying business.

What's more, Li Lu is also a fundamentalist, and he knows that his hostility to Guan Ren is deep in his bones.

Now forcibly changing the track and becoming a purely "digital character" may still have a little hope.

But there is a track for technology madmen and big capital to burn money, and it is farther away from profitability, and it has gradually become irrelevant to Two-dimensional.

No more, that's all.

No matter how hard Lin Li pushes, she can't think of anything.

The elevator door opens.

Li Lu came out step by step.

Rather than regretting, he is more peaceful now.

Finally, I can no longer worry about this matter.

Indeed, Li Lu has touched Ah Zheng's so-called power a little bit.

He doesn't hate Lele so much anymore.

Perhaps one day in the future, he may become a fan of a certain Guanren.

He can even feel the essence of this place, which is different from the three-dimensional idol fan circle, there is something XZ in it, maybe there is a chance to find it.

But so what.

Commercially, she doesn't work.

Emotionally, she is full of strife and killing internally, and full of criticism and exclusion externally.

She's so weird and small, so borderline and closed off.

I can't even find a reason to beat chicken blood.

Oh shit.

Li Lu clenched his fists and walked towards the conference room.

I really want to be spoiled for the future.

Someone tell me how she will look in five years.

Tell me she's beautiful and grand, and I can go off on adventures without distractions.

Tell me she rots and withers, and I can turn and run away without attachment.

Standing in front of the conference room door, Li Lu let out a long sigh of relief.

Bad luck, not enough decisions.

You can't do anything interesting, and you can't make a lot of money.

This is where most people end up.

admit it.

He finally opened the door.

Looking at Guan Shihao, Li Lu put on a bad smile on his face: "Can't we be happier after we break up?"

"Haha." Guan Shihao immediately got up to greet him, and hugged him directly, "I'm sorry, brother... What I said at the time still failed to be fulfilled."

"I don't blame you." Li Lu pushed him away and said with a smile, "I actually have nothing to say. No one can convince you to pay for something you hate."

"That's right, that's right." Guan Shihao turned around and said to Lin Li, "I just said that Li Lu understands me."

"...Whatever." Lin Li smiled wryly, and threw the pen and leaned on the back of the chair, "Actually, it can be used as a comic studio or animation to convince you, and the probability of success is higher that way, but I really think only virtual anchors are the way to go.”

"Then let others go." Guan Shihao smiled, "It's not like you don't know that I'm bothered by this. You wish to tear down the whole road."

Lin Li spread her arms and said, "I really can't stand the two-dimensional concentration of yours, so can't you be more open?"

Guan Shihao raised his hand again and again: "Some principles must be adhered to, otherwise they will be abolished like Ah Zheng."

"???" Ah Zheng stood up angrily, "I am so low-key and still say I am, who did a little Coke like me recruit? You forced me, you are all bad guys!"

"That's enough... you quickly collect it..."

"Pinch pinch pinch pinch!"

A few people laughed, but Li Lu didn't say a word.

Because his thoughts have been immersed in Guan Shihao's half-hearted words just now——

[The whole road was demolished. 】

After an unknown amount of time, Ah Zheng, who was wrestling with Guan Shihao, realized that Li Lu had been stuck in place.

"Wait a minute, stop making trouble..." Ah Zheng stared at Li Lumeng, raised his glasses, and pushed Guan Shihao away, "Mr. Lu...Mr. Lu is back..."

"Huh?" Lin Li immediately turned her head away.

She saw it, saw a look that only belonged to a half-blood prince.

A dark but determined look.

I can't tell if it's the good guy or the villain's eyes.

This look made Zhao Wenqi shudder, made Shen Lang tremble, and made Cheng Xiaowan, who was already lying in the coffin, scared to death.

However, Guan Shihao's face was covered with a layer of frost: "Li Lu, you understand me, if you insist on anything, it will only hurt your peace..."

Li Lu looked directly at Guan Shihao, sweating and said in a deep voice:

"How about ruining her?"

"What??" Guan Shihao looked puzzled.

"If you hate all the virtual anchors, then destroy them all." Li Lu shook his head and said, "Are you interested, old man?"

Then, under everyone's blank stares, he walked to the whiteboard, erased the Light that Lin Li had written, and wrote another word in the original place——


He then raised his right hand and quickly explained:

"Starting from selection, revealing every detail of a manager's career.

As Ah Zheng said, expose how we operate traffic, how to teach her to be likable, and how to plan to attract fans.

Expose her true character and listen to her complaining about the disgusting fans and too little salary.

Expose the entire industrial process to Ah Zhengs.

Print the words 'deception', 'acting', 'personal design', and 'drainage' in their minds.

It's like seeing an old altar of sauerkraut being trampled on.

Make them lose interest in managing people for the rest of their lives.

To ask why?
I always care about what you do, just like it, just for fun.

Embrace the darkness when you can't find the light.

This is "Project: Dark".

I love to vote, but I don't vote. "

After saying that, Li Lu dropped the pen, and the last of his strength also drained away, his whole body was light and his mind was blank, and he walked out.

He is really tired.

It won't work anyway, so destroy it quickly.

If it can't be ruined, I'll leave, what a big deal to do, just live in another place.

However, something grabbed his arm violently.

Before he had time to struggle, he was twisted back abruptly.

Then he saw Guan Shihao's eyes widen unconsciously.

Enthusiasm, that rare enthusiasm, finally ignited again from this man's eyes.

His face was hideous, he gritted his teeth, and grabbed Li Lu's right hand fiercely:
"I'm in charge of Shihao's vote for this project!

Li Lu used to think that even if "Project: L" can get investment, it must be a journey that can be seen through at a glance.

Gather a few girls, design a few leather cases, and then start a tepid live broadcast.

The whole process is full of warm and struggling situations, full of dreams, but inevitably sad.

In the end, they shouted cheers to each other, and announced the dissolution of the partnership in tears of youth.

Everyone has reaped growth, only Guan Shihao lost money, but his money can be regarded as giving back to the society after all, increasing the GDP, and returning the ill-gotten gains that his parents seized the opportunity to return to the whole people, so in general it is good thing.

But just now... it seems that something happened just now...

He seemed to be broken and said some strange words.

That scene was probably equivalent to Snape blew himself up as a Death Eater.

Then... Then Guan Shihao immediately became excited.

I was as excited as when I first met and fooled myself into joining the company.

"You, Li Lu, are the one I want to find!"

"Only you can bear the name of Two-dimensional Crouching Dragon!"

"We can't change the industry, but we can make history!"

Words like this kept coming one after another.

When Li Lu came to his senses, all the rest of the whiteboard was erased, leaving only four letters.


Right in front of this word, Guan Shihao is supporting the case with both hands, looking wildly in all directions.

"Everyone knows my style.

This project does not earn a penny and must be compensated.

Not only we accompany, but also make all the managers pay for it!
Here I simply list two goals.

The bottom line goal is to complete the project and expose the entire industrial process. Even if the effect is mediocre and the influence is limited, it can be regarded as a documentary, a piece of performance art, for those who need it to appreciate.

The highest goal is to heal as many Guanren idiots as possible, and let the polluted people like Ah Zheng completely surrender!

In terms of specific indicators...

Let the turnover of the entire industry drop by 1/3.

Do you have confidence? "

In the meeting room, everyone was stunned.

Should I say "As expected of you"?

But I can't tell, even for Guan Shihao, this goal is too much.

Is it not allowed to play games, making the child sick.

However, Guan Shihao is surprisingly serious, his eyes are full of ambition, and he looks like he has opened up the pattern.

"Is it difficult?" Guan Shihao raised his hand generously and said, "It's okay, just tell me what is the difficulty."

"Is this difficult?" Ah Zheng took off his black-rimmed glasses on the spot and shouted, "Guan Shihao, you are not a human being, you have done all kinds of bad things!"

"Zhengzi." Guan Shihao raised his hand and said, "I have always admired you very much. Even if you start to post Lele emojis, even if you always say 'pinch', I still have not changed my trust in you."

Ah Zheng blushed when he heard the words, and couldn't help putting on black-rimmed glasses: "But...but what do you mean by this plan? How can I go on."

Guan Shihao chuckled and said, "As the saying goes, gentlemen are harmonious but different. I allow you to stick to your own path in this project, and to show the beauty of managing people as much as possible on the artistic level."

Ah Zheng stared blankly: "...Aren't you going to die?"

"No, never." Guan Shihao waved his arms and looked around angrily like a worker leader, "We must do well, we must attack head-on, and we must drag down the industry openly!"

This righteous expression combined with the weird dialogue makes it hard for people to complain for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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